Xia Shuo swagger

Chapter 35 The Son of Destiny

Chapter 35 The Son of Destiny

"Every day is the same, and occasionally I have a whim..."

At seven o'clock in the morning, Doraemon's theme song sounded on time next to Xia Zhaoyao's pillow.

Dazedly, he turned off the alarm, and Xia Zhaoyao, who was still curled up under the blanket, sat up like a puppet.

The ringtone was set by Zhao Huanxi "paying", and the price was a week's worth of snacks.

"If you have to be woken up, it's better to have a more pleasant melody..."

Zhao Huanxi said so.

As a heavy Doraemon fan, this theme song naturally meets her requirements 100%.

However, Xia Zhaoyao is going to be much more depressed——

She seldom watched cartoons when she was a child, because those cartoons on TV were all for the young and mentally handicapped.

Whether it's Doraemon, or Tangtang's Mario, Qin Shuo's Two-dimensional... It seems like another world to her, but Lao Xia bought her a lot of world famous books, Chinese and foreign novels, in addition to Some little knowledge about doing business and being a human being.

This society is built on the real world, aimless entertainment dross, which is the most extravagant waste.

The morning light at the end of August wakes up very early, and Xia Zhaoyao can deftly walk around the chairs and trash cans in the dormitory without turning on the lights.

The chubby new toothpaste in the mouthwash cup gave people an inexplicable sense of security.

After a simple wash, the cold water quickly took away the drowsiness.

The two older sisters in the dormitory were still sound asleep—they might have woken up for a moment when the alarm clock rang just now.

But there were only a few vague dreams and the sound of turning over, and now there was only the sound of steady breathing in the dormitory.

Xia Zhaoyao carefully climbed onto the bed, and wrapped the sheet, flat quilt, and pillow into a big roll with the cotton wool underneath.

Suitcases, bedding sets, and toiletries can be stored here temporarily.

Still, it's better to move aside and not take up space, at least not as if she lives here.

In this way, even if people from the student union come to find fault again, the seniors can easily deal with it in a few words.


The door closed gently.

Xia Zhaoyao was carrying her small backpack, which contained the admission notice.

The financial center of Huaijiang University does not start working until 08:30.

She still has time to go outside the school now - to perform rituals that will increase her luck.

For example, vitality wins breakfast.


"Let's go to Zha Zha Street for breakfast, the noodle restaurant over there is delicious."

Xia Zhaoyao was editing information on WeChat while walking down the outer edge of the trail.

"If your suitcase is heavy, then wait for me at the school gate. I will temporarily put my things with the seniors, so I can help you share some..."

I fell asleep straight away last night, and only saw Qin Shuo send several messages when I woke up.

It was probably because his parents were busy and couldn't send him to report, so he was alone.

The latest one was that he was leaving, and he was asking Xia Zhaoyao if he wanted to have breakfast together.

Counting the time, we are almost at the gate of the school now.

"Zhai Shuo, did you even perm your hair?"

"Easy hairstyles, no fuss."

Hey, something is not right.

This guy Zhai Shuo actually spends money to go to a barber shop to have his hair styled?

Xia Zhaoyao helped Qin Shuo hold the suitcase with one hand, while curiously looking at the boy next to him.

Compared with his usual sloppy appearance, Qin Shuo seemed to be a different person after having his Korean hairstyle permed and wearing half-rim glasses.

"What's the matter, are you going to change your face at the beginning of school and start to follow the route of domineering president?"

"I know I'm handsome now, but don't stare at me like this."

Qin Shuo coughed uncomfortably.

When I got home yesterday, my mother forcibly took him to a nearby barber shop for a high-end haircut.

This troublesome hairstyle looks okay, but he always feels a little out of place.

"Ouch, domineering president? You are at best a gentle pervert right now."

Xia Zhaoyao raised his eyebrows and vomited exaggeratedly.

Qin Shuo's new look is okay, but it always looks a little weird.

how to say……

Xia Zhaoyao looked at the completely new Qin Shuo.

This kind of accent seems to be not as good as the original otaku.

However, she has a trump card that can restore him to his original shape, Xia Zhaoyao took out his phone. .

"So, you don't play these dead house games anymore?"

"Of course, but we have to wait."

Qin Shuo took the phone from Xia Zhaoyao smoothly, and slid it away skillfully with one hand.

"I plan to join the student union, and I heard that the APP on the mobile phone will be checked during the interview."

"Besides, the roommates and classmates in the class are not familiar with the atmosphere circle, so I have to investigate how to get along with each other."

"Join...the student council?"

Xia Zhaoyao stopped and frowned slightly.

"That's right. Didn't I say that?" Qin Shuo nodded, "After school starts, I promise that my family will join the student union."

He raced against time to manipulate the game, browsing the progress of the account on various interfaces.

"As for these games..."

"The concentration of the house is too high, and it is easy to be labeled with some bad labels."


Xia Zhaoyao raised his hand and snatched the phone back, long pressing on the icon with his finger.

