Riding and Slashing

Chapter 210 Jocelyn

Chapter 210 Jocelyn

"who are you?"

Igor looked at Li Ang, but gave an extremely surprising answer.

He huddled in the net and couldn't move, but it seemed as if he didn't know Li Ang at all, and there was no emotion in his eyes when he looked at Li Ang.

"You don't remember me..."

The lord can see that Igor's expression is completely for strangers.

Can you even forget the enemy who killed you?
Is this still Igor himself?
Li Ang kicked Igor again, in exchange for another sentence without emotion: "You will regret it..."

Has Igor become a fool?
"He's probably lost most of his soul, he's probably dead."

Jocelyn said something beside him.

Igor is indeed a dead man.

Jocelyn had already proved with his actions just now that he had different ideas from these people, and he still maintained the gesture of spreading his hands, so Fawcett and Grandlon did not tie him up.

However, there were still a few soldiers around who pointed their spears at him uneasy.

Li Ang turned his head: "You know the inside story? What's going on?"

"My lord, since you are arresting heretics, of course I am happy to tell you everything...but I need your protection, if you are willing..."

Jocelyn obviously saw that Li Ang was the leader here, but he probably thought that Li Ang used the net to catch Igor to catch heretics.

"With your skill...you still want to seek shelter? Why?"

It was Fawcett who was talking, and he had already tied up Igor with several soldiers.

"I don't want to associate with heretics. I originally planned to take advantage of this mission to leave the Twilight Knights. But just now two witnesses ran away outside... I will be regarded as a traitor. They have always spared no effort to hunt down traitors."

Jocelyn sighed: "And this isn't the only knights chasing me. I originally fled here from Barkley, but now, Pendor Continent is also very dangerous to me..."

He took off his black hood and threw it on the ground casually, revealing the white skin with blue blood vessels clearly visible on the side of his cheeks. He has a high nose bridge and deep-set eye sockets, which are indeed the typical characteristics of Barclay nobles.

"Fawther, take Igor to the Inner Castle first."

Li Ang nodded towards Jocelyn: "I happen to need manpower too. It's no problem to give you a suitable job. Come with me..."

In the inner castle of Changhe Town, Jocelyn told the lord his story.

Jocelyn was originally a Knight of Buckley, a minor nobleman.

But unfortunately, he was deprived of his noble status a few years ago and was hunted down.

The reason is simple, he was accused of heresy by the Knights of the Dawn...

But in fact, Jocelyn did not do anything related to heresy back then, and the reason why he would be accused of heresy was simply because he had inadvertently helped a Ficavian.

The Ficavian woman had just lost her way and had run out of food and water, and Jocelyn, out of chivalry, sent the stranger to the port.

But the Fikavians actually have nothing to do with heresy. It is a small country ruled by women alone overseas. The biggest difference from other countries is that this country is a feminist society.

That is to say, in Ficavia, except for giving birth, women do men's things, and men do women's things.

But this is just a difference in the history and culture of this country, and has nothing to do with beliefs.

However, the Knights of the Dawn believed that in a country like Ficavia, where men were of low status and would be castrated at every turn, everyone was a heretic.

And those who help heretics are naturally heretics, of course heretics must be burned to death...

Anyway, as long as they are different from them, they are called heretics, and the Liming Fools have always been like this.

Of course Jocelyn was not convinced. No one would be convinced by this kind of unjust, false and wrongly decided case. He was a nobleman after all, so he took the initiative to seek a trial ruling.

But at that time, the Dawn Knights had a great influence in Barkley, Jocelyn not only failed to get his innocence in the trial court, but was officially deprived of his noble status...

Jocelyn was very helpless, he didn't expect that his good deed of helping others would cause such disasters, but the reality is so ridiculous.

In order not to be burned to death, he had to rely on his own skills to escape from his hometown.

Because of this incident, he was full of hatred for the Dawn Knights, so he joined the newly formed Twilight Knights, and followed the Twilight Knights to the continent of Pendor.

The Knights of the Twilight were actually separated from the Knights of the Dawn.

