Let you be a proton, you chase the empress of the enemy country?

Chapter 163 Consummation!Zhao Ning: Maybe I came at the wrong time?

Chapter 163 Consummation!Zhao Ning: Maybe I came at the wrong time?
Tangtang, let's consummate the room tonight!

Li Caimei felt these seven words from her slightly itchy palms, and her face blushed immediately.

Her pretty face flushed slightly, and she glared at Ying Wuji feigning anger.

This bastard, his skin is getting thicker and thicker.

However, the relationship between the two had already developed to this point, and it was only because of the last knot in her heart that she did not completely hand herself over to Ying Wuji for the time being.


Today's fireworks are really beautiful.

And the fires spreading all over the country of Li should really help the two of them get the power they want.

Although Li Caimei still doesn't know Ying Wuji's specific plan, but combined with the last dream, she also vaguely guessed something.

Before, she just thought that Ying Wuji had mastered a dream-controlling ability. Although dream-controlling spells were rare, they were not without them.

Change the dream, give yourself a dream wedding, just make yourself happy.

But look at the current situation.

So many people from Wei and Han responded at the same time, and they were so uniform, which showed that the scope of this dream-controlling spell was extremely terrifying, and Ying Wuji had been deeply involved in the dream world, and had already achieved extremely terrifying results.

This world...

There is such a terrifying dream control spell?

As a member of the Li family, she has read all over the world and has never heard of any dream-controlling spells that can reach this level.

Even the Spiritual Martial God Realm, which everyone in the world yearns for, requires a specific jade pendant to enter.

I have never heard of this kind of spell that easily pulls tens of thousands of people into a dream.

How did this bastard figure it out?
Li Caimei couldn't figure it out.

Zhao Ji also couldn't figure it out.

The corners of his mouth raised wildly, but his brows were tightly locked.

Joy and doubt crazily intertwined in his heart, causing his emotions to be somewhat torn apart.

"I didn't expect Taoism to help so much!"

"But how on earth did they do it?"

"Such a big move must require extremely strict deployment. Why didn't the Gu and Wei Han families find anything tricky?"

For today's situation.

He was naturally overjoyed.

But this pair of hands that agitated Fengyun made him feel a little apprehensive.

Fortunately, it happened in Wei and Han. If this situation happened in Zhao, it would bring him nothing but fear.


Ying Wuji grinned, it seemed that he knew a little about Zhao Ji.

My father-in-law, whether as a king or as a father-in-law, has done quite well in most places.

But as a king, he must be wary of such actions that are not under his control.

Fortunately, I have made many hints. In the past month of communication, I have analyzed many general trends in the world, and I have expressed my respect for Taoism both openly and secretly.

That's why Zhao Ji was so naturally associated with Taoism.

A dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist.

And my father-in-law will not deal with you.

Fellow Taoists.

I am wronged you to take the blame for me.

Ying Wuji read a few words silently, and grinned: "The Taoist school has been silent for many years. I didn't expect to send out a shocking gift until today. It seems that the father is really a king who conforms to the general trend. Otherwise, the Taoist school would not be able to repeat it. This time I will help my father and king."

Thousands of wears, no flattery.

When Zhao Ji heard this, his brows relaxed a lot: "The Taoists really did their best!"

Dread belongs to dread.

But this move really helped Li Guo a lot.

Even if it is a little uncontrollable, the advantages will definitely outweigh the disadvantages.

Looking at the various incidents in the second half of the year, the Taoist school really made a lot of efforts, not to mention sending out elite disciples to take up positions. Just the efforts of Zhongpan have helped the royal family of Li a lot, even Jiang Taiyuan, a traitor, helped The royal family of Li solved the problem of blood curse.

Later, Han Juan announced the news of Shang Wangjian in public, openly targeting Li's hidden Ji surname alliance.

This time... [-]% of it is also their handwriting.

It seems that for the establishment of the Dali Academy this time, a seat for the master of the palace must be reserved for them.

Zhao Ji laughed and said, "Next, we'll see how many people can escape!"

For this situation, he didn't have a lot of confidence.

After all, for this kind of large-scale migration, there is a big difference between whether there is official assistance or not. Whether the official assists or suppresses, the difference is even greater.

When the Wei and Han families finish solving the fire problem, they will definitely do their best to hunt down the refugees.

Although I sent troops to involve the strength of the Wei and Han families, it was only to share the pressure.

This time, in the Wei and Han lands, [-] households could escape, which should be the limit.

But [-] households are enough.

