Chapter 208 Shi Bo Makes a Move

Looking at the face in front of them, the remaining princes felt aggrieved, wishing to punch Zhang Ronghua hard, knock Zhang Ronghua to the ground, and beat him again, but they had no choice but to answer: "Speak with evidence. "

The corner of his eye fell on Du Chengming, this is a waste!The chain is dropped at a critical moment.

Right now it's just the beginning, just now these people danced very fiercely, seize the opportunity, and naturally stepped on it.

Zhang Ronghua said again: "Ministers, do you agree?"

Zhang Qinglin is not a son of man!
They have already gained the upper hand, but if they don't get better, they will stop and stomp their faces on the ground. Although they are angry, they have no choice but to deny it against their conscience.

He walked to Chu Xuping and stopped. As soon as the morning morning started, this guy jumped out and put eye drops on Xu Xing. Now he had the opportunity to take revenge.

Zhang Ronghua asked with a smile: "Master Chu, what do you think?"

Chu Xuping felt as if he had eaten a fly. So many people didn't target him, but they targeted him, stepping on his own prestige, raising Xu Xing's prestige?He remained calm, and his complexion did not change a bit: "Everything speaks with facts."

Zhang Ronghua did not let him go like this, and continued to dig a hole: "What is the truth?"

"Grass!" Chu Xuping swears in his heart.

The two serious cases have not yet been settled. If the answer is wrong, you will be dragged into the water. Although it is tricky, but the response is quick, and bowed to Emperor Xia: "Your Majesty has his own decision!"

Stopping again in front of the officials and looking around, Zhang Ronghua found that none of these people dared to look at him, they either lowered their heads or looked away, feeling disdainful and shameless towards their behavior.

The goal has been achieved, and it is time to characterize the matter.

He bowed again to Emperor Xia, and said, "Your Majesty, the evidence of Du Chengming's collusion with the Shang Dynasty is solid. I propose to kill the nine clans. All the officials involved will be tortured and interrogated to find out the hidden secrets."

Du Chengming panicked, pointed angrily and shouted: "You are slandering! I have been loyal to the country all my life, and I have never done anything wrong to Daxia, let alone colluding with the Shang Dynasty. On the contrary, I have been with Shang Qingxuan for a long time and returned my life." If someone handed her the three spirit formulas developed by her, she should punish the Nine Clans!"

Jiang Shangcheng, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, stood up, bowed and said: "The evidence presented by Du Chengming, from the beginning to the end, Zhang Ronghua never appeared in the screen. Xuan is a princess of the Shang Dynasty, with a noble status, and what she said is evidence. If so, there will be someone with strong ability and talent in my Great Xia in the future, which will be enough to cause huge losses to them. The Shang Dynasty can send a princess or prince at will. Destroy it, once this matter is opened, there will be a second time, everyone present at that time, and even others, no one can avoid it! Emperor Shang doesn't need to do anything, as long as he keeps making love Slap, you can solve everyone present."



"Although the capture of Shang Qingxuan is meritorious, and it is a great achievement, merit and demerit cannot be offset. One piece records the confessions of Du Chengming himself, plus the guards and others. The treason is true! The minister proposed that the nine clans be punished! The Metropolitan Procuratorate, Dali Temple and the Ministry of Punishment jointly recruited elites to interrogate the relevant personnel. Anyone who participated in the case will be punished. The Nine Clans, use heavy punishments to make an example to others!"

After saying so much in one breath, I slowed down a bit.

"Considering Du Chengming's meritorious service, we can make an exception and keep the whole body, but it must be used as a warning to others."

Du Chengming was impatient: "Your Majesty! I have been wronged."

Jiang Shangcheng's face turned cold, and he kicked him when he went up, kicking him to the ground: "Save some face for you, and climb up the pole? You are in collusion with Shang Dynasty, Shang Qingxuan may have planned everything, and took the initiative to send you off." A great contribution to the heavens, get rid of Zhang Ronghua, let Daxiameng lose a capable leader, and then use this contribution to enter the Tianji Pavilion, grasp greater power, and serve the Shang Dynasty better!"

People from the Ministry of Officials came out to second the proposal.

His Majesty, the representative of the Ministry of Officials, since Jiang Shangcheng said so, the nature of the two cases has been determined.

In fact.

Really let Jiang Shangcheng say what he said, Shang Qingxuan set up everything, and handed the knife to Du Chengming, and today's scene happened.

The situation is clear, and the officials don't know how to express their views, and they don't need to be officials. They resign directly to avoid being killed by political opponents!

