Riding and Slashing

Chapter 149 Noldor's Bloodline

Chapter 149 Noldor's Bloodline

The lord's guess was right. It didn't take long for Igor to leave and return.

There was a dim and gloomy light in the dark secret room.

Grand Maester Igor held a lamp, and it seemed that it was already night outside.

This time, the grand maester didn't come alone, he brought another person with him besides a few guards.

Lady Felina, Amy's mother.

"Igor, where is Ulrik? Is he crazy! Imprisoning nobles without trial, don't you know what that means?"

Seeing Li Ang on the other side of the barred window, Felina almost immediately became angry.

"Your Highness, just take it as my personal behavior... But in any case, you'd better not get too angry, I know you are not in good health..."

Igor smiled humbly at Felina, then turned to look at Li Ang again.

But Li Ang didn't wait for him to speak, and said first: "Personal behavior? Igor, if this is the case... My friends and I can kill you for this, and sell your whole family to the west coast as slaves, and there is no penalty responsibility!"

Igor frowned, and the smile on his face disappeared: "Your Excellency Li Ang, wait until you go out to say such things..."

Then he sat on the edge of the table again, and turned to look at Felina: "Your Highness, you have seen her, she is full of energy and unscathed, I think you should be satisfied..."

From the looks of it, Felina knew that Li Ang was being held and asked to come over to have a look.

"Li Ang, you haven't been abused, have you?"

Felina ignored Igor, but looked at Li Ang carefully.

The lord shook his head: "Ms. Felina, I'm fine, don't worry."

"Igor, take me to see Ulrik!"

Felina confirmed that Li Ang was indeed not injured, nodded, and turned to glaring at Igor.

"Your Highness, let me just say it straight, His Majesty the King will not see you. And I don't think it is a good thing for you to visit your 'friend' overnight. This may cause trouble for yourself and Lord Godric!"

Igor felt a little helpless on his face. He was just the king's backer, and he had nothing to do with a princess like Felina, so he could only explain it nicely.

Felina stared at Igor for a long time, then shook her head and pointed at the door: "In this case, I ask you to get out first, I want to talk to Baron Leon alone."

Igor sighed, shook his head, lit the candlestick in the room, turned and went out by himself and closed the heavy door.

"Ms. Felina, you..."

As soon as Li Ang spoke, Felina put her index finger in front of her mouth and made a gesture of shutting up.

Then, she picked up the candlestick from the table, turned around and walked to a corner, pulled out the candle alone, and knocked the copper candlestick hard on that corner.



There was a clear and crisp bronze chime, followed by a shrill scream.

It seems that there is a copper pipe in that corner leading to other places, and on the other side of the copper pipe, someone must have been eavesdropping with their ears pressed against the copper pipe.

But the operation of directly hitting the copper pipe with metal probably shattered the eardrums of the eavesdroppers, and the screams were transmitted along the copper pipe...

"There are no other organs here... Li Ang, you can talk now, no one can hear you."

Felina used a ball of wax from the candlestick to plug the opening of the copper pipe, put the candlestick back on the table, and walked to the iron window.

"Ms. Felina, why are you here?"

"This is Ulrik's habit. As long as it is held privately, he will lock people here... I received a letter from Amy this morning, and she asked me to tell you that your transport team has gathered in Sarleon Throughout the city, your subordinates are waiting for you at the Adventurer's Tavern."

Felina handed the candle to Li Ang, and took out a small bottle from the inner lining of her clothes.

"This bottle is also what Amy asked me to bring to you. She said it was something you put at Miss Leslie's place."

Ms. Fei Lina explained very quickly. After she finished speaking, she turned her head and looked at the door. Seeing that there was no movement, she turned her head to Li Ang and said, "Don't admit treason, first find a way to get out. As long as you don't admit it, no one can take you away." How is it?"

"Thank you, Ms. Felina. Of course I won't admit it, I have never been a traitor... But I don't understand why the king would take my property so directly..."

Li Ang asked softly.

If a nobleman is treated unfairly by the king, he can actually unilaterally revoke his allegiance without being accused.

But the problem is that King Ulrik didn't come forward in person, and it was Igor who was doing the blackmail...

This means that the king wants to leave room for things-if things change, let Igor take the blame when necessary, and punish this "scumbag who extorted in the name of the king" and it's over.

Of course, the king would not kill the nobles easily, nor would he personally seek to seize the nobles' property...

In this way, even if Li Angming knew that it was all at the king's behest, there was nothing he could do about Ulrik.

But Li Ang really doesn't understand, the king is so anxious to make money, what is he trying to do, is it necessary for a king to do this?
"Ulrik was probably bewitched by those witches... His body is getting worse day by day, and sometimes he becomes a little crazy, and his temper gradually becomes violent..."


A month ago, the garden of the Noble House.

Felina was still reclining on the deck chair in the garden.

Ulrik was still standing by the pavilion, holding a glass of bloody red wine in his hand.

