Riding and Slashing

Chapter 131 Matchlock Gun

Chapter 131 Matchlock Gun

The spark that the lord saw was obviously the matchlock wrapped around the snake's head.

This should be a matchlock gun that has just developed a lever-type trigger. Pulling the trigger can make the matchlock touch the gunpowder pool outside the gun body.

Fortunately, this is only an arquebus in its infancy...

After the matchlock ignites the gunpowder pool of the gun body, it is necessary to wait for nearly half a second until the gunpowder burns from the gunpowder pool into the chamber before the bullet can be fired.

It is precisely because of the less than half a second of the gunpowder burning time that the lord can barely avoid this deadly ambush.

Fortunately, Li Ang is a modern person, and he is very sensitive to this kind of black pipe - if it were another noble knight, he might not have the consciousness to avoid it quickly if he was pointed at by an iron pipe.

However, after the gunshot, the lord moved quickly.

He glanced quickly from the corner of the wall—the light inside the door was dim, and he could clearly see that there was only one point of fire inside.

It looked like a cigarette butt in the dark.

Only one burner means only one musket.

That's scary, this kind of arquebus can't be fired continuously, and it can be regarded as a qualified musketeer if it can fire once a minute!
Li Ang rushed in with his long sword in his hand, kicked the door with a flying kick, and kicked a strong man holding a shield in front of the door.

The sun was shining brightly outside, but the light inside the door was relatively dark. Under the huge drop, after Li Ang rushed in, he could only see three dark figures for a while.

Since he couldn't see clearly, the lord swung his sword and started slashing wildly - whoever it is, they are all enemies anyway!

The shooter with the matchlock gun was frantically shaking the medicine bag to reload it. Seeing Li Ang rushing in, he took a step back to hide, and then directly threw the medicine bag in his hand at Li Ang who had just rushed through the door.

This technique is quite skillful, and it seems that they often use such indiscriminate tricks as sprinkling lime.

The lord's reaction was pretty quick, he caught a glimpse of something that he didn't know what it was flying over, and immediately took a step back to the door.

And then, he smelled the nitrate-sulfur mixture that is unique to black powder!

People in China are familiar with this smell, and most traditional fireworks and firecrackers have this smell.

The lord's heart skipped a beat, and he reacted extremely quickly again—he threw himself out again.

What the hell...these uneducated gangsters!

Sprinkle gunpowder in a closed environment?

What the hell is it in an environment with an open flame like a matchlock!

However, probably the gunman was lucky, the gunpowder pocket he sprayed did not cause a big explosion - but the lord also clearly heard a burst of 'sizzling' gunpowder burning sound.

Then, a burst of intense smoke drifted out from the house.

There was also a severe coughing sound.

It was obvious that some of the black powder thrown around must have been ignited by the matchlock on the gun.

Then Li Ang heard Fucher's screaming voice: "You idiot! Don't run! Put out the fire!"

But a few seconds later, the two strong men ran out coughing and crawling together.

Neither of them had an arquebus in their hands, and their faces were blackened by smoke...

These two guys were obviously choked to the brink of death, but the lord did not see Fucher come out.

Li Ang stood up and got two swords. The two strong men couldn't stop them at all. In fact, their tears were smoked out, and basically they couldn't stop them. One of them was easily chopped down on the ground.

Then Li Ang held the Griffon sword in one hand and put it on the other's neck.

"Where's Forscher?"

"Cough cough... still inside... cough cough!"

The brawny man was still out of breath at this time, and his violent cough made him bend down without any resistance at all.

But now he has an extremely sharp sword on his neck...

As a result, he bent over and coughed, and he put his neck on the blade by himself - Li Ang didn't even have time to stop.

So the idiot slowly fell to the ground with blood spraying from his neck.

I don't know if it was a suicide or an accident...

But when the lord was going to enter this small building again, he saw a raging fire at the door...

The gunpowder just now has ignited the wooden building!

The gunpowder scattered everywhere caused the area inside the door on the ground floor to burn quite quickly. The flames had already sealed the entire doorway and spread rapidly upstairs.