Immediately expressed support for Jiang Shangcheng's proposal.

For a while, the court was excited, and some officials even yelled at Du Chengming, calling Du Chengming a beast!
At this point.

Du Chengming knew that there was nothing he could do, so he closed his eyes unwillingly.

Wait until quiet.

Yang Kaitai, the left servant of the Ministry of Rites, asked: "Zhang Yushi, where are the ten thousand year elixir and the thunder robbing elixir in the jade box?"

Zhang Ronghua knew that this was from the Sui family, and guessed that the two phonograph stones were taken out, someone must have jumped out to ask, after all, the value of this batch of things is too great, no one would give it up!

Unhurriedly: "You should ask Du Chengming this question. What I got here is only criminal evidence. When I rushed over, the things were gone."

Xu Xing took the words: "I can testify! If you don't believe me, you can ask Lu Zhantang of the Soul Palace."

All officials are speechless!

Who doesn't know that the three of you are good enough to wear a pair of trousers, so it's useless to ask.

Yang Kaitai didn't give up, and looked at Du Chengming: "Where is the elixir?"

Whether you say it or not, the outcome is the same.

Even if Du Chengming said that the thing was inside and it fell into Zhang Ronghua's hands, as long as the other party refused to admit it, there was nothing he could do about them. Even if Yang Kaitai danced happily, but from the attitude of His Majesty, he would not pursue this matter.

Eyes still closed, not saying a word.

Yang Kaitai had no choice but to watch the nine ten thousand year elixir (Thunder Tribulation elixir) being coveted by Zhang Ronghua and the others.

The dust has settled.

Emperor Xia's majestic voice sounded: "Du Chengming took refuge in the Shang Dynasty and punished the nine clans! The Metropolitan Procuratorate, Dali Temple, and the Ministry of Punishment jointly investigate this case. No matter who is involved, they will all be guilty of the same crime."

"Yes!" The heads of the three departments responded.

Emperor Xia said again: "Zhang Ronghua, Xu Xing, and Lu Zhantang have made meritorious service. The Ministry of Officials has produced a charter and submitted it to Tianji Pavilion, and then I will make a decision."

Jiang Shangcheng replied: "I obey the order!"


Emperor Xia got up from the dragon chair, Wei Shang supported his arm and left.

The prince turned around, walked over, stretched out his palm, straightened Zhang Ronghua's collar, patted his shoulder twice, turned and left.

There are so many people, it's not convenient to talk about it.

Zhang Ronghua understands that he will go to the East Palace after he is on duty.

He nodded with Pei Caihua, Chen Youcai and others, and left.

out of the hall.

The two walked to the side, Ding Yi chased after him, patted his chest, showing fear: "Du Chengming almost succeeded."

Xu Xing deeply felt the same: "Fortunately, we were one step ahead. If we got his criminal evidence later, it would be hard to tell what happened today."

asked again.

"Take advantage of the victory to pursue?"

"Yes." Zhang Ronghua responded.

"Let Jin Yaoguang keep an eye on it, plus there are our people in Dali Temple and the Ministry of Criminal Justice. When the case is over, the Metropolitan Procuratorate will definitely take on a new look."

After chatting for a few words, Xu Xing left and made an appointment to meet in Platinum Academy at night and meet together.

Bringing Ding Yi back to the Metropolitan Procuratorate, following Du Chengming's downfall, his people were taken away, and the entire Metropolitan Procuratorate has no leader, but no matter who it is, when they see Zhang Ronghua, they are all respectful and respectful, and they don't dare to make a big deal, for fear of being missed superior.

Huo Jingxiu, Han Zhenggang, Jin Yaoguang and others rushed over immediately. The former had a chat and the latter reported on their work. The attitude was very upright. After explaining some things, Huo Jingxiu stayed alone, and the others left.

"Qinglin, are you free tonight?"

Zhang Ronghua shook his head: "I don't have time tonight, I have to go to the East Palace after the next shift, and then get together in the Platinum Court."

Huo Jingxiu said: "I wanted to invite you and Chang Qing to my Huo's house tonight, but it seems we have to give up!"

asked with a smile.

"Do you mind having an extra pair of chopsticks?"

Zhang Ronghua said: "What are you talking about? If you don't open your mouth, I will invite you, and Changxiu will invite him together."

Changxiu is Huo Jingyun's nickname.

"Okay!" Huo Jingxiu agreed.

Knowing that he is very busy, after the matter is finished, take the initiative to leave.

