Riding and Slashing

Chapter 308 Bringing Guards into the City!

Chapter 308 Bringing Guards into the City!
The reason why Li Ang returned to Lion City was because of an accident.

Starting from Sarleon City to Fox Town to send orders to Godric, basically all the way to the north, the entire route is a plain, it stands to reason that it would not take much time.

This is also the importance of the three-way intersection in the Fox Town - after passing the Fox Town, the road to the Lion City is relatively flat and safe.

A few days ago, Li Ang did not leave Sarleon City until the Royal City Guards set off, because his guards were all Noldor elves, so it was best not to walk with the Royal City Guards to avoid unnecessary friction.

The royal guards were ordered to supervise Godric and Amy, and the two commanders were also the deputy envoys of the order. The guard commander, Baron Gaydon, led the troops to the front, while the deputy commander, Inner, and Leon walked together. .

But just after they had walked a little more than half of the distance, they encountered an accident.

Near Haringosburg, north of Sarleon, they encountered stonemasons and quarrymen being hunted by a horde of fallen ones, Sigismund among them...

After Sigismund led the scout team to lure the fallen people away, he found that he couldn't get rid of the fallen people, so he immediately let the troops evacuate in the direction of Talboya.

Because Talboa has almost no inhabitants, most of the people here are quarrymen-mostly able-bodied men, and most of them are criminals who were exiled here.

This is indeed the most suitable place for evacuation. It will not cause casualties to innocent residents, but also allow these young and strong quarrymen to help stop them, and can also send news back to other places.

Sigismund did not let the scouts disperse again. He felt that it would be much better to gather the fallen people to a remote place than to let the fallen people scatter around to cause tragedies——this former civilian knight Still maintain a kind of simple kindness.

But Sigismund made a conscious mistake after seeing the big wind and waves-he ignored the courage of ordinary people at that time.

He and his men had burned down D'Shar's temple, fought large-scale wars, and seen the more terrifying Legion of Dread, so they had no fear of the fallen, and they didn't think about it in a hurry—those quarrymen were not like They have seen the world in this way.

Most of the quarrymen were indeed criminals, but they were not warriors, and they had little knowledge. If they were unprepared, they would naturally be terrified when they saw a monster without skin like the Fallen.

Therefore, when Sigismund led the Fallen to the quarry, it immediately caused a huge panic-this is the most normal behavior of ordinary people after seeing a skinless monster...

Seeing the panic of the quarrymen, Sigismund immediately realized that he had made a mistake, so he quickly led the scouts to help the quarrymen remove the shackles and other restraints, and then led them to run away.

Perhaps slightly better than ordinary villagers, the quarrymen and stonemasons are indeed capable of running. After all, most of them are young and strong men, and they can even run faster than Sigismund's team of exhausted scouts. faster.

There are only a small number of masons or their family members who are old and weak, but Talboya also has a lot of vehicles for transporting stone materials. The speed of the fallen is not fast, and most of them can indeed escape.

As a result, it was originally Sigismund who led less than 100 people to attract the fallen people's firepower, but now it has more than 1000 people being chased and killed by the group of fallen people-this attracts the fallen people more thoroughly.

Of course, those panicked quarrymen would not listen to anyone's command, they would just swarm to the nearest castle, hoping to be protected by the city wall...

The closest castle to Talboya is Harlingosburg in the north of Sarleon City.

Thus, Baron Gaiden, who led the royal guards at the forefront, had an encounter with the Fallen without any preparation.

Baron Gaydon was a young lord promoted by Ulrik. He was also a member of the Knights of the Lion before, and his nature was somewhat similar to that of Lehman—to put it simply, he was both a confidant of the king and a representative of the nobility.

After Ulrik revoked Andrew's commanding position, Gaydon was transferred to be the commander of the royal guards, and he was the heir of Harlingosburg.

The lord of Haringosburg is Gaydon's father, and he is already old now, unable to take charge of his affairs while paralyzed on the hospital bed. Therefore, Gaydon, as the eldest son of the family, has officially inherited the title of baron.

After his father's death, Gaiden will step down from the Royal Guards and become the master of Harlingosburg.

A large number of fallen are chasing and killing civilians in the hinterland of the Sarleon Kingdom, and they are so close to their own castle. For Gaydon, this must be eliminated.

So the quarrymen and stonemasons were saved, and Sigismund was also saved, but Baron Gaydon died tragically at the hands of the Fallen—in order to protect his hometown, he rushed to the forefront bravely.