When the time comes, be ruthless and let the small family that surrenders to the Zhao family move as many people in the land as they can, then let the Zhao family take over their land, and then let the Zhao family move to [-] households in Xindi.

In this way, the Zhao family's clan can infiltrate one third at most, and the old man Zhao Ying may not be able to fully command this third.

Everything is within controllable range.

of course.

The more common people escaped from Wei and Han lands, the better, but no matter how many there are, they cannot completely embezzle the interests of the clan. After all, the clan opened up cultivation resources to the new land.

There has to be the perfect balance.

Zhao Ji smiled: "This migration did not happen overnight. Although the situation is not yet clear, there should be no changes in a short time. Go back and have a good rest. You will remember to come tomorrow, so you can use it as a school." As a sacrificial wine, the official uniform will be sent to your house tomorrow morning."

"Yes! Erchen retire!"

Ying Wuji responded with a smile.

In the past, it was impossible for me, a son-in-law without a real job, to attend the Great Court Meeting without a special summons.

But tomorrow's grand court meeting is really interesting, so it's a pity not to participate.

And since he intends to let himself be Zhao Ning's right-hand man, he will definitely devolve the real power slowly.

Arms, after all, need muscles.

Zhao Ji smiled and said, "Go down and rest! Caimei, you go down too!"

Li Caimei saluted respectfully: "Yes! My son will retire!"

After finishing speaking, the two got up one after another and left Chongli Hall.

Along the way, the two walked in tandem.

Not much communication.

After all, as long as Zhao Ning's identity is not disclosed for a day, the two of them will still need to keep a distance from each other. They must pay attention to everything outside the Qingjiang Palace.

It's just that Li Caimei would be unhappy because of this in the past, but today's steps are extremely brisk.

Before getting into the carriage, she smiled lightly at Ying Wuji: "The fireworks are really beautiful!"


Ying Wuji nodded with a smile, and watched the carriage drive towards Qingjiang Palace.

Then he happily left the palace, found a dark place, and disappeared in one go.


Qingjiang Palace.

Zhao Ji did not go back to rest, but was still closely following all the changes in Wei and Han.

The officials who were sent there had been busy for so long, and they could not achieve anything under the restrictions of Wei Han.

After finally taking advantage of this opportunity to make amends, of course it must be fully utilized.

So the messenger talisman and the messenger talisman, which are usually too expensive, are like firewood that costs no money today.

Messages came one by one.

Although Zhao Ji thought that there would not be much progress in a short time, he couldn't help paying attention.

After all, the issue of immigration has made him anxious for a long time.

Suddenly such a shocking turn of events happened tonight.

He really couldn't sleep, so he didn't want to sleep at all.


When Zhao Ji sat quietly for about half an hour.

A figure quietly appeared in the hall.

Zhao Ji raised his eyebrows slightly: "This time the Northern Expedition, your cultivation level has improved a lot! You came back faster than I imagined!"

This figure was none other than Zhao Ning who had received a secret order to return to Jiang first.

Zhao Ning was wearing military armor at the moment, with fine beads of sweat on his forehead, and the surging energy and blood all over his body had not yet calmed down.

More than two months of the Northern Expedition caused subtle changes in her temperament.

Although his appearance didn't change much, from a prince full of manners, he now has the temperament of a female general.

On her body, there was more fierceness and domineering that Zhao Ji had been looking forward to for a long time.

Zhao Ning smiled slightly: "This battle has been fruitful, and I have learned many mysteries of the Chongli Sword."

It was also after entering the fetal transformation state that Zhao Ning understood how important the natal magic weapon is.

This Chongli sword is the supreme treasure of the Zhao family, and it contains countless exquisite sword moves and sword intentions.

It was only [-]% of the fusion, and she felt that her strength had improved to a higher level.

Especially after learning to control the sword, the speed has increased several times.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to rush back to Chongli Palace so quickly.

"very good!"

Zhao Ji stroked his beard and laughed, and poured a glass of wine for Zhao Ning himself: "Sit down and have a rest!"

Zhao Ning took it and drank it down. Looking at Zhao Ji's relaxed and carefree expression, he couldn't help being a little puzzled: "Father! But what makes you happy?"

With an unstoppable smile on Zhao Ji's face, he told her everything that happened just now.

"Is this true?"

Zhao Ning's eyes brightened.

Zhao Ji laughed loudly: "Is it possible to lie to you as a father?"

Zhao Ning couldn't help being overjoyed. When she was in the north, she didn't know the difficulties of the emigration order.

But she can also guess some, because Zhao Ji gave her many orders one after another, with many contents, but they can be summed up in only four words: quick battle and quick decision!

