Riding and Slashing

Chapter 251 The Goddess' Reward

Chapter 251 The Goddess' Reward

Soon after, Antonius regained vital signs, her breathing and heartbeat were much stronger, and the coconut water finally helped.

But he still didn't wake up, and Anson couldn't wake him up with wormwood.

In fact, after Anson relieved the anesthesia effect of the snake heart stone, Anson almost killed Antonius...

He didn't wake up not because of Anson's poor medical skills, but because he was enduring severe pain, and it should be based on the body's self-protection that he remained in a coma.

But even in a coma, it was still possible to see that Antonius was enduring unimaginable torture.

He clenched his teeth tightly, breathing like a wounded beast, making a slight hissing sound, and his body trembling instinctively, just looking at it can make people feel uncomfortable.

Both Anson and Leon had seen this kind of situation. Patients in the late stage of the Red Death had this reaction. The severe pain would make people tremble in a coma. The only difference was that Antonius' skin did not seem to be festering continuously.

Fortunately, Leon still has a Snake Heart Stone in his hand—the one he got from Lisa Dilan was given to Milgan Kirik, and the Snake Heart Stone he got from the Doom Introducer in the Camp of the Three Prophets is still there. Leon is here.

Only the Serpent Heart Stone can restore the painful Antonius to a state of sleep with the lowest consumption.

It seems that the person who used the snake heart stone to Antonius before was actually saving him.

Obviously, I'm afraid he won't be able to communicate normally with Antonyus in a short period of time. Right now, he can only be regarded as a semi-vegetative person.

Anson was helpless in the face of this situation. He could only wrap Antonius's body first, and apply some ointment to try to heal his damaged and pus-filled skin.

Although Antonius' condition has not deteriorated, it seems that his life can probably be hanged.But he couldn't wake him up to communicate with him, so he could only rely on guesswork.

Just in time, Sadilan came back with Julia.

In order to verify his idea, Li Ang took Lisa Dilan to Boshi City to find a Red Death patient who was about to die of illness, and conducted a cruel human experiment.

The main reason is to try to see if the Red Death can be suppressed with the blood of the Noldor.

As a warrior, the Noldor did not refuse to shed a little blood, let alone in an attempt to save someone.

But this time the experiment failed.

The patient had no reaction to the injection of Lisadiran's blood, and still died of the Red Death a day later.

Perhaps, the failure of this attempt is not a bad thing - if it is determined that Noldor's blood is the life-saving medicine for mankind, then the consequences may be more serious than the Red Death itself...

And it is likely to be a serious consequence of an extremely twisted perversion.

However, although this human experiment was unsuccessful, a small episode after the experiment made another breakthrough in the research on the Red Death.

This experiment was carried out in an isolation area blocked by the exorcists, and the isolation area was full of confirmed Red Death patients.

And when Li Ang confirmed that the experiment had failed and left the quarantine area on horseback, he and Lisa Dilan were attacked by a few guys infected with the Red Death.

The few patients who made the attack recognized Lisadilan as the Noldor, and they claimed that the Red Death was brought by the Noldor - as the Knights of the Ebony Gauntlet had long maintained, and the Noldor did There is no disease, so many people think that the Red Death was created by Noldor.

Although the attack soon ended with the random sword hacking to death of those few patients who did not know whether to live or die, Li Ang and his party were all greatly affected.

Li Ang, Lisa Dilan, Julia, and the two accompanying horses were all stained with the blood of those guys.

One of the horses is Li Ang's mount, Alice.

Some blood on Li Ang and Lisa Dilan would not be affected, but not Julia and Alice!

Although Alice is smart, she is just a horse after all. She doesn't know how to protect herself from virus infection. Moreover, horses can't wear pants and shoes. The blood of the Red Death patient is quite a lot on her body.

And Julia, as the new guard recruited by Lisa Dilan, followed the lord and Lisa Dilan to Boshi City to complete this experiment. When facing an enemy behind Li Ang, her hands were still soaked in blood.

This is all helpless, and no one expected that the Red Death patient would make a sneak attack.

Lisa Dilan almost planned to cut off Julia's hand in order to save her life.Fortunately, his sword had just slashed the enemy and was covered in blood so he didn't strike - a sword stained with poisonous blood certainly cannot be used to complete the feat of a strong man breaking his wrist.

But a few minutes later, Julia said that she had no problem at all-and it was true that her body had no symptoms at all, and she was still not infected.

Lisa Dilan had indeed seen people who survived after being infected with the Red Death, but Julia's situation was completely different, which was tantamount to not being infected at all.

In other words, Julia is a human without elven blood, but she is still completely immune to the red death.

On the contrary, Alice showed obvious symptoms, red spots appeared on the blood-stained buttocks of the horse, and then began to shed hair and develop sores.

A few hours later, many abscesses developed on Alice's buttocks, and when the sores ruptured, pus and blood would ooze out. Poor Alice kept yelling in Li Ang's arms.

