Chapter 236
Presumably in any human government, there must be factional struggles, and the same is true of the Snake Cult.

The Snake Cult can actually be divided into two factions, the 'Cobra' and the 'Viper', which is also due to the struggle between the priestesses of the Snake Cult.

Over the past 100 years, priestesses have been sent to Pendor Continent—the priestesses of the temple believe that this is a kind of distribution. Most of the priestesses sent to Pendor Continent are losers in political struggles.

Some of these losers can be regarded as sympathetic, and they formed an alliance in Pendor Continent to build the 'Cobra' faction.

From the followers of the Snake Cult to the warriors of the Snake Cult, and then to the Cobra Warriors, they established a different hierarchy of believers in Pendor Continent.

This is in line with the native lord culture of Pendor, the priestesses are like lords, the cobra warriors are like knights who follow them, and the Snake Cult warriors are like retinues.

But these priestesses assigned to Pendor Continent are still loyal to the Snake Cult, and will also cooperate with some orders from the Snake Cult Temple in the Amara Continent—after all, the priestesses have been brainwashed since childhood, even if they fight among themselves It will not affect their loyalty to the Snake Cult itself.

But after all, it is divided into two continents, the temple can't control the Cobra faction, and the priestesses in Pendor continent will only obey "partial orders".

And the 'Viper faction' is basically the local snake worshipers of the Alma Continent. These believers come from the Gobax Empire, so the system is not as clear as that of the Pendor Continent. The Gobax Empire has no lord culture, and the Viper The status of the sent fighters is the same as that of ordinary believers, and the leader is also called a general just like Bacchus.

Due to the chaotic military and political system of the Snake Cult in the continent of Amara for more than a hundred years, it is difficult for the temple priestesses to truly control the military power, and the Snake Cult gradually lost control.

In many cases, there will be situations where the orders of the temple are obeyed and violated-this is also normal. Few of the orders issued by the priestesses of the temple are reliable. He has great respect for the priestess accompanying the army, but he will never obey the priestess' orders in everything.

Under such circumstances, the authority of the temple is naturally not as good as before. If it weren't for the mission of the Dread Legion to eliminate rebellion, the Snake Worship Cult would have already been torn apart.

But the problem is that the Dread Legion is not loyal to the high priest.

In fact, not even the Temple's Council of Priestesses can issue any orders to the Legion of Dread.

The Dread Legion had a special status in the Snake Cult, and Martis wasn't interested in anything other than rebellion and fighting, so naturally he couldn't buy it.

Moreover, this terrifying legion would not have any dependence on the Snake Cult Temple at all-all of them are resurrected undead, and they neither need supplies nor enjoyment.

In fact, before the death of the original talented high priest, any legionary infantryman in Martis' Dread Legion was far superior to the Temple Priestess.

Because the Dread Legion used to be the rebellious army of the Snake Cult, they only did two kinds of work, one was to crusade against the Snake Cult troops who betrayed the snake god Azi Dahaka; the other was to conquer those difficult to deal with enemy.

Any orders other than this, Martis will not respond at all...

This also means that in the current Snake Worship Cult, the high priest in the temple has basically failed to control any external military power, and only the temple guards are considered to be under the control of the high priest.

The current high priest actually has some ideas. After all, once he takes power, he naturally hopes to break the four-year election situation...

She wants to control the external military power into her own hands.

To this end, she designed a series of conspiracies and tricks with Alisa as the blade.

First of all, the high priest said that Alisa had absconded after poisoning all the priestesses of the temple, and a large-scale investigation was needed.

But in fact Alisa has been in the hands of the high priest's trusted warriors.

Subsequently, the high priest summoned the leader of the Viper faction in the temple, expressing suspicion that Alisa's rebellion had something to do with the army, and announced that he would investigate the rebellion.

At the same time, the high priest quietly sent Alisa to the barracks of the most powerful general of the Viper faction, in order to frame the general and Alisa for conspiring to rebel.

