Riding and Slashing

Chapter 317 For the Hall of Valor

Fog Cage City.

This trading city, which was originally full of vigor, felt a bit turbulent during this period of time.

The whole city was filled with all kinds of armed men, which made the merchants in the city complain, and the peddlers and "craftsmen" in the streets and alleys were living like years.

Those armed men were all subordinates brought by the lords of Fieldsway. Although their dresses and weapons and equipment were varied, they all had one thing in common - they didn't bring money when they went out, but they liked to 'buy' things.

Although King Vidis once promulgated a law, no matter who it is, taking goods without paying will be regarded as robbery.

But those ax soldiers who have just turned from pirates, and those guerrillas who have been engaged in smuggling all year round, basically don't take this decree seriously.

Besides, at this juncture, merchants dare not sue those lords...

All the merchants in Fogcage City knew that these lords were conscripted to fight - King Vidis would definitely not deal with them at this time.

Therefore, most of the shops in Fog Cage City are closed now, and this prosperous city seems to have turned into a military stronghold without fireworks in just a few days.

King Vidis was in a bad mood.

It wasn't because of these minor problems in Mistcage City, nor was it because of the imminent war with the Sarleon Kingdom, but because he had asked for help from his hometown, but he hadn't received any reinforcements from Vanskerry.

The Lord's Hall of the Fog Cage City is currently holding a banquet.

This is a typical Vaskerry pirate-style leader's party - a spacious hall with an all-wooden structure, a large and long wooden dining table, and a group of wild men with long beards drinking ale.

Most of the chiefs in Fieldsway were from Vanskerry, and that's pretty much how they lived when they weren't fighting.

"Aidin, are you saying that Queen Agnus no longer intends to support us?"

King Vidis touched his bald head, brushed the few remaining yellow hairs behind his ears, then took a sip of ale, the yellowish liquid in the wooden wine glass dripped down his messy beard Come.

The Queen Agnus in his mouth is the current queen of Vaskerry, and also the real pirate king, because she controls the belief of the pirates - the Hall of Valor.

Vanskerry is a large island in the icy sea, located in the northwest of Pendor, and it is also the hometown of most of the Lords of Fildsway, including Vidis.

Before becoming the lords of Pendor Continent, most of their families have been pirates for generations.

They believe in the gods of the ice sea.

In the myth of the ice sea gods, warriors who die with weapons in battle can enter the Hall of Valor, where there is endless wine, and there are countless beautiful female warriors who search for heroic spirits on the battlefield.

Those female warriors who search for heroic souls in mythology are called "Valkyrie", that is, Valkyrie.

It is said that they are virgin warriors chosen by the gods who swear to serve the spirits of heroes. They will bestow all the wonderful things on the dead and lead them to the Hall of Valor.

Therefore, although many people have lived in Pendor with their families for several generations, most of the lords on the west coast still return to Vanskerry from time to time-they go to pay homage to their ancestors and brothers, that is, those who died in battle. The Heroic Spirits'.

Of course, what is more important is that they have to offer offerings to the Hall of Valor, otherwise Queen Agnus has the right to disqualify them from entering the Hall of Valor in the future.

These days, controlling the cemetery and the cemetery can hold many big bosses hostage...

"Queen Agnus does not intend to let Vanskerry's fleet support us. She thinks that we settle in Pendor and no longer cross the sea, which violates Vanskerry's ancestral precepts. She even called you a 'betrayal' The bald man of faith'... also referred to me as a 'farmer trying to farm'..."

A middle-aged man with red beard and hair sitting opposite Vidis shook his head and said.

This middle-aged man kept his red hair and beard well-groomed, and he was the neatest among the many lords in the entire hall, and he was not so 'heroic' when drinking.

This is the 'Red Sword' Earl Aidin, one of the highest-ranking lords in Fieldsway, and Guangxiao Bay is his territory.

"But I saw Queen Agnus' guards among your troops..."

Vidis didn't care about titles like 'baldy', he pointed to his eyes: "Aidin, you must have reached a secret agreement with that Queen behind my back, right?"

It was very serious, but the tone was a bit joking. Vidis obviously trusted Aidin very much, and the relationship was very good.

"Yes, there is indeed a secret agreement..."