They were the only ones left in the hall.

Ding Yi took out a plate of watermelon, handed over a toothpick, inserted a piece of watermelon and ate it: "Brother, is there a lot of noise this time?"

Zhang Ronghua put away his smile, nodded seriously, and also expected in his heart that the matter of the Metropolitan Procuratorate would be fully resolved, and he didn't know where he would be transferred.

Emperor Xia asked the Ministry of Officials to come up with the charter, and the various factions must compromise and reach an exchange of interests.

One thing is certain, the position vacated by Du Chengming must be in the hands of Emperor Xia. The positions of Li Yuliang and Bi Fangjie, including the positions of other people, must be exchanged, and the position vacated by Pang Yihai from the Ministry of War The position, plus Wu Jinxiu's position, and the promoted official of the Shangjing Mansion, with the promotion of Xu Xing, this position is also vacant.

There are too many official positions at a time, and they are all very important. It depends on the game between the parties. The big head will definitely take it himself, and his people will follow suit. No one can deny this.

Basically, an unspoken rule has been formed, two factions confront each other, one faction loses power, the victorious faction takes the lead, and the rest of the interests are exchanged. It does not work in the officialdom.

"Tomorrow's court must be very exciting."

Ding Yi blinked, and asked in a low voice, "Brother, is it in your hands?"

Zhang Ronghua did not answer directly, but instead asked, "What do you think?"


Getting up from the chair, Zhang Ronghua asked, "Follow me to Wanshu Hall, or to Dali Temple?"

"There are Jin Yaoguang, Lu Junxiu and others staring over there. It doesn't matter if I'm there or not. Besides! Things have come to this point, and other factions have to work hard to get something. I'd better go to Wanshu Palace with you!"


Royal study.

Emperor Xia sat on the dragon chair, his majestic face was replaced by a smile: "Qing Lin did not disappoint me!"

Wei Shang flattered without any trace: "Your Majesty, you know people with your eyes, how can you be wrong?"

Emperor Xia smiled even more: "The task of the Metropolitan Procuratorate has been completed, and we will wait and see whether we can make achievements in the new position."

Thinking of His Majesty's arrangement, Wei Shang admired it sincerely, Qinglin is really lucky, without it, the next arrangement will be very powerful!Even he is very envious.

The positions of Li Yuliang, Bi Fangjie, and Wu Jinxiu were all exchanged.

With a serious face, he returned to the emperor who held Wushuang's power again: "Shang Qingxuan's matter is not simple, there seems to be something wrong, let the Demon God of Absolute Beginning investigate, and I want to find out what is hidden inside."

Wei Shangdao: "This old slave understands!"

After the next dynasty.

He Wenxuan didn't go back to his office hall, his heart was very cold, as if a basin of cold water had been poured down, it was cold from head to toe, and he couldn't wait to come to Cui Gelao's place.

The temple door is closed.

Elder Cui Ge casually glanced at him, guessed his purpose, and asked: "Just now in the court hall, do you want to stand up and throw trouble?"

This is his elder and half a mentor, and he has nothing to hide from him.

He Wenxuan nodded heavily, and asked the doubts in his heart: "Did you already know?"

Old Cui Ge shook his head: "I don't know."

Actively answer.

"You have to keep in mind that what is controlled by others is not controlled by yourself after all. Even if the other party is fully sure, don't act rashly, let alone make a move at such a critical time. It's good to win! Once you lose, the loss is worse than the gain. It’s not worth it to pay several times more! The correct approach is to sit on the sidelines, watch quietly, and when the dust settles, no matter who wins or loses, they can follow suit.”

He Wenxuan made it clear. Although the soup is small, it accumulates into a lot. After a period of development, no one can ignore the power formed, and solemnly bowed: "I am a teacher!"

Hall of Ning Xin.

The ground was in a mess, covered with expensive vases, pieces of porcelain, and some priceless calligraphy and paintings were torn to pieces. Tables and chairs were kicked over, and even the bead curtains were torn off.

The queen was only wearing underwear, allowing her glittering and beautiful skin to be exposed, her jade hands clenched tightly, her red phoenix eyes spewing fire, as if she was hiding monstrous flames!

The news of the court came immediately, the weather, the location and the harmony of the people, all stood up, and there was a [-]% chance of winning, almost pressing Zhang Ronghua on the sticky board, as long as the knife fell, he could remove it, but Du Chengming, this trash, actually Can roll over!Let Zhang Ronghua seize the opportunity to prove his innocence, and even beat him back, using the criminal evidence he had, backhanded down a treason charge, and killed the charge.