After all, Alisa did intend to poison all the priestesses in the temple, including the high priest-this is indeed the highest level of treason.

Since there were indeed traitors who were priests of the temple in the barracks, Maltisse's Dread Legion would naturally come forward to counter the rebellion.

So the general and a small group of disobedient Snake Cult warriors were killed by Maltis's fear army, but Alyssa 'fleeed again' - the high priest felt that Alyssa, a sinner who had really poisoned him, was quite It's easy to use, and hides Alisa again.

The reason for doing this is to use Alyssa, the real treasoner, to drive Martis' Legion of Terror again in the future—this kind of high-end traitor who can cause the Legion of Terror to dispatch is hard to find, so of course we should cherish it.

I don’t know how Maltis judges the truth and lies. Maybe Maltis can get the oracle from Aziz Dahaka to judge the truth. Anyway, false framing and forged orders have never been able to control the fear army. The rebel Martis who is too low-level will not respond.

But the rebellion of a temple priestess like Alisa obviously has a great impact. As long as the situation is true, the fear legion will definitely be dispatched.

After the Dread Legion killed the general, the high priest successfully placed his cronies in the position of the general, and under the deterrent force of the Dread Legion, he completed control of the army.

——She said that if this army does not obey her command, then all soldiers will be killed by the Dread Legion as rebels, and they will not even live in peace after death.

If you are a traitor of the Snake Cult and killed by the Legion of Fear, the end will be very miserable, not just death...

The Legion of Dread represents the greatest fear even within the Snake Cult.

For traitors or sinners of the Snake Cult are to be devoured by the Dread Legion at the Snake Cult's altars - literally, they are eaten flesh and blood by the Serpent Riders of the Dread Legion.

After being devoured alive, the traitor will also "annihilate the sinful soul into the abyss" in the altar of Azdahaka, and finally become the "devoured one".

This kind of "devoured person" is generally equivalent to the soul being devoured, the flesh and blood being eaten, leaving only a skeleton-like remnant, but this remnant still has to be driven by those python knights, until completely reduced to powder.

In the eyes of Snake Worshipers, this is equivalent to being unable to stand up forever and sinking into a painful hell forever.

In fact, the Devoured Ones of the Snake Cult are very similar to the Fallen Ones of the Dark Goddess Cult.

They all gave up their flesh and blood, and their souls were devoured by some kind of existence.

However, in the sect of the Dark Goddess, the fallen are those who actively donate their flesh and soul to the Dark Goddess in exchange for powerful power, which is more like an active transaction.

In the Snake Cult, the devoured are the sinners of the sect, but they will also gain strength from it...

The logic of the two sides is completely different, but the result is indeed the same - the devoured and the fallen are both skinless and powerful walking corpses.

Obviously, the powerful power they obtained is probably just an inevitable phenomenon after becoming undead-undead who have lost consciousness will no longer be affected by the body's own protection mechanism, and they can exert what the human body can theoretically exert. all power.

Believers of the Snake Cult are extremely afraid of being devoured. In their teachings, this punishment imposed on rebels means that they will endure endless torture in the abyss of hell, and they will never be able to escape.

They are not afraid of death, but they are afraid of going to hell-most of the cult believers are like this. In their eyes, death is just waiting on the road to heaven in advance, but being "annihilated" by the gods they believe in is unacceptable.

The high priest successfully got the first army that obeyed her alone.

This is the first high priest who has truly succeeded in seizing a large amount of military power in many years-such an achievement has greatly increased the confidence of the current high priest, and naturally gave birth to a bigger idea.

But this kind of framing can only be used once in the mainland of Amara. After all, Alisa has been "fleeed". It would be too fake if it can appear in another general's barracks...

And the other generals are already prepared.

Besides, if Maltis finds out that this is a lie, maybe the fear legion will kill the high priest and re-elect...

Therefore, the High Priest set his sights on Pendor Continent.

