Riding and Slashing

Chapter 286 Redemption

Chapter 286 Redemption
Ekram was stunned at this moment, and he probably realized the origin of the throwing knife that shot him in the left eye at this time...

"Ikram, it seems that you understand a little bit now. Then why do you think I sold Aishekman? Is it because I can't keep it? You should have seen it before. Thousands of people..."

Li Ang looked at Ikram who was in a daze, and took out a piece of parchment and a quill pen from his arms, and dipped the pen on Ikram's face with the blood that flowed down.

"Why? It stands to reason that you can indeed control Ashkoman, and you can still marry my sister..."

Ikram really didn't understand this question.

He seems to have begun to use his few brains now to think about problems.

"Because Aishekman was originally supposed to be yours, Ikram... your father Bahaman actually wanted to leave Aishikman to you all along! Your sister is just a poor victim—your father just He wants to preserve his strength, he wants to wait for me to go to war with the Bacchus Empire in Ishikoman, and then wait for me to go to war with Kadan! Your father and Gaiwan Khan tried to block the Turda Fortress and sit back and watch the tigers fight...you still Think your father is cowardly?"

Li Ang's words are true, and Bahaman has such thoughts in his mind.

Ikram's body visibly shook. He raised his head and looked at Li Ang with his only remaining right eye, which was full of doubts.

"I still think he is cowardly, because I don't want my sister to be a victim... But Your Excellency Li Ang, why are you telling me this?"

Why did Ramon ask Tahir to dispose of Ikram?

Ikram stared blankly at the transaction contract on the parchment, and then at Li Ang, the doubt in his one-eyed eyes deepened.

Li Ang shook his head and smiled: "But neither of them is the one who is in charge, Ikram, you, an agent, even failed to find the right lord of the Bacchus Empire."

"It was Gaius who asked me to follow Yunes. Gaius didn't intend to participate in the bid for Ishikoman, he just wanted to help his brother."

Because Ikram is the legal heir of Aishekman, anyone who gets Aishikman will try to kill him immediately.

Ikram asked in bewilderment.

But at this time, these people should still be bidding on the second basement floor.

If Li Ang can really make him a consul, it means that he has ruled Aishkoman in essence-the D'Xia will not obey the orders of the Bacchus, but the former city lord Ikram The son will definitely not resist.

The men in black obviously knew Li Ang, nodded and untied Ikram's rope, and sent Li Ang out of the door respectfully.

Indeed, Ikram was only looking for someone to bring him into the auction, and it didn't matter to him who he represented.

Of course he won't refuse - such a good thing, he never dared to think about it in his dreams...

"Women in the Bacchus Empire are not like Dexia. Alina holds much more power than you imagined. As for who will marry Luha... Anyway, your father doesn't care much about who Luha will marry in the end. Is not it?"

Ikram nodded.

Li Ang was still writing while saying: "According to the rules prevailing in the mainland, this kind of debt will increase the interest by [-]% every month, but I am a kind person... just give you [-]% interest every month, but This is compound interest, you know..."

"Why do you know everything...Master Li Ang, are you a prophet..."

Ikram is still sober at the moment, and has not been dazed by Li Ang's pie.

Ikram gritted his teeth, wrote his name with the quill pen Li Ang handed over, and then covered his bright red fingerprints with his own blood.

Cough, it’s not enough anyway.

Li Ang was drinking tea with his legs crossed in the room, looking a bit like a landlord's young master.

Li Ang quickly wrote another debt loyalty contract and handed it to Ikram.

In fact, this is not considered going out, but going upstairs - Li Ang didn't leave Ramon's hotel, he just took Ikram to the top floor of the hotel.

Li Ang took out another piece of parchment, and the quill also dipped blood on Ikram's face again.

Li Ang handed Ikram a cup of tea with a smile.

So Mario probably didn't intend to let them enter politics, but just wanted them to be rich and honored for a lifetime-these two brothers were the largest landlords in the Bacchus Empire.