As the Knights of Dawn gradually turned into a distorted form of using the name of the goddess to harm others at will, many members of the Knights could not bear the current atmosphere and cruelty, and serious differences emerged within them.

This disagreement finally broke out into a split, and some knights withdrew from the Knights of the Dawn and reorganized the Knights of the Twilight-their sole purpose was to fight against and correct the Knights of the Dawn.

The confrontation between the two knight orders can actually be seen from the name alone.

However, a few years ago, the Buckley Empire had no patience with the actions of the Knights of Dawn, and did not bother to pay attention to the internal affairs of the Knights of Dawn, so they expelled the two Knights of Dawn and Dusk together.

After being expelled from the Buckley Continent, the Knights of the Dawn landed at Light Howling Bay in Filtzway, and established a new resident and auditorium there.

At that time, the Fieldsway Alliance was not integrated into a unified country, and the local lords did not deal with the Knights of the Dawn—in fact, when the Knights of the Dawn first came to Pendor, their sanctimonious appearance did not arouse anyone's resentment At first, the people of Filtzway thought they were the embodiment of justice.

As a result, many civilians were quickly "influenced" by the "justice" style of the Dawn Knight holding a torch in one hand and a sword in the other...

The local Velociraptor Knights were also quickly conquered, and were subordinated to the Knights of the Dawn, and served these fanatical knights as servants, becoming the minions of the zealots, the 'Dawn Velociraptor'.

This allowed the Dawn Knights to gain a base in Pendor Continent in an extremely fast manner, and continued to expand and preach, and became the colonial pioneer of the Buckley Empire...

They are still powerful, and they are still continuing their flame purification in Pendor Continent, causing chaos wherever they go.

Like Sir Roland, Jocelyn is still being hunted down by these fanatical Dawn Knights.

After all, the Dusk Knight is a traitor to the Dawn Knights, and Jocelyn himself is considered a heretic.

And the Twilight Knights who left the Dawn Knights at that time also came to Pendor.

Due to the small number of Twilight Knights and the continuous pursuit of the Dawn Knights, they had to choose to take root in Singal, where various dark forces are intertwined.

Singal is a paradise for crime. Slave trades are everywhere, and there are all kinds of thugs. Of course, Dawn Knights, who flaunt justice as fanatics, dare not approach here...

In order to grow stronger as soon as possible to compete with the Knights of the Dawn, the Knights of the Twilight had to lower the standards for admission.

So all kinds of criminals, killers, bandits, including nomads from the D'Shar tribe... as long as they are willing to follow the Dusk Knight, almost all of them can join.

This led to the rapid expansion of the Twilight Knights, but at the same time, the quality of the members was uneven.

In addition, in order to understand why the Knights of the Dawn have such a distorted obsession with heresy, the Twilight Knights intend to study heresy theoretically.

They tried to find out the essence of heresy fundamentally, in order to correct the Knights of the Dawn and better fight against heresy.

The starting point is good.

But the problem is that due to the hasty recruitment of a large number of people with poor quality, coupled with the active contact with heretics, this has given opportunities for heretics to take advantage of...

In just a few years, heresy had penetrated into the Twilight Knights, and many Twilight Knights were corrupted by heresy.

In addition, the environment in a place like Singal is already prone to negative effects on people.

As a result, the beliefs and purposes of the Twilight Knights changed rapidly.

In order to strengthen their strength against the Knights of the Dawn, they used the method of the Knights of the Dawn—those who disagreed with what they said, they should use swords and maces to persuade them.

In fact, the researchers of the Twilight Knights have indeed uncovered some theories about heresy in the past few years, but these discoveries have made them even more confused.

Because the more they researched, the more they felt that the goddess of justice and the goddess of darkness might be one.

In fact, this is really possible. From the perspective of the lord, light and darkness should be one. After all, the two goddesses even have the same sacrificial rites...

Whether it is justice or not is relative.

As a result, the Knights of the Dusk changed—most of them began to fully believe in Ereda, the goddess of darkness.

But unlike the heretics, they believed that Astalia, the goddess of justice, and Eredar, the goddess of darkness, were twins.