This kind of framing may not continue to be used in the continent of Amara, but it is logical to use it in the continent of Pendor-the priestesses of the Cobra faction often disobey the orders of the temple, although this is more due to the fact that they are separated by two continents It is inconvenient to pass the news, but it is not wrong to say that they are rebellious.

In this way, the Dread Legion can still be used as a sword, and Alisa, the great traitor, can still be used.

On the one hand, the high priest intends to get the army of the priestesses of the Cobra faction—those priestesses were once losers in political struggles. In the eyes of the high priest, she must be able to kill or control those losers, and take the Cobra The faction's army got into its own hands.

Moreover, the Cobra faction basically uses the logic of the lord, those priestesses lead the army in person, without the middleman of the 'general', the followers of the Cobra faction will be more adaptable to being controlled by a dictatorial priestess than the Viper faction in terms of mentality .

On the other hand, the high priest intends to personally conquer the Bacchus Empire in Pendor Continent—with such an achievement, she will definitely become the real ruler of the entire Snake Cult, just like the first generation of high priests. everything.

So she exiled Alyssa to Pendor Continent, and asked her trusted warriors to take Alyssa to become a member of the Cobra Sect. At the same time, she sent the order to besiege Emperor Lingang to the priestesses of the Cobra Sect in Pandor Continent—— In the name of the Temple Priest Council, the Snake Worshipers in Pendor Continent are required to join their expeditionary army at Emperor Lingang.

This is actually to allow all the priestesses of the Cobra faction to gather in Emperor Lingang, and then the high priest can use the name of "Alyssa and the Cobra faction to rebel" to once again prompt the fear legion to send out the rebellion, so that she can win The army of the priestesses in the Pendor Continent - the same method can indeed be used again in the Pendor Continent.

And this time, she wants to achieve multiple goals in one step. She can not only conquer Emperor Lingang and create good conditions for the conquest of the Bacchus Empire, but also control a large number of troops and make herself a real dictator.

The High Priest then initiated the mobilization of the Expedition to Pendor at the Temple of Amara.

The order of the expedition to Pendor has indeed received widespread response from the Amara Continent, because the Amara Continent has faced a long-term famine, and it is in line with the wishes of most believers to go to the Pendor Continent to get some food.

So the high priest began to form a huge expeditionary army with the army she had just controlled as the main body, gathered the Snake Cult troops to several ports near the temple, and then began to mobilize supplies.

However, what the high priest didn't expect was that before the supplies of the army were ready, a fleet of the Bacchus Empire suddenly arrived in Pender Continent, causing great chaos in various ports.

The High Priest himself is not good at commanding naval battles, and the trusted general she just promoted is probably not very good at it. Facing the fleet of the Bacchus Empire, he reacted too slowly. Burnt to the ground.

Now the expeditionary force may be difficult to set off...

As a result, the trusted warriors who took Alyssa to the continent of Pendor lost contact with the high priest just like that—the port was destroyed, but the expedition led by the high priest failed to set off as scheduled.

On the contrary, the Dread Legion, an independent legion, had already set off before the accident at the port-the Dread Legion did not need supplies, and they were not waiting at the port.

Naturally, there was a big deviation in the high priest's plan.

After those trusted warriors brought Alyssa to the Pendor Continent, they landed from the coastal village Serindir Village west of Emperor Lingang, and have been lurking there since the expeditionary force never came, and Emperor Lingang also Has not been captured, they can only find another landing point.

But this has resulted in them being unable to obtain follow-up instructions, and have been unable to implement the high priest's plan.

The high priest asked them to take Alyssa to Emperor Lingang, and as a priestess sent to Pendor, she joined the Cobra faction.

But the expeditionary force has not arrived yet, and Emperor Lingang has always been in the hands of the Bacchus Empire. Although it was tottering under the attack of Pende's Snake Worship Cult, it just won't fall...

Emperor Lingang couldn't go. These trusted warriors knew that Alyssa was a traitor who poisoned the high priest, but they could neither deal with it arbitrarily, nor dared to let Alyssa come into contact with the Snake Worshipers in Pendor.

