Shen Xudong really likes Jiang Wen, but the premise is... not to cooperate with him!

Jiang Wen is probably the most unique among domestic directors.

Generally speaking, domestic directors are divided into five categories:
The first category is that they don’t even go to the set very much, lying in the hotel watching the monitor, and there is still warmth from the female supporting roles in the bed next to them;
The second category is those who have not studied or grown for many years, and are still tossing around with the old methods decades ago, intending to cover up their ignorance through so-called efforts;
There is another category that spends all day talking about various bosses in the capital, thinking about how to deceive the top and the bottom to carry out projects.

What these three kinds of directors are best at is to talk freely about their artistic life in front of all kinds of laymen. As for the effects they make, they must naturally be full of loopholes.

Jiang Wen can be regarded as the fourth category: the sharp-angled triangle of Hi Fei, if he is really asked to make a commercial film, it will appear unstable.

The fifth category is those do-it-yourselfers who stay away from the braggart and sensuality in the circle...

Of course, in the beginning, there were still many directors in the fifth category, but unfortunately, with the explosion of their works, many of them automatically entered the top three categories!

Jiang Wen is different, you see, few people compare him with other directors...

Shen Xudong can understand Jiang Wen's current state of mind...


After holding back for five or six years, I made a movie...

Shen Xudong vaguely felt that Jiang Wen knew a movie like "The Sun Also Rises"!
Whether your film is suitable for the market, you don't know?
It's okay, although I said a few words, but I didn't get started...

Anyway, I suppressed my desire to do it!

The real pride is after "Let the Bullets Fly"...

It's completely narcissistic and self-indulgent like a high-ranking person, who seems to want to play a grand narrative, and put on a high profile that none of you can guess Lao Tzu...


Shen Teng is probably the lowest rank among all the cast members!

A pure rookie.

Shen Xudong took good care of him when filming...

The role played is Hai Zhaofeng, a very righteous and very timid policeman.

Also... the only one who died!

Kill the plot!
One has to die.

He is honest in the crew, reading scripts and memorizing lines all the time...

The role of Hai Zhaofeng has nothing to study, just perform normally...

Shen Xudong would chat with him occasionally, and most of the time, he would chat with Gong Li...

Actors are mostly busy with their own work.

For example, right now, Ge You and Feng Xiaogang are discussing "The Sun Also Rises" around Jiang Wen...

"How much did you pay for The Sun?"

"...more than 3000 million!"

"That... not much!"

Indeed, judging from Jiang Wen's habits, making a movie with a cost of more than 3000 million is indeed not expensive!
You know, he dared to spend more than 500 million U.S. dollars for "Sunny Day" - the first few minutes of "Sunny" saw him off at the airport, the material was shot for more than three hours, and 23040 shots were taken for a photo quietly placed on the bedside .

"The Devil Is Coming" cost more than 4000 million yuan, and the roof was specially shipped from Shanxi. In order to shoot the beheading special effect, several special cameras that can roll and shoot were imported from the United States.

When it comes to "The Sun", more than 3000 million can be settled?

This... Is this still Jiang Wen?
Jiang Wen sighed: "In the current movie environment, it is too difficult to get some investment..."

Feng Xiaogang, based on the idea that a dead fellow Taoist would not die a poor daoist, said casually: " time you find Xudong, this guy is rich!"

While talking, Shen Xudong came over: "What are you talking about?"

"In Liao Jiangwen's new film..."

"Oh... "The Sun Also Rises"?" Shen Xudong joined in: "I heard that the chairman of this year's Venice Film Festival is Mou..."


Jiang Wen was a little surprised...

This is solid!

He felt that with his relationship with A Mou, he was sure of it!

In an interview, he said: 20 years ago, Ah Mou and I were sweating profusely in the sorghum field to film "Red Sorghum";
10 years ago, I participated in the filming of "Speak Well".After the filming of "Speak Well", when everyone left a message to say goodbye, I wrote: "Yimou, I will accompany you to the countryside, and I will accompany you to the city..." Ten years later, I want to understand the words in the ellipsis: 'Amou wants to wait for me in Venice'!
They are all from the top three and know what the so-called awards are about - the chairman of the jury has the final say!
Shen Xudong... added: "But I also heard that this year's Venice main competition has "Lust, Caution" by Li Min..."

"Li Amine?"

"Well... Li An and A Mou have a very good relationship, and both of them can be regarded as Jiang Zhiqiang hooked up to shoot blockbuster movies..."

Jiang Wen interjected: "Then what is "Lust, Caution"? I've always heard about it some time ago."

"It was a female student who originally wanted to seduce the traitor and kill him, but she didn't expect to be physically conquered... At the final assassination moment, she suddenly reminded the traitor to leave quickly, and the traitor ran away. She and her partner were caught and shot without mercy..."

"Huh? This... can you shoot this kind of thing?"

"Eileen Chang's original novel has such virtues... "Lust, Caution" is not bad, at least the heroine is killed, and there is another kind where the heroine falls in love with the invader... It expresses a kind that transcends race, class and politics, The love of war..."

"Stop, stop, stop! How can there be such a story?"

"..."Girl of Go", I heard that it has won many awards...By the way, the author is Yan Ni, from BJ...It seems to be in France now!"

Travel to France...

After taking the French visa, she can think about love and freedom from the perspective of all human beings, so she can write this kind of "big love" works!

I heard that there is a recorded script, the background is the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and the main plot is also love - expressing the friendship between China and the United States...

Ge You interrupted: "Stop talking about this, I think you should contact A Mou..."

Jiang Wen shook his head: "No, I don't need it with him... and this year there is only one mainland movie, there is no reason why he can't contribute to the only mainland movie that was shortlisted!"

Shen Xudong euphemistically said: "Lust Caution is also considered a domestic film...and Ah Mou admires Li An very much. Li An's first award-winning work "Wedding Banquet" was awarded to him by Ah Mou..."

"…so what?"

"I mean...forget it...I have something to say!"

Shen Xudong changed the subject: "Jing Tian will come later, Hu Jun, take her with you, she has very poor acting skills..."

Hu Jun, who was struggling to eat oranges, was stunned for a moment: "The acting foundation is poor? Then why did you ask her?"

"Our invested by others!"

"Yo? The mistress of the coal boss?"

"No," Shen Xudong shook his head: "She invested in it...she likes this drama..."


Regarding the failure of "The Sun Also Rises", Jiang Wen should be very disappointed!
He even wrote a song "Nian Nujiao" to respond to the defeat:
The clouds are flying and the wind is blowing. Could it be that the five willows have brought news?A generation comes, a generation goes, the sun rises as usual.The prodigal son and beautiful woman, emperors, generals and ministers, disappeared without a trace.The green hills are charming, and only a few dramas remain.

Now my generation sings wildly, don't pretend to be good, don't brag.Dare to drive idle clouds, catch wild cranes, and play the flute with Wuling people.I love the spring scenery, the spring scenery tempts me, and tempts me to taste the beauty of the fairy.If it's romantic, don't care what night it is.

Don't pretend to be good, don't brag.It was his warning to himself.

But...Maybe it was "The Sun Also Rises" that stimulated him, that's why "Let the Bullets Fly"...

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