Du Chengming was removed, and even the other people in the Metropolitan Procuratorate, one by one, no one can stay out of the matter, and they will all be in the same pot.

After so many years of layout, once it was destroyed, there was no counterattack at all.

Feeling aggrieved and having nowhere to vent, he could only vent his anger on these things, smashing them like crazy...

Su Qiutang's face was also ugly, Xinghua's eyes were full of coldness, extremely cold, and contained fierce murderous intent, which made people afraid from the bottom of their hearts and did not dare to look at him.

The atmosphere is chilling, as if there is a great horror hidden.

a long time.

Su Qiutang broke the calm, and a cold voice sounded: "I'll go there tonight."

"doing what?"

"Control him!"

The queen turned around, Danfeng's eyes were rare serious, no longer the laziness and carelessness of the past, with great coercion, and seemed to control the life and death of all living beings, asked back: "Worth it?"

Su Qiutang's gaze was firm, as if he had penetrated the palace and landed on the Metropolitan Procuratorate: "It wasn't worth it before, but looking at it now, it's worth it!"

The queen understands that Zhang Ronghua's climate has come, especially when Du Chengming is stepping on the throne. After the various factions reach an agreement and compromise interests, after tomorrow's reward comes down, the power will go further, and it is not far from joining the cabinet. With Pei Caihua's support, Xia The emperor secretly sent people to protect, it was impossible to intercept and kill, the only way to control secretly.

But that thing, although it can be used in conjunction with the secret technique - the magic of gods and demons, can only be used once. After one time, it will be gone. This is one of the most powerful cards of their sisters!

The four eyes met, and no one spoke.

Seeing that the atmosphere was getting worse, Su Qiutang pretended to be relaxed, stretched out his jade hand, and stroked his hair: "Although the Metropolitan Procuratorate failed, there is good news that the Wu Zu of the Wu Clan's Burial Tribe disappeared mysteriously. It's death, our people provoked a little, and these guys rioted and are plotting to attack Shangliang Town."

"What about the Jin Kingdom and the Five Elements Tribe?"

Su Qiutang continued: "As we guessed, the darkness can't sit still. Our people have fought against them in the Jin Kingdom, and it ended in a draw. After some investigation, they are also fanning the flames. Not surprisingly, the Jin Kingdom and the Five Elements Tribe It will also become our pawn."

The queen's eyes flickered fiercely, and what she said made people want to tear her into pieces: "It's not enough! Send people to spread the news in the Shang Dynasty. Shang Qingxuan was ruined in the underworld. She can't live or die."

"If this woman dares to do this, the Shang Dynasty should be ready to deal with it. I think within two days there will be news that Shang Qingxuan is dead!" Su Qiutang understood as soon as he finished speaking.

The news from the Shang Dynasty can only deceive outsiders, but cannot deceive the Emperor Shang, and members of the royal family, including important ministers, if they learn about this, even if they cannot make a move temporarily, this account will be kept in mind until the time is right , must have bitten off a piece of flesh and blood from Daxia's body.

"it is good!"


Zhang Ronghua didn't know that a plan against him had quietly started.

Wan Shu Dian.

Ding Yigang was about to sit cross-legged on the ground and practice the Golden Emperor Burning Heaven Kung Fu, but Zhang Ronghua told him to stop.

"Brother, what's wrong?"

"The advanced version of the Heavenly Emperor Conferring God Art has been created."

Ding Yi's eyes lit up, his face showed excitement, and he asked: "Really?"

Zhang Ronghua smiled and asked, "Otherwise?"

The index finger was raised, and the fingertips shone with golden light, passing on the advanced version.


Ding Yi opened his eyes, took out a 500-year-old elixir and took it, and tried to practice the advanced version of the Heavenly Emperor's Apotheosis Art. The realm is ten heavy, with detailed annotations, plus a simplified version of the experience, he will soon get started, and the spiritual light will rise to illuminate him.

watched for a while.

Seeing that everything was normal, Zhang Ronghua walked into the main hall, picked up the book and started to read the same thing as last time.

time flies.

In a blink of an eye, it was the next value.

Ding Yi got up and said happily: "Brother, the advanced version of the Heavenly Emperor Conferred God Art is five times stronger than the simple version, strengthening the soul, body, meridians, bones, blood vessels, etc., but it is difficult to open up 360 five orifices. Beat the sky!"

