Riding and Slashing

Chapter 269 Chief Foreign Affairs Officer

At this time, Li Ang's team ushered in the return of several teammates.

That's Sarah and Anson.

As Li Ang's foreign affairs officer, Sarah brought several female explorers with strong martial arts skills to join the group army when Li Ang decided to send troops. He was able to catch up with Li Ang's team outside Turda Fortress.

And Anson was brought by Lisa Dilan to treat the lord's wounds - as a result, Li Ang didn't go to the direction of Karen Luburg, so Anson also arrived at this time, his medical skills were not useful, and he only had time to check Take a look at Li Ang's body.

Although Li Ang's heart rate was worrying, at least Anson was sure that the lord was as strong as a wild boar, so everyone was relieved.

Afterwards, Li Ang determined that his target was Eichkeman, which was Anson's hometown, and Ansen naturally planned to go there to have a look, maybe he could take his parents to live in Li Ang's territory.

Anson's current status is already quite high. As the acting consul of Karen Lulu Castle appointed by Li Ang, this is actually an equivalent status to an ordinary baron, except that he does not have a formal title.

The Radiant Knights have also regarded Anson as a member of the knights, but they have not issued him a knight badge - Ansen is currently unable to pass the knight assessment, and the requirements of the Radiant Knights are quite strict.

However, Anson received a Glorious Cross jointly awarded by General Cleon and Knight Commander Sir Loris. In fact, this medal is much more prominent than a knight status. It is a recognition for those who have made great contributions. Only three such medals have been issued in the entire history of the Crucifixion.

This medal means that Anson can get help from the Radiance Knight and the Plague Exorcist when he is in trouble, but the Knights cannot be involved in power struggles or wars between countries.

And Sarah... She was entrusted by Amy to come over to monitor the lord.

Amy wants to stay in White Hart Castle to engage in economic construction. When the lord is away, only Amy can keep many industries including banks running smoothly.

But Amy obviously didn't feel at ease with a certain underage elf girl staying by Li Ang's side, so she entrusted Sarah with a few female soldiers to 'protect' Li Ang...

However, although Sarah is Amy's friend, she still cares more about the lord's orders, and she must give priority to completing her job.

This is D'Shar after all.

As Li Ang expected, Sarah is indeed a D'Shar, and she is very familiar with all the D'Shar lords.

Those were the people she used to call her uncle when she was very young...

She once told Li Ang that if she said her surname, it would shame her surname.

Therefore, Li Ang never asked her surname.

But being able to make Sarah say something like shame her surname obviously means that Sarah's father was once the top lord of D'Shar—and he must be Kadan's enemy, otherwise Sarah wouldn't have kept silent and wouldn't As for leaving home.

This time, Sarah told the lord exactly what happened to her.

In fact, after knowing everything, Li Ang felt that it was not Sarah who shamed that surname... On the contrary, it was the surname that Sarah had never mentioned, which had been humiliating Sarah.

Sarah's father's name was Saravan Sheikh.

The name 'Sarah' also comes from the first half of his father's name - she is the eldest daughter in the family.

Sharavan Sheikh was once a powerful leader of the D'Shar Desert Tribe. He has sharp swordsmanship, is proficient in riding and archery, and is brave and tenacious.

Before Sarah was born, Sarafan Sheikh followed the current Bahad Khan Kadan in the South and North Wars, made great contributions in the process of establishing Kadan's power, and became the desert army'Death Wind Savalan 'The leader.

'Savalan, Wind of Death' is a traditional strong army composed of warriors selected from various tribes in the desert. These brave fast horse cavalry come from various nomadic tribes. Respected, their scimitars and swift horses have terrified countless enemies.

Since the Desha acquired Singal 150 years ago, the Desha people have gradually shifted from nomadic to settled, and the simple tents and stalls in the desert oasis have gradually evolved into small cities and villages.

Many people no longer live by water and grass. They rely on the city to settle down and transfer to urban life.

And after Bahad Khan Kadan came to power, in the process of implementing the hereditary system, most of the high-ranking titles were those lords who were more pursuing settlement—city residents and businessmen were the main taxpayers, and how much money could they bring him? Benefits, this is Cardan's criteria for assigning various titles.

It is difficult to receive money from the nomads who live by water and grass. Letting people settle down is more conducive to the consolidation of their power by vested interests.

Therefore, Bahad Khan Kadan and various caliphs and Baiyi are promoting the process of Desha from nomadism to settlement.

As a result, the influence of citizens and merchants in cities such as Toba, Narda, and Eshkoman in D'Shar increased day by day, while the prestige and strength of the desert herdsmen tribes gradually declined.

