At first, I just wanted to make money

Chapter 431 Who Has the Free Time to Care about "The Promise"

Chapter 431 Who Has the Free Time to Care about "The Promise"

Shen Xudong no longer pays attention to "The Promise"...

This is real!

Oh, and he doesn't need to promote "A World Without Thieves", let alone an art exchange or something...

Gong Li only promoted for three days, and three days later, he flew directly to New York to continue filming "Carol";
Chen Hao...

She wasn't in a hurry to shoot a new movie, but the promotion of "A World Without Thieves" made her unable to get away;
Moreover, "A World Without Thieves" was released for 8 days, and the box office exceeded [-] million. Not surprisingly, it will not exceed [-] million!
But it should be better than "Kung Fu"...

Director Feng Xiaogang is full of energy, making various jokes with reporters and media...

One person can top a publicity team!
There is no need for Shen Xudong at all!
Xudong is also very busy, he is busy working on new things..."Wulin Biography"...

His blog did not continue to write "The Promise" - the popularity has shifted to "Mantou"...

There is no point in rubbing any more!

Before he criticized "The Promise", he was standing on the commanding heights.

How should I put it, it can be regarded as a kind of Han Han behavior - exercising one's own civil rights...

Well, in fact, it caters to the mood of netizens...

Of course, he won't express his views on many public events, but he dare not criticize movies?

Is that still a man?
In fact, if you want to rub it, you can still rub it, write a few articles about "Mantou" or something...

Isn't this to promote "Wulin Biography"!

——"Wulin Biography" premiered directly on the CCTV drama channel on January 2006, 1!

The hit rate of Shen Xudong's blog is high, the company asked him to promote it...

How can there be time to pay attention to Director Chen's reflection?
How to advertise for "Wulin Biography"?

Shen Xudong pondered for a while, and then wrote a draft of "Domestic Sitcoms I Know"...

Sort out the development process of domestic sitcoms...

Starting from "I Love My Family"... I introduced Lu Xiaopin.

Lu Xiaopin has a close relationship with Ning Caishen...

Lu Xiaopin, the planner and chief director of "Networm Diary" is one of the directors of "A Family in Northeast China"...

Oh, Ning Caishen was the screenwriter of "The Diary of an Insect" before. By the way, another director of "The Diary of an Insect" was Cong Fei, and Cong Fei later filmed "A Family with Children"...

"A Family in the Northeast" is another classic of Yingda.

After "Networm Diary" ended, Ning Caishen cooperated with director Shang Jing, "Urban Men and Women"!

In 04, Ning Caishen began to fully cooperate with Shangjing's team to launch a public welfare sitcom called "Health Express"...

Therefore, Jianghu looks very big, and it is still those few people who use it from the beginning to the end!

In addition, there is also the team of "Love Apartment"-in fact, the "Love Apartment" team originally originated from a program called Happy Family.It's a real radio show. At that time, Zeng Xiaoxian's model came out...

The team is most famous for Nuanfeng (Jason, the psychiatrist in "Love Apartment", is called Nuanfeng, a radio host, Shanghai audience should be very clear)
At that time, the partner with Nuanfeng was Xiao Liangzi, but later he was transferred. At this time, there was an intern who was the acting hostess, Rongrong. At that time, Rongrong had just transferred from broadcasting the weather forecast.

They also have a host named Laoya.

In the early years, they took other people's things and formed a group to perform by themselves. For example, the young man in this place told the story of the characters in the legend of Jin Yong heroes on campus.There is also the Lucky Star for Treasure Hunting - Happy Journey to the West.

They are all used directly!
Wei Zheng was also a part of it.

I got used to doing this, and later there was a problem of plagiarism that iPartment used American dramas to perform.

However, the talent of the "Love Apartment" team is quite different. They plagiarized, and it was really the kind of plagiarism that didn't change a single word...

Normally speaking, if you copy it, just copy it, at least localize it a little bit, even if it can’t be localized, the actor’s character and character design can’t be messed up, right?

——Because of plagiarizing different episodes, the characters’ personalities are unpredictable. The most typical one is Hu Yifei.

Here's another story...

I'll talk about it when I get a chance!


The premiere of "Wulin Biography" was not very ideal, and the audience rating of the show was only 2.05% on the first day.

Three episodes in a row!
In fact, CCTV may not be very optimistic about this drama.

Otherwise, no three-level simulcast will be arranged...

After all, there are no big scenes, big productions, first-line stars...

It's just that the bosses think that "Health Express" and "Story of the Cooking Class" have a good reputation, and they still agree with Shang Jing's ability. In addition, they also think that young audiences will like it...

So, arrange New Year's Eve...

Shen Xudong's blog can't affect the overall situation!

You still have to watch the TV series itself, and then, the next day, it has climbed to 4.26%, surpassing the ratings of "Moment in Beijing", which had the highest ratings on CCTV in 2005, and became the No. .

On the third day of broadcasting, that is, the ninth episode of "Mo Xiaobei Sleepwalking in Film and Television City", the ratings soared to 8.79%.

On the tenth day of the broadcast, the ratings actually reached 9.89%...

Defeating last year's runner-up "Moment in Beijing" and catching up with "Bright Sword" - in 2005, CCTV's runner-up "Moment in Beijing" had a rating of 8.51%, and the champion "Bright Sword" was 10.3%.

Total fire!

It is even more popular online: Baidu Tieba and Tianya Forum have become places for them to discuss "Wulin", with tens of thousands of hits and thousands of replies.Whether today's era still needs heroes, Zhou Xingchi's funny, and the subversion of the traditional chivalrous spirit have become the focus of debate among netizens.

For a time, this drama formed a cultural phenomenon where pioneers and traditions collided, and major media wrote articles and reviews one after another, with praise and criticism...

"In this play, tradition and modernity, East and West, humor and warmth, deconstruction of post-modern style and teaching of realism, irony of martial arts and promotion of chivalrous spirit are all wonderfully mixed together, and mixed with Internet language, popular songs, advertisement paragraphs, variety shows, current affairs news, fashion information, etc.” —— “Beijing News”

"The key to the success of the jokes in "Wulin Biography" is that the 'joke degree' is accurate. It deconstructs and satirizes martial arts without subverting the spirit of chivalry; it mocks life weightlessly without being negative. "—"Beijing Times"

Of course there are people who are upset...

For example, Zhao Baogang!

He said openly, 'A show with high ratings may not be a good show! Although "Wulin Biography" is very popular, it can only be entertaining, not an excellent work! '

Why did he say that?

Because "Give Me a Cigarette", from the beginning, it was locked in the eight sets of CCTV's 2006 opening drama.As a result, Da Gangzi played out of the circle, because of sensitive topics and plots, he failed the censorship of the TV station.So "Wulin Biography" filled this gap.

My heart is sour!

It's okay, the script of "Struggle" has been released, and the actors are being selected...

It is estimated that shooting will start in April!
But the TV station doesn't care about these things. If the ratings are high, it is valuable, and the audience doesn't care. They only know that "Wulin Biography" is interesting!
From the start of "Wulin Biography" to the fire, Shen Xudong wrote a blog every day, "Sitcom", "Deconstructing Martial Arts", "Chivalrous Spirit", "What is a Hero"...

Four blogs, surrounding "Wulin Biography".

Well, a master at rubbing heat!

Under such circumstances, who has the spare time to care about "The Promise"?
(End of this chapter)

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