Why did Tahir plan to sell Ikram to Ramon on the spot?
Why didn't Ramon want to take over?
In fact, it's all because of this - as long as the auction is over, Ikram is likely to die!

"I have come to redeem you, Ikram."

But Li Ang obviously didn't think so...

The most luxurious suite is No. 300, which is more than [-] square meters. This is the residence Ramon prepared for Li Ang.

Because at this moment, Ikram looked at Li Ang with deep fear.

After all, the Bacchus really needed such an agent, otherwise, even if they got the ruling power of Eichkeman, it would be difficult for the locals to cooperate.

So Li Ang didn't explain anything, but gave Ikram instructions directly.

It seems that this kid is not completely brainless, but he is too young and too impulsive.

"It seems that these two brothers have been instructed by Emperor Marius to contribute to the country..."

As for which country the allegiance is, what does it matter?
"My lord Li Ang, this... But the ownership of Aishikeman has not been determined yet..."

For those who are willing to talk to each other, try to be as sincere as possible;

Li Ang began to write on the parchment with Ikram's blood, and said while writing: "Ikram, the current Eichcoman is a place coveted by many parties. Of course, neither I nor the Bacchus Empire can use it. The way of storming really ruled Eichkeman, that's why Ramon held this auction. But I think you should also understand now that after the auction is over, the most dangerous person is actually you..."

"Okay, let me make it clear, I want you to defect to the Bacchus Empire, and I will let you become the consul of Ashcomman... You shouldn't refuse, right?"

"Ikram, I respect your noble status, so this is not a slave transaction, but a debt. In other words, I paid for your redemption, but there will be another contract of allegiance signed between you and me." Covenant - you will serve me as a servant until you pay off your debt to me..."

The lord guessed right.

"I'm already a useless person...Why did you pay such a high price to save me?"

You know, when Eddie owed Bridge money before, it was really [-]% interest every month, so Eddie thought that he would never pay it back for the rest of his life.

"That's not important... Earl Leon, what exactly are you looking for me for?"

"I don't understand...Master Li Ang, I must thank you for saving my life with kindness, but I don't understand what you want me to do?"

Ikram lowered his head and asked softly.

Li Ang was also a little surprised. In fact, Ikram was targeted by Ramon's subordinates as soon as he entered Toba City, so Ramon and Li Ang knew that Ikram was brought in by Yunes—because of this, Ramon Meng and Li Ang didn't stop him from entering the auction venue.

"Because you are one of the few D'Shar people who still have a sense of honor...and I need a friend who is a D'Shar nobleman."

Li Ang was speculating, because Ikram said when he hijacked Tahir before that he would use Singal for 200 million.

Li Ang threw the parchment he had just written in front of Ikram: "[-] dinars...you are worth a lot! Sign your name and put your handprint on it, and you will be my servant from now on! Will take you away - at least you won't die!"

It is roughly equivalent to the "Tianzi Class A Shangfang" in the East.

Li Ang turned around and greeted Ramon's men outside, and then walked out with Ikram.

A large amount of cultivated land south of the Sava River Fort belonged to Gaius; and in the transaction between Emperor Marius and Leon, much of the land south of Shieldwind Fortress belonged to Yunes.

Ikram was stunned again.

To the frank, be frank;

"Come on, sign this document of allegiance, and then follow me... Time is running out, the auction is coming to an end, don't be dazed!"

"You're just blind in one eye. You have complete hands and feet. You're not a useless person. I'm actually a businessman, Ikram. I didn't just spend such a huge cost to save your life." , of course it will be rewarded.”

The blood on the parchment was still wet, but it clearly showed that Ikram was bought by the Earl of Changhe Town, Li Ang, for [-] dinars as a prisoner of war.

Ikram stood in front of Li Ang with his head down, and his appearance was indeed similar to that of a long-term worker in a landlord's house.

"Ikram, to be honest, Gaius is actually a good object of allegiance, but there is definitely no future for him..."