Naturally, Saravan Sheikh and those traditional nomad leaders like him will lose their right to speak.

They also followed Kadan to fight, and helped Kadan to the position of Bahad Khan, but they did not get rewards, but suffered losses...

As a result, many desert chiefs led the tribes to openly oppose the settlement policy, and at the same time opposed the comprehensive hereditary policy implemented by Cardan, and even opposed Cardan's conversion of the title representing faith into a hereditary title.

They still maintain the nomadic tradition, and intend to return the D'Shar to the era when they were elected by the tribes.

Sharafan Sheikh was the leader of these desert tribe chiefs who wanted to maintain the tradition at that time. He believed that the settlement and hereditary system would make the D'Shar people weak, and the warriors in the desert would lose their blood and courage, and sooner or later they would be reduced to the same Those corrupt nobles in Sarleon are the same as old peasants.

As a result, the former comrades-in-arms became the thorn in the eyes of Bahad Khan Kadan - Sarafan became the biggest obstacle to Kadan's centralization of power.

As a result, Bahad Khan Kadan ordered Saravan and others to be exiled and expelled them from the Principality of Desha.

In fact, this should be regarded as Kadan's nostalgia for the past. After all, he was once a comrade in arms, and he did not kill Saravan.

But what Bahad Khan did not expect was that, unlike most of the vassals who were exiled, Saravan Sheikh did not leave. He chose to stay in the territory of Desha and was ready to repay Bahad Khan's "kindness" at any time. ".

The elite soldiers under Saravan's command are still loyal to him, and his reputation and prestige have also attracted many brave desert tribe fighters to join.

They agreed that after defeating Bahad Khan, they would abolish the principality's hereditary and sedentary policy, and return the title bestowed by the gods to the gods, so that the Desha would return to the nomadic people of the past.

So he formed an alliance with some D'Shar chiefs who were also exiled, jointly formed a large-scale cavalry team, and launched their "jihad" to restore nomadic traditions and beliefs.

Their base is in the southern border where he was exiled—that is the barren desert in the southernmost part of the entire continent, but now, there is a castle, 'Jihad Fort'.

Sharafan Sheikh, the avenger, has been insisting on being an enemy of Bahad Khan Kadan during the 20 years of his exile, and has been rejecting the settlers under the banner of 'restoring the Dsha tradition', and even A so-called 'jihad' was launched.

But in fact, in the past 20 years, in order to fight against the troops sent by Cardan, he himself built a holy war fort and turned himself into a settler...

Moreover, in order to win over people, Sarafan even gave his wife and daughter to a tribal leader.

He has a majestic dark horse. He regards this horse as a brother and a god, but regards his wife and daughter as bargaining chips that can be traded at will.

Sarah's mother committed suicide the day she was given to a tribal chief by Saravan.

Sarah also escaped from Desha on that day, when Sarah was 17 years old.

In order to escape, she killed the tribal leader—a filthy 50-year-old chief who hadn't bathed all his life and smelled like horse manure. It was Saravan who planned to trade his beautiful wife and daughter for combat power.

And this so-called powerful tribal chief was stabbed to death in the bedroom by Sarah at the age of 17.

Therefore, Sarah is very concerned about the battle in the territory of D'Shar this time.

Sarah wanted to know how the man who abandoned his wife and daughter would react if he saw her?

If possible, Sarah would also like to ask that man herself, is the jihad he is going to carry out even after abandoning his wife and daughter, is it really for tradition and belief?
Of course, that man is at the southernmost point of Dexia, and Li Ang's army has just arrived at the northeastern border of Dexia.


Fortress of Turda.

This is a strong castle that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. It is bordered by mountains in the north and desert in the south. It is the border gateway to the northeast of D'Shar.

"Honorable Gaiwan Khan, I am Sarah, Chief Foreign Affairs Officer of Earl Leon, Marshal of the Lion Kingdom, and I bring you the kindness and help of Lord Leon..."

Sarah stood in front of Gavan Khan with a professional smile on her face.

"Goodwill and help? I saw the army of the Sarleon Kingdom, but I didn't expect Earl Leon to let a woman come to negotiate..."

It seems that Gavan Khan is a relatively traditional D'Shar, and somewhat contemptuous of women.

"It can't be helped... Gawan Khan, Lord Li Ang is going to challenge Bahad Khan Kadan, and his other subordinates are going to meet the two caliphs Bahaman and Tahir - none of them are free, Only a woman like me can come to see you. But... at least I am Lord Li Ang's Chief Foreign Affairs Officer."

Sarah smiled, found a chair and sat down on her own, not polite at all.