Zhang Ronghua said: "This is just the beginning, you won't know how terrible this secret technique is until you have opened up all the acupoints."

Say hello.

"Let's go!"

After leaving the Wanshu Palace and arriving at the Zhuque Gate, he drove towards the East Palace in a Changping car.

got here.

Ding Yi didn't go in, but waited in the car, and Ding Bo drove the car to the side.

Xuanhe Hall.

Zhang Ronghua chatted with the crown prince for a while, and before leaving, His Highness bestowed some spiritual fruits and Tianqiong jade wine, drove them in a car, and went to Platinum Academy to meet Xu Xing, Lu Zhantang and others...

After an hour and a half.

Zhang Ronghua returned home, looked at the uninvited visitor outside the courtyard gate, his face remained unchanged, his heart was cold, why did she come?

After discussing in the morning.

Su Qiutang was making preparations. Since he decided to do this, a little failure was not allowed, and he had to succeed no matter what, otherwise the price of failure would be too high to bear.

The purple long dress for the palace was changed into a light white short skirt, shoulder-length, revealing two snow-white and delicate jade arms, which could barely cover the buttocks, and no stockings, let the round, plump, The well-proportioned jade legs, exposed to the air, are paired with a pair of white embroidered shoes.

Three thousand blue silks floated casually behind her, black and bright, three phoenix hairpins, inserted into her hair in a triangle shape, a pair of purple pendants, and a ruby ​​underneath, shining a little bit of light, setting off the delicate facial features. More glamorous.

Xinghua eyes are very bright, as if the finishing touch has come to life, with tenderness, people can't help but relax, Qiong nose sets off the red lips, the lipstick is very bright, the two petals are closed, and they are slightly pried, making people want to pry open , Let’s take a look at what it’s like to taste.

This attire is matched with a dignified temperament, even if the superior person's aura is restrained, there is a little bit less heroic and powerful domineering, but a bit more Xiaojiabiyu, the tenderness, virtuous, sexy, and charm of the little aunt next door, all in one.

Smiling slightly, without any airs, relaxed and natural: "I'm not welcome?"

Zhang Ronghua said truthfully: "Not welcome!"

The relationship between the two parties has reached this stage, and there is only confrontation and confrontation left, and there is no room for relaxation. With his current power, he is not afraid of them.

Su Qiutang was not angry, still smiling, but took a step forward, letting the scent of flowers on her body float away, with her jade hands behind her back, looking at the sky: "People on the same boat shouldn't have come this far, I admit it , It is our fault that it has developed to the present, we should not have persecuted it too tightly, and we should not have shot one after another for our own selfishness."

"Things have already happened, is it still meaningful to say this?"

"Speak whether it makes sense or not!"

Zhang Ronghua said: "If this is your goal, you can leave now."

Look back.

Su Qiutang said, "How about making a deal?"

Zhang Ronghua's expression remained unchanged, he was thinking about something, it should not be Du Chengming's business, the case has been settled and cannot be changed, even if he comes forward, they must get rid of the people in the Metropolitan Procuratorate, this is the bottom line!

I was also curious, and wanted to see what kind of medicine was sold in their gourds, so I said in a deep voice, "Tell me!"

Su Qiutang turned her beautiful eyes, pointed at the gate of the courtyard and the empty street, her brows furrowed together: "Are you sure you want to be here?"

Zhang Ronghua is not used to her: "Speak as you like."

Su Qiutang was not annoyed, and responded with a smile: "Okay!"

With a wave of the jade hand, a beam of true energy fell down, forming a barrier.

Zhang Ronghua watched with cold eyes.

Covered by an enchantment, there is no need to worry about being eavesdropped by outsiders.

Su Qiutang asked: "I'm curious, what exactly did Shimin do to make you so determined?"

Zhang Ronghua asked back: "What happened last time, you want to put Qing'er and Shuang'er into the Jiaofang Division?"

The jade hand patted the purse at his waist, Su Qiutang took out a blue jade bottle, embroidered with exquisite patterns, put it in the palm of his hand and handed it over, with a playful face: "This is the Sanyuan Corpse God Pill. After eating it, life and death can be mastered." In the hands of others, the attack occurs every half a month. Every time the attack occurs, the soul and body are subjected to inhuman torture. If there is no antidote, every part of the body will be scratched to pieces, and the last drop of blood will be drained to death. After eating it, I will tell you everything you want to know."

Zhang Ronghua sneered, without concealing the sarcasm in his words: "Do you still have credibility?"

With a serious face, Su Qiutang said seriously, "Not for others, but for you!"