From far away, she could feel Zhao Ji's anxiety.

That's why they fought desperately, burned their blood several times, and drove Di Kingdom completely to the north of Yinshan Mountain in the shortest time.

Then after the situation stabilized, she finally received a message talisman from Zhao Ji, and then she knew that not only Wei and Han lands were like swamps, but even that old man Zhao Ying was secretly attacking.

She was furious.

That's why they gave up the large army and rushed back overnight Yujian.

Unexpectedly, a big fire directly tore a big hole in the ultimate defense of Wei and Han.

Really, God favored?

Zhao Ning's heart calmed down in an instant, but she still had to rush back with the royal guards. After all, it was just a big hole, and she was still far away from real success.

Moreover, the main force comes from the Zhao clan. Although they all obey their orders, there are still many people from that old man Zhao Ying.

If he forcibly expels the people who migrated from Zhao Tu, there will inevitably be some other voices in the army. Although they can definitely be suppressed, it is best not to make any moths appear at this juncture.

So this matter must be done by the royal guard.

It just happened to free up the main force of the Zhao family to deter the Wei and Han families.

Zhao Ning smiled slightly and said, "That's very good, my son will set off with the guards!"

"Not urgent!"

Zhao Ji waved his hand: "Although the outcome is uncertain, we are the ones who have the upper hand. The group of battalion dogs finally showed their flaws. We should attack the heart first. You will go to court tomorrow, and in the afternoon, Gu will prepare the expedition ceremony for you." , in the name of 'building a new land and welcoming all people'!"

"it is good!"

Zhao Ning also felt that this was the best choice, but it only took half a day, so it was worth it!

Zhao Ji smiled and said, "Then go back and rest first!"

Zhao Ning frowned: "Father! My son has one more thing!"


"This time the Northern Expedition, Di Guo has tricks!"

As soon as this word comes out.

Zhao Ji's face also darkened slightly. The success of the Northern Expedition this time was indeed a bit too unexpected.

It's true that Di Guo's vitality was seriously injured.

It is true that a first-grade spiritual fetus is powerful.

But considering all factors, Zhao Ning was still nearly half faster than expected.

Zhao Ji didn't believe that there was nothing tricky about it, but now the internal problems were more urgently resolved, so he didn't pay too much attention to this aspect.

He asked in a deep voice, "What's so tricky?"

Zhao Ning took a deep breath: "This time Di Guo's resistance is actually not weak, and the fighting spirit is not bad. Their tactics are still there, but the strategy is a mess. It feels like the soldiers want to defend the city, but the highest commander doesn't want to. Win, so the minister can be as powerful as a bamboo."

"You mean, this is the meaning of Di Guo's senior management?"

"I'm afraid so!"

Zhao Ning nodded and said: "If you don't seek small profits, you must have big plans, not to mention that such a large piece of land is not small profits. My ministers sent people to search important places in various cities, but found nothing else, but found that every city has big ones. Traces of demon activity."

Big demon!

Zhao Ji was startled.

Those who can be called great monsters can at least be compared to the strong warriors of the human race.

This kind of big monster is absolutely not allowed to exist in the human world.

But there are so many in Di Country.

The territory of Di Country is not small at all. The area south of Yinshan and bordering Qianli only occupies a small part. The large territory is actually north of Yinshan. It is said that it is connected to Yaoyu.

The Central Plains Dynasty has hardly ever fought north of Yinshan Mountain, so they don't know much about the situation there.

But now it seems that there may be a lot of collusion between Di Guo and Yaozu!
And this time Di Kingdom's defeat across the board may also have something to do with the Yaozu.

Zhao Ji squinted his eyes: "Continue to investigate the matter of the Yaozu, but don't worry too much about it. The Yaozu will not make any big moves for a while. This time, they just gave you Liwei for nothing. After Li's political reform, we will be stable, no matter what conspiracy the Yaozu has, we can deal with it calmly!"

"My son understands!"

"Go down and rest!"



the other end.

Ying Wuji is familiar with the road.

Soon arrived at the familiar small courtyard.

As soon as he got out of the soil, he felt a soft body in his arms.

Li Caimei put her head on his shoulder and complained softly, "Why are you so slow?"

The corner of Ying Wuji's mouth twitched: "Isn't this the normal speed? I even accelerated this time!"

"But, it's slow!"

Li Caimei raised her face, her eyes seemed to be glued to his face.

After looking at each other for a long time, I asked with a smile: "I look good, or do fireworks look good?"

"Of course you look good!"