However, Alice has always been raised fat and strong, and her resistance is estimated to be quite good. It seems that her condition has not deteriorated rapidly.

"My lord, what should I do? Alice looks like this..."

Hearing that something happened to Alice, Wentierf rushed over. She was very nice to Alice on weekdays, although Alice was always reluctant to talk to her because of being frightened by the grenade.

"I don't know if it can recover after drinking my blood..."

Li Ang was about to burst into tears, and was gesturing with a small knife on his wrist to try to bleed himself - he himself was immune to the Red Death.

After gesticulating twice, he turned his head to look into Wendy's eyes, probably thinking that Wendy's blood might be more curative...

However, after a few glances, he finally gave up on this unreliable idea, and he was also reluctant to let Wendy bleed... So he turned his head and still looked for the angle of the knife on his arm.

Alice rescued him several times, and followed him in the north and south, and the wind and waves came here. Unexpectedly, something happened to such a low-level enemy. The lord is now crazy with anxiety.

After all, Li Ang is also a human being. When Alice is in danger, it is inevitable that a person like him will experience a temporary drop in IQ.

"That's impossible...My lord, blood transfusions are useless, let alone drinking blood? Don't mess around, I don't want to treat your injuries."

An Sen snatched the trembling knife from Li Ang's hand and threw it aside.

However, although Anson was a doctor, he was not a veterinarian, and he couldn't cure a horse.Besides, he still hasn't found a suitable solution for the Red Death...

"But I can't kill it, can I? It's contagious! My poor Alice..."

Li Ang also knew that the idea of ​​bloodletting was probably unreliable, but he was in a hurry... so he hugged Alice's huge head and stroked the horse's neck to comfort him.

"My lord, why do I think there is nothing wrong with Alice... Its ass seems to be scabbed over."

Wendy watched closely for a while, then suddenly said: "I don't think Alice is too painful to scream this time? She used to jump around when she was in pain or frightened... Now this cry is more like hungry……"


The lord took a half step back, put his arms around Alice's head and looked left and right, then stretched his neck to look at the horse's ass.

Alice directly licked Li Ang's face twice, whimpered twice, and began to nuzzle his hand.

"Huh...yeah? Alice, are you okay?"

The lord has always fed the horses with his own hands, so of course he knows what it means for Alice to hug his hand—this is really hungry...

The horse's buttocks have indeed begun to scab, and Alice also wants to eat. Obviously, there is no big problem. Horses are indeed more resistant than humans, and the Red Death can also withstand it...

Since Alice was fine, the lord's IQ regained the high ground again. He stared blankly at the small scars on Alice's buttocks for a while, then kissed Alice fiercely, and shouted excitedly.

"Anson! Anson... I may have found a solution to the Red Death!"

Li Ang felt that he should have thought of it a long time ago, but because he had been disturbed by ideas such as cults, magic power, and witchcraft, he never considered the path that should have been considered the most—the path of science.

Julia is a normal human being, and she has not had any intersection with elves and other races in several lifetimes, but she has no reaction to the Red Death now, why is that?
The only difference between her and other humans is that her hands were once stained with the poisonous blood from Antonius, right?
Anyway, Lord Lord guessed so.

In order to verify this conjecture, Anson tried it with his own hands - this kind of experiment can only be tried with healthy people, and people who are already immune to the lord certainly cannot do the experiment, but people who have been infected with Antonius There are only so few people with blood.

So Anson decided to do it himself.

For this reason, he tied his wrist tightly so that the blood could not flow temporarily, and he also specially told the lord that if there was anything wrong, he would cut off his hand immediately.

If there are signs of infection, as long as the speed of cutting off the hand is fast enough, so that the poisonous blood does not have time to flow to other parts of the body, it may be possible to save life.

And this time, the experiment worked.

Anson waited until his hands were bruised and swollen from lack of blood circulation, but still showed no symptoms of the Red Death.

"I probably understand...Antonius is the antidote! His blood is the vaccine! The red death virus in his body has lost its activity, but it can stimulate the body's immune system to resist the red death virus..."

The lord excitedly spoke words that no one could understand, but his expression was extremely excited: "Anson, I know how to control the Red Death!"

"My lord, are you going to use that Antonius... hiss... he has lost a lot of blood. If everyone is stained with his blood... isn't that a bit too cruel?"

Although Anson didn't know what smallpox was, nor did he know words like 'immune system', but he still understood what the lord said.

"No...Anson, I haven't reached the point where I'm completely inhuman...Alice is also infected with the Red Death, but a strong horse like Alice won't die from the Red Death...Red Death The disease is very much like smallpox! The vaccine can be made from a large cow or horse! I should have thought of it, but I kept thinking about magic and magic..."

Contaminated with Antonius' blood but not contagious, this situation just reminded Li Ang that what really prompted him to think of a solution was the acne that appeared after Alice contracted the Red Death.

Li Ang finally found a way to deal with the Red Death by using the way humans in another world control smallpox - vaccination.

However, instead of cattle, he used horses.