Zhang Ronghua counterattacked in the same way, took out a black jade bottle, which contained the Nine Souls Fierce Corpse Pill, and got it from someone from the Taiyi Academy: "Eat it, and I will agree to any conditions you ask."

"After eating it, life and death are in your hands, you still say?"

Zhang Ronghua mocked: "You don't even dare to let others eat your food?"

Four eyes facing each other.

The tip of the needle was facing the wheat awn, and the two sides looked at each other coldly without taking a step back.

The atmosphere suddenly turned cold, and the temperature dropped to the extreme, as if you were in a snow mountain.

Zhang Ronghua broke the calm and began to chase people away: "You can go."

Su Qiutang's temperament changed, serious, powerful, and majestic, showing the aura of the superior to the fullest, with sharp eyes, more terrifying than Lingbao, give an ultimatum, don't think about it again? "

"You want to make a move?"

Just as Su Qiutang was about to answer "Yes", she opened her mouth, but before she could say anything, a huge aura locked her invisibly, giving her a strong sense of crisis. This feeling was only felt by the old master back then. I've seen it, I'm puzzled, is he here?
Even if Zhang Ronghua and Yang Hongling had a good relationship, they would not appear here, let alone protect them personally.

There is only one possibility left, this person is very likely to be her good brother-in-law sent to protect Zhang Ronghua secretly. It was speculated before that the person sent by Emperor Xia to protect Zhang Ronghua is very strong. able!

thought here.

The fear is getting worse, how many cards are hidden in Emperor Xia's hands?

wrong!How many hole cards is the royal family hiding?There is actually a terrifying existence comparable to Huozu.

She has no certainty of victory, dare not act rashly, dare not say "yes", let alone use the carefully prepared plan.

The tough attitude disappeared, and the smile returned to the delicate face.

"You are a member of the imperial court, and I am a relative of the emperor, how could you make a move?"

Zhang Ronghua warned: "This is the last time, if you dare to appear in front of me next time."

Speaking of this, the words were cold and murderous.

"Du Chengming is your fate!"

She completely tore her face apart, leaving no sympathy behind.

Su Qiutang's face was so cold and ugly, the jade hands under the sleeves were tightly clenched, hiding a great deal of anger, he really wanted to raise his palm and slap him to death.

Zhang Ronghua shouted: "Open!"

Stalemate for a few seconds.

Seeing that the imperceptible momentum was getting stronger and stronger, Su Qiutang did not dare to hesitate, fearing that the other party would make a move. Although he was not afraid, if they were injured, the situation was not optimistic for them.

With a wave of jade hand, he reluctantly put away the barrier.

Zhang Ronghua didn't even look at her, he opened the courtyard door and walked in.

Looking at the closed courtyard door.

Su Qiutang took a deep look, and was about to go back and tell her sister the news.


Artificial lake.

Shi Bo sat casually on the stone, not disliking its coldness, looking at the waning moon in the night sky, heard the sound of footsteps, and stood up: "You are back!"

The coldness on Zhang Ronghua's face disappeared, and he smiled: "Are you insomnia again?"

"It's an old problem, and it won't change for a while."

"go to bed early!"


When he entered the room and looked outside, a gleam flashed in Shi Bo's muddy eyes, and he muttered to himself: "I thought I was a little powerful, and I even forgot who I was."

As soon as he took a step, he disappeared from the spot, and what he was using was the legendary supreme supernatural power - shrinking the ground to an inch.

On Suzaku Avenue.

Su Qiutang stopped and looked at the man in black ten steps away. His whole body was enveloped by a force, which he couldn't see through. With his face covered, only two eyes were exposed, without any aura, as if he had merged into the world. If it wasn't for the naked eye See, as if it doesn't exist.

The reaction was quick, and he guessed that it was probably the old monster of the royal family sent by Brother-in-Law to protect Zhang Ronghua. He said coldly, "You want to stop me?"

Shi Bo's hoarse voice sounded: "You are courageous enough to forge the supreme foundation with the body of a god and demon, reincarnated and reborn. The chance of success is so small that it is almost impossible to succeed, but if you succeed, the benefits you get are also great. The power is the same as the previous two. times."

Su Qiutang's pupils shrank. He didn't expect that his most powerful hole card would be seen through by the person in front of him. With a step, tens of thousands of spiritual lights bloomed, a terrifying aura erupted, and murderous aura surged into the sky, just like someone walking out of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. Killing God: "You can die!"

call out!
With a step forward, he appeared in front of him in an instant, and struck out with one finger. It seemed simple and unremarkable, but it concealed a power that could destroy the world, and wanted to kill Shi Bo.