Ying Wuji leaned closer: "Otherwise, why am I not satisfied after watching the fireworks, and come to see you with desire and dissatisfaction?"

Li Caimei blushed, and gave him a vicious look: "I knew that you came here tonight with no good intentions."

Ying Wuji grinned: "It's not bad, I've always been human!"

After finishing speaking, he immediately picked her up by the waist, walked quickly into the room, and then kicked her back.

The door was shut tightly.

There is no light in the room, and the vision is very affected, but because of this, the other senses have been sharpened several times out of thin air.

Ying Wuji pushed her down on the bed, trying to be gentle, but his movements seemed a little rough because of his boiling blood.

Their cheeks were so close that their noses almost touched.

He could clearly feel the warm and fragrant breath hitting his face, and he could also feel her soft body and the beating heart in her chest.

He could even feel that her temperature seemed to have increased a lot, and her breathing became more rapid.


Li Caimei couldn't help but speak.

Ying Wuji bullied himself forward, and acted forcefully: "If you drive me away again tonight, I won't obey you!"

"Why would I drive you away?"

Li Caimei has never been "bullyed" by a man before, but at this moment she has no resentment at all, and even has an unprecedented sense of security, and... a faint expectation.

But she still whispered: "But can you tell me, what is your plan?"

Ying Wuji smiled and asked, "Do you have to ask clearly?"

Li Caimei pursed her lips: "No! But... I still want to give you everything with peace of mind!"

"All right!"

Although Ying Wuji felt that this was a bit disruptive, what Tangtang lacked the most was a sense of security.

Then he turned over, held her in his arms, and told her roughly his plan.

Of course, some details are glossed over.

"So it is!"

Li Caimei finally felt relieved. Although she didn't know politics very well, she had heard a lot from Zhao Ning and Ying Wuji.

She knew that the core of Li Guo's reform is to establish a new order.

This new order is very complicated, but it can be summed up in one sentence, that is, everyone can climb up through hard work, and all people or families who live on a vegetarian diet should gradually decline.

Especially after Ying Wuji contributed to the cultivation of resources, in the entire Dali New Land, this rule will definitely be brought into full play.

This group of young people taught by Ying Wuji will definitely stand out and become the biggest beneficiaries of this rule.

In a few years, when they become the mainstay of the Li country, Ying Wuji will gain an unprecedented status.

It shouldn't be a big problem to keep the child, because at that time the biggest conflict in Li State was still the external conflict, Zhao Ji couldn't possibly lose so much vitality in order to turn his face.After Zhao Ji passed away, no one would limit his children.


Ying Wuji looked at Li Caimei's gloomy eyes: "Do you think I'm sorry for Zhao Ning by doing this, like poaching Zhao Ning's corner?"

He knew very well that even though Tangtang was born in the Li family, his fate was quite tragic.

But still a girl next door with a simple moral outlook.

For so many years, she has always been very grateful to Zhao Ning, and the only remaining resentment comes from the royal family.

Li Caimei nodded lightly: "A little bit! But it's not your fault, you've done enough."

Ying Wuji smiled: "Actually, this matter, in the final analysis, stems from the arrogance of the king. All the favors to the king are taken for granted. No matter how well you do, it is nothing more than changing from a commoner to a hero." , The hero is also a minister, and it is never possible to become a master.

But as long as you have something bad, you are treason against the royal power.

It's not to blame His Majesty and Zhao Ning, because no one in this world is exempt!

Even if I became the king by accident, I might be just as arrogant.

But I don't think I'm sorry for them.

I give them far more than I get from them.

Everything I do is theirs as long as they are worthy of me.

All I want is for us to be good! "


Li Caimei nodded.

She doesn't want to think about what is reasonable and what is not reasonable in this world, because she has no intention to change and is powerless to change.

She only knew that the bastard she was holding had paid a lot for herself.

Raising her head slightly, she kissed Ying Wuji's neck.

a bit.


Who can stand this?

Ying Wuji asked, "Are you at ease?"

Li Caimei hummed lightly.

Ying Wuji was elated, turned over and prepared to do something like a beast.


Caimei Lee: "Wait!"

The corner of Ying Wuji's mouth twitched: "You still want to find an excuse to drive me away, right?"

Li Caimei was a little shy: "No! You, can you light up the candle..."

Ying Wuji: "..."

Li Caimei turned her face to the side, and her voice was as thin as a mosquito: "I have been looking forward to this day for a long time, I don't want to just pass by like this. I, I want to look at you!"

Ying Wuji: "..."