It is to use those relatively large horses to actively infect the Red Death, and then extract body fluids from the scabbed horses and drip them on humans.

The reason why he didn't use cattle was mainly because he had more horses in his hands-for this southward reinforcement, he brought more than 2000 horses.

Although the blood on Antonius' body can also act as a vaccine, he is a living person anyway, and there is not much blood on him...

Jocelyn's Cato War Beast was recruited to serve as the first batch of vaccination carriers. The big guy was more resistant. The only effect of the Red Death on it was a few small mosquito-like bumps on the horse...

The first human to try horsepox was also Jocelyn.

The former Dusk Knight is more adventurous, and is quite positive about this kind of thing that can benefit all mankind-according to his own statement, he believes that it can atone for the not-so-kind things he did in the past.

After being vaccinated with horsepox, some minor sores appeared on Jocelyn's skin, and he had a low-grade fever all night.

The next day, the sores on the skin had scabbed over, the fever subsided, and there was no problem at all.

Then he tried to touch the blood of the Red Death patient in Anson's way.

They succeeded.

Horsepox does immunize people against the Red Death.

The lord probably has accumulated unimaginable merits this time-uncountable people will be saved from the Red Death because of this, if this method of vaccination can be spread quickly.

Speaking of quick rollouts, here's where Amy and Sarah come into play...

The beautiful princess knights are popular even in Bacchus. In places like Boshi City and Karen Deer Castle, Amy's team is even more popular than the Knights of the Radiant Cross.

Although they did not contribute much to the control of the Red Death, in terms of promoting horsepox, all the troops under Li Ang's command plus Cleon's exorcists, thousands of people may not be worth any of Amy's troops Squad.

No matter where, most people belong to the Appearance Association after all...

A troop of all female soldiers, coupled with Sarah's affinity and persuasiveness, Amy led the Griffin Claws to easily persuade all the surrounding lords and tribunes, not only to use horsepox to make vaccines It was quickly passed on, and by the way, it helped the lord to reverse his reputation.

The name Li Ang, in the vicinity of Boshi City and Karen Deer Castle, quickly changed from a big devil who eats children to an emissary of the goddess of order, Eunomia——Sarah was very clever not to mention the goddess of shelter and harvest Dami Ah, after all, Li Ang is the Lord of Sarleon.

Maybe Amy and Sarah's publicity effect is better, Li Ang soon heard this merit with his own ears...

Just after the horsepox effect was quickly spread, a female voice that sounded extremely familiar appeared in Li Ang's ears, or in other words, appeared in his mind.

"Well done... child, but beware... more evil enemies spy on our lands."

This is the voice of Eunomia, the goddess of order, that is, the gentle female voice that told Li Ang to be careful behind her.

At the same time as this voice 'falls', there is also a reward, this reward is extremely obvious, not only Li Ang, but almost all the partners feel that they seem to be getting stronger at the same time.

Several other people thought that this was a physical manifestation after being immune to the Red Death. They thought that it might make people stronger after being vaccinated, so there was another reason to spread the vaccine.

But Li Ang knew that this was the encouragement from the Goddess of Order to people like himself, and this was also the first time he really experienced the actual role of the Goddess.

'Your iron bone skills have been improved, and the current level is 10';
'Your first aid skills have improved, the current level is 5'.

This is a long-lost system reminder. If it wasn't for finding a way to prevent the Red Death this time, Li Ang almost forgot that he still has a system.Iron Bone directly increased by 2 levels to the highest level, and First Aid directly increased by 4-this is probably because of Antonius.

'Your teammate's skills have improved, you can check the skills of your teammates'.

The names of several teammates lit up at the same time.

What Anson improved was healing, and the current level of healing is 9!It seems that treating diseases is also classified as healing skills, and finding a solution to the Red Death is obviously extremely important to the goddess, and the increase is not small.

Anson's iron bone has also increased, but it is still only level 2, which is really poor foundation...

Jocelyn and Julia have both upgraded their iron bones, currently at level 9 and level 6 respectively.

Amy and Sarah didn't improve their iron bones. They mainly improved their persuasion, and Amy also increased their command... It seems that the goddess is very fair, and she will improve whatever she does.

Of course, Amy's command is not high, only level 4, but persuasion is level 7;
And Sarah now has level 9 persuasiveness. Obviously, the two of them probably got extra care from the goddess when they spread the Eunomia belief...

Li Ang didn't improve his attributes too much, but these improvements are accidental gains, which are not a small surprise, and as long as everyone involved in this matter has improved, the goddess is indeed very fair.

It's just that Sadilan was blood drawn but didn't get any benefit - probably because the Noldor elves are not under the control of the goddess of order...

In fact, the lord thinks that Alice should also be rewarded, but Li Ang's system is incomplete, and the horse has no panel data, and there is no change for the time being - Li Ang thinks that the goddess may not use her divine power on the horse...

In fact, compared to the improvement of skills, the lord is more concerned about the wording of the goddess Eunomia.

'Worse enemies', and...

'Our territory'.

(End of this chapter)

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