Therefore, in the hall of the Twilight Knights, there is a statue of a god with both sides.

Because they think this is the correct belief. Since justice and darkness are one, believing in Eredar will not violate the oath to the goddess of justice, and at the same time, they can get the favor of the goddess of darkness...

They don't think of themselves as heretics, but they don't fight against heretics anymore, and even help them in many cases.

Moreover, their behavior has also begun to move closer to heresy...

For example, to create slaughter among the innocent, and to enshrine the goddess with the flesh and blood of the dead, to try to use the power of the dark goddess...

Another example is to study the sacrificial ritual of the Goddess of Darkness, and try to summon a powerful undead demon.

The uneven quality of personnel made them gradually go to the same extreme as the Dawn Knights, but they just went to another extreme.

And for knights like Jocelyn, the Dusk Knights have become another kind of Dawn Knights...

"Now they are no different from heretics. This time, our mission is to protect Igor and come to Changhe Town. There are not many people dispatched, so I plan to take this opportunity to break away from the Twilight Knights."

After Jocelyn finished talking about himself and the Twilight Knights, he began to talk about his mission this time.

"Igor is not one of you, is he? How did you get together?"

Li Ang didn't quite understand, he knew that Igor probably wasn't a member of the Twilight Knights.

"My lord, I am no longer a member of the Dusk Knights..."

Jocelyn expressed objection to Li Ang's use of the name 'you', and then looked at Igor who was tied up in the hall: "That Igor may be a heretic priest, and his organization has some heretic witchcraft. A few days ago He went to Singal the other day to find cooperation with the Twilight Knights. It is said that his organization is willing to use this method of resurrection in exchange for the Knights to provide them with troops... and the order we got is to protect him, but if he is killed If you catch him, you must let him die."

Eredar, the dark goddess, can bring people back from the dead—certainly, this is a very important reason why heresy can attract followers, even the most important reason.

Of course, the Dusk Knights want to find out the reason, and I'm afraid it's not just to find out...

"What is the specific content of the cooperation between Heresy and the Twilight Knights? With your skill, you shouldn't be an unknown person in the Twilight Knights... How did you get sent as a bodyguard?"

When the lord came down the stairs of the city wall, he saw Jocelyn fighting three against one.

"I only know that the Twilight Knights sent most of the knights to Sarleon City. It is said that this matter has something to do with the prince of Sarleon Kingdom, and also has something to do with the resurrected witchcraft... But I really don't know the more specific content of the cooperation. .”

Jocelyn shook his head and sighed: "I was deprived of my noble status when I joined the Twilight Knights. They can continue to call me a knight, and still let me be a knight instead of a slave. This is already my skill." The biggest benefit it can bring... I am not a high-level executive, and I am not even the captain of the team of knights protecting Igor."

"Then, why did Igor have to be killed after he was caught? You should know this, right?"

Li Ang nodded. He knew that Jocelyn was not lying. If he was really a high-level person, he wouldn't be sent as a bodyguard.

"I really don't know about this. Within the Twilight Knights, orders from superiors are not allowed to inquire about the specific reasons."

A trace of helplessness appeared on Jocelyn's face.

Li Ang nodded. After receiving the order, he can only execute it, and cannot ask why. This is normal operation for most regular legions.

"You said before that Igor may have lost most of his soul, what does that mean?"

Turned his head and looked at the foolish Igor

"I don't know the specific reason, and I'm just guessing. This Igor looks a lot like the heretical fallen man who came back from the dead... This matter has been studied by the Twilight Knights, and it is said that they sacrificed their souls to Eredar The heretics will be resurrected as fallen people after death. But they have abandoned part of their souls, so they will forget many things after resurrection, and sometimes become demented..."

Jocelyn thought for a while, and gave an answer in a relatively easy-to-understand way.

After finishing speaking, I added a few words: "In fact, it is not a secret that heretics can be resurrected into fallen people. Many people think that if you want to kill heretics completely, it is best to directly burn them to ashes with fire. If there is not enough firewood, cut off the head Then the head is cremated. The soul is in the head, and after burning all the souls they cannot be resurrected."

