At first, I just wanted to make money

Chapter 726 6 million in the first week

After reading the entire project, Chen Xi sighed: "I admit that this project is very promising, but... the cost is too high... just inviting so many celebrities to join is very difficult..."

"I did the math, and the approximate cost of one season is around 5000 million!"

"5000 million... so much?"

Shen Xudong was curious: "How do you calculate?"

"I don't think 3000 million can be added much, and the remuneration of the main guests should be suppressed below 100 million..."

"Crazy? Three months of recording, you will give someone 100 million? They will receive a TV series or movie, at least 200 million will be credited, and acting in a variety show will also consume their image, at least 500 million!"


Chen Xi was surprised: "A variety show, give people 500 million rewards? Are you crazy?"

Shen Xudong shook his head: "I'm not crazy, this is the market price..."

"No TV station is willing to spend 5000 million to buy a variety show that can only be broadcast for one season!"

"You go talk to them, it's really not good, sign and bet!"

"On gambling?"

"Hmm... Betting on ratings!"

Shen Xudong wants to learn from Canxing...

Back then, Canxing bet against Zhejiang Satellite TV on "The Voice of China": If the ratings of the program were lower than 2%, the huge production costs in the early stage would be borne by Canxing Production;

Then, "The Voice of China" became a phenomenon-level variety show, and Canxing made a fortune...

Of course, the successful operation of "The Voice of China" does not mean that the agreed sharing model produced by Zhejiang Satellite TV and Canxing can become the mainstream.

At present and in the future, the broadcasters of China’s TV industry are TV stations, which are institutions within the system. Their thinking habits and possible risks make it difficult for most broadcasters to make such market-oriented agreements with investors, but are relatively more conservative.

Shen Xudong continued: "Betting on the ratings, we bear the cost, but if the ratings are over 1, we need 2% of the advertising revenue, if the ratings are over 3, we need [-]% of the advertising revenue, if the ratings are over [-], we need [-]% of the revenue, and the highest can be [-]% of the revenue... The key point is Dragon TV!"

"Why Dragon TV?"

"Because they are old and miserable..."

Dragon TV's many reality shows, including "Come on, Good Man" and "Dancing Forest Conference", have been suppressed by Hunan Satellite TV. There have been rumors that Mango TV internally mocked the producer as "an idiot, I don't know what I'm doing, Dragon TV's reality show is dead."

Any bloody man can't help being so mocking. Later, these producers left the system, founded Canxing Entertainment, created "The Voice of China", and finally rubbed Mango TV on the ground. Even if Mango TV later made "The Strongest Voice of China", it was useless!
"Okay, you can help me find a suitable director group..."



"Running Man" is just a conceptual framework. Shen Xudong has no time and energy to operate this thing. He will soon shoot "33 Days of Broken Relationship" - starting in September, and the shooting cycle is one month...

Moreover, for the variety show "Running Man", it takes time to find a suitable director team, and... Da Tiantian hasn't graduated yet, at least she won't have time to record the variety show until she is in her junior year.

After the conversation, Shen Xudong went to record "China Film Report" - the necessary publicity work still needs to be done!
Although the public's attention is on the Olympic Games, the Olympic Games will be over in three days, and the online discussion of "Hot Detective" is still very high.

Jackie Chan was busy performing at the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games, so he didn't take part in the promotion at all. Although Chen Xiao was quite popular, he was still a newcomer in the film industry.

"Honestly speaking, "Hard Agent" is a complete imitation of "Police Story", with a simple and somewhat individualistic hero, who must be a low-level detective.

Outstanding ability at work, leading the charge; but bold and reckless in character, arbitrary.

There is an immediate boss who loves him, but is made dizzy by him;
There are teammates who accompany him crazy, but need him to be the backbone at critical moments;
A powerful villain with a perverted personality is his opponent...

There is a big villain boss who is corrupt and perverts the law, suppresses him but is finally made helpless by him...

Look, doesn't it look like Chen Jiaju? "

"Actually, the film has been developed for more than 100 years, and there is no completely new story at all. Therefore, our focus is on sincerity and the fun of the story... Sincerity lies in the fact that the story is very strong. The audience wants to know how the hero can save the day in the face of many difficulties, and at the same time uphold justice. The editing of the shots is clean and neat, and the fighting is fierce and comedic.

"Stalks are not afraid of old age, it's best to be emotional and reasonable!"

""Hot Detective" was born out of the old version of Hong Kong movies, but it is full of clever connections. The main line and branches are magically merged into an interlocking case at the end...In addition, there is irony to reality. I think "Hot Detective" is definitely a Jackie Chan-style good movie."

Speaking of this, Shen Xudong added: "Last year, I saw a sentence on the Tianya Forum: domestic films are not because they are restricted, but because they always hope to be opportunistic in pursuit of quick money, so that they don't pay attention to the story, only pay attention to publicity and hype... I think it makes sense, so when "Hot Detective" was produced, it focused more on the story..."


After recording "China Film Report", I went to "Kefan Listening", Mango Channel's "Zero Point Front Cloud"...

In short, I went to all suitable programs and accepted more than a dozen interviews by the way.

Oh, and these jobs were all done in five days!
Propaganda, that's it...

By the way, Shen Xudong specially took Yao Xingtong with him - she is the heroine of "Hot Detective".

As for Gao Yanan, who has good leg skills, he doesn't have many roles.

It stands to reason that she is not qualified to participate in the promotion...

But they bring their own financial backer - this girl brought her 2500 million starred in "Hot Detective", the only requirement is to walk the red carpet...

The appearance of "Hot Detective" in Cannes has already satisfied Yao Xingtong's wish to walk on the red carpet, and now taking her to promote the movie is a kind of gift!

The benefactor is rich.

In the entertainment industry, unless you are part of the system, you will inevitably have to contact local tyrants. If the local tyrants throw money at you, what can you do...

Although the attitude is not friendly, the gesture of throwing money is really cool!

August 8th is Wednesday, and as of August 20th, "Hot Detective" was released for five days, and the first week ended, with a cumulative box office of 8 million—of which, the reported receipt on August 24th was only 6028 million...

It’s not because of word-of-mouth, and it’s not because the movie isn’t good—the market price is less than 900 million. The main reason is that August 8 is the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games. I’m too busy watching TV at home. How can I go to the movies?
Jackie Chan finally has time to promote the movie...

Shen Xudong... finally able to return to the capital for a while - the preparations for "33 Days of Broken Love" went smoothly, but the second female lead Li Ke couldn't find a suitable actor.

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