The weather was fine, the manor by the lake was blowing a breeze, and the building was made of wood. The fire ignited in just ten seconds, and there was another loud "Zi Zi Zi" sound from inside the door!

It seems that more gunpowder has been ignited!

Probably because the amount of gunpowder was not particularly dense, there was no explosion in the building, but continuous deflagration was formed!
'Puff... Puff...'

Intense flames and smoke continued to vibrate in the building.

The lord had no choice but to retreat into the distance—it was obvious that Forscher had put gunpowder everywhere in the building, and such a deflagration would soon engulf the wooden building.

Looking at it like this, Fucher might not be able to escape...

There was such a big commotion in the house, with gunshots and smoke, which naturally attracted the attention of others.

In the manor outside, a group of people were still fighting in a scuffle, but the smaller side had already gained the upper hand - the great swordsmen were well-equipped, with thick armor and long swords, which could completely withstand the enemy's attack and slash.

Now they are chasing those pirates and mafia all over the fields.

At this moment, after the small building started to ignite, all the enemies seemed to have paused for a moment, and then dispersed loudly and began to flee in all directions.

The pirates were running straight for the lake, and the Red Brotherhood guys scattered in every direction, all running really fast.

The great swordsmen wore heavy armor and were few in number, so it was impossible to catch up with everyone.

Those rogue knights brought a dozen or so miscellaneous soldiers and planned to run into the building, but they were blocked by Klose and the others waving their big swords.

Those minions dispersed in a rush, and the great swordsmen blocked a few rogue knights and hacked, and the scene was quickly brought under control.

In fact, these rogue knights also planned to run, but they were dressed like canned food and couldn't run fast at all, and their legs were cut off one by one by the swordsmen from behind.

The lord has already circled to the side of the building at this time, wanting to see where Fucher is.

Li Ang didn't want to save the illegitimate child who was sealed in the fire, he wanted to save the matchlock gun...

This building was built close to the lake, and there is a balcony on the second floor at the back.

The balcony on the second floor is facing the wide lake, and there is a wooden boat on the side of the lake.

At this time, a dozen or so pirates were pushing the wooden boat towards the back of the house, and then jumped on the boat and started paddling. Can run away.

But Li Ang still failed to see Fucher.

The only boat on the lake was the pirates, and Fucher was not on board.

"Faucher! Come out and surrender! You must have died inside!"

Li Ang shouted loudly.

The entire building has been surrounded by fire, and the second floor is about to be completely swallowed up. There must be a dead end in the building.

In such a short period of time, Fusher, a fat man with little physical strength, would not just run away without a trace.

"Get out of the way!"

This is Amy's voice, coming from behind Li Ang.

Amy was riding a horse on the side of the building, just tens of meters behind Li Ang, holding her lady's crossbow in her hand, aiming at the second floor filled with flames and smoke.

Li Ang only looked back at Amy, and found that Amy looked quite nervous, realized something was wrong, and rolled on the ground with her head in her arms.

'Boom! '' Whoosh! '

At this moment, a gunshot rang out from the balcony on the second floor.

Amy's crossbow was also shot at the same time.

Then, a figure fell from the balcony on the second floor of the wooden building and fell into the lake.

The great swordsmen also reacted, and rushed up to the lake, intending to find the guy who shot.

"Leon! Are you okay!"

After Amy shot the crossbow, she saw that the lord had rolled around and then stopped moving, so she quickly dismounted and ran over nervously.

Then he threw the crossbow in his hand and began to pull on Li Ang.

When she was nervous, she stopped using the title 'teacher'...

"Hiss... pain, pain, pain!"

The lord bared his teeth and covered his lower back, his face was already distorted in pain.

"Did you get hurt? Where did you get hurt..."

Amy lifted Li Ang's hand away in a panic, tears were about to come out of her eyes.

There was no trauma to the lower back that Li Ang was covering.

But his pain was not feigned—his subconscious roll was severely knocked by a rock on the ground, and his half body armor couldn't protect his waist, so he was indeed injured internally.

After rolling around just now, I almost lost my breath.