Aidin sighed and nodded: "I sacrificed myself again, sweating and risking my life in exchange for the mercy of Queen Agnus..."

"Ahahaha...you fell asleep by her again?!"

King Vidis laughed loudly, and patted Aidin on the shoulder: "You guys have been attracted to women since you were young..."

"...Her Majesty is going crazy in order to have a baby, and I dare not refuse her. She has found many men, but obviously, this is not a man's problem—the third child she gave birth at the beginning of the year is still a stillbirth, I think she's cursed..."

Aidin did not laugh, but sighed: "So, she is really not in the mood to lead troops to support us. But fortunately, my sweat is still useful, and the queen has not forgotten our annual offerings...she asked me to bring The guards have retrieved one of her 'favorite concubines', and if found, Her Majesty will send troops to aid us."

"The queen's favorite concubine? Isn't she a sissy?"

Vidis shook his head: "I don't want to deal with a man who screams like a chicken."

"No, that guy is not only not a sissy, but also a very powerful swordsman."

Aidin dipped his finger in some wine, and drew a picture on the table: "He charmed the Queen with his handsome skin, and deceived many heroic female warriors from Vanskerry, and now he is stationed in Qilu Village in the south ...In fact, you should have heard of him, that guy was famous in Pendor Continent before."

"Who? I haven't seen many swordsmen who look better than you... my most handsome friend."

King Vidis looked at the lush red hair on Aidin's head with some envy.

"Mirgan Kirik."

Aidin curled his lips, and was not impressed by Vidis's statement: "The prodigal son, he was indeed the one who assassinated the Duke of Alma—he admitted it in front of Her Majesty the Queen."

"He actually ran to Vanskerry. No wonder everyone couldn't find him. You mean, this guy tricked Her Majesty the Queen? Queen Agnus handed over the troops to him, but he sent The female warriors took it away?"

Vidis became serious, he did know about Milgan's reputation, and he tried to find Milgan after Alma's death.

Alma has a friendship with Vidis, and it was Duke Alma who pushed the Sarleon Kingdom to form an alliance with Fieldsway.

Vidis may not be a very good king, and he is even a bit cruel at times, but he always believes that all friends should be loyal-this is also the way most Vanskerry people think.

When a friend is killed, it is natural to find the murderer.

"That's right...you don't think Her Majesty would lend me her bodyguards just because she slept with me? The Queen's bodyguards are here to hunt him down...or rather, to retrieve Mir Gan—the queen seems to have a lot of affection for him, and that guy's ability to deceive women can be said to be the best in the mainland."

Earl Edin said, picking up his glass and taking a sip: "But I don't really want to return the queen's guards... These guards should become honorable Filtzway warriors, and so should those female warriors... ..."

"You plan to kill Milgan, and then blame the queen's guards and bandits so that they don't dare to go back?"

Vidis's experience in committing crimes is obviously extremely rich, and he knows Earl Edin quite well, so he immediately thought of a routine.

But then, he warned: "But you can't do this with your own hands. Queen Agnus is already dissatisfied with us. If the news leaks out, you will never want to go to the Hall of Valor again, and you will also implicate me." .”

Faith is still very important. Although the existence of the Hall of Valor has restrained Vidis and others, it can also enable the Vanskerry pirates under him to fight bravely and fearlessly.

Generally speaking, the benefits brought by the Hall of Valor are far greater than the burdens it brings, and King Vidis will naturally not offend Queen Agnus.

Moreover, Vidis himself does believe in the gods of the ice sea.

"Of course I can't do it myself... In fact, I already have the best candidate..."

Earl Aidin smiled and said, "I found the Kingslayer—he didn't dare to go back to the Longbeard Fortress of Gondor, so he ran to Guangxiao Bay."

"Challenge Inna... Is he in your hands?"

To be honest, King Vidis actually wanted to capture Inna and send him to Sarleon City to negotiate peace. He actually didn't want to fight any big war with Sarleon Kingdom now.

This is not because Vidis is cowardly, but because most of the lords in Fieldsway are pirates, and no one is cowardly in sea battles, but fighting against the cavalry of the Sarleon Kingdom on land... is indeed quite difficult.

But right now, Earl Aidin obviously has other plans.

Vidis looked at Gondor, the Doomseeker, who was fighting with others at the other end of the hall: "Does Gondor know about this? Don't fight with Gondor..."

