Riding and Slashing

Chapter 256 It's All Misunderstandings

Chapter 256 It's All Misunderstandings
In fact, the current situation is probably really caused by Eric's luck.

After Eric held the banner of Marshal Li Ang and led a mighty team to the vicinity of Qicha Fortress, everyone had a little misunderstanding—because this huge caravan seemed to be The Army of the Sarleon Kingdom'...

After all, the banners of all the great lords appeared in that huge team - Leon, Godric, Leofric, Fawcett, Grandlon, and the Royal Knight Iris Banner...

The Royal Iris is Amy's flag - it's the exact same flag that Amy's brother, Lord Andrew, used when he was Lord of the City Guard.

This is mainly because most merchants will find a backer, especially when participating in such large-scale long-distance trade activities, it will be safer to fly the banner of the high lord-there were caravans that did not fly the banner of the high lord at the beginning. The Snake Worship Cult was robbed.

So all the merchants are well prepared this time. Merchants from Hermine will naturally join Fawcett, those from Payne Village will be under the banner of Grandlon, and those from White Hart Castle will also ask Amy to help them. They feel safe...

In addition, there were already three big flags planted on the carriage of Changhe Express, and the small lords along the way would also join this 'group army'...

So the team led by Eric saw from a distance that it was completely the overwhelming army of the Sarleon Kingdom, and it seemed that the king personally led the army—after all, the flag of the Royal City Guard was also inside.

Of course, it can be seen from a close look, but facing a large-scale group army with more than 1000 carriages alone, apart from the lord of the Lion Kingdom, which desperate scout would dare to approach and investigate?

At the same time, after the caravan stopped near Qicha Fortress, they did not attack Qicha Fortress. Instead, they continued to gather other Sarleon Lords who came to gather, and gradually began to move closer to the south bridge.

This does not seem to be to regain the Qicha Fortress, but it looks like it is about to attack the Sava River Fort...

This is a caravan, so of course they won't attack the fortress... And Eric has been following Li Ang's instructions to get other Lords of the Sarleon Kingdom to gather so that the merchants can do business.

But during the assembly process, Eric was somewhat unable to control those chaotic businessmen...

Most of the goods brought by the merchants were special products from the north, which could not be sold in the army. They had always wanted to go to the south to sell them.

But the merchants don't know any strategy and tactics. They only know that the lord troops of the Sarleon Kingdom have been joining this huge team along the way. The number is unknown, but it seems to be boundless...

In the eyes of the merchants, the group army is probably already very strong, and it is estimated that it will march towards the Sava River Fort at any time.

Therefore, the merchants all planned to lean in to the south first, so as to seize the opportunity, so as to prevent the army from being crowded behind and unable to keep up when they officially went to battle.

In fact, all the lords who came to meet up now are small lords, and the real military strength of all of them is less than a thousand, but the merchants don't know...

As a result, various caravans scrambled towards the south, which caused the 'big army' to move southward slowly. Those little lords of Sarleon who had just joined the commander's banner didn't understand the situation very well. It seemed that most of them were moving. Naturally follow suit.

Although Eric is holding the marshal's scepter, the scepter is only useful to the lords of Sarleon, not to merchants.After all, he is not Li Ang, and in the eyes of the merchants, he does not have as high prestige and influence as the lord, so Eric really can't drag the merchants who have changed back...

Therefore, the caravan and army group that originally planned to gather at the east of the Qicha Fortress gradually moved to the Sava River, and they were about to join up with Lehman's troops who were firmly guarding the bridge.

The reason why Lehman has been holding on to the bridge is mainly because Titus has been attacking on the other side of the bridge--Titus wants to lure the Sarleon Kingdom to fight with the D'Shar Principality, of course he has to take Lehman's The troops dragged on the bridgehead.

Now that Qicha Fortress has been captured, Lehman knows that if he leaves the bridge defense zone, it means that Sarleon City may be driven straight in by the Bacchus Empire, and Titus seems to want to do this, so Lehman Naturally, Man could only guard the bridge and dare not leave.

But the army of Sarleon appeared on the other side of the river, and General Titus, who had originally held Lehman at the bridge on the other side of the Sava River, was frightened—he really wanted to continue the battle between the three countries, But he didn't expect the Lion Kingdom to have such a big movement, and to dispatch such a large army so quickly...

Moreover, the army of the Lion Kingdom didn't care about the Qicha Fortress at all. Instead, it seemed that the entire army was mobilized to trouble him at the Sava River Fort?
In this situation, what is the point of watching the fire from the other side or taking a chestnut out of the fire... Do you have to run away?