And at the place where he was standing just now, a small hole had appeared in the ground, and white smoke was coming out.

Li Ang gritted his teeth and sat up, covered his waist and eyes and moved a bit. Fortunately, his internal organs should not be injured.

Looking at the bullet holes around him, he let out a long breath.

Fortunately, Amy saw the enemy, otherwise she would be belching if she was hit!
"Why did you come in? Didn't I tell you to hide..."

Most men are like this - if they passively get help from a woman, the first reaction is not to thank you, but to ramble...

"You told me that to ensure that I don't get caught, it's best to follow behind the strongest fighter-so I've been guarding behind you since you broke out of the encirclement."

Seeing that nothing serious happened to Li Ang, Amy calmed down.

"It's a good thing the shooter didn't attack you..."

Li Ang dunked the bullet hole a few times, and dug out a deformed lead bullet.

"My lord! This guy is dead..."

In just a short while, Summer had pulled out a wet person, or rather, a corpse, from the shallow water by the lake.

By the way, he also took out the matchlock gun.

This is the person who fell into the lake from the balcony on the second floor just now, that is, the person who shot Leon just now—this is Fucher himself.

But at this time, the blond boy had a crossbow bolt stuck in his neck, and he had died.

Looking back at the boats rowed by those pirates, and then at Fucher's body, Li Ang sighed.

Apparently, Forscher threw gunpowder indiscriminately in the living room on the first floor, which caused an accidental fire. Two of his men failed to put out the fire and ran out choked by the thick smoke.

And Fucher probably didn't have that flexible legs and feet, so he couldn't run out, which basically formed a real self-immolation situation...

Forscher then retreated to the balcony on the second floor with the gun, presumably planning to jump into the lake to escape.But seeing Li Ang coming to the side, he planned to shoot Li Ang to death before jumping into the lake and running away.

As a result, Amy saw him and directly gave him a crossbow arrow.

Amy's shooting skills are quite accurate...

"Good job, Amy! Do you know who he is?"

The lord gestured his thumbs, signaling Summer to drop the body.

Amy shook her head: "Isn't he the leader of the Red Brotherhood? Why? He has a lot of background?"

Li Ang raised his eyebrows: "It's true, this guy is the illegitimate son of Duke Alma...Faucher."

Amy froze for a moment, but then shook her head indifferently: "I heard Sister Sarah mentioned him... It is said that he is a scum?"

Li Ang nodded: "Probably he is indeed a scumbag."

"Then Sister Sarah will be very happy - who told him to plan to attack you, anyway, we are also enemies with the Horton family, so if we kill you, we will kill you."

Amy behaved quite calmly, she was no longer a weak girl after going through two wars.

Li Ang smiled and shook his head: "That's right, they are all enemies anyway."

Although he didn't care about it, the lord still felt a little regretful in his heart.

Not because of anything else, just not being able to maximize the benefits.

Forscher was probably Alma's favorite son, and by his age he should have been the eldest.

If he is caught alive, it can be a means to intimidate Duke Alma, or a bargaining chip to plunge the Horton family into civil strife.

In fact, even if Li Ang did nothing, as this illegitimate son made troubles for the underworld and claimed to be the 'Son of Prophecy', this kind of behavior would probably lead to civil strife in the Horton family.

But Amy was right - who told him to plan to attack the lord?If you kill it, you will kill it, it is not worth pity.

"Sammer, what kind of weapon is that? It looks very powerful...you can't even see the arrows!"

Amy pointed to the musket.

"This should be Barkley's new musket...it's really powerful."

Seeing Amy kept looking at the matchlock gun in his hand, Summer handed her the gun.

Amy took the gun, and the heavy gun body made her hand sink, almost falling to the ground.

The matchlock had been extinguished by the immersion in the lake, but the gun body was intact.

This is a matchlock gun with a double-sleeve. The barrel is made of two layers of steel pipes nested inside and outside.

The outer tube is octagonal, and the inner tube is circular.

About half an inch in caliber--it's quite a caliber.

High-tech equipment such as muskets is actually no secret in Pendor Continent. Many nobles have seen it, especially on the west coast of Filtzway.