Li Caimei blushed hot, but a little angry: "Don't you want to look at me?"

"Think, think! You wait for me!"

Ying Wuji quickly got out of bed and turned on a few lamps. The room didn't become particularly bright, and it was even a little dark, but it was just enough for the two of them to see each other clearly.

He leaned back again and asked with a smile, "Is this brightness enough?"

"Just right!"

Li Caimei was a little flustered, but extremely bold, she put her arms around Ying Wuji's neck, and pecked his lips.

This time she was much more proficient, Ying Wuji grinned without touching her teeth.

This kiss became sweeter and hotter.

By the time their lips parted, the breathing of the two of them was unreasonably short.

As for her skirt, Ying Wuji had already untied it for some unknown reason.

The air in winter nights is a bit cool.

Instead, she sat up, leaned against the head of the bed, and took off all the messy clothes.

Under Ying Wuji's eyes, she was so panicked that she just wanted to run away, but she still had the courage to look him in the eye.

He asked in a low voice, "Is it pretty?"



After half an hour.

Lying on the bed, Ying Wuji felt that everything he experienced just now was like a dream.

In this regard, Tangtang is obviously a little bit dishonest.

It's like a little wild cat hunting for the first time, trembling because of nervousness, but still brave enough to show its teeth and claws.

This experience will never be forgotten.


It's really painful for the little wild cat to scratch people with its paws!
Ying Wuji took a breath of cool air. Although he couldn't see his back, he could clearly feel several streaks of blood on it.

This bitch!

He tried to mend the wound with zhenqi. After all, he held the magic healing skill of "blossoming instantly", and it only took a few breaths to restore this kind of wound to its original state.

It's just that the true energy has just been mobilized.

He rubbed his head on his shoulder in dissatisfaction.

"Can you keep them for a while?"


"I want you to remember it better."

"All right!"

Ying Wuji grinned, and couldn't help cursing in his heart: This impression is already deep enough, don't use this thing to deepen the impression!

But that's what Sugar said.

If such a small request is rejected, I am afraid that there will be disharmony in the future.

Li Caimei smiled and raised her face: "I have practiced the Zhao family's Jade Girl Kungfu. If, if I have a man I like, I will lose nearly [-]% of my kung fu. But our Li family has a double-cultivation secret method. Qi, I have been extradited to your dantian."

Ying Wuji knew about this kind of skill a long time ago, otherwise she would not have mistakenly thought that she was a genius secretly cultivated by the royal family.

There is no harm to the body in such a dispersal of kung fu, but it is really painful to lose [-]% of the kung fu for nothing.

Ying Wuji couldn't help asking: "You have worked so hard to cultivate these skills. Could it be that you..."

"I regret that I won't practice!"

Li Caimei laughed lightly: "What I was thinking at the time was that I should raise my own power first, and if I could meet my sweetheart, I would be a good wife. I don't like to fight and kill! The cultivation talent of Kun Cheng's body It's a pity to waste it, why not do it? It's just..."

Ying Wuji asked, "But what?"

Li Caimei frowned slightly: "It's just that when I broke through the realm of fetal transformation, I was only a second-grade spiritual fetus. If you are really only a second-grade spiritual fetus, it will be of some use to you. If you are a first-grade spiritual fetus , the effect will be greatly reduced.”

Ying Wuji: "..."

Li Caimei leaned sideways on his chest, stared into his eyes and feigned anger: "But I just felt that your spiritual fetus seems to be much higher than mine. Tell me! Did you hide this from me?"

Ying Wuji: "..."

Just now I just invested in it, so I didn't hide it much.

Didn't expect her to be so sharp.

For a while, he didn't know how to explain, he hummed and laughed for a long time, but he didn't give an explanation.

Li Caimei was surprised and delighted: "Could it be that you are already a first-grade spiritual fetus?"

Ying Wuji grinned: "Maybe even higher than a first-grade spirit fetus!"

Caimei Li: "..."

It is even higher than a first-grade spiritual fetus.

Could it be that one of the items of energy and spirit has broken through to the thirteenth floor?

Be nice!

Is there really a monster in this world who can cultivate to the thirteenth floor?
And it's his own husband.

It seems that the future is more hopeful.

But he is stronger than a first-grade spirit embryo, so wouldn't his true energy be...

She wanted to cry without tears: "So I have worked so hard to cultivate for so long, and it is equivalent to cooking a delicious meal to nourish your body?"

It seems so...

Ying Wuji felt it for a while, although the amount of real energy she extradited was not small, and it was extremely pure.

But his current body is like a vast ocean.