Of course, it is probably because Gaius is easy to deceive, so a person like Ikram who is also not very smart can become his agent...

Li Ang guessed again—and guessed right again.

"Ikram, let me be blunt. The Bacchus Empire will definitely get Ashcomman. But the one who gets Ashcomman is definitely not Gaius and Yunes, but Miss Alina—— I want your allegiance to her, and she will surely make you lord of Ashcomen."

As with most hotels, the rooms get more luxurious as you go up to the top floors.

"It will be confirmed in a few minutes. Ikram, since you are the agent of Gaius, then you should know what kind of temperament Gaius is - he is a sincere and good man. Since he entrusts you to participate in the auction , that means he definitely didn’t come here to drive up prices. The Bacchus Empire is determined to win Eichcoman. If I’m not mistaken, Gaius, an honest man, must have given you a psychological price? How much is it? Two million dinars?"

Ikram is probably guessing whether Li Ang has some skills like mind reading.

Gaius was the eldest son of Emperor Marius, but apart from his appearance, he basically had no similarities with Emperor Marius. He was a decent man who could be called a gentleman. He is an official.

The young man's voice was much lower. Obviously, he also realized that Li Ang didn't fool him.

In addition to Li Ang, there were several other distinguished guests in the other suites on this floor—Gaius and Yunes, the two sons of Emperor Marius, and Alina.

As for the subordinates who are only controlled by contract and power, they must maintain a sense of mystery. Li Ang's image of "knowing everything" can make Ikram no longer have the idea of ​​​​rebellion.

And that's all true.

Ikram explained.

In addition, Eichkoman already had a brotherhood of Scorpio Assassins. As long as they could afford the money, the Scorpio Assassins would dare to kill anyone. It was really hard to guard against...

"And he probably doesn't have that much cash. He's planning to replace it with land, right? Let me guess... it should be a large amount of cultivated land extending from the west of Turda Fortress, south of the Sava River Castle to Vida Village... Anyway The volume is close to [-] mu, right?"

It is said that the characters of these two brothers are quite good, and Li Ang has heard of them in Bacchus. The eldest is upright and kind, the second is brave and strong, and the children of Emperor Marius are well educated.

"How do you know... When he explained the reserve price, it was only me and him, no one else..."

"Gaius? Didn't Yunes bring you into the auction house? Ramon has been watching your every move, Ikram, everything you did in Singal has not escaped Ramon's eyes..."

In fact, most people are like this. These are not any shortcomings for ordinary people. It can only be said that they are indeed a little mediocre compared with their father, Emperor Marius.

It's just that neither of these two brothers is very suitable for governing the country-the eldest Gaius is not flexible enough and admits death; the second Younes is too frizzy and frivolous and impatient.

But no one wants him to be killed when he is in his hands, lest he be blamed...

"Very good... I will take this man away first. Tell Ramon, I will help him solve his troubles, and let him come to the top floor to find me after the auction."

To be honest, Li Ang did only charge half of the market price in interest...

The fear in Ikram's one-eyed eye had turned into fear—he probably believed that Li Ang could read minds.

Yunes was the second son of Emperor Marius and did not serve in the Bacchus Empire.

In Ramon's hotel, the top floor is full of luxury suites.

"But...Miss Alina is a woman, how did she get Ashkoman? You have to marry my sister to get this dowry... Besides, does she have that much power?"

"I understand... I already understood this, otherwise I wouldn't have come to Singal. I even found Gaius from the Bacchus Empire and became his agent..."

It's just that Bridget doesn't have compound interest...

Li Ang shook his head and said.

"My father doesn't care about Luha, but I do! I must never let her fall into the fire pit!"

Hearing Li Ang mention Bahaman again, Ikram gritted his teeth, and the stunned young man was unknowingly provoked again.

"It seems that you really care about your sister, so listen to my arrangement, so that you can not only get Ashkoman, but also avoid making Luha a victim..."

(End of this chapter)

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