Riding and Slashing

Chapter 228 Wendy's Special Skill

Chapter 228 Wendy's Special Skill
Justus opened his eyes wide, stood up, drew his sword, and shouted, "Reinforcements are coming! Repel them!"


The imperial soldiers on the city wall shouted in unison, and the morale that had been low was visibly increased by the naked eye.

Several gladiators took two steps back and looked back towards the city.

Outside Boshi City, an astonishing number of cavalry troops appeared, rushing into the battlefield from the rear of the slave army!
A large number of galloping horses brought up smoke and dust soaring into the sky, and the golden griffin flag at the forefront of the cavalry was particularly conspicuous against the winter afternoon.

The sound of horseshoes gradually covered up the chaotic shouts of killing outside the city, and the crisp sound of the cracking of the lance was still clearly discernible on the city wall.

The vanguard of that unit was more than 100 Lancers, all wearing black heraldic burqas. If it weren't for the golden coat of arms on their chests to show their identities, these cavalry looked a lot like the imperial army.

But obviously, these cavalry came from Sarleon.

Because all of them were holding long lances. After the lances broke, they drew out the long swords on their backs. The fighting method was very similar to that of traditional knights.

This is the Pande cavalry team led by Jocelyn, and it is also the result of his training for more than two months.

The former recruit instructor of the Twilight Knights indeed has an excellent level of training, and the growth rate of the recruits under his hands is faster than that under the hands of Paladin Roland.

Li Ang himself is also in this team.

In fact, he was at the forefront of the team at the moment, leading the charge for the troops together with Jocelyn.

Jocelyn has now become Li Ang's banner officer. He is now wearing two layers of heavy armor, holding a large banner, and riding a majestic heavy armored horse.

His horse was very special. It was a gelding found among the spoils of the Catu people after the Battle of Eagle Claw Castle. It was of a very special breed.

This horse is very large, with a shoulder height of two meters and a weight of at least two thousand pounds. It is an extra-large horse breed.

When standing among Gatum horses, it looks twice the size of other Gatum horses...

Generally, such an oversized horse has a heavy heart load, cannot charge at high speed, and is usually timid and slow to react, just like most draft horses that pull carts.

But this horse is different.

Not only is it courageous, but it also possesses considerable stamina and great strength.

High-speed sprinting has no effect on it, and it often runs around in the racecourse, and will actively collide with its own kind.

Although it still has the common problem of large horses-poor flexibility, it is obviously already the dream mount of most knights just because of its super strength and rare bravery.

So Jocelyn was fascinated the first time he saw the horse.

But when he started hooking up with this horse, he realized why everyone, including Li Ang, was not interested in this mighty gelding...

Because this horse is very stupid.

It can hardly understand any instructions, and its temper is quite violent, like that kind of ferocious beast that cannot be tamed, most people don't even want to get close to it.

It took Jocelyn two full months to get on it... He had to go to Anson's every two days to get a bandage in order to get on the horse...

But then he found out that he was cheated by this horse.

Because after riding a large horse with a shoulder height of over two meters, it is basically impossible to kill the enemy with a sword-the position is too high and it is very inconvenient.

The horse is too big.

After all, people can only ride on horseback in a leaping style. A horseback that is too wide will restrict the rider's movements. After riding this horse, it is impossible to swing a sword with a low body unless you are not wearing armor and Use a hanging one-sided soft stirrup.

But if you don't wear armor, riding on such a tall horse is a living target...

So Jocelyn finally put on double-layer armor, put on the thickest full-face helmet, wrapped the whole body into an iron bump, and then equipped the horse with thick full-body armor.

A large horse in black iron armor, plus Jocelyn wearing two layers of black armor, this combination looks like a demon walking out of the abyss...

But in fact, this steel demon has no lethality. Jocelyn can't swing a sword at all. He can only hold a flag to attract firepower, and he is engaged in the most dangerous job on the battlefield-flag bearer.

The only way he can cause damage is to let this strong horse run straight over, smashing through all obstacles in front of him like a tank.

But his appearance is really astonishing, the deterrent power is indeed full, and the target is obvious, both friendly and enemy troops can see him at a glance...

Therefore, when Jocelyn appeared on the battlefield holding the flag, the slave rebel army was really shocked, and even caused a little panic. After all, there had never been such a large moving lump of iron in Bacchus territory.

This also made it easy for Li Ang to lead more than 100 Pendor cavalry into the army. They formed a front arrow formation, and with Jocelyn as the arrow, they cut through the chaotic formation of the slave rebels like bread.