Quantitative change is impossible.

Refining these is really almost like eating a good meal.

Just make up your mind.

He thought for a while and comforted, "Actually, you don't have to be sad..."

"I am not sad!"

Li Caimei's eyes changed a little, and she leaned into his ear and whispered, "You are taller than a first-grade spiritual fetus, so are you in good health?"

Ying Wuji: "???"

He was very happy because he finally lived a life without shame.

But a little helpless.

Because Hua Chao is still waiting at home.

However, after estimating the time, there is still close to an hour...

He looked at Li Caimei who was full of shyness and anticipation, and nodded: "I am in good health!"


Tenderness and sweetness.

A blend of water and milk.

It's getting better soon.

The room was affixed with a soundproof note early on, so there is no need to worry...


The door was pushed open.

"Caimei, I'm back!"

Zhao Ning's voice sounded.


Zhao Ning's voice.

Ying Wuji's voice.

Caimei Lee's voice.

Disappeared at the same time.

There was a deathly silence in the room.

The six eyes are opposite.

I was stunned for a while.

"Take your hands away!"

Li Caimei exclaimed, slapped the back of Ying Wuji's hand off, and wanted to hide under the quilt, but the quilt had already disappeared.

He could only hide behind Ying Wuji.

Then the situation got even more awkward.

Zhao Ning was tongue-tied, the scene in front of her had too much visual impact on her, so she quickly covered her eyes: "Sorry! Maybe, I came at the wrong time."

Ying Wuji was in a daze, and followed the next line: "No! You came at the right time!"

Caimei Li: "???"

Zhao Ning: "???"

The air seemed to condense.

Zhao Ning froze all over, and stammered: "I, I'm waiting for you outside, hurry up!"

After all, he fled in despair.

Ying Wuji turned around: "Tangtang, shall we continue?"

"Continue with your head!"

Embarrassed and angry, Li Caimei pinched the soft flesh on his waist, and asked in a low voice: "What do you mean she came at the right time?"

Ying Wuji: "I, I..."

Li Caimei spat lightly: "Let's call it a day, put on your clothes quickly!"

Ying Wuji: "Okay..."

After a while.

Dress neatly.

He turned around and took a look, only to find that Li Caimei was hiding under the blanket with his head covered.

have to say.

The scene just now was a bit embarrassing.

He sighed lightly.

It's time to end.

So he crushed the talisman paper in his arms, and informed Hua Chao that he was going back soon.

Although there is still some distance from the agreed time, she must have been waiting for a long time!
shook his head.

He went out the door.

Zhao Ning waited outside. Although her mind was full of the scene she saw just now, but fortunately the outside of the house was relatively clean, and the air in winter night was more calming, so she managed to regain her composure.

Seeing Ying Wuji, the scene from just now came to mind again.

It even reminds me of the charming but clumsy scene on the wedding night.

"Brother Ying!"

She bit the bullet and said: "Because the situation is quite tense, I rushed back overnight, a little suddenly... Hahaha!"

Ying Wuji looked down and found that her combat boots were arched, and she could completely imagine her feet clutching the floor.

He also laughed awkwardly: "I didn't expect you to come back so early... Hahaha!"





The scene was a little awkward.

Ying Wuji decided to break the embarrassment: "I just thought that I'm already married, so there's no need to tell who comes first. I'm also this time... Ning'er, can you understand?"

The sound of "Ning'er" stunned Zhao Ning.

But this marriage has already been decided, and that is the de facto couple, so they can't still be called "Brother Ying" and "Brother Zhao".

Although it was a bit difficult, she still forced a smile and said: "It doesn't matter who comes first, I can't be jealous with Caimei, right?"

"Yes, yes! Then I..."

Ying Wuji wanted to say come first.

But Zhao Ning felt that if it ended in such an embarrassing way, the embarrassing scene would probably be in his mind all night.

Be serious!

How serious?
Let's get down to business!

She quickly interrupted: "By the way, Ying...Wuji, this time our Beizheng found something tricky!"


Ying Wuji was a little confused, did the turning point come so quickly?
But he soon understood.

Let's get down to business and avoid embarrassment!
Then let it go, and then go home quickly.

He straightened his face and asked solemnly: "What's so tricky?"

Zhao Ning took a deep breath, and said in a serious manner: "The high-level executives of Di Kingdom have colluded with the Yaozu!"

"Oh? Monster Race?"

Ying Wuji nodded, but suddenly felt something was wrong: "Monster clan?"