The implication is that Li Ang has to face a lot of big people, and you, Gai Wanhan, are only worthy of meeting yourself.But to let the officially appointed Chief Foreign Affairs Officer come to see you, Lord Li Ang has already given you a lot of face.

"Hmph... Then what is the so-called kindness and help you brought?"

Gavan Khan seemed even more anxious.

"Lord Li Ang doesn't intend to attack your territory, he is even willing to help you kill those criminals who are committing crimes in your territory... Of course, in return, you have to open Turda Fortress and temporarily take your troops away to prevent everyone from happening Unnecessary conflict..."

Sarah makes an outrageous offer.

"That's impossible! If I hand over Turda Fortress, not only will I lose my status, but I will also be hanged by Bahad Khan on the city wall of Toba!"

Gai Wan Khan flatly refused, he was still loyal to Kadan.

"Gavan Khan, you may not know... that heresy tribunal was actually found by Bahad Khan Kadan himself..."

Sarah shook her head. Of course she knew that Gai Wan Khan would refuse, but she had already responded: "Lord Li Ang and I both know your loyalty and bravery, but maybe Kadan Khan doesn't think so..."


Gai Wanhan turned pale with shock: "Are you lying to me?!"

"Judging from the current situation, do I need to lie to you?"

Sarah shook her head and smiled: "Gavan Khan, think about it, Bahad Khan Kadan just lost a battle in Sarleon and lost a lot of elite troops... If he wants to continue to maintain his Strong position, what is the best way?"


Gawan Khan's expression changed.

"Your brother Bahaman was almost completely wiped out in Sava River Fort... In this case, it should be easy for you to think why Kadan deliberately let people from the Inquisition of Heresy come to your territory to make trouble... Guy Wan Khan, you can't help your elder brother Bahaman, so guess who will fall into the hands of Ishikoman, who currently has few soldiers? The Bacchus Empire? Lord Leon? Or... Bahad, whom you have always been loyal to? Han Kadan?"

Seeing that Gawan Khan had listened, Sarah continued talking.

"Ms. Sarah... you mean that Bahad Khan Kadan will attack Bahaman and take Aishikman away?"

Gavan Khan was already sweating, he knew that what Sarah said might not be alarmist, he used the Inquisition Tribunal to hold him back, and then attacked his brother - with Kadan's temperament, it is very possible to do such a thing matter……

Eichkeman is a bustling port, and with such a rich place, Cardan will definitely recover his strength in a short time.

Although this is treachery... But Cardin, who is facing challenges from all sides, certainly does not care about reputation, just like he did not care about reputation more than 20 years ago.

"Hahaha... Gawan Khan, it's not just Bahaman... If you are Kadan, you have already killed Bahaman, and will you still keep his brother for revenge?"

Sarah laughed so loudly that her petals quivered.

"...Then, what does Earl Leon want to do? Or... what is his army going to do when he enters Desha? You said that Earl Leon's other men went to meet Bahaman and Tahir..."

Gaiwan Khan was already sweating profusely, and his bald head, which had been deliberately shaved off, was greasy.

"Kadan led the army to attack the Sarleon City! He attacked the King City, understand! This is the biggest challenge to the Sarleon Kingdom. Earl Leon has just been appointed as the Marshal. He wants to maintain the dignity of the Sarleon Kingdom!"

Sarah said impassionedly: "But what Kadan did has nothing to do with you. You didn't participate in the attack on Sarleon City... So of course Earl Leon will give you a chance. This is also to avoid unnecessary losses. As for the others, Gaiwan Khan, since Lord Li Ang wants to show kindness to you, he must also show goodwill to your brother Bahaman and the titular superior Tahir... They, like you, did not participate in the attack on Sarleon City— —You should understand what I mean, right?"

"Huh... let me think... let me think. Ms. Sarah, can you make an appointment with Earl Leon for me?"

Gai Wanhan sat down covering his forehead.

He really needs to think about it.

"Master Li Ang is very busy... If you want to see him, you must at least show some sincerity first. Lord Li Ang's army is still consuming food and grass outside the Turda Fortress... To be honest, an army of this size cannot face yours. The fortress can be knocked down in a single blow, and you probably won't last for a day—but Lord Li Ang didn't attack, which has already shown considerable sincerity, and you should reciprocate."

Sarah gently persuaded Gavan Khan.

A few hours later, the defenders of Turda Fortress retreated, and the gate of this easy-to-defense fortress was opened, and Li Ang's army entered the territory of D'Xia without any loss.

Today's Sarah no longer needs to use her beauty and singing voice as bargaining chips, she has already learned to use power.

She has also understood that in order to win over others, she does not need to use a wife and daughter.

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