And behind the more than 100 Pendor cavalry, a large group of female soldiers followed closely. They wore the same sky blue burqas as the Falcon Claws, and the horse clothes were also blue, but the coat of arms they used was not the falcon , but golden irises.

They are now Amy's entourage - the princess knight recruited a lot of entourage, as many as 400 people.

The number of Amy's followers is probably second only to the king's guards in the Sarleon Kingdom...

Anyway, each kingdom has no standard for the retinue a knight can have, as long as they can afford it.

Amy is very rich now, so of course she can afford it—White Hart Castle has everything it wants, and although most of the supplies are considered Li Ang's property, she will not be polite to him.

Anyway, from her point of view, these female soldiers were supposed to be handed over to Li Ang. After all, the real name of this army was 'Griffin Claw'...

Therefore, the equipment and treatment of the female soldiers are quite good, which can even make the knights of the whole continent envious and jealous-the full set of equipment is provided by Amy, and the salary is twice that of ordinary soldiers.

High pay usually brings high returns. With Sarah's 'help', the amount of training for female soldiers is about twice that of ordinary soldiers, and the level of hard work during training can probably make the whole continent The knights' scalps were numb.

Moreover, after completing the training, to officially become a member of Griffin Claws, the threshold standard will be ridiculously high-not only must pass the martial arts test of the female explorers, but also bring back the body of a bandit or Gato looter. first level.

This is the operation method of Countess Valera back then, and Amy is just following in the footsteps of her predecessors.

With the help of the original female explorers, the newly recruited female soldiers not only possess good skills, but also all have extremely high obedience.

Because they are not like those male warriors, for them, Amy is the only knight they can follow at present.

This female soldier has now become a silent team, they followed behind the frontmost Pendor cavalry without shouting or making noise.

They just walked quietly along with their horses, while using the crossbows and sabers in their hands to help the friendly troops behind them clear the way and clear the obstacles along the way.

Behind these female soldiers are the Noldo troops led by Lisa Dilan, who are the main export force responsible for relieving the danger.

Let the traditional Lancers act as the vanguard, and the Rangers sweep behind, and conduct penetrating assaults from the enemy's side and rear. This is the most reasonable way for cavalry to charge on the battlefield since ancient times, and it is not a special tactic.

But this army is obviously very special - behind all the cavalry in front, there are hundreds of carriages following.

The wagons were evidently fully loaded, and in each wagon was a crossbowman.

That was Kryon's Radiant Cross Plague Exorcist.

Such things as chariots have already withdrawn from the stage of history these years. Even the Bacchus Empire, which likes to use chariots the most, has long since given up this kind of war tool that requires extremely high terrain.

But in today's situation, the carriage has played a great role.

Because the slave rebels were all infantry, and the outside of Boshi City was all flat ground.

No one would be run over by a chariot, much less faced the arrows of the Noldor and the crossbows of the Plague Exorcist.

The rebel army was completely in chaos in just a few minutes, and this group of mobs began to run around in a mess. The large number of people but the lack of effective management of large-scale troops, its biggest drawback was undoubtedly revealed at this moment.

The gladiators on the city wall saw all this. They knew that they had lost their backup. Facing the imperial soldiers who were approaching, they wisely chose to retreat and retreated quickly from the scaffolding.

Justus let out a long breath.

At this moment, Li Ang led the cavalry into the center of the battlefield smoothly.

Here, a large group of gladiators did not panic or flee, but formed a circle, holding their shields and waiting.

Under such a situation, they did not escape. Obviously, the leader of the rebel army is here.

"Surround them!"

Li Ang waved his hand, indicating that Jocelyn would lead the team to continue charging, and disperse the surrounding rebels, while he led the Noldor guards to surround the gladiators.

The following carriages also gradually stopped here, and hundreds of carriages formed an arc-shaped formation, blocking the group of gladiators between the city wall and the formation.

"Brutus! Elena! I'm Alina! Are you here?"

Alina got off a carriage and ran over calling her friend's name.

"Hmph... Brutus, these nobles are looking for you... You really took us to death on purpose!"

The group of gladiators dispersed, and several burly men stepped out from inside.

They held a man with a lot of scars in their hands.

"Brutus! Why did you do this? He saved you! But you..."

Alina screamed and stepped forward.

Brutus had obviously been tortured cruelly, with scars all over his body, but none of them were fatal.

Li Ang grabbed her and said, "Don't go there, they are already different from the gladiators you know... You can tell by the way this guy is dressed, some of them have changed their minds..."

