At first, I just wanted to make money

Chapter 529 Premiere of "Manslaughter"

Chapter 529 Premiere of "Manslaughter"

Shen Xudong has made up his mind about "Being Famous", and it will be released in the summer of 08.

Just compete with "Red Cliff"!

As for being a director...

To be honest, this show, with its current lineup, doesn't need a director at all, or anyone can be a director.

Camera language, visual style, it doesn't matter, anyway, this is a story to win!
As for the right to speak of the crew - a group of old guys get together, no one can say who is the wrist...

By the way, when it comes to remuneration, Shen Xudong suggested: "Gentlemen, if this drama is based on your market price, the cost will reach 6000 million... So, I can make a profit distribution for you according to the remuneration model of "Human Purge Project" No?"

"Profit Distribution?"

"The actors of "Human Purge" only get basic remuneration, but in the future, 8% of the global profits will be distributed to the crew...Of course, it is a Hollywood movie, and it is a B-grade movie. Our "Rise of Fame" is only available in China. So, my idea is, you only get a basic remuneration of 100 million, and when the movie is released, after deducting the cost, how much money we make, according to the ratio of 30%..."

What Shen Xudong meant was that after deducting the publicity and production costs, 30% of the box office will be shared with the cast and crew...

Feng Xiaogang was puzzled: "If you deduct 30%, then your company won't make money?"

"...I mainly want to try this model... Besides, the movie hasn't been released yet, who knows how the box office will be? What if the box office exceeds [-] million..."

"Three hundred million... how dare you think!"

"What's the matter? Our movie was released in 2008. According to the current screen growth rate, when the movie is released, the number of screens is estimated to be 4500!"

Uncle Ge nodded: "...Success, I agree with this distribution plan..."

"Then let the people below discuss the specific distribution?"

"it is good…"

Feng Xiaogang glanced at Shen Xudong, and suddenly asked: "Your Golden Harvest Cinema will continue to expand?"

"Well... we plan to build five more movie theaters in Shenzhen, three each in BJ, Shanghai, Wuhan, and Hangzhou..."

"Will it be too extravagant?"

"No, the market is so booming now, and the number of theaters is doubling and rising. We are following the current situation..."

Shen Xudong didn't lie, although ah, the investment in theaters is large, and the returns are slow. This alone can kill the company. If you really want to play games with those big capitals, you are a scumbag.

But...Shen Xudong's idea is to have 2012 screens and more than 300 directly operated theaters before [-]...

I'm not going to make it big, but at least it's a channel!

Just like Bona, its theaters are also assets...

The most important thing is that Shen Xudong has memories - before 2018, theaters were all sunrise industries, and when the market was booming, they would basically be able to recoup their costs in two to three years...


After playing golf, a group of people called Jiang Wen and chatted about "Rising Fame". The latter stated that he could act at any time...

I guess I ran out of money, after all, "The Sun Also Rises" is not cheap!
Then... go home!
After arriving home, Shen Xudong glanced at the text messages on his phone, replied to a few casually, and then boiled a bottle of water.

Sitting on the sofa and waiting for the water to boil, I brought my laptop over and searched the Internet for news.

The box office of "Mo Gong" is not very good, 2000 million in the first week...

I feel that the Huayi Brothers don't pay much attention to this movie - whether it is Sina or Sohu, there are very few reports about it.

There is no money spent on the major media, and the poor news is hidden behind small advertisements, which is really shabby.

Well, the main controlling publisher is Anle Film and Television...

Jiang Zhiqiang invested in "Hero" and "House of Flying Daggers" before, and he was in charge of overseas marketing. He didn't understand the promotion in the mainland!

"Mo Gong" was released for ten days, with a box office of 4200 million. The second week's box office was actually higher than the first week!
The word of mouth is really good...

A lot of people on the Internet said, "The success or failure of a movie cannot be determined by the box office. The success of a movie may not be determined only by the "box office". Whether it can express its main ideas and whether it can bring people to think... '

You are right, but "Mo Gong" is really not a success!

Not only is there no box office, but there are very few praises...

Forget it, I don’t care about "Mo Gong" anymore, I searched for "Manslaughter", and tens of thousands of links popped up, the first one was "Gong Li and Shen Xudong collaborate again, "Manslaughter", a perfect crime..."

And then there's the trailer...

A minute and a half preview,
In the first 30 seconds, the daughter played by Tang Yan accidentally kills someone. The last 30 seconds are a series of quick edits, exaggerating the danger of the plot. The last 30 seconds are the confrontation between Gong Li and Liu Xiaoqing...

"Tell me what happened!"

"...I've said it all, I didn't kill your son!"

"Don't force me, for the child, I can do anything!"

"But... some children are beasts!"

As soon as the camera turned, Liu Xiaoqing walked up to Song Zuer, the trembling little daughter, condescending and hysterical: "Say! What did you see that night!"

Then...the camera goes black: "Manslaughter", December 12th, cheat the sky!

Shen Xudong is very satisfied, the cut is really good...

The water boiled, cooled for a while, then made a cup of green tea, and walked into the study, he had to write the third volume of "Perfect World"...

The first volume of "Perfect World" was released, and with the promotion of Perfect Company, the sales volume was very strong, directly breaking 80 copies...

Known as the 'No. [-] fantasy novel in the Mainland'...

It's a pity that it can't be made into a children's book, otherwise, tens of millions of sales will come soon!
——Tang San's "Douluo Dalu" is a children's book...

Pulling back, "Perfect World" sold more than 80 copies in one month after its launch, and it wasn't Shen Xudong's best-selling book last month——"Zhu Xian" sold 75 copies in a month...

Oh idea, it's a set!

A set of four volumes...

The reason is simple: the game "Zhu Xian" became popular, driving book sales...

Shen Xudong attaches great importance to his identity as a writer, so he did his best to write "Perfect World" word by word.

I finished writing 80 words in two months, which is enough for two volumes, and now I am writing the third volume...

According to Shen Haobo's plan, two volumes were released each year.

Eight volumes of books, completed in four years...


The promotion of "Manslaughter" can't be said to be all-round and without dead ends, but it can be considered as an effort - 1500 million publicity funds, poster laying, trailer release, everything that needs to be done has been done!
"Manslaughter" must compete with "Mo Gong" for filming...

Companies want to make money, directors want to make money, actors want to make money, and theaters want to make more money. This is a cycle of truth that cannot be broken.

There are only so many resources, and the 36 theaters are full. If you play "Mo Gong" one more time, I will play one less "Manslaughter"...

This is the natural enemy...

Competition is inevitable...,

Then how to bring the topic?

Gurley America Promotes Carol…

Therefore, at the premiere scene, Shen Xudong took the initiative to say to the media: "I heard that Mr. Gong Li and Mr. Liu Xiaoqing did not get, this time "Manslaughter" strongly recommends Mr. Liu Xiaoqing's counterpart actor!"

Liu Xiaoqing next to him hurriedly said: "There is nothing wrong with it, don't talk nonsense while Gong Li is away, we will be fine!"

"That's right... that's my fault, but I remember the director told me that those slapping scenes were really enjoyable for you!"

"...Director, did you say something?"

Lin Lingdong, who was watching the excitement, was speechless: "I never said that..."

(End of this chapter)

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