"Sister Felina, can you write a letter to Godric and ask him to help me capture some Noldor elves..."

Ulrik had always treated his cousin with respect, but this request didn't sound like the kind of thing a king should do.

"Ulrik, what's the matter with you? Why did your complexion become so bad? Why did you catch the Noldor?"

Felina sat up and took a closer look at Ulrik. The king's face was gray now, and there seemed to be some bruises on his arms, just like corpse scars.

"Sister, as you can see, something is wrong with my body..."

Ulrik didn't hide it from his sister: "I can feel the life passing through my body. At night, all the bones in my body hurt unbearably, and sometimes I lose control and go crazy. I haven't been able to sleep for a long time. Got a good night's sleep... Only booze and LSD can stop my pain!"

Felina stood up, with a frightened expression on her face, and murmured: "Bruises, pain, madness...alcohol and drugs...Ulrik, your father..."

The Mad King was like this back then!

I have bruises all over my body, I complain of pain all over my body every day, I often go crazy and out of control, I drink non-stop, and I take hallucinogenic drugs every day...

In the end, he became a real madman.

"That's right, dear sister, you were the one who knew me best. I don't want to become a madman like my father...I have to cure this disease!"

Facing the elder sister he respected the most when he was young, Ulrik showed genuine sadness.

"Is this a disease inherited by blood?"

Phylina asked.

"Maybe, I don't know where my blood is wrong, we have a common grandfather, but he is fine, you and my uncle are fine... only my father and I will be like this... Could it be that as Does the king have to bear the curse?"

Ulrik drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, and immediately poured another glass.

"What do the doctors say? How to treat it?"

Of course Felina hoped from the bottom of her heart that her cousin would be cured, but she also knew that the hope of treatment for this genetic disease was really slim.

"Those court doctors are incompetent people...they don't know anything! I tried to find the three prophets before, and they gave me a potion. This medicine is indeed effective, at least after drinking it, it can indeed suppress My ailment..."

Ulrik took out a small bottle from his body, which contained some weird red liquid.

"Do you dare to drink those witches' medicine?"

Felina frowned.

"The three prophets just want to be rich and powerful. They are not witches. In the final analysis, they are just a few women who are good at changing faces. They can live forever because of this medicine... It is said that this medicine has magical powers. It is made of the blood of the elves, which can give people as long life force as the Noldor elves..."

Ulrik shook the exquisite little bottle, but shook his head with a wry smile.

"Get the life force of the Noldor? Ulrik, this is probably a lie! You shouldn't believe them!"

Felina felt that Ulrik must have been cheated.

"I don't really care about immortality. I'm not afraid of death. But this medicine can really relieve my pain and make me more awake. Even if it's poison, I can only accept it! I want to bring the kingdom back to the past I must at least keep a clear mind as long as I live!"

Ulrik looked at the bottle of blood-red medicine with complicated expressions in his eyes.

"But your body seems to be getting worse and worse during this time, your face looks like a corpse now, Ulrik... Alcohol and drugs will not make you become like this so quickly, it is the reason for this drug Bar?"

Felina shook her head sadly.

"Yeah... I have to drink a bottle every month. Every time I drink it, I can feel my strength fading... This drug will eat up my strength and make me weak, like drinking poison to quench my thirst But there is no doubt that it can really relieve my pain. According to the three prophets, the potion in my hand is made with the blood of ordinary Noldor elves, and the remaining magic power in their blood is limited. If it is made with more Noble and pure noble girl of the Noldor, then I only need to drink one more bottle of this potion, and I will never be troubled by illness again, and will not continue to become weak..."

Ulrik murmured.

"So you want to capture the Noldor elves to make medicine for those three witches? Or the Noldor noble girls... But, as far as I know, there are not many Noldor nobles... Want to capture the Noldor nobles?" Girl, unless it's an all-out war with the Noldor elves!"

Filina understood Ulrik's intentions.

"Yes, sister, that's why I'm asking for your help..."

Ulrik let out a long sigh.

"I'm sorry, Ulrik, you should know what kind of person Godric is, he wouldn't do such a thing... If the Kingdom and the Noldor go to war in an all-out way, the consequences will be unpredictable, Ulrik, you can't do this Do."

Felina shook her head and refused. She knew the history. Hundreds of years ago, the nobles of the entire continent sent out large armies to capture Noldo, but the final result was nothing more than creating countless widows.

"I understand...I understand, I will not let the soldiers of the kingdom die, I will hire those adventurers to do this..."

Ulrik didn't force anything, he was not unreasonable, and he knew the price of this matter.

Within a few days, Felina got the news that Ulrik was raising funds and hiring adventure groups everywhere.

The Knights of the Ebony Gauntlets also made a big move to the Long River Forest.


In the secret room, Li Ang quietly listened to Felina's narration.

The king seemed to be in a hurry to go to the doctor, but the three prophets did give him the only solution.

"So, he needs a lot of money to recruit mercenaries to round up Noldo..."