This weapon comes from the Buckley Empire far away on another continent.

But the Buckley Empire would not sell muskets to the outside world—the Emperor Buckley clearly knew the value of this weapon better than the average person.

However, since Emperor Buckley had started the pace of seafaring and colonization, the arquebus weapon was occasionally brought to ports on the west coast by ocean-going merchant ships from Buckley.

But in an inland area like Changhe Town, it is very rare.

In fact, even in Barkley's native land, muskets have only just begun to be installed in the army in the past few years, and they are still a supporting role in the war.

Because this is roughly equivalent to the arquebus of the fifteenth century, the rate of fire is very slow, and it can only be used in good weather.

Rain will cause the matchlock to go out or the gunpowder to get wet, and the wind will blow away the gunpowder in the gun body medicine pool, which will make it impossible to fire.

In fact, just to ensure that the fire rope is not extinguished is quite strenuous...

And it must be held steadily, the gun body must not shake or turn sideways-the medicine pool is a shallow pit on the outside of the gun body, with holes leading to the barrel, and the gunpowder will fall out if you are not careful.

As for when the weather is good—you have to be on guard against fire, after all, the fire pool and the match rope are exposed, and it is normal for this thing to fire...

And this is a front-loading gun. After each shot, the barrel, fire door, and drug pool need to be cleaned to ensure that the heat of the barrel will not directly ignite the gunpowder before reloading can begin.

The interval between firing a shot is often as long as 1 minute-those who can fire three shots in 2 minutes are skilled shooters.

However, for all its drawbacks, the arquebus had two enormous advantages.

One is that the power is large enough, and the other is that the training time is short.

This kind of arquebus can reach a range of 200-300 meters, and can penetrate plate armor within 100 meters, which is obviously difficult for ordinary bows and arrows to do.

Of course, the accuracy is actually not too high-because there is a response time of nearly half a second after the trigger is pulled, many opportunities will be missed, and it is actually more difficult to hit a moving target.

Although a smarter gunner will predict, due to the heavy gun body, it is difficult to maintain stability when lifted flat, and the recoil is so huge that improper operation can even break ribs.

In addition, there is no front sight cover, and the gunpowder burning in the fire rope and the fire pool will also interfere with aiming, so its accuracy in actual combat is different from that of modern firearms.

However, just being able to penetrate plate armor remotely is enough to make it a weapon valued by the Buckley Empire.

After all, if the accuracy is not enough, the number of people can be combined, and the huge power is the first pursuit.

Moreover, muskets do not require long-term training, and a farmer can go to the battlefield after two weeks of training.

Though the musket itself was more expensive to manufacture, how cheap was the farmer's!

Therefore, the Buckley Empire has been vigorously promoting the mass installation of muskets in recent years.
But the people in Pendor Continent are actually not too keen on this kind of weapon - this is caused by ideology.

Pendor's knight culture is the mainstream, and no noble knight would be willing to let this kind of weapon that requires no training appear on the battlefield. break this monopoly.

No one wants to see the possibility of the peasant mud legs turning over.

For kings and nobles, class status is far greater than disputes between countries.

Just like a certain emperor of a certain dynasty in another time and space would order the destruction of his country's extremely advanced weapon inventions.

All to maintain their dominance.

Therefore, such things as arquebus rarely appear in the Lion Realm, and even its existence is deliberately hidden.

But if there is no accident, the Lords of Fieldsway on the west coast probably know about muskets.

It's just that, as a new kingdom, the leaders of Fieldsway, who have just transformed from pirates and smugglers to nobles, are also pursuing long-term class status and hereditary rule, and it is estimated that they will do the same as the Sarleon Kingdom Decide.

Those nouveau riche who have just achieved a class transition often oppress the proletarians more ruthlessly than the traditional aristocrats, and they are more concerned about how to maintain their class status...

But now, things like matchlock guns actually appeared around Changhe Town, and they were still in the hands of Fucher, and I don't know how he got them.

But Forscher is quite dead, and now I can probably only ask Frederic.

(End of this chapter)

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