Strictly speaking, his own demon vein is not under the jurisdiction of Quanrong and Di Kingdom, but it is also very close to the old land of Di Kingdom, which is now the new land of Dali.

The demon clan has activities in Di country, is it because of this demon vein?

He had to get nervous and said seriously: "Speak in detail!"

Zhao Ning was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect Ying Wuji to be so serious, but she soon understood.

I didn't expect Brother Ying to be so considerate.

Knowing that I wanted to avoid embarrassment, I actually cooperated like this.

So he said it in detail.

Unlike the overview with Zhao Ji, she explained it in detail this time.

Ying Wuji also listened carefully, and even asked a few questions.

After the speech is over.

The time for a stick of incense has passed.

There is a lot of information, although there is no exact catch.

But the embarrassment has been completely dispelled.

Ying Wuji saw that the time was almost up, so he didn't dare to procrastinate any longer, so he nodded and said, "This is indeed worth noting. When the new land has a firm foothold, we must check carefully what the Yaozu want to do?"


Zhao Ning nodded, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief: "It's getting late, you should go back and rest quickly! See you tomorrow!"

"See you tomorrow!"

Ying Wuji responded, then quickly ran to the corner, and fled down with a whoosh.

The quick action was due to embarrassment, and the fact that the talisman paper had been torn up just now to inform Hua Chao.

She stayed up late waiting for him for so long, but she couldn't be made to wait any longer.

Seeing him leave, Zhao Ning finally let out a long breath.

This is the door to enter.

Sit on the edge of the bed.

Only to find that Caimei Li was still covering her head.

Zhao Ning sighed lightly: "Don't pretend to be asleep, your breath is too calm."

Caimei Li just revealed her head from under the quilt, with an extremely embarrassed expression.

She is used to sharing the same bed with Zhao Ning.

Living together for so long, it is impossible to be neatly dressed all the time, and sometimes even help each other take a bath.

The body, of course, has been seen.

But this time...

completely different okay?
In particular, the relationship between the three of them is really strange. On the surface, I and Zhao Ning are in the relationship between the concubine and the prince, but in fact, I have the same relationship with Ying Wuji...

And it was Zhao Ji who nodded.

Her current thoughts are extremely complicated.

After hesitating for a while, she asked in a low voice, "Will you blame me?"

Zhao Ning said helplessly, "Why should I blame you?"

Li Caimei took a deep breath: "After all, you are also her wife! And his essential requirements for marriage are also bound to the interests of the royal family of Li. Therefore, you should be his true sense... and I, one step ahead Take what you should have."

"How could it be! As the prince of a country, how could I put my children's love first? Besides, part of my consent to this marriage is to fulfill you, so how can I feel resentful because of it?"

Zhao Ning took out the speech he had prepared, but after he finished speaking, he felt a little tight in his chest.

Because... She really felt like she was being robbed just now.

Li Caimei was a little surprised: "Really? But you shouldn't be without him in your heart!"


Zhao Ning nodded with determination: "Don't ask too many questions, now my mind is full of state affairs! Go to sleep, I'll change the mattress!"

Li Caimei hurriedly said: "I have already changed it!"

Zhao Ning: "..."


The two wore nightgowns and lay down side by side.

They closed their eyes tightly, trying to fall asleep quickly.

But Zhao Ning couldn't sleep no matter what. Although the mattress had been changed, this bed just now...

As soon as I lay here, the scene just now and the scene of the wedding night appeared alternately in my mind.

Who can stand this?

For half an hour, Zhao Ning did not fall asleep.

Then, couldn't help turning over.

Li Caimei asked: "Aren't you asleep?"


Zhao Ning responded, and quickly added: "Worrying about state affairs!"

Of course Li Caimei knew that she was not worrying about state affairs, and after thinking for a while, she said softly: "Maybe you can sleep well in another place! Or, why don't you go to the concubine's mansion, after all, Yuan Yang's identity is also yours now , where to sleep, your head may be quieter!"

Zhao Ning: "..."

It seems right.

Although she didn't dare to live with Ying Wuji.

But there are too many residences in the consort's mansion, it's better than having a messy head here...

"it is good!"

Zhao Ning got up and changed his clothes, it happened that he, the "Princess Yuanyang", should also take care of the Gu family.

Li Caimei sighed faintly.


Actually tonight.

Jiangcheng is not the only palace where fireworks are blooming.

In addition to the palace, there are two other places.

One of them is Prince Consort Mansion.

After the fireworks are over.

Hua Chao stared at the night sky for a long time without saying a word, but his heart was full of ups and downs.

Although not just for me.

