At first, I just wanted to make money

Chapter 607 Okay, I'm Rich!

Chapter 607 Okay, I'm Rich!
The most famous pseudo-documentary film, of course, is "The Blair Witch", which cost US$6 and earned US$1.4 million in North America and US$2.48 million in the global box office. It is one of the most famous low-cost high-return films.

Of course, the first truly influential pseudo-documentary was 1980's Cannibalism.

The story mode is very similar to "The Blair Witch": a film crew composed of 3 men and 1 woman is in the jungle of South America, looking for the disappearing cannibal tribe, the story that never came back...

The actors of the native cannibals in "A Record of Cannibals" used real cannibals, and some parts of the film were shot so realistically that many people believed the film parts, and some even sued the director Lu Jie German murder…

It is said that in order to make the movie look more real, the producer signed a contract with the leading actors, and they are not allowed to appear in public within one year after the movie is released...

So, it's true.

The film was suspended 10 days after its release, and the director and the behind-the-scenes team were all invited to the court.

Director Rugerd had to find the actors and explain to the court that the scenes that made the audience believe it were just the plot of the movie, and no one was hurt.

However, the slaughtered animals in the movie were real. In the end, Rugerd was sentenced to 4 months in prison for animal cruelty.

To sum it up, in fact, after "The Blair Witch", a bunch of horror films in the pseudo-documentary mode, thinking about making a big difference with a small one!

But... far less influential than "The Blair Witch"...

Even the sequel "The Blair Witch 2" failed to continue its miracle at the box office!
Speaking of it, the pinnacle of the pseudo-documentary horror film should be the Spanish horror film "Death Video"-the heroine is lost and hunted down.

"Death Video" is well-produced and completed to a high degree. It has laid out the zombie virus in detail, and developed a complete series from it. The "night vision" plot at the end of the film is quite groundbreaking, even in all pseudo-documentary horror films. are excellent ideas;
The masterpiece should be "Fatal Videotape", the plot involves ghosts, demons, supernatural beings, zombies, perverted killers, alien invasions, covering almost all horror themes!
But the most profitable must be "Ghost Story"!
This movie is so famous, it uses a pseudo-documentary approach to tell the story of a young couple who decided to use a camera to capture all the incredible events after being troubled by spiritual phenomena at home...

The film uses DV photography to truly record various strange situations in the home, creating an immersive horror effect...

The cost was 1.1 US dollars, and the final global box office was close to 2 million. Moreover, six films were shot in a row, and almost every film achieved incredible box office returns!

That's why Shen Xudong put his heart into it...

He said this to Jason Bren: "If a couple feels that there is a ghost in the house, and then record it with a documentary... Finally, the ghost really appears..."

Therefore, although Shen Xudong did not participate in the screenwriting and production of "Ghost Shadow Records", he is the biggest contributor behind the whole show - he is the investor and the creative provider of this show!
Let's put it this way, "Ghost Story" would have never been possible without him!

Therefore, Jason Bren should call Shen Xudong immediately to tell Shen Xudong the good news.


Shen Xudong is revising the novel - "Being Famous and Li Wan"...

Shen Haobo told him that a publishing house wanted to publish the novel version of "Being Famous and Li Wan", and offered a buyout price of 200 million...

Damn, 200 million!
Shen Xudong immediately decided to do it...

Why not turn the script into a novel...

Up to [-] characters, Shen Xudong has been coding these days, finishing the draft, revising and polishing it...

Then got a call from Jason Blum.

Of course I am very happy...

"Advocacy cost... $1865 million..."

"I understand, the promotion of "Purge 2" and "Happy Death Day" should also be added to 1500 million dollars..."

"Well, don't let Lionsgate be responsible for the publicity, who knows if they will intentionally exaggerate the offer!"

"...Sequels, of course, can be done, make a family drama, reorganize the family...The core of the drama is on the children...The third part, let's reveal the secret..."

"I have a comprehensive plan... Well, that's it, hang up first."

After hanging up the phone, Shen Xudong felt that he was not... not that surprised!

Is it because the money didn't arrive?

No, the "Human Purge Project" was a big hit back then, but the money didn't arrive. He excitedly experimented with hitting ten again—challenging the limit!
This time "Ghost Story" earns more than "The Purge", and it is also a series, which is equivalent to a gold mine...

Generally speaking, for horror films like "Ghost Story", audio-visual copyrights, TV copyrights, including home entertainment copyrights are not low!
This time, no matter what, I can make a profit of 5000 million U.S. dollars or more...

Is it?

Burned out?

Impossible, how can there be a burnout period for making money?

If there is going to be a period of burnout, then why did he take the novel version of "Rising Fame"?

No matter, let's revise the novel "Rising Fame" first...


Shen Xudong said, "I don't care." A bunch of media in China were overwhelmed with excitement. In itself, "Ghost Story" cost $1.7 on paper, shot in three days, and then won the North American single-week box office champion...

What is this called?
American Dream!

The American dream can only be realized if you go to the United States...

These days, the media promotes the American dream in various ways, and even articles such as "Tonight, We Are All Americans" and "To American Soldiers" can be published...

Even in 2011, Yuan Tengfei was still promoting on the Youku homepage...

Then, after investigation, this movie was actually made by Shen Xudong!
Shen Xudong, this is a true example of the American Dream!

It must be reported well.

As a result, the deeds of "Ghost Story" costing US$1.7 and earning US$6000 million at the box office were widely reported, and a lot of discussions were triggered in a short period of time-as long as you have talent, the American dream will come true...

Oh, these are just media reports, in the circle... well, not only in the circle, even Director Han was alarmed this time, and made a special call to ask whether it was true or not.

Shen Xudong explained: "It's just a horror movie. It said that the couple suspected that there was something dirty in the house, so they filmed it with a camera...Americans are relatively simple, so they publicized it, so I went to watch it..."

"I found a lot of celebrities to promote it... The cost is really low. It took seven days to shoot, and the total cost was less than 3000... But the publicity and promotion funds are close to [-] million U.S. dollars!"

"...There must be publicity, no advertising, no publicity, who knew there was such a movie?"

"It's unlikely to be released in mainland China. This movie has ghosts... There are two concepts of horror movies without ghosts and ghosts..."

"I just earn a script fee and a production fee... There is no such thing as a huge profit..."

"They can report if they want to report..."

Seeing him hang up the phone, Gao Fenfen immediately asked: "Did Han also call?"

"Hmm..." Shen Xudong shook his head and said, "The media reports are too exaggerated, [-] times the profit..."

"Isn't it [-] times?"

"The most I can earn is..." Shen Xudong originally wanted to hide his clumsiness, but after thinking about it...forget it, "Ghost Story" can't hide clumsiness-a pseudo-documentary mode, the actors are also unknown, and the cycle is only 7 days...

Simply tell the truth: "It's only 4000 times..."

"4000 times..."

Gao Fenfen quickly calculated the accounts, well, there is no need to calculate, 4000 x 1.7 = 6800 million...

A play made $6800 million?
"Almost all!" Shen Xudong continued: "The overseas copyright was packaged and sold to Fox at a price of 3800 million U.S. dollars... plus one piece, there should be a net profit of 6800 million U.S. dollars."

Gao Fenfen is a little short of breath...

Uh, last year, well, not last year, but this year, the company's profit from pure movies didn't even reach 6800 million US dollars. Shen Xudong can handle a horror movie?

(End of this chapter)

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