So Titus quickly withdrew to Leyla Fortress, running fast - when Agathon left Leyla Fortress, almost no one was left behind. Leyla Fortress was an empty city, just enough for Titus to garrison.

And when Titus withdrew, Sir Lehman naturally felt that there was a great opportunity, because the Sava River Fort was empty, so why not seize the opportunity and take it quickly?
Lehman became a well-known Wild Lion Knight at a young age, so he naturally has an arrogant personality. Qicha Fortress was lost from him, so he only wanted to make up for it.

He has been guarding Qicha Fortress for more than a year, and he knows very well that as long as there are [-] defenders in Qicha Fortress, it will be difficult to defeat him, so he also understands that the 'Kingdom's Army Group' did not attack easily.

But now, if they took advantage of the emptiness of the Sava River Fort and quickly conquered it, and then exchanged the Sava River Fort for the Qicha Fortress, wouldn't that also make up for the sin of losing the Qicha Fortress?

In addition, there is the "Kingdom's Army Group" at the back, and the current marshal is Li Ang - based on Lehman's understanding of Li Ang, he thinks that Li Ang will think so, so he let the "Army Group" move closer to the river.

So Lehman didn't say hello to the army group, but directly abandoned the bridgehead, dispatched the whole army, and quickly attacked the Sava River Fort—he wanted to grab credit.

For Lehman, taking down the Sava River Fort alone before the arrival of the group army can be regarded as making up for it.

There is actually nothing wrong with this idea, and Lehman implemented it well. He did capture the Sava River Fort at one point...

But he only occupied a day and a half.

Because Titus took away all the manpower and supplies when he evacuated, and also destroyed the gate and drawbridge of the Sava River Fort, and all the city defense facilities were also destroyed-it was a routine operation to destroy the city defense when he voluntarily evacuated.

The gate of Sava Castle couldn't be closed at all, and there was no one guarding it. Of course, Lehman succeeded easily.

However, as soon as Lehman entered the Sava River Fort, the large army of the Principality of Dexia rushed over - the Desha people also saw the gate of the Sava River Fort opened wide, so they naturally wanted to fight...

Because they had been on the south side before, and because of their location, the D'Shars didn't notice the 'group army' across the river at the first time. They thought it was because their own army drove over to scare Titus away.

Like Lehman, the lords of the D'Shar Principality had to take credit for this situation, and they all rushed quite quickly.

However, Lehman's lone army had just entered the Sava River Fort. The gates were open and there was no time to block them. Of course, they couldn't defend against the D'Shar army. They were forced to evacuate after only holding on for a day and a half. Lehman himself was almost hacked to death inside.

But the D'Xia were actually not feeling well. Lehman's team was quite strong, and the D'Shar's troops suffered more casualties than Lehman. Lehman had always thought that the 'group army' would come for reinforcements, and fought extremely tenaciously.

But it wasn't until Lehman withdrew to the Marshal's banner with all his injuries to scold his mother that he realized that the so-called group army was actually just a large group of noisy businessmen...

In order to restrain the merchants from making any changes, Eric was so busy that he went crazy. The only thousand troops from various small lords were used by Eric, and it was hard to appease the merchants.

Of course, it is impossible to come to reinforcements in this state. If there are no negative incidents such as gathering crowds to make trouble, it is already considered that Eric's ability is good.

So Lehman could only cry without tears and scolded himself for being too impulsive, he really shouldn't take any credit...

After learning about the current situation, both Eric and Lehman were a little worried—the army of the D'Shars is just across the river. As far as the Dexia people are concerned, it is a luxurious meal. If they eat this meal, they may last for several years...

So Lehman and Eric worked together, even coaxing and deceiving them, and finally brought the caravan back to the east of Qicha Fortress, planning to hide further east, away from the dangerous area...

After capturing the Sava River Fort, the D'Shars found that the place was poor and basically had nothing to gain. The Sava River Fort was scraped by Brennus before, and there was not much left, and Titu General Si took the initiative to evacuate again, and of course he would take everything he could take away.

A large-scale army was dispatched, nearly a thousand people were killed or injured, but only an empty city was obtained, and even the surrounding villages and towns had nothing. Most of the D'Shar lords felt that this battle was really a loss...

Bahad Khan Kadan, the leader of Desha, felt that he was really at a loss...

Bahad Khan Kadan is the ruler of the Principality of Desha. If it was ruled by the Pandor Kingdom, he should be called the Duke of Kadan.

In fact, "Bahad Khan" is not Kadan's first or last name, he is called Kadan, and his tribe is also called Kadan tribe. The Khan'.