Therefore, they did not dare to act rashly, but kept hiding in Serendil and waited.

As a result, Alisa naturally couldn't join the Cobra faction, and couldn't even meet the priestess alliance that was sent to Pendor Continent.

This prevented the Dread Legion from launching an attack on the Cobra faction in Pendor - because they did not rebel.

Martis could indeed determine the authenticity of the oracle in some way.

Therefore, the fear legion did not attack Emperor Lingang at all, nor did it stay near Emperor Lingang.

This legion seems to have a new goal spontaneously - Siyuan City.

After all, the Dread Legion did not need supplies, so Martis sailed along the coastline for a few more days, and then landed from Ziza Village.

Ordinary troops cannot land from Qiza, as there is no pier for large warships to dock there, and large ships are easily stranded in the shallow harbor.

Only the fearless and powerful undead warriors like the Dread Legion can forcibly go ashore directly from the slow beach by the sea-they don't need supplies or breathing, and even the war horses are not living things, as long as they have a gentle slope In some places, they can even ride horses directly from the bottom of the sea to the shore...

The Legion of Fear went to the direction of Siyuan City, but the High Priest's fleet never came, and Emperor Lingang has never been captured...

The trusted warriors like the High Priest are even more unable to carry out their tasks now.

After staying in one place for a long time, it is easy to give prisoners a chance, and Alisa can use poison to look beautiful...

As a result, two nights ago, Alyssa gave a kiss to a Snake Cult warrior who stared at her with straight eyes.

That was the high priest's confidant warrior. This guy convulsed and fell into a coma just a few minutes after being kissed. He probably couldn't be saved—the priestess who was raised with poison since childhood, the toxin and adder on his red lips The toxicity is basically the same.

Then Alyssa got the black iron spear and ran away.

In order to run away smoothly, she also made a leather armor that didn't fit well, and dressed herself as a follower of the Snake Cult in Pendor's native land.

In fact, she had already managed to escape.

Knowing that there are priestesses of the Cobra faction gathered near Emperor Lingang, Alisa originally ran to Emperor Lingang. She originally planned to join the Cobra faction and explain the high priest's conspiracy to these priestesses. The patronage and even the support of the native German priestesses.

But since it was the first time she came to Pendor Continent, she didn't see much of the world. She didn't expect that Pendor Continent would be so hierarchical. As a result, she met a cobra warrior near Emperor Lingang—that cobra warrior had obviously never seen such a beautiful 'Followers of the Snake Cult', I plan to take it back and enjoy it.

The result is obvious, Alisa has another victim under her red lips.

So Alisa was chased all the way to Buyulin Village by the Snake Cult warriors under the Cobra Warrior, and then luckily met Lisa Dilan.

Of course, even if she didn't meet Lisa Dilan, she would probably be able to run away. The priestess with the black iron spear in her hand is actually quite capable in combat...

It's just that when an army is dealing with the Snake Cult, Alisa will of course try to see if she can get asylum. After all, she is not sure now whether the Cobra Warrior will be killed by Pendor's Snake Cultists. revenge……

"Commander, I understand the hiss... way of thinking of believers of the god religion, and I know how to face them... maybe this will be helpful for you to formulate strategies and tactics..., hiss."

Alyssa began to recommend herself to the lord.

"I now understand why those Snake Worshipers gave up on Di Lingang and started attacking my troops...Since this is the case, the pressure on Di Lingang is actually not that great...Everyone, we have to find a way to let the guards Emperor Lingang's troops came out to attack the Snake Worship Cult!"

The lord really understands that the local snake worshipers of Pan De who attacked Di Lingang have been attacking Di Lingang for three full months, but they haven't seen the high priest's expeditionary army arrive.

However, limited by the order of the temple, the Snake Worshipers did not dare to withdraw their troops...

Now that my support army is here, of course they will give up on Di Lingang and turn to attack themselves—whether they can defeat themselves or not, they can take the opportunity to escape from the rotten battle against Di Lingang!

(End of this chapter)

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