Are you crazy, you call him a male god?

Chapter 662 The Gray Net Changes

Chapter 662 The Gray Net Changes

The discussion about the killer page continues——

"Then Emperor Nan is our new king?"

"Most likely! He is so powerful. Didn't you see that he just came to the Wolf Country and almost controlled the entire Dallas?"

"To be honest, I'm looking forward to the new boss."

These killers are not fools.

Although they are very courageous, in the past, they would not have dared to discuss such things publicly on the killer forum. By doing this now, everyone naturally believes that Nan Di has become the new boss of the gray network.

When people leave, the tea is cool.

Who cares about Mr. A’s feelings?

Maybe, he has been killed by Nan Di.

Besides, these killers are not Mr. A’s real subordinates. The relationship between them is just an employment relationship, and they are just doing business on the gray network platform.

In my heart, I actually don’t have much respect for the senior management of Gray Network.


Just as more and more killers were logging onto the New Gray Network and the killer forum was becoming more and more lively, five announcements suddenly popped up on the big screen.

Below each announcement, there are notes.

These five announcements are actually posted on the homepage. However, in order to attract full attention, each page was also forcibly popped up at the same time. In this way, no matter which web page you are browsing, you can see it immediately and nothing will slip through the net.

The announcement is still in Yanguo script.

The first announcement - from now on, the revised Gray Net will no longer be called Gray Net, but will be renamed Longhu Net.

This name is more in line with the nature of the killer.

Lions usually fight in groups.

Tigers are solitary.

The same is true for the killers of

Both teams and individuals.

Both as a team and individually, they are very brave.

Therefore, it is represented by dragon and tiger.

The second announcement - will no longer use multiple languages.

The Yanguo script is the only officially recognized script.

Doing this is convenient for everyone.

A killer's job is to kill people, and his free time is to recharge his batteries. How can he have so much time and energy to learn multiple languages?

Of course, it is still necessary to master multiple languages.

You can be more stealthy while performing tasks.

Whether to learn or not is up to the individual, and the government no longer imposes strict requirements.


Both announcements were unanimously approved by the killers.

Everyone cheered loudly, and the sense of belonging instantly increased a lot.

Especially the killer who had no talent for language was moved to tears. In the past, gray websites mainly focused on three languages, which made them miserable: I am here to make money as a killer, not to learn multiple languages ​​to become a diplomat.

The third announcement -’s mission bounty share has been changed from the original 46 to 28.

Killers accounted for eight, management accounted for two.

Moreover, management no longer charges employers any fees other than the bounty. The past phenomenon of the employer eating the killer will be gone forever.

This announcement was like a nuclear bomb, instantly blowing up the killer forum.

As for the ratio of bounty sharing, the killers have actually complained for a long time.

Your Gray Network only provides a platform. Why should you take 40% of what I earn from my hard work? Why do you want to eat a killer after eating your employer?

This is too dark.

The top management of your gray network just contacted the employer online and announced the target tasks. There was no danger at all. Why did you get so much?

It’s just exploitative!

Also, my employer has already paid a large bounty, why should I charge additional fees?

In this way, wouldn’t the sponsor’s father pay more?

This also resulted in us being out of business for a long time.

It is difficult to accumulate a large amount of money in a short period of time.

So I have been working hard for you.

Until death, or until power is exhausted.

This is really unreasonable!


Announcement No. 4 - In addition to continuing to maintain its main business of assassination, will also launch additional side businesses such as hostage rescue, private bodyguards, international mercenaries, full-time drivers, professional debt collection teams, and professional thugs.

And will turn from darkness to light.

Of course, information about the main business will remain strictly confidential.

The employer who issued the task, the killer who took the task, and the target person were all kept secret just like the previous gray network.

You can rest assured on this.

The senior management of will strive to build a legal website, and the various side businesses under its command will also become legal professions. They will no longer hide and live in dark corners like they used to.

I solemnly promise here—— will never change its address!

Never get hacked!

Not only can all the killers log in smoothly at any time, but your relatives and friends, and even netizens around the world can log in at any time using their mobile phones.


This announcement is still very popular.