But he is the consort in name after all, so of course he wants to please His Majesty.

Such a beautiful thing, he can keep a copy for me, it is already very good.

Mi Xingli smiled and said, "I don't understand the two of you. You both care about each other very much, but you refuse to admit it. What do you mean by this?"

If usual.

Hua Chao will definitely retort, saying something like "Wuji and I are just family members", "I just treat him as a younger brother, and he also regards me as a sister" to explain.

But today, Hua Chao rarely refuted.

Because when Ying Wuji came back, she would have a showdown with Ying Wuji.

Under the influence of the musk deer, the two of them no longer had to hide anything, and said everything they had to say.

She has prepared many questions.

I'll ask you all when the time comes.

As long as he is sure that Ying Wuji can treat himself wholeheartedly, he will give him everything he has, even if he still only has the status of a son-in-law on the surface, even if he has no status at all.

If he is sure he can't...

Hua Chao will not leave Jiangcheng, but will never meet Ying Wuji again, so as not to be able to stop those thoughts.

At that time, just watching from afar is enough!

It is the final settlement.

Seeing that she didn't refute, Mi Xingli had a vague premonition that something would happen tonight, rolled her eyes, and smiled: "Maybe I'm meddling in my own business! Miss Hua Chao, it's getting late, I'll go first Rest, you wait slowly alone, brother Ying has always kept his word, and will not let you go!"

After finishing speaking, he wandered back to his room.

Then, calmly, he opened the window a crack.

Observing the situation here from afar.


Hua Zhao Youyou sighed, and returned to her residence.

Snacks and drinks were placed on the table, gurgling and warming in the water, no matter when Ying Wuji came back, he could have hot food.

She pursed her lips, took out a piece of spice from the drawer, ground it into powder, and put it in the incense burner.

Then put the ignited paper aside.

He rested his chin and fell asleep.

Tongxin musk deer can disturb people's mind, and it is very easy to melt into the true energy, so it has a stronger effect on practitioners.

The stronger the zhenqi, the stronger and faster the effect of the medicine.

On the contrary, the effect of her uncultivated medicine was much slower, and it was more than enough to ask those questions.

She has counted the time.

Ying Wuji had said that as long as the talisman paper in her arms was abnormal, she would be back within a quarter of an hour if nothing happened.

The macaroni musk deer filled the entire room, and it took almost a quarter of an hour.

At that time, I can still stay awake, and Ying Wuji's medicine will take effect, so I can calmly ask those questions.


Holding his chin, he fell asleep quietly.

After an unknown amount of time, the warmth from her chest woke her up.

She estimated that there was still half an hour before the agreed final time.

Sure enough, he was able to come back on time.

She was slightly happy in her heart, and hurriedly lit the macaroni musk deer.

After lighting it, she didn't intend to leave, because once the door was opened, the scent of macaroni musk in the room would dissipate quite a bit.

Wuji will definitely open the door later, if it is opened twice, it will be bad if the medicine dissipates and the effect is not enough.

Anyway, I have no cultivation base.

Even if you wait two quarters of an hour, there is no problem.

She sat upright in a chair and waited quietly.

But after a quarter of an hour, there was still no movement outside the door.

"Why don't you go out and get some air?"

"Farewell! He should be back soon."

"And the effect of this medicine doesn't seem to be too strong!"

"Wait a while!"

Hua Chao rested her chin and continued to wait.

Her head was still awake, but the scene of fireworks just now kept reappearing in her mind.

How beautiful!
In addition, the scenes after the first encounter with Ying Wuji would suddenly appear from time to time.

Including Ying Wuji making her happy.

It also includes her desolate mood alone leaning against the window lattice.

Strands of emotions intertwined, some of her wanted to cry, and some of her wanted to laugh.

The question that has been prepared for a long time seems to be a little blurred.

Right now, there is only one thought in her mind: meet Ying Wuji as soon as possible.

Time is fast.

It seems very slow again.

at last.


Ying Wuji pushed the door open, closed the door again, and apologized with a smile: "Sister Hua Chao, you have been waiting for a long time. Just now His Royal Highness insisted on discussing the Northern Expedition with me, so I was a little late."

"It's okay!"

Hua Chao didn't blame him, but just got up and approached.

He raised his face slightly, his gaze was like autumn water.

There is joy.

There are grievances.

Lost for a moment, he said softly: "But I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

Ying Wuji: "..."

He was a little puzzled, not knowing why Hua Chao looked at him in this way.

But it feels like I can't think about it.

He just thinks.

This look made him very distressed.

(End of this chapter)

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