There is no fear on the face, the wind is light and the clouds are calm.

Shi Bo still had his hands behind his back, and his bearing was not comparable to that of ordinary people: "It's a pity! You haven't fully integrated the two forces, and you haven't taken that step. It's not enough to see."

Swipe at will.

Dao Yuan (the metamorphosis of Zhen Yuan) rushed out and turned into countless blue lights, hitting her finger, knocking it into the air, and severely wounding Su Qiutang.

With a sweet heart, he spat out a blood arrow heavily, and fell to the ground in embarrassment.

Withdraw palm.

Shi Bo said again: "If there is another time, this old man will take your life!"

A blue light flashed and disappeared from the spot.

Su Qiutang couldn't pretend anymore, and as soon as Shi Bo left, another arrow of blood spit out with a wow, his complexion was pale, and his breath became weaker, like a swinging candle, which could be extinguished at any time.

Not daring to delay, he took out a handful of precious healing elixir, swallowed it whole without looking at it, even so, the injury in his body was still very serious, and it would take a short time to recover.

Holding on to the wall, he struggled to stand up, looked at the direction where the other party disappeared, couldn't believe it, and overturned the previous conclusion!

"He is not from the palace! If he is, even if he is Huo Zu, it is impossible to step into that realm. Even if there are old monsters hidden in the royal family, from the information we have investigated, at most he is comparable to Huo Zu, not so powerful!"

Trying hard to recall, trying to find out information about this person.

After a while, I gave up helplessly!

When did such a powerful figure appear in the continent?Be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with the old master!
He understands everything he doesn't understand. With such a person protecting him, it's no wonder that Zhang Ronghua has been safe and sound. Even if the old master makes a move, he can at most draw with him, but cannot win.

With heavy steps, he rushed towards the palace with difficulty.


in the room.

"Cough! Cough..."

Shi Bo had already returned, coughing violently, and took out a handkerchief to cover his mouth. When he took it away, his old face was already stained red with blood, and his old face looked even older.

With a random pinch, the handkerchief dissipated immediately.

"time is limited."


Zhang Ronghua didn't know that when he entered the bedroom, Shi Bo shot and taught Su Qiutang a lesson.


He was just about to break through, and after polishing during this period, his true energy had been perfected. He slapped the palm of his hand on the belt of the Five Dragon Yuling, and took out the Waking Sting Egg, the Divine Charm Pill, the Tidal Purple Qi Fruit, and ten jade boxes, etc.

Each of these things is against the sky, and they are all the results of this period of time.

With a wave of his sleeve, a golden light fell down, opening the ten jade boxes, revealing the Ten Thousand Years Elixir and Thunder Tribulation Elixir inside.

There is no rush to break through, adjust the state, and wait until the sky is bright before breaking through, which will get twice the result with half the effort.

A quarter of an hour later.

Zhang Ronghua opened his eyes, everything was ready, it was time to start.

Dividing these things in front of him into two batches, Du Chengming really gave a big gift. If there were no ten jade boxes, based on his accumulation, this breakthrough could only be martial arts, not a double breakthrough (martial arts, soul master).

There is soul elixir in the thunder robbing elixir, accounting for one-third, plus the magic charm pill, and the accumulation of terror, enough!
Let's start with martial arts.

Opening his mouth and swallowing it, the Xuanhuang True Essence turned into a giant mouth swallowing the sky, swallowing the Stinging Egg, the Tidal Purple Qi Fruit, and half of the ten thousand-year elixir. Just after entering the belly, it turned into a terrifying force, roaring and wandering wildly. The Ascension to Heaven Realm is simply unbearable, and will explode in an instant.

But Zhang Ronghua is different, the physical body has also reached the peak of ascending to heaven, no matter how powerful it is, the chaotic dharma body circulates for a big circle, then suppresses it, twists his hands, changes the seal method, circulates the black and yellow open heavenly skills to refine, tens of thousands of golden lights Blooms, bursting from within, illuminating the entire room.

The terrifying aura came out. Fortunately, an enchantment was set up to block them. If not, it would cause a huge commotion and attract countless people.

As time passed, the medicinal power was refined little by little, and I don't know how long it took until the Waking of Insect Eggs were all refined, controlling this huge force, and charging forward.