Under normal circumstances, no one wants to live in a dark corner, and no one wants to engage in high-risk occupations for a long time.

Life is short, who wants to live in fear all his life?

But there is no way.

In the past, the gray network only had money in its eyes and did not care about the negative impact it would have on various countries. Therefore, it was regarded as a thorn in the side and a thorn in the flesh of all forces. Whenever there was the slightest opportunity, they would attack in groups.

This also caused the killers under his command to feel very insecure.

feel like home?

Not at all.

Besides, Huiwang only has one profession: killer.

Although some registered killers would like to change to a more respectable, not very dangerous, but well-paying profession, they have no way out.

Directly break away from the gray network?

Unless you retire, you can't find a new career.

Because the gray network cannot let you go.


Things will be different after launches a variety of side businesses.

Isn't there a hostage rescue mission?

If you don’t want to kill people anymore, you can go rescue them.

He suddenly transformed from a money-hungry killer hated by the authorities to a capable helper in rescuing hostages from gangsters.

There is definitely a different feeling in it.

Don't you want to rescue the hostages?

It's ok!

You can also work as a personal bodyguard, international mercenary, full-time driver, professional debt collection team, martial arts training instructor, fitness instructor, etc.

With so many careers, there is always one that suits you.

The reward may not be as high as that of a killer, but it is better than safety.

The most attractive thing is that you can find a partner of your choice, get married, have children, and enjoy family happiness like ordinary people.

Comparing the hatchbacks, is indeed much more humane.

It is reasonable to gain the recognition of a group of killers.

Who wants to be a local rat when he can live an upright life?

Unless there is something wrong with your brain!

......... The fifth announcement - will launch a unique virtual currency function, called Longhu Coin.

Dragon Tiger Coin will be deeply bundled with Yanguo Coin.

The interest rate will be fixed.

On this site, the two currencies can be exchanged at any time.

In this website and Yan Kingdom, Dragon Tiger Coins, like Yan Kingdom coins, are common currencies and can be used normally. The killer’s reward and shopping on can use Longhu coins.

Of course, Yanguo coins can also be used.

The employer of the bounty target must either use Yanguo currency or Longhu currency, and other currencies are not recognized.

In addition, mobile banking will be launched.

When you store Longhu coins and Yanguo coins on this website, the interest earned will be 0.5 percentage points higher than that of major banks.


This announcement also triggered countless discussions.

"How can actually have its own currency? How can it be deeply bound to Yanguo currency? Yanguo currency is a universal currency. In this case, can Longhu currency be used as our reserve currency?"

"of course can!"

"Right? Didn't you see that mobile banking is going to be launched?"

"It's really awesome!"

"It seems that the management wants to clear their name and go ashore?"

"I don't think so! If you really want to clear your name and go ashore, you can completely abandon your main career as a killer."

"So you plan to take both black and white?"

"It's very possible."

"Our boss behind the scenes must be Nan Di! Otherwise, how could we be deeply bound to Yanguo's currency? He is the most successful private entrepreneur in Yanguo, and he has in-depth cooperation with Yanguo's officials. This is why he has achieved this privilege."

"Makes sense."

"Furthermore, Nanlu Pharmaceutical Group and Nanyu Education Group, both affiliated to Nandi, have launched many public welfare measures, with an annual investment of more than 100 billion. It is difficult not to be officially recognized by the Yan Kingdom."

"Nothing wrong!"

"If the boss behind is really Nan Di, then he doesn't need to clean up his innocence at all, because he is inherently innocent. In addition, the rules announced before are understandable. Although there are many criticisms of his actions, but Overall, the image is very positive, and he is even a first-class hero in Lecheng. Naturally, such a person will not allow us to kill innocent people indiscriminately when performing missions."

"I can actually work under Nan Di?"

“It’s an honor indeed!”


The five announcements were all very explosive and aroused heated discussions.

It even almost shattered the outlook of those killers.

Overall, everyone was very satisfied.

But there are also many doubts.

For example, the website changes from dark to light.

For example, the launch of Dragon Tiger Coin.

This kind of shady underground website also wants to turn from darkness to light? If you do this, aren't you afraid of being pushed aside by the international cyber police?

