Chapter 565 Persuasion
In fact, Feng Xiaogang and Jiang Wen often went overboard on the filming site of "Being Famous"...

Shen doesn't matter!

If you are willing to contribute, he will be more at ease.

Anyway, the name of the movie is him...

Shen Xudong is not the kind of person who desires control and power.

According to Chen Daoming and Gong Li's words: Shen Xudong is not a person who can be a director!
Indeed, when a qualified director shoots, from camera movement to editing, from the way of constructing the story to the rhythm of presenting emotions, all are the imprints of the director himself, which will be obvious.

From the very beginning, Shen Xudong's achievements in artistic expression were lackluster.

Not to mention thinking, aesthetics, lens art, various montage applications...

Therefore, he is naturally not engaged in art!

It's more like marketing—"Rise of Fame", a good script, a group of good actors, a good schedule...

From the very beginning, I have been aiming for fame and fortune!
But he has this condition.

As the new leader of the Beijing circle, there is no shortage of contacts, funds, and official support...

By the way, "Rising Fame" is considered a team-building event in the Beijing circle, so many directors and actors have come to make guest appearances...

Lu Chuan, Gao Qunshu and Zhao Baogang all came.


""Nanjing" was not easy to shoot!"

Lu Chuan came over to play a cameo role as a passer-by who bought a newspaper, and he didn't even have a line...

The reason why I am willing to do this is that besides actively integrating into the circle, I also want to learn from the big guys and seek some investment from Shen Xudong...

Oh, he is preparing for "Nanjing".

"The core of war movies is anti-war. I feel that "Nanjing" is not good for anti-war... So, I want to establish two lines of sight, and China and Japan will jointly build this drama!"

"... On the side of Japan, a kind-hearted person at the beginning was coerced by the times and had to join the war..."

"Wait a minute!" Shen Xudong couldn't help interjecting: "Focus on the tragic fate of the grassroots protagonist who was "involved in the war", focus on the irrational bloody killings, as if war is a mad, unrestrained beast that accidentally broke into the world , driving kind and innocent people to die... like this?"


"Yo, this passage is a movie review!"

Shen Xudong shook his head: "...Hollywood narratives are just like this...but they don't fit our national conditions! You know, since modern times, European and American countries have constantly waged wars, while we are constantly facing invasion...Since we are invaded, we must promote and protect The family defends the country, we must publicize our justice as defenders!"

"The war that Westerners know is to go out to rob... They don't understand that Chinese soldiers hold steel guns to protect their best homeland."

Lu Chuan has a different opinion: "Internationally..."

Shen Xudong was speechless: "Are you sick? Do you know what the Nanjing Massacre represents? It is an unforgettable hatred written into the history books. Anyone who went to elementary school knows to overthrow Japanese imperialism. You tell me to oppose the war? As a Chinese, what qualifications do you have to oppose the war?"

"...we as victims, from a simple point of view, a victim can often only see a part, but only the perpetrator of this atrocity can see the whole of the atrocity.

A Japanese army attack started, entered Nanjing City, participated in the massacre, witnessed the whole crime, his own mental journey, which is a great supplement to the whole Nanjing tragedy. "

Lu Chuan continued: "The Nanjing tragedy is a major historical event with far-reaching impact. Looking back on history is to better understand the present and better plan for the future, so the handling of this subject requires deeper thinking. If it is only for If it achieves the public opinion effect of domestic audiences, then such a movie will lack meaning.

If this movie is to carry these facts and concepts, go out of China to influence the larger world, and let audiences outside of China accept this point of view, the Japanese perspective is not only necessary, but also inevitable. To exist, it has become a truth. "

Shen Xudong was speechless, and looked at Jiang Wen, who also said: "There is no need for a Chinese to supplement that!"

Feng Xiaogang also scolded: "The brain was kicked by the donkey! Why didn't Spielberg make a movie that reflected on why the Jews suffered the Holocaust? You have the brain?"

"With an international perspective, if you really want to make an anti-war film, you should refer to Mr. Bai Qiuen's "Trauma"..."

Some excerpts from "Trauma":
'…what is the reason for this cruelty, this stupidity? More than 100 million Japanese workers came to China unjustly and killed tens of thousands of Chinese. Why did Japanese workers attack the Chinese and force them to stand up for self-defense?Is the death of the Chinese good for the Japanese people?
Did they gain anything?
So, god, who's going to profit?

Do these wealthy Japanese dare to tell the workers that they just want cheap raw materials, bigger markets and more profits?
No, they just told the workers that the war was for the "fate of the race", for the "glory of the Emperor" and "the honor of the country", for their "Emperor and Country". '

"If you really want to shoot anti-war, I will give you a perspective." Shen Xudong gave a pertinent suggestion: "Look, this person believed that he was fighting for a noble goal because he believed the lies of the Japanese Benzene chaebol. His mother starved to death and his sister was in a brothel, and he killed people who had no grievances against him in a foreign country... He tried his best, but he didn't make his life better, nor did he make the world better. How sad it is to become a tool of those with vested interests and sacrifice your life for the good life of others."

After a pause, Shen Xudong looked at Lu Chuan: "If you shoot according to this idea, how much money do you need, I will give you!"

Lu Chuan froze for a moment: "I...I'll think about it..."

"Well, just think about it..."


After Lu Chuan left, Jiang Wen couldn't help but say, "This guy is out of his mind!"

Gao Qunshu, who came over to have a meal, said: "This is called having an international perspective..."

"Don't insult the word "International!" Shen Xudong waved his hand: "He is typically uneducated. After reading a few literature stalls, he feels that he understands history..."

"Then do you think he will follow your suggestion to write the script?"

"...It's unlikely," Shen Xudong shook his head: "Our teacher has commented on Lu Chuan before, saying that this person likes to pretend to be aggressive, but he can't pretend..."

"Your teacher? Aren't you from Chinese opera?"

"It's all the same. The teachers of Chinese opera are not qualified to evaluate the plays directed by Nortel?"

Shen Xudong is not the kind of cynical person, he has no intention of harming his counterparts in the mainland....

Lu Chuan still has the level of director!

However, his self-positioning has always been an art director who wants to follow the direction of a master...

Therefore, his films like to create a sense of epic, era and ritual, the depth of humanity, and those grand propositions and vocabulary...

If he really shoots "Nanjing! ", then...Everyone is happy, there is one more masterpiece in Chinese movies...

Of course, the probability is not high, after all, it is Taro Luchuan!

Jiang Wen suddenly looked at Shen Xudong: " you have any good works recently?"

Shen Xudong was a little confused: "...Huh? A work?"


"...That's not true...but I bought the rights to adapt several novels some time ago."

"Which ones?"

""The Robber", "The Wind"..."

Jiang Wen was surprised: "You bought "The Wind"?"

No, shouldn't you be interested in "Pirate Officials"?
(End of this chapter)

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