"So, you asked me to help you take care of the number and replace the liver, and I will carry the label?"

"...Wait, don't be impulsive!"

The game icon shakes, and a translucent cross appears in the upper right corner.

Qin Shuo subconsciously opened his arms to snatch it back, but Xia Zhaoyao was the first to protect the phone in front of his chest.

"Then explain it first, I thought you had changed your mind during this time."

"Well, I have a reason why I have to join the student union. Xia Xia is just doing me a favor—"

Qin Shuo clasped his hands together and said flatteringly.

Even with a new hairstyle and new clothes, that rascal look returned quickly.

"What reason—"

"...I want to run for student council president."


Xia Zhaoyao glanced at Qin Shuo in surprise, a little suspicious.

"Shouldn't you... watch some anime to come up with this idea? This is the real world."

"No—well, there's a little-known secret in it."

"What's the secret?" Xia Zhaoyao grabbed the phone with one hand, his ears pricked up unconsciously.


Yeah, what a secret—

Qin Shuo quickly blinked his eyes, he definitely couldn't tell the real reason.

Otherwise, try to make up a secret?
Anyway, Xia Zhaoyao, a money-grubbing loli, looks shrewd, but sometimes she is easy to deceive.

Qin Shuo hesitated for a few seconds, deliberately approached Xia Zhaoyao, and whispered in her ear.

"I heard that the president of the student union can have a special right..."

"Go away, go away—"

Before Qin Shuo finished speaking, Xia Zhaoyao subconsciously elbowed him.

It's too close, and the airflow when the pervert speaks is itchy.


Qin Shuo's voice stopped abruptly.


Zhaza Street, but Xia Zhaoyao prefers to call it Zhaza Street.

Compared with the exquisiteness of the school cafeteria, the unnamed noodle stalls at the intersection of the street are too rough.

Simply shake a few spoonfuls of spices in a large bowl with a wide mouth, half a spoonful of boiling noodle soup, and a natural soup base will be formed.

The noodle stall didn't hire a man, it all depended on the boss and the proprietress to greet Zhang Luo.

The boss is in charge of the tumbling noodle soup and the vegetable section, and the lady boss is in charge of the cash register and the presentation of the final product.

The same bowl of small noodles, topped with miscellaneous sauce is miscellaneous sauce noodles; scoop up a few pieces of beef is beef noodles; sauerkraut and shredded pork can be separated or combined;
Of course, if you don’t add anything, a scoop of bright red chili oil sprinkled with green onion is the authentic Huaijiang noodles.

During this period of time, I was dealing with old books on Zha Zha Street, and this is the small shop most people visit.

After all, pasta is a reasonable time to serve it no matter morning, noon or evening.

"Auntie, a bowl of Huaijiang noodles, less spicy and add a fried egg."

The naivety of overreaching and challenging the level of spiciness is over, Xia Zhaoyao doesn't want the scene from a month ago to repeat itself.

Especially now that Qin Shuo is still by her side, if this guy sees a joke, then she might as well go on a hunger strike this morning.

She has been there many times in the past few days, and the proprietress obviously remembered her, and she enthusiastically explained:

"Yes. Find a place to sit. The noodles should be hard, right?"

This noodle stall is very small with only three tables inside.

Most people don't like to sit in the store, but choose to sit on the folding tables and plastic stools placed on the street.

However, Xia Zhaoyao still prefers to huddle in the corner of the "house", which gives him a sense of security.

Pulling the backpack into her arms, she found an empty table that looked clean and sat down, took a tissue and wiped the table carefully.

"Then I'd like a vegetarian knife, which is normal and spicy - I also want an fried egg."

Qin Shuo's voice sounded from behind her, as if he wanted to oppose her.

Xia Zhaoyao is very sure, because every time Qin Shuo eats with her, he likes to emphasize "normal" spicy food.

However, she didn't bother to argue with this guy today: the elbow just now was considered a solution to her hatred.

"Okay, you two just sit over there, I'll bring it to you later—"

"By the way, boss, three taels, two taels is not enough."

"No problem."

"Our two accounts will be counted together..."

Xia Zhaoyao stopped his movements, raised his head, and stared at Qin Shuo.

This guy... is really looking for faults, right?
"I'll pay together—"

Oh, that's fine.

Xia's swaggering murderous eyes disappeared in an instant.

"Zhai Shuo, come, this way. There just happens to be an empty seat here——"

Qin Shuo's large suitcases were all placed at the door. Although Zha Zha Street was dilapidated, the law and order was surprisingly good.

Qin Shuo, who temporarily removed the load, moved his shoulders, and took the initiative to pull out two pairs of chopsticks from the chopstick holder next to him.

"Boss, can I help you scald this in the noodle soup..."

"Just bring it to me—"


Seeing Qin Shuo come and sit down, Xia Zhaoyao muttered.

The sound is not loud, just the person on the opposite side can hear it.

"If you have the ability, don't use it later, break the disposable chopsticks yourself..."

"Why? I'm stupid."