Li Ang understood why Ulrik took the opportunity to blackmail him.

"Probably yes. Although I don't know how big your business is, Godric has indeed become much richer after partnering with you... It's not surprising that you will be targeted by Ulrik."

Felina nodded, and then sighed: "But if a king does this, sooner or later the congregation will betray their relatives..."

Li Ang also sighed.

In fact, Li Ang could understand Ulrik.

The Lion Kingdom is surrounded by enemies on all sides, and the army must be used to protect the country, and they cannot go to the Changhe Forest to die.

So Ulrik can only make money, and then hire slave hunting teams and adventure groups across the continent, and organize a huge mercenary army to capture the Noldor noble girl he wants.

Anyway, this is a one-time task, and it will not continue to invest, at least it will not hurt the country.

But Ulrik obviously also knows that it is very difficult to get a Noldor girl... An ordinary elf girl is worth [-] dinars, and there is no price, let alone a girl among the Noldor nobles?
So he needs a lot of money.

And it is understandable that a king has no spare money in his hands. After all, this is an extra huge expenditure, and there was no such budget before.

Just like what Lehman said, after Ulrik released the three prophets, he targeted himself—probably the king not only focused on himself, but probably also targeted many wealthy minor nobles.

Big money is like a fat sheep in front of the power machine, it is the same in ancient and modern times.

And Emperor Mario just happened to entrap himself at this time, and he didn't know if the empire had received any news. It is estimated that the empire still had many secret spies in the Sarleon Realm.

It's just that King Ulrik's way of making money is really a bit too simple and rude-it's no different from the underworld!

Of course, speaking of it, Ulrik had no choice but to save his life, regardless of whether the Three Prophets were deceiving him or not.

"Can the blood of the Noldor really heal?"

Li Ang became a little curious, if Noldo's blood had this function, how could they have survived until now... The three prophets must be fooling around!
"Before this, I have never heard that the blood of the Noldor elves can cure diseases... But, Leon, the blood of the Noldor elves is indeed immune to diseases, not even the red death!"

Ms. Felina said seriously.

"Won't get the Red Death? Are you sure?"

"You... well, you probably don't know yet. Your mother, Helen, never got sick... You know, almost all members of the Pendor royal family died of the Red Death 150 years ago. Of course, the blood of the Pendor royal family cannot resist The Red Death. But Helen once rescued a village where most of the people were infected with the Red Death, but Helen was safe and sound inside."

Felina looked at Leon: "Helen's grandfather, your great-grandfather, was a Noldor elf. Leon, you have one-eighth of Noldor blood."

"Is this...really?"

The lord was really surprised at this moment.

"Li Ang, your father was a well-known knight back then, and your mother was also the kindest girl back then..."

Thirty years ago, she helped a village where the Red Death broke out.

You should know that there is no cure for the Red Death, and it can only be controlled by isolation. But at that time, she had limited staff, and there were nearly 3000 villagers in the whole village.

At that time, the lord there had already run away, and the surrounding nobles did not dare to approach, let alone offer help...

In order to allow the villagers to stay in the village with peace of mind, she entered the village even though most of the villagers were sick, and told the villagers that she would also stay in the village.

Since then, she has been helping the villagers in the village.

It wasn't until several weeks later that Leonardo came to help with the Lion Knights, and she brought out more than 1000 survivors who were confirmed to be free of the disease.

That's when I met her, I saw her hair disheveled and tired, I couldn't even believe that this is the courage that a noble girl can have.

But she did not contract the disease, and she even took the surviving villagers to find another place to rebuild a village and continued to isolate for a month.

Because the more than 1000 surviving villagers lacked food and clothing after leaving their homes, I was young and did not understand the dangers of the world, so I told the Mad King about this, hoping to raise money to help them.

In the end... the mad king brought some nobles to slaughter all the villagers, and even planned to take Helen away, without even mentioning a reason...

I don't know why the Mad King wanted to capture Helen, but he failed at that time, and Helen was saved by Leonardo.

You know what happened afterwards, Leonardo killed many nobles and became a rebel in the kingdom...

After a few years, the Mad King finally caught Helen, but when Helen was imprisoned in the palace, the Mad King died suddenly. "

After finishing talking about the past, Ms. Felina shook her head: "Later, I took in refugees in Helen's newly built village and built it into the current Crow Village. I got Leonardo's forgiveness and became friends with Helen. .But I found she was never sick, and when I asked, I learned that she was of the blood of the Noldor."

Li Ang suddenly raised his head and looked at Felina: "The Mad King also had a deal with the Three Prophets... Could it be because of a genetic disease that he wanted to take my mother away? They may not want to use Noldo to come Pharmacy...Maybe it is to let the descendants have the blood of Noldor! The son of King Ulrik, Prince Alanric, must have grown up, right?"

Felina froze.

"Your Highness Felina, you should leave here!"

The door was suddenly opened, and Grand Maester Igor stood at the door and shouted.

(End of this chapter)

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