Riding and Slashing

Chapter 332 The So-Called God

"How do you know it was my people who interrupted the sacrifice? Were you there?"

Li Ang looked at the 'Gate of the Abyss' again.

"...I was at the gate of the abyss at the time, and I knew that it was Roland who interrupted the sacrifice—only people like him would not be affected by the abyss."

Midia said calmly: "Your Excellency Leon, our three sisters lost their bodies more than 150 years ago. It was the goddess Ereda who revived our souls. In fact, we have no entity. As I said, we are the abyss gatekeeper of the gate."

"It is your mission to guard the gate of the abyss? Then why do you come out to bluff?"

Li Ang generally understood that these three prophets were actually three old ghosts with powerful spirits.

"It's all forced by the situation..."

Midia sighed and raised his head: "Your Excellency Leon, this world is actually different from what you see... You have heard us chant the prayer of the Goddess of Justice, right? In fact, the prayer It is indeed used to revive the fallen—the people of the Temple of Justice and the Abyss Demon have long colluded with each other, I think you can understand why...

The Lady of Justice is not necessarily just. The Buckley Empire is the base of the Lady of Justice, but there has never been any justice in that place...

Farmers in Fieldsway believe in the goddess of prosperity, but is Fieldsway, a place ruled by pirates and smugglers, really prosperous?
The Kingdom of Sarleon honors the goddess of Order, but Order in the Kingdom of Sarleon... Ha!

As for Bacchus, the god of shelter and harvest, the land has never really had a good harvest...

Urvet, the god of bow and arrow that the Ravencrow people believe in, has never actually protected the Ravencrow Realm. Whether it is Jatu, Misty Mountain People or pirates, they can come and go freely in the Ravencrow Kingdom...

As for Desha, God Vata has never appeared—in fact, Vata has almost never been truly believed in, and the Desha people don't understand what faith is at all.They just worship the holy mountain blindly