Arina looked at the burly gladiators on the opposite side, among them was a particularly tall guy with a crescent axe, a gold wristband on his arm, and an exquisite half-body armor on his body. On his head was a nondescript golden crown...

It was probably a ring hammered from a gold bar, probably in imitation of the wheat-eared crown of Emperor Marius.

There are also golden leggings on the legs, and gold ornaments all over the body, most of them are crudely made, but they are still shining with gold.

Looking at this guy's attire, one can tell that this person's desire for gold may be far greater than freeing the slaves who followed him...

"So, you are the leader of this army now? What's your name?"

Li Ang stepped forward and asked.

"That's the sword of the rhetorician...the emperor's sword is actually in the hands of a lord of the Sarleion Realm? Ha..."

That guy was looking at the sword in Li Ang's hand now, turning a deaf ear to Li Ang's question.

"You should know where you are now...Gladiator, I don't want to kill you! Tell me your name and let your troops surrender!"

Li Ang looked at the weak Brutus, then at the guy with a golden body, and pointed the sword in his hand at him.

"Surrender? Then be buried alive or hanged? Do you think I will trust nobles like you?"

The gladiator grabbed the weak Brutus by the collar and pulled him up: "The nobleman told me to surrender, Brutus, is that your plan...Hmph ha ha ha..."

After speaking, a head hammer hit Brutus in the face.

Blood splattered.

"Are you crazy? Let him go!"

Alina screamed.

"Hmph... I know that Brutus is from the Immortal Legion... I also know that you are the daughter of Justus, Miss Alina, I will not trust you anymore!...I want Brutus to live, Just get us out of here!"

The leading gladiator looked at Alina, and picked up Brutus who had collapsed.

"I didn't expect...a brave gladiator would do something that only a rascal can do..."

Li Ang took off his helmet and stepped forward, with a very obvious expression of disdain on his face: "Kidnapping one of my own people on the battlefield? This is really good..."

A group of gladiators looked at each other, obviously Li Ang stimulated their fragile self-esteem.

"As long as Brutus is in our hands, they dare not kill us... If we and Brutus are dead, an army of tens of thousands of people will swallow them all!"

Seeing that the others seemed a little uneasy, the leading gladiator turned around and said to them.

"You should be able to see that I am from the Sarleon Realm... I don't care who you kidnap, as long as I have food in my hands, your troops will naturally obey my command..."

Li Ang glanced at the gladiators present, then raised his sword: "Kill them!"

"Wait! You don't want the lives of their brothers and sisters?"

The leading gladiator obviously didn't expect Li Ang to order the killing indifferently. He seemed a little flustered, left Brutus behind, and took a few steps forward with his hands open.

"What brother and sister? Him? What does he have to do with me? Are you threatening me with the lives of your own partners? This is probably the biggest joke I've heard this year..."

Li Ang did smile, and shook his head while laughing: "How did you become the leader of so many people, an idiot like you?"

"Then I'll kill you!"

The leader suddenly rushed towards Li Ang quickly, and the gladiators behind him also rushed over.

"No! Castro! No..."

Brutus, who collapsed powerlessly on the ground, forced himself up and shouted: "You will ruin everyone!"

But just as he shouted, the gladiator known as Castro had already rushed to Li Ang.

The lord is not a soft persimmon, and he himself is a habitual criminal who kidnaps others, so it is natural to see that this guy seems to have other plans.

Seeing Castro rushing towards him, he didn't fight, but drove his horse and took a step to the side, blocking Alina's body sideways.

Castro was holding a crescent ax in his hand. Seeing that Li Ang stopped his real target horizontally with his horse, he stopped abruptly again, stretched out his hand and threw the crescent ax towards Li Ang!

Li Ang knew he couldn't hide, so he swung his sword to block the Crescent Axe.

There was a "bang", the ax was indeed blocked, but the huge force almost caused Li Ang's sword to fly out of his hand, and the right hand holding the hilt lost consciousness for a moment and kept shaking!
The strength is so great!
After throwing the throwing axe, Castro did not continue to attack Li Ang, but drew out a long knife, and rushed from the lord's right hand to Li Ang's back.

His target is Alina!

Two Noldor rangers quickly surrounded him and stood in front of Castro.

But the long knife swept left and right, and cut down the two Noldor rangers in an instant-it was cut on the shield, and it didn't cause any damage, but the two Noldor rangers were overturned by strength alone!
Light weight does have disadvantages. Although the strength of the Noldor is not small, it is easy to be cut down if they are not heavy enough...

Fortunately, the two Noldors blocked it, and Alina started to retreat wisely, and several Noldors surrounded her again.