Perhaps Gayden really didn't expect that those fallen people's seemingly light swords could not only cut through his plate-chain composite armor, but also cut him in two...

The Wangcheng guards killed or injured more than a dozen people in the first contact, and then they realized that something was wrong, and immediately started to retreat.

Fortunately, Li Ang's Noldo Guard was not far behind, and came to support immediately after discovering the battle.

The Noldor elves are indeed the natural nemesis of the Fallen. These sharpshooters basically have no trouble killing the Fallen in this kind of plain area-the Noldor like to aim at the enemy's head and shoot.

Those fallen people were all cleaned up after an hour, but this little accident made Li Ang very embarrassed.

In fact, not many people were killed in this bad battle. The guards of the Royal City were all cavalry, and they only lost a dozen people in total—the first group of people who followed Gaiden to charge first.

But the problem is that the leader Gayden died in battle, and he still died at the hands of heretics and fallen people...

Gaydon was the deputy envoy of the order, and he was also the person in charge of the military supervisor. He was originally responsible for supervising Godric.

This led the guards of the royal city to think that these fallen people might be the ones who did it by Godric and Amy, because Amy is now accused of being a 'heretical leader'...

The royal guards did not suspect Li Ang, after all, it was Li Ang's troops who killed the Fallen.

But they insisted that Li Ang return to Sarleon City to explain the situation to Ulrik, and let the king order to maintain the original plan, and to reassign other deputy army supervisors, otherwise they would not obey anyone's orders.

It's normal for them to have such concerns. This kind of death on the way just after accepting the mission is indeed easy to be regarded as a conspiracy. If something really goes wrong, the royal city guards will take responsibility.

So Li Ang had to go back with Inna, ready to explain the whole story clearly, and had to bring a few masons to testify that Gaiden died in battle to save his hometown.

Fortunately, Inna is sensible - he was originally assigned by Anna to assist Li Ang, and of course he would not oppose Li Ang.

Therefore, Li Ang and Inna turned around and returned to Sarleon City. Since they brought the mason with them, the speed was naturally not fast, and it was at least twice as slow as when they came.

On their way back to Sarleon City, Li Ang heard the unique call of the Owl Knights, which was the cry of the night owl—'hoohohooooo'.

That was Als, he brought back the news of Fox Town for Li Ang.

Ols has been inquiring about information about Fox Town and the surrounding area for Li Ang these days.

Before Li Ang left Changhe Town, he asked Wendy to order the troops stationed in various places to prepare for war.The Owl Knights of Aurs had been stationed in Trubrun before, and the order would naturally pass to them.

Trubrun was the residence lent by Li Ang to the night owls. They ate the food provided by Li Ang and lived in the territory provided by Li Ang. Naturally, Ols would respond to Li Ang's war mobilization.

So after receiving the order, the Owl Knights set off, only one day later than Klose.

This time, the news brought back by Ors himself was the news that Li Ang had never known—Yazhu Village was slaughtered, and there was no one left!
At the same time, many small villages around Guihu Town were massacred.

"My lord Leon, the situation has become very troublesome now... Yazhu Village is Godric's hometown, and it is the fiefdom of Lady Felina, and the people who slaughtered Yazhu Village were not heretics, but members of the Lion Knights! They should be deliberately trying to force against Lord Godric!"

Ols was very nervous: "We confirmed with Klose that Klose saved several abused villagers. This was done by the adventure group led by that scumbag in Oswood, and it was It was done at the behest of the Knights of the Lions—Oswood's adventure group are thugs who specialize in doing dirty work for the Knights of the Lions!"

"Crow Village was slaughtered... where are Mrs. Ferina and Lord Andrew? Also... do Godric and Amy know about it?"

Li Ang also realized the troublesomeness of this situation - if something happened to Felina and Andrew, then Godric would definitely rebel!
Li Ang knew that Godric was extremely dissatisfied with the current Lion Knights, and Amy, a princess knight, would not have any fear of rebellion!
If it weren't for Mrs. Felina and Andrew, Godric would have become a rebel with his best friends when he was young!
"Andrew is missing... You should know what this kind of disappearance probably means. Mrs. Felina should be in Sarleon City. We found her entourage, and those entourages said that she went to find the king alone..."

Ols quickly explained the situation: "As for Miss Amy...My lord, Klose discovered this first, and he brought your silver hand to join Miss Amy before I arrived. - that's why I came back to tell you..."