The current D'Shar is an independent country, and the title of duke in the era of the Pendor Kingdom has not been used for many years. In fact, the D'Shar people do not consider themselves a duchy - they are no longer attached to any kingdom.

It is called a principality only because Desha was once a vassal of the Pandor Kingdom, and the ruler of Desha was made a duke by the Pandor King hundreds of years ago. Historical reasons have caused other countries to call Desha a principality.

And after Kadan was elected as the current leader by all the D'Shar tribes, he re-used the title of 'Bahad Khan', which represents the gods.

Of course, this does not refer to the gods themselves.The deity of the Desha people is called 'Vata', and its image is a black stallion. This is the common belief of all the herdsmen living in the Savannir Desert, and no one dares to call himself the deity.

The title of Bahad Khan, in Desha, a country where politics and religion are united, represents the common head of all aspects of politics, military affairs, justice, religion, etc., that is, the "messenger of God Vata in the world".

This is not the same as the meaning represented by 'Khan'.

There are many people who are qualified to be called Khan in the Desha. In fact, all the lords of the Desha are Khan-they are an alliance of multiple tribes, and the leader of each tribe is called Khan. The name 'Khan' is only Refers to the tribal leader.

'Bahad Khan Kadan' actually means that he is the leader of all Khans appointed by the gods, named Kadan.

As for Kadan's tribe, the core sphere of influence is in the most central capital 'Tuoba' in the D'Shar territory - that place is actually quite far from the Sava River Fort, and has to pass through most of the Savanir Desert.

In other words, the cost of Cardan's dispatch of troops this time is actually quite high.

But he didn't get any benefits in the Sava River Fort, he only got an empty city, and Kadan didn't want to occupy the Sava River Fort for a long time-whoever occupies the Sava River Fort, whoever will face it at the same time two countries...

Cardan is a smart person, so he naturally wouldn't waste his strength guarding a site that is not beneficial.

So he planned to find a more prosperous place to rob a ticket to make up for the loss of sending troops, and planned to leave after making a fortune.

This is also the consistent combat thinking of the D'Shars—although they never admit that they have any relationship with the Jatus, their logic of behavior is indeed very similar to that of the Jatus, and they are basically raiders.It's just that Dexia has transformed into a semi-nomadic and semi-settled state more than 100 years ago, and it is now considered a country with a complete political system.

On the north and south sides of the Sava River Fort, the closest distances are the military fortresses of the two countries - the Qicha Fortress occupied by Agathon in the north, and the Leila Fortress of the Bacchus Empire in the south.

The large-scale bastion of Qicha Fortress is not easy to attack at first glance, and there will be no gains if you attack it. Anyway, it seems that Agathon will not come out, so it can be bypassed.

And Leyla Fortress is not very easy to fight, and there will be no gains...

In addition, the D'Shar found the marshal's banner of the Sarleon Kingdom and a large-scale 'group army' a few tens of miles east of Qicha Fortress. It seems that King Ulric's troops were also inside— - There are quite a lot of Iris flags.

And this group army is slowly moving to the east at this time, it seems that it is going to enter the Bacchus Empire from the east?

——Actually, at this time, with the help of Lehman, Eric was leading the caravan away from the dangerous zone...

And Earl Leon had just occupied Karen Lulu Castle, and later became the marshal. Of course, as a king, he knew this kind of event.

In Kadan's view, since the Sarleion King appointed Li Ang as the marshal, it is normal for the army of the Sarleion Kingdom to attack Bacchus from Li Ang's territory.

So after discussing with his men for a long time, Kadan planned to take advantage of the opportunity that Qicha Fortress was occupied by the Bacchus Empire, and at the same time, the army of the Lion Kingdom was all moving to the east. Go to the Lion City area to rob a ticket...

Anyway, the bridge over the Sava is unguarded now.

Kadan believes that since the "main group army" of the Sarleon Kingdom and "Ulrik's troops" are all east of Qicha Fortress, Sarleon City is probably relatively empty at present.

And Lion City is the center of the entire continent, the most prosperous place in the entire continent, hurry up and run as soon as you finish, you will definitely make a lot of money...

The Dexia people are actually self-aware. They have no intention of conquering Sarleon City at all. They just want to grab the bustling villages and towns around Sarleon City before the "army of the Sarleon Kingdom" reacts. —— Desia The people are desert nomads, and their cavalry is very mobile, but like the Jatu people, they are not very good at attacking fortified cities.

But the problem is, Lion City is not empty at all now, it can even be called a large number of soldiers...

(End of this chapter)

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