Xia Zhaoyao took out his phone and glanced at the time.

"What kind of sharpening, it seems that there is not much time."

"Sliced ​​noodles are faster to eat than small noodles. Besides, don't grumble if you eat for free."

After these few days of getting along, Qin Shuo has mastered Xia Zhaoyao's weakness.

Don't look at her sometimes snarky and difficult, but she is still thin-skinned when it comes to eating people with a short mouth and short hands.

And what's more interesting is...

Xia Zhaoyao belongs to the kind of money-obsessed character who will never let the ducks fly away.

Sure enough, as if caught by his lifeblood, Xia Zhaoyao turned off the flame in an instant.

"But speaking of it..."

Qin Shuo glanced at the boss behind him and said curiously.

"You don't usually order small noodles, why did you suddenly change your taste today?"

Although noodles are the main food in Yancheng, Xia Zhaoyao mostly orders rice noodles and sliced ​​noodles these days.

A few days ago, Qin Shuo wiped out the boss who made a mistake, so he has a deep memory.

"What do you know, usually you are saving your character."

Xia Zhaoyao rolled his eyes at Qin Shuo, and shook his finger with some complacency.

Saving character is a new word she learned from Qin Shuo, the metaphysics of increasing luck.

According to Qin Shuo, if you don't draw a certain card pool in the game, you will accumulate luck little by little.

"Saving character? Don't you eat small noodles?"

Qin Shuo repeated it inexplicably.

"Besides, it's the start of the semester, what kind of character do you have—"

"Sort dormitory, I want to be assigned to room 803. Although the probability is not high, what if?"

Xia Zhaoyao's complacent expression collapsed in an instant, and he absently folded the paper that he had wiped the table just now.

"Room 803? Oh, you mean the dormitory for the seniors."

Qin Shuo was stunned for a moment, and then quickly reacted.

Xia Zhaoyao temporarily lived in the dormitory of the seniors, he knew this from the beginning.

On the night that a certain Yao Yao Yao lived in Zhuyuan Liushe, he chattered a lot on WeChat.

But what Xia Zhaoyao said now was something Qin Shuo didn't expect.

"Uh, freshmen can still be assigned to dormitories for old students?"

"There is a certain chance, but there are a lot of prerequisites—"

Xia Zhaoyao sighed and let go of the crumpled tissue in his hand.

Afterwards, sullenly, she recounted to Qin Shuo what the seniors gave her last night.

"Hmm...it sounds like a limited-time card pool?"

"Almost, and only one draw."

Xia Zhaoyao rested his chin, and absently slid his finger on the phone next to him.

Theoretically speaking, the chance of her being assigned to room 803 is indeed close to zero.

The Huaijiang noodles this morning are just a consolation.

And Qin Shuo obviously thought of this, and there was nothing to comfort or resolve it for a while.

"Here it comes—be careful it's hot."

The proprietress carried a tray and put two bowls of noodles on the table for two people.

Xia Zhaoyao's and Qin Shuo's noodles were very different, they each served their own noodles and ate in silence.

Qin Shuo glanced at Xia Zhaoyao, who was not interested in continuing to chat, took out his mobile phone, clicked on the post bar, and wandered around in each post bar.

Although there are no games on his phone, he is still used to having fun in places like NGA and Tieba every day.

"Depend on--"

Before Qin Shuo had time to eat two mouthfuls of noodles, he suddenly cursed.

"What? Did you eat meat in the vegetarian knife?"

Xia Zhaoyao glanced at Qin Shuo, while picking up the vinegar and pouring it into his own bowl.

"No, another idiot is posting cards on the post bar - let me see, the new account is ten in a row and four yellow..."

"That's really powerful, you should buy a lottery ticket."

Xia Zhaoyao looked at it curiously, and said in surprise.

"This person is so lucky? Several accounts are three gold, are you so jealous that you are about to explode?"

"...This is the initial brush."

Qin Shuo waved his hand and put the phone aside casually.

"Most of this kind of account is used by cheaters. If you buy it, you may be blocked one day."

"Brush initial?"

"That's right, just keep building trumpets and drawing them repeatedly."

While eating noodles, Qin Shuo nonchalantly ostentatiously blatantly popularized science to Xia.

"There are so many Ouqi and Destiny's Son, but they still follow the probability distribution of big data."

"In places you can't see, there are hundreds of junk accounts - I used to scan some by hand when I had nothing to do..."

Xia Zhaoyao didn't pay much attention to what Qin Shuo said later.

Her chopsticks suddenly stopped beside the fried egg.

brush initial...

Selective luck...

Wait, she seems to have caught some awesome... weird idea?
"Registration at Huaijiang University, um—"

Xia Zhao shook the chopsticks to stir the small noodles in the noodle soup, as well as the half of the fried egg that was not willing to finish.

"Zhai Shuo, Zhai Shuo, I seem to have a bold idea suddenly—"

"If...well, I mean if..."

"Can you do it in separate dormitories?"

(End of this chapter)

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