"After knowing that Crow Village was massacred, Lord Godric and Miss Amy believed that the king intended to do this, so they had no choice. When I left Fox Town, they had already made up their minds to fight the lion. The Knights are desperate!"

Li Ang sighed heavily...

This means that if he hadn't met those fallen people, and if Baron Gaydon hadn't died, then Leon would have been able to arrive in Fox Town before Godric and Amy made such a determination.

After conveying the king's new order, Godric and Amy will definitely not be impulsive, and there is still room for redemption.

But now... the blood in the town of Guihu has become a river, right?
This is not a question of whether Godric and Amy can win the fight. With Klose helping with the silver hand, the father and daughter will at least not lose.

However, this nature is different!
Li Ang was quick to accept the reality. Now that the situation had escalated, he could only go back to Lion City to find a way to solve this completely different problem.

For example, bring Mrs. Felina to Godric.

Li Ang actually didn't expect Felina to be in Sarleon City. After asking Inna, he found out that Felina was locked up in the Noble House.

Inna also met his own father at this time.

In fact, the communication with Inna has always been very smooth. Inna is just obsessed with Anna, and there are actually no problems in other aspects.

In Sarleon City, the Three Prophets did not do any other bad things except to confuse the king, nor did they use any weird witchcraft - it was really useless around the Tower of Forbidden Demons.

So in Inner's eyes, Anna may indeed be a heretical witch, but not some evil monster.

He has no ill will against the three prophets, and he has done nothing bad himself.

And Princess Anna asked Inna to cooperate with Li Ang, so he told Li Ang honestly that Felina was in the tower of the Noble Court, and entered the Noble Court together with Li Ang.

But no one expected that what they saw in the Noble House would be such a scene...

Lady Filina's broken body lay among the flowers;
King Ulrik knelt in front of Felina's body and wept silently;
On the top floor of the tower, Anna was still standing at the window, still holding a strip of cloth in her hand—she was also a little at a loss, and didn't know what to do for a while.

But this scene looks very obvious, basically everyone will think that Felina was pushed down by Princess Anna...

This is murder!

Ulrik probably thought so too—so he was trembling, silent, and hesitating, but he didn't give any orders.

And Li Ang's heart sank.

Phylina is dead!The last person who can solve the problem is dead!

And... this is indeed forcing the Godric family to rebel!

Oh, then there is no way...

Amy, is his 'disciple', regardless of each other...family.

Godric is an elder who has been sincerely helping him.

Mrs. Felina is Helen's best friend and her aunt who always protects her.

Fucking prophets, f**king kings!
Now, what kind of conspiracy, what tricks, what tactics, what interests, whether there is a civil war or not... It doesn't matter anymore.

Already doomed to be the enemy!
So, what we have to do now is no longer to solve the problem...

But someone who solves the problem that creates it!
—no matter who they are, or whether they are human or not!

"His Majesty……"

Finally, a guard couldn't bear it and broke the uncomfortable quiet scene.

"Get out...all out!"

Ulrik suddenly drew out his sword, and roared furiously, just like when he hacked to death the two maids, he started to rage completely uncontrollably.

The guards had all seen the tragic situation of those two maids, and no one wanted to follow in their footsteps, so they avoided them one after another.

But this time, Ulrik didn't slash people indiscriminately, but rushed into the tower of the House of Nobles with his sword in his hands.

Tears in his eyes slid down his swollen face.

Ina panicked for a while, and quickly followed in.

Li Ang also rushed forward with Inna, but he did not enter the tower of the Noble House.

He rushed directly to Mrs. Felina's body.

Taking advantage of the fact that the king had just dismissed the guards, Li Ang quickly left the place with the corpse in his arms, without even looking back.

The guards did not stop them, in fact the guards were at a loss at all...

They didn't get any effective orders, and no one knew what the situation was.

In this case, as a bodyguard, it is best to do nothing and just stick to one’s own duties—just guarding the tower where the king is located to prevent people from entering or leaving is considered to be due diligence, and the rest is ignored .

Those who can serve as guards in the Noble House are not fools. They really all thought they were blind. Anyway, they all turned their backs and let Li Ang take the body away.

Just after leaving the gate of the Noble House, Li Ang shouted loudly at the city gate: "Li Sadilan! Open the city gate! Bring the guards into the city!"

(End of this chapter)

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