At first, I just wanted to make money

Chapter 688 Casting of "Star You"

Chapter 688 Casting of "Star You"
The trip to Cannes is not interesting, mainly because there is no sense of participation!
The media focused on the main competition unit, or the Hollywood blockbusters that came to promote it. Chinese-language films did not gain much voice...

Even "Red Cliff"...

Everyone still dare not spend money!
The eye-catching positions around the movie palace have been seized by Hollywood promotional posters...

For each poster, the price ranges from 5 to 10 Euros within two weeks!

Except for the rich and powerful Hollywood, there are generally few film companies in other countries and regions willing to invest such a large amount of money...

Timmy’s trip to Cannes cost a lot of money. In addition to organizing the reception, it also rented a booth for the film festival, and advertised in the show magazine. Just like this, it has already invested nearly 130 million euros!

Coupled with personnel accommodation, meals, transportation...

So, before the closing ceremony, Shen Xudong led a group of people back to China!
Award-winning films... The award-winning films in Cannes do not meet the tastes of most mainland audiences.According to Shen Xudong, there is no need to stay and buy any copyright...

However, Chen Xi specifically called to request to pack the online copyright of the award-winning movie.

She is going to buy it back, and then PPTV will go online exclusively.

It can be regarded as helping to attract users!
So, with a few people left, the offer must be low...

The budget is only 30 US dollars, and at least 6 plays must be bought.

Do it yourself.

Nowadays, the supervision level of online video is still relatively loose, otherwise, "Mao Liaoer" and "Spicy Next Door" would never have come out!


Domestically, the earthquake is still the focus of all media attention, and it is also a hot spot of public opinion.

In the entertainment industry, after several waves of donation ceremonies, everyone's attention has returned to daily life...

After all, it is to eat!
Recently, many people in the circle are paying attention to two things. One is the change of director of "Dream of Red Mansions", which has caused a lot of noise.

It is said that director Hu Mei didn't even have the right to cast and make decisions, so she left the director, and then director Li Shaohong took over from her as the chief director of "Dream of Red Mansions"...

Hey, sometimes I think how arrogant some of our directors are!

"Dream of Red Mansions" hey!

According to director Wang Fulin's words: "Don't say that the director has the ability to play a role in making "Dream of Red Mansions", you are wrong if you do it. As a director, you always hope to produce something new, but "Dream of Red Mansions" can't, "Dream of Red Mansions" you only have Honestly embody every word."

Oh, about the remake of "Dream of Red Mansions", a group of people worked very hard!

You see, new actors know that it is their own famous work, and they might be able to fly to the sky, so they work hard. Old actors know that their filming is a masterpiece, so they dare not neglect;

Although the expert advisory group does not have the lineup of the 87 edition, the lineup is quite strong;

Including training, master-level piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, etiquette classes and lines classes that cost millions.

Everything is the best lineup, the top arrangement...

It's a pity that Li Shaohong was appointed as the director!

Is Li Shaohong a bold person with a high skill or a fearless person with no knowledge?

Personally, I prefer the latter, after all, she hasn’t studied for a few years—only the sixth grade of elementary school, and then caught up with the historical process, and then, she became a propagandist, resumed the college entrance examination, and entered the director department...

Directors of their generation often viewed Chinese literary stories with a playful attitude, so she did not respect "Dream of Red Mansions"...

Among the remakes of the four famous novels, "Dream of Red Mansions" is definitely the bottom one!

One more thing, "Star You" casting!

This year is very special, Tianmei Company has not broadcast any special popular TV series until May...

Including the entire TV drama market, apart from CCTV's opening drama "Crossing the Guandong", there are no TV dramas worth mentioning...

Two TV series produced by Tianmei Company were broadcast, namely "Burning!"Wastewood" and the spy war drama "Infiltration".

"Let it burn!"Waste Material" was exclusively broadcast on Mango Channel, with an average rating of around 1.5 and the highest rating of over 3, which is quite remarkable. However, two dramas "Yun Niang" and "Live with a Smile" were broadcast at the same time...

The ratings have never done these two!
"Yunniang" is a bitter drama that ranks first in the annual ratings of satellite TV, and "Live with a smile" is also a drama about family ethics...

Competing for ratings is indeed much weaker!

The ratings are not good, and the topic level... is not bad, that is, TVB broadcast "Jewelry" at the same time, Dragon TV has simultaneously introduced...

Ma Dan, the discussion has also been preempted!
"Let it burn!Wastewood" did not achieve the blockbuster effect...

The number of webcasts is very high. Although it is not a blockbuster, it is also considered a high-quality work!

As for Infiltration...

Alas, "Conspiracy", "Before Dawn", and "Latent", the spy war trilogy directly put the spy war drama produced by Tianmei on the ceiling, just like "Hunting Ground" after "Langya Bang"...

Then, "Infiltration" failed to withstand the pressure!
"Infiltration" is also known as "The Undercover Career of the Useless Chai to Misappropriate Money". It tells the story of Xu Zhongyi, played by Sha Yi, after being influenced by our party, lurking inside the Guo party, using his special identity to provide strategic materials for our party's troops in the Northeast, and The process of fighting wits and courage by Heguo Party agents to obtain the "infiltration plan".

The problem is that "Latent" is too awesome!

Your main story is quite similar to "Latent", but the performance in all aspects is quite different.

"Infiltration" is a bit embarrassing: a slight loophole in the plot makes it appear that the IQ is not enough, and the actors appear to be overwhelmed if the actors are a little artificial...

Fortunately, the ratings are not bad, but at the same time there is also a drama "The Heart of a Grass".

The ratings crushed "Infiltration" from the beginning to the end, there is no way, "Yuyou Inch Grass Heart" is a drama of the Holy Mother, the favorite of aunts: it tells how a remarried woman faces a declining family, and her mother-in-law who is sick in bed is crazy ex-wife, vicious sister-in-law, and resentful child.

The heroine took care of a large family every day, was beaten by her sick ex-wife, scolded by her stepson, disciplined by her mother-in-law, worked hard, and because of a family fight, her own daughter fell into the river and drowned;

Later, the heroine's husband died, and she decided to support the family.

Raised a big family, and added a sister-in-law. The son of the deceased husband went to college, and my son studied well but gave up the college entrance examination.

This kind of plot is too invincible, you can't beat it at all, it's like a female version of silly pillar...

In short, two consecutive dramas 'failed' made Tianmei very embarrassing.

Although there is "Zhu Xian" in July, "Ruyu Biography" in September, and "Scary Step by Step" to be broadcast in December, for Tianmei, which has frequent blockbusters, it has not released a blockbuster for five consecutive months. Creativity exhausted!

"Star You" has an open casting call, the producer and chief screenwriter are Shen Xudong, the directors are You Dazhi, Jiang Jiajun and Li Xue, and the heroine is Fan Bingbing...

The production cost was 3500 million!
The public clothing sponsorship includes LV, Prada, Chanel, Gucci...and the friendly sponsorship of Palm Springs International Apartment...

Direct top match!

Openly recruit male lead, second male lead, anti first lead, second female lead...

And Shen Xudong sits in the audition!
With this kind of specification, not to mention the entire entertainment industry, at least half of the popular actors are tempted!
(End of this chapter)

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