There was a clear sound of shattering, the bottleneck in front of him was shattered, he broke through to the Heaven Sealing Realm, and the vision manifested, with mountains and rivers, the sun and the moon above his head, and thousands of golden lotuses below him, bathed in the ringing sound of the avenue.

Breaking through to Fengtian Realm, comprehending one's own Dao, life level, strength, and earth-shaking improvement are far from comparable to before.

He didn't stop, and continued to work hard to stabilize his realm.

When the cultivation base is solidified, he will take the God of Creation Daotian Shenyun Pill, Thunder Tribulation Elixir, etc. in one go.

Good Fortune Daotian Shenyun Pill is really strong, it is worthy of the old man of reincarnation who has worked so hard to prepare for so many years, purifies the soul, fits the Dao, and cultivates better, achieving the effect of twice the result with half the effort.

After the transformation of the soul is completed, the crystal light flows without any impurities, like a piece of beautiful jade, exuding myriads of aura, the power of the thunder-robbing elixir is also refined, controlling this terrifying power to rush forward, it will be a matter of course, no A little obstruction, without it, the accumulation is too terrifying, coupled with the help of many thunder and elixir medicines, it is easier to break through to the holy realm, which is comparable to the heaven-sealing realm, and also comprehend one's own way.

When it stops, the soul master's cultivation base has been stabilized.

Open your eyes and feel the changes in your body. The power of true essence and soul has increased by six times, the quality is higher, the Tao rhyme contained is stronger, and the strength has become even more terrifying. Even the physical body is quenched by the two forces when it breaks through. If you practice it once, you don't even need the help of Lingbao, and you can break through after a period of hard work.

The most important point, qualitative change!


You can try to create your own exercises, once you create them, your strength will skyrocket to an even more terrifying level.

Looking at the sky outside the window, it was already bright. After morning, he touched his nose and smiled bitterly: "Time flies so fast."

The rewards should not be negotiated well, so many positions are involved, one day is not enough, and I am afraid that there will be some quarrels before the various factions can reach an agreement.

The matter of the Metropolitan Procuratorate has been settled, and I went to read in the Wanshu Palace, why not take this opportunity to relax, steal half a day of leisure and enjoy myself.

Open the door and go out, walk to the edge of the artificial lake and stop.

He didn't use any martial skills, supernatural powers, nor used his true energy. He did whatever he wanted, punching and punching. In the eyes, every move, with Dao Yun, one punch down, the power is infinite, can blow up a mountain peak.

Seeing this scene in his eyes, Shi Bo smiled gratifiedly, and he was a long way from reaching the summit!

A set of punches is finished.

Zhang Ronghua felt refreshed, never felt so comfortable, and felt that every cell in his body was full of infinite vitality.

After washing up, put on a set of clean clothes, and prepare to go home later, and pass on the Heavenly Emperor's Conferred God Art to parents, so as to strengthen their physique and increase their lifespan.

Shi Bo came over: "Qinglin, it's time for breakfast."

"En." Zhang Ronghua nodded.

Into the lobby.

Ma Ning and Ma Jing had already prepared the bowls and chopsticks. When he sat down, everyone would sit down. A few more people were just a matter of adding a few more pairs of chopsticks. Zhang Ronghua didn't pay much attention to this aspect.

But they abide by the rules and only eat one dish, and they shouldn't move for a while.

Finish a meal.

Zhang Ronghua told them to let them cultivate in a good way, and drove them to Fugui Fang in the Time Car.

Seeing the young master coming back, Zhang Feng was quite surprised. Yesterday the court earthquake, such a big movement, has already been heard, isn't it in the court at this moment?Why are you back now?
If you don't understand it, you don't understand it, and the reaction is quick, and you quickly greet it.

When the young master came down, he asked the doubts in his heart: "You didn't go to court?"

Zhang Ronghua said casually: "I'm a little tired, take a day off and Ding Yi will ask for leave for me."


"Father and mother are in the mansion?"

Zhang Feng looked strange, and pointed in the direction of the backyard: "Wu Xiu is here."

Zhang Ronghua frowned: "What is she here for?"

"I come here almost every day, I don't know the specific villain."

Zhang Ronghua nodded, entered the courtyard, and walked towards the backyard.

(Note: Modified)

 10000 words burst!
  I fell asleep lying on the keyboard last night, and the monthly ticket plus update will be returned tomorrow.

  Ask for a monthly ticket, brothers and sisters, Chongya, if you dare to vote, Bazhuo dares to fight.

  Ask for follow-up, full order, poor, pitiful, humble and helpless little author.

(End of this chapter)

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