Actually want to launch your own virtual currency?

Could it be that you want to turn into a listed company?

is it possible?

A black website whose main business is killing people actually wants to go public? This is too whimsical. Are you here to make me laugh?

Perhaps, the Nandi boss has his own plan?

We dare not ask such a big boss’s thoughts, right?

Let me guess?

You might as well kill me.

I'm just a rough guy.

It’s okay to let me kill people, but let me guess what the boss is thinking? It's simply worse than killing me.


I don’t dare to ask, but it’s okay to discuss it.

"Our website will be from now on?"

"Very good, I like this name very much."

"I like it too! When you are a killer, you should be like a lion and a tiger!"

"Among the five new announcements, why do I feel like some of them are a bit weird? I don't really understand them anyway."

"You don't quite understand? That's right."

"Tch! Why are you so pretentious? It sounds like you can understand. With your brain, which is struggling to even complete kindergarten homework, can you still understand Nan Di's operations? It's a joke!"

"I didn't say I could understand it either?"

"Then why are you so proud?"

"I feel proud to work under a boss like Nan Di, isn't that okay? Don't you agree?"

"Uh, that's okay!"

These killers are sensitive.

He had already determined in his heart that Nan Di was their new boss.

This sensitivity is the basic element of a killer.

Too slow to become a killer?


"Everyone, I'm afraid things are not as simple as they appear!" At this time, a killer named 'One Hit Kill' spoke.

If you dare to take this nickname, your skills are certainly not weak.

'Kill with one strike' is one of the top 30 killers in the Gray Net, and he is very prestigious among the killers.

"What's the advice of the 'one-hit kill' boss?"

"Takami can't talk about it, but Qianjian has something to say: Think about it, since the establishment of Gray Network, although it has been the enemy of the whole world, it has always stood firm. And after becoming a global killer organization, it has still been getting bigger and stronger. .Such an organization can be considered relatively successful, right?"

"That's true."

"Even if you change the boss behind the scenes, you shouldn't change your name for no reason? You know, Gray Net has become a big sign in the killer world! Who would take the initiative to smash his own name on the first day he becomes a new boss? Shop sign?"

"It's really problematic."

"I think that behind this matter, it is likely to involve a struggle between the management and Yanguo officials. Moreover, the two parties should have reached some consensus. Otherwise, no matter the changed rules or these five announcements, there is really no way Explanation. As for the management, there must be a big change, there is no doubt about it.”


"I also agree with the analysis of the 'one-hit kill' boss."

"It does make sense! The last time the website crashed and the global fatwa was changed, I felt that there might be a problem with the top management of the Gray Network. Now it seems that the boss behind the Gray Network has been replaced, and the new boss is Nan emperor."

"Overnight, GrayNet changed owners?"

"It has to be, Nan Di is really awesome!"

"Last night, there was definitely a hacker attack and defense battle! That scene must have been bloody! Alas, it's a pity that I don't know hacking skills, so I couldn't personally participate in the battle, let alone witness the intoxicating style of Mr. Nan Di."


After some excitement, 'One Strike Kill' continued: "Whether there are changes in the top management of the gray network, it seems to have little to do with us, as long as we can still do the task. Now our reward share has changed from six to eight. It’s a great thing! I think it’s the new boss’s move to win people’s hearts.”

"This should be."

"With such a big deal, there is no doubt that the new boss is Nan Di!"

"Yes, he is the only one who is so generous."

'Kill with one strike' first agreed with this guess, and then said: "Also, the Dragon Tiger Coin created by Nan Di has made us more hidden. We can spend money freely on the Dragon Tiger website and no longer have to worry about it. Once our identity is exposed, we no longer have to worry about the police paying attention to the source of our funds.”

"The five pieces of information just announced are indeed very good."

"Nandi is very interesting!"

"I want to really be his little brother."

'Kill with one strike' acted very rationally: "However, the Dragon Tiger Coin is a new thing. Can it be widely recognized? Does it have strong liquidity? Is it really feasible to deeply bind the Yanguo Coin? Yes Will it be officially recognized by the Yan Kingdom? These are still unknown."

(End of this chapter)

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