The relationship between King Vidis and Gondor is very good-Gondor once saved Vidis' life in battle.

Of course, his relationship with Earl Aidin is also very good.

The king Vidis is actually more like a big brother in the rivers and lakes. He is not supported by the lords of Fieldsway because of his strongest combat power, but because he has many friends who are willing to help him.

Such as Aidin, such as Gondor.

Probably because of this, he was able to become a king from a pirate leader—those leaders with the strongest combat effectiveness basically returned to the Hall of Valor in their prime of life.

"Gondor wished his son would do more great things - he is now boasting of his son's 'achievement' in killing the king... Besides, he doesn't need to enter the Hall of Valor, he believes in the goddess of prosperity Terra."

Aidin shook his head, and simply shouted: "Gondor! Friends, come and have a drink with us!"

'Doomseeker' Gondor, with disheveled hair, was drinking ale with two strong men, and then the first one showed the bottom of the cup, and it seemed that he won.

Then he came over staggeringly: "Aidin...do you want to fight wine with me?"

"No, I just wanted to tell you that I found your son...but he's not going home."

The relationship between Aidin and Gondor is not particularly close. If both Aidin and Gondor have a brotherly friendship with King Vidis, then he and Gondor can only be regarded as friendly colleagues.

This is mainly because of origin and beliefs - Gondor was originally from the Land of Sarleon, and most of the lords of Fieldsway were from pirates of Vanskerry. The relationship with the lords from Vanskerry is not particularly good.

In fact, Gondor is a rather sad lord. He once asked the three prophets about his future, that is, he betrayed the goddess of order, so people in Sarleon would not agree with him; I don't really agree with him either...

It's just that everyone in Fieldsville recognizes his strength and fears his madness on the battlefield. No one dares to provoke this doom seeker easily.

Doomseekers are actually very lonely.

Therefore, in order to be able to integrate into Fieldsway, Gondor believed in the local god of prosperity in Fieldsway——Tara.dimension.Su Li.

This is an image of a girl with a garland covering the key parts, holding a jug in her hand, pouring out the morning dew. This deity represents the yearning for a good harvest, and also represents the expectation for a prosperous and prosperous age.

This is the belief of the farmers in the western part of the Pendor Continent, and it is also the official belief established by King Vidis when the country was founded.

But Vidis himself does not actually believe in Terra. This is just a national policy, which is the same as Emperor Marius' promotion of Damia, the god of protection and harvest.

The establishment of Terra as the main god was mainly to reassure the farmers of Fieldsway.

Otherwise, it is ruled by a group of pirates and has different beliefs. Maybe the west coast will be uninhabited in a few years.

Aidin said before that Queen Agnus called him a 'farmer trying to cultivate the land'. In fact, there was a reason for this-Vides still believed in the gods of the ice sea and still wanted to enter the Hall of Valor, but he was in the Philippines. Erzwei is promoting a goddess of agriculture... Queen Agnus will naturally be very dissatisfied.

Gondor, on the other hand, was the first lord of Fieldsway to openly express his belief in the goddess Terra.

For this reason, the relationship between Gondor and Vidis became closer.

The lord who first understands the national policy and expresses his support will of course get closer to the monarch.

But Gondor is still lonely—the only one that Filzway can really regard him as a friend is actually Vidis alone, and Aidin can probably be counted as half.

This one and a half are all his friends.

This is especially the case with his godson Inna—he also comes from the Sarleon Land, and also has different beliefs. Gondor has a true friend because he saved Vidis’s life, but Inna has no friends at all now. The only one among his peers who considered him one of his own was Gudry.

But they only regard him as an elder brother, which belongs to family affection.

That's why Inar was willing to leave everything behind to find true love in Sarleon Land.

"Aha! Inar's with you? I'm relieved then... I know he doesn't really want to go home. Come, for King Ulrik's sake, have a drink!"

Gondor does seem to regard Inar's regicide as something to be proud of.

"Gondor, tell me something serious."

Aidin raised his glass to Gondor: "Inar is now a kingslayer, you should understand...he caused trouble for us, for Fieldsway, and for himself. He can no longer be a lord, not even A public appearance... but I have a plan to help him, and help you - it will make both you and Inar eligible for Valhalla."

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