This is the common perception of people in this era, that the human soul is in the head, and that the soul will be burned by fire.

There is nothing wrong with this cognition, if the soul is regarded as consciousness and memory.

This is the reason why heretics are tied to the stake and burned to death, not for any sense of ritual.

In fact, all the strange operation methods that have been passed down for many years were not originally for the sense of ritual, but based on practical functional considerations.

For example, the stake is actually a cross made of wood. The cross-shaped wooden frame is used to nail the victim on it and burn it, because if it is tied with a rope, the rope will be burned.

"Do you know how their heretical organization used to resurrect people? Is it a spell or something else?"

Li Ang especially wanted to figure out this problem. He had seen the fallen people made by the three prophets, and they seemed to rely on pure spells.

But the fallen people created by the Three Prophets are not complete at all, they don't have the slightest sense of sanity, and they don't obey their commands at all. At best, they can only be used to scare people.

In fact, in Li Ang’s view, all the sorcery of the Three Prophets is half-baked—it can summon fallen people but cannot control them, it can change people’s skin but it cannot connect with muscles to grow, it can charm men but it relies on beauty and poison...

They definitely don't have the ability to resurrect Igor into what he is now.

"I don't know... the Twilight Knights will cooperate with Igor's organization just to find out the specific method."

Jocelyn shook his head directly.

"Okay... Jocelyn, from now on, you will be my subordinate, and I will protect you from being hunted down by the Twilight Knights. What is your position in the Twilight Knights?"

"Recruit coach, I'm responsible for training the basic skills of the recruits. But those people in Singal are really... well... don't mention it."

Jocelyn shook his head as he spoke, apparently dissatisfied with the new members recruited by the Twilight Knights.

"Then now, I will give you the same position, and my recruits will definitely be much easier to discipline... I am Li Ang, and I am from Barkley just like you."

Jocelyn explained everything very clearly, sincerity is obviously enough, and Li Ang happily gave Jocelyn a job as the recruit skills coach of his army.

"I am willing to serve you, Lord Li Ang."

Hearing that the lord said that he was also from Barkley, Jocelyn seemed to be relieved, and his expression relaxed a little.

'Joccelyn has joined your team'.

"Go and change your clothes first, and it's best to change your sword too... My subordinates can't wear the equipment of the Twilight Knight."

Li Ang waved his hand to signal his subordinates to take Jocelyn away.

Upon seeing this, Fawcett also let all the other soldiers leave.

Jocelyn knew very little, so now he had no choice but to turn his head to study Igor, and the soldiers could not be present.

Yes, I can only use the word research, because Igor can hardly interrogate at present.

The fishing net on Igor had been untied, and Grandlon and Fawcett tied him to a chair with their own hands.

This was mainly to treat the wound on his body, but in fact the long wound barely bled.

Considering that this guy came back from the dead, the few people didn't get to the bottom of it. Compared with his bloodless wound, his current state is even more strange.

Igor's current appearance is similar to what Jocelyn said, probably because he has lost part of his soul, and he has always looked a little stupid.

No matter what Li Ang asked, he didn't respond.

At most, say a meaningless sentence like "who are you" and "you will regret it".

And torture is useless. Fawcett tried it. Even if a bamboo stick was inserted into his finger, Igor didn't respond at all. It seemed that he had lost all sense.

It feels like a walking dead.

But... Li Ang has seen this kind of scene before.

Li Ang has even seen Igor's deadly appearance.

The lips are bruised, the face is pale, the hair is withered, looks like a dead person, and does not move, refuse, resist, or cooperate.

The Dead Face spy of the Bacchus Empire was like this back then.

Presumably that's what they look like once they're wounded and caught.

exactly the same.

I don't know if Governor Justus of the Bacchus Empire knew the reason for this matter—the secret agent of Bacchus was originally a subordinate of Justus.

But is Igor related to Governor Justus?

Shouldn't be...

Igor is the king's brother-in-law, a bachelor of the kingdom, with his status, he will not be a secret spy of the Bacchus Empire!
But now, Igor became like this, which interrupted Li Ang's plan.

(End of this chapter)

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