But Castro swept the Noldo away again like a gust of wind with the long knife in his hand. The long knife in his hand was so powerful that no one could stop him for a while!

This is a real master, no wonder he was chosen as the leader of the gladiators!

At this time, other gladiators also rushed towards Li Ang's position.

The distance was too close, so Li Ang had no choice but to hand over the sword to his left hand, to solve the crisis around him first, and it was too late to pay attention to other people.

When cavalry lost their speed, they didn't actually have an advantage against infantry, especially against such strong and flexible gladiators.

Although most of the gladiators did not have armor, they rushed into the crowd quickly, which prevented the Noldor Guard from shooting arrows and could only respond to the enemy with swords and shields.

Fortunately, whether it is the Noldo ranger or Li Ang himself, the equipment on his body is very defensive. Most gladiators use low-quality swords. As long as they are not stabbed, it is difficult to cause too much damage by chopping alone.

But that Castro was too good indeed... several Noldor rangers could not restrain him.

This guy's saber is extremely fast, and there are many phantoms in the flying of the long saber, and the sound of breaking the wind is extremely ear-piercing!
There were bursts of neighing from horses, and the long knife was designed to attack the lower three lanes!

The Noldor's Guard are light rangers, and they cannot protect a horse's legs!
The Noldo guards who were besieging on horseback were cut down one after another under Castro's slashing from left to right. Although only the horses were chopped off, none of the Noldo guards were injured, but a gap was quickly opened in front of the formation.

And there were no guards in front of Alina, and Castro was still running forward, only a few meters away from her!
At this moment, a petite figure appeared like a ghost, holding a long sword and dragging Alina behind him.

That's Wendy Erff.

Castro failed to rush to Alina, and seven or eight Noldor rangers surrounded him again. Several horses fell to the ground and neighed. Be more flexible.

But the long knife in Castro's hand was flying left and right, and the Noldor rangers couldn't get close!

Seeing that the Noldo rangers would not be able to deal with Castro for a while, Wendy pushed Alina slightly back again: "Stay away, I will kill him!"

She then confronted Castro with her sword in hand.

The weapon in Wendy's hand may be a special version of the Noldor's sword, which is thinner and narrower than Lisa Dilan's sword.

It is estimated that it was tailor-made for Wendy by the Fenway family.

Wendy's footsteps changed from slow to fast, and finally she bent down and started running close to the ground.

Castro was being besieged by a dozen rangers. Although he saw Wendy galloping towards him, he had no time to deal with it. In desperation, he yelled "Get out!"

The long knife swept across the circle vigorously, and swung away all the weapons of the Noldo. Several Noldo took a few steps back, and even a ranger was thrown three meters away by its powerful force!
However, after this extremely powerful sweep, Castro's empty door opened wide, and a Noldor ranger just slashed a sword against the ground. This sword hit Castro's calf, blood spattered, bones The sound of cracking is clearly identifiable!

But Castro was obviously a ruthless man, and despite being so injured, he managed not to fall to the ground. Instead, he yelled and turned around, with the long knife in his hand running towards Wendy in a sweeping motion. Swing a powerful horizontal slash in the direction!

His calf even had bones burst out!
This is a fierce general who is not afraid of death. The two-handed long sword fits together and brings out the light of the full moon. It is obvious that the speed and strength of the sword have reached the extreme!

If hit by this knife, even a steel shield would be broken with one blow!

As for Wendy, who was rushing towards the sword, it seemed that she might be cut in two!

But in the midst of this flash, Wendy seemed to make a jumping forward movement, and then disappeared as if disappeared out of thin air!

Before everyone on the field could react, they saw Wendy do a front flip and land behind Castro.

Castro was hit by a sword on his leg, and he used force again. His calf had been twisted into a shape that was difficult to look at directly. The white bone pierced the muscles on the leg and exposed it, making him unable to support his body.

However, there was a "crack...crack" sound from his throat, a large amount of blood sprayed from his neck, and then his calf twisted more and more, and he gradually fell to the ground.

Only Alina who was behind Wendy could see clearly.

After getting close to Castro, Wentierf jumped forward like a ghost, leaning against the ground to avoid the powerful knife.

After jumping forward, she bounced as high as a person with one hand on the ground, and then swung a sword at Castro's neck like lightning while standing on his head in the air, before turning over and landing.

The whole set of movements is like flowing clouds and flowing water, with an indescribable beauty.

This is an amazing killing technique!

Alina stared blankly at Wendy in front of her, and stammered: "Wendy...thank you..."

(End of this chapter)

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