At first, I just wanted to make money

Chapter 158 The broadcast still has an impact

Chapter 158 The broadcast still has influence (24)

The hit rate of Shen Xudong's blog is not bad, there are hundreds of thousands...

It is definitely not as good as Xu Jinglei, Han Han's hit rate of over [-] million.

Of course, the latter two are miracles created by Sina blog. Now that Sina blog has not been launched yet, Shen Xudong writes a blog on

It is his personal essay record website.

Because the traffic of the blog itself is not very high, the hit rate of hundreds of thousands is already among the best!

What Shen Xudong cares about is not this, but...many fans have mentioned "Dragon"...

And most of the praise!

how to say…

How did Zhang Jizhong make Jin Yong dramas?

Objectively speaking, most of them are not very good!
But "Tian Long Ba Bu" is really good!
Zhang Jizhong is very good at live-action shooting, and he just fits "Tianlong"...

The core of the story of "Dragon" is that the rivers and lakes cannot be controlled by others, in troubled times, so what if you are a hero?

A large number of long-range shots can express the insignificance of people and the atmosphere of the times.

Whether it's the atmosphere of the old horse at dusk, or the battle of knights in the landscape courtyard, including the hunting scene of the Liao people in the snowy forest.

They all set off the era background of the story very appropriately, making the best foreshadowing for the tragedy of the last character.

Of course, when making a Jin Yong drama, the most important thing is casting. If the casting is successful, the drama will basically be completed!

The most important reason why "Dragon Babu" can be recognized is that the actors are well selected.

Choosing Hu Jun to play the male number one Qiao Feng was probably one of the few moments when Zhang Jizhong himself had his eyes on the line.

As for the supporting cast...

You can rest assured that Zhang Jizhong and Jin Yong's dramas can often select supporting roles with a high degree of restoration. "Swordsman" reverses the score of "Swordsman" with the elegant and refined classical Yilin, the evil and crazy Lin Pingzhi. The Yue Buqun...

This is even more so in "Sky Dragon". Whether it is Ji Chunhua's Duan Yanqing or Xiuqing's Murong Fu, they are very restored...

I have to say: "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" doesn't count. Apart from the poor choice of the protagonist, the supporting roles are also very poor, especially Dong Xie, who has a bitter face all day long...

The costumes are even more messed up... Except for the grassland part directed by Wang Rui, which is worth mentioning, the whole drama is very hip...

Also, kudos to the script of "Sky Dragon"!

The previous editions all adopted the structure of three parallel lines in the original work, that is, Duan Yu, Qiao Feng, and Xu Zhu each developed a main line.

With Mr. Jin Yong's profound writing skills, the three-line structure in the original work can still be scattered but not chaotic, but if it is placed in a TV series, it will inevitably disrupt the narrative rhythm and make the audience feel jumpy.

From the very beginning, this version has decided to have Qiao Feng as the first hero, and the plot revolves around him alone. The story begins with him and ends with him.

This kind of adaptation has strengthened the sense of rhythm of the narrative, and has also been recognized by Jin Yong himself.

In the production process, it is also quite sophisticated, persuading Tao Aesthetics Online, even for the theme song, top singer Faye Wong can be invited to sing the ending song...

This kind of resource strength is really the right time, place and people...

The most important thing is the freshness of the audience.

Because in the past many years, martial arts dramas all came from Hong Kong. Although the Hong Kong version of Jin Yong's drama is still a classic that is difficult to surpass today, for the audience at that time, the Hong Kong version of Jin Yong's drama, whether it was an actor or a persuasive way, There is a gap in the aesthetic level, and the audience is eager to have the latest aesthetic Jin Yong drama.

"Dragon Babu" is even more so!
The 97 edition has just ended...

Of course, it's also related to "Swordsman" and "Shooting the Condor" constantly lowering audience expectations...

Therefore, when "Dragon" came out, the audience exclaimed, "It's not bad!"!
As for the ratings, anyway, as long as it's a Jin Yong drama in the past two years, I don't have to worry about the ratings...

When this show aired, the biggest impact on Shen Xudong and the others was that they came to live—the column of "Talking about Jianghu" has reopened!
This time it was published not only in magazines and newspapers, but also on Sina and Sohu’s entertainment boards. It was counted in the promotion of "Tian Long Ba Bu", and one issue of the manuscript was paid 3000 yuan...

Shen Xudong started his family with this thing, and it is basically the previous manuscripts...

"Why Duan Zhengchun has so many women", "Why Murong Fu is so bad at martial arts", "Why Xiao Yuanshan keeps cheating on his son"...

The three people in the dormitory also wrote a lot of things, the same, they were all previous manuscripts, and they were revised and published directly.

The manuscript fee is not the same as before, it has increased a bit. After all, the identities of several people are different, and they are all the signed screenwriters of "Dragon Babu"...

This thing is very realistic, the remuneration of famous screenwriters and unknown writers is different!
This time everyone used their own names, and no longer used Shen Xudong's name...


Shen Xudong originally thought that the popularity of "Dragon Babu" had little to do with him as a screenwriter, after all, the popularity of Jin Yong's original version is here...

Originally, "Swordsman" and "Shooting the Condor" were broadcast, and the screenwriters did not become famous.

Famous here refers to leaving a reputation in the minds of the audience.

Oh, that's not right, Shi Hang and Gong Yingtian both followed up with a few words of defense - Jin Yong was a guest on "Art Life", talked about "Shooting the Condors", and said, "In my opinion, this is the best version of "Shooting the Condors", The most regrettable thing is that Yang Kang, Mu Nianci, and Wanyan Honglie committed suicide. The scriptwriter pretended to be clever and did a lot of harm. 'Directly named and criticized the screenwriter...

Shi Hang couldn't sit still, and said directly: The "Shooting the Condors" we adapted is the "Shooting the Condors" that we look at in our hearts, not the "Shooting the Condors" that Jin Yong "viewed"...

I said, "Jin Yong once said that he admired Andy Lau's version of "Sculpture of the Gods" the most, and he most recognized Tony Leung's performance of Wei Xiaobao... But, can we draw a conclusion based on this: Jin Yong's conclusion is "conclusive"? '

Another screenwriter, Gong Yingtian, responded: "Rewriting the play between Yang Kang and Mu Nianci is a kind of helpless compromise. Only in this way can the emotional color of the whole play be strengthened, and the readers will love it, and the buyer will also like it more."

As for Wanyan Honglie, he said: "Jin Yong's original work was created in the 70s and 30s. In the past [-] years, people's aesthetics have also changed. Even heroes like Yue Fei can be recognized again." , why can't we re-evaluate Wanyan Honglie?"

Then I was chased and scolded by many netizens...

It can be regarded as a nickname.

"Dragon" has not been criticized by Jin Yong, and the audience is also mostly praised, and the ratings are not bad. It stands to reason that they should not pay attention to the screenwriter...

After thinking too much, Shen Xudong is one of the three post-80s writers and celebrities.

Do you know what a celebrity is?
A bunch of media made appointments for exclusive interviews, and even "Martial Arts Edition" reserved a page for him to write about his feelings about participating in the screenwriting of "Tianlong" and his thoughts on "Sculpture of God" next.

"Martial Arts Edition" belongs to the text version of the interview, one question and one answer is enough.

Shen Xudong originally didn't want to pay attention to interviews with other media, but "Supplementary Relics" has just been released and needs to be promoted...

Shen Haobo thought about it, and then accepted a program for him, "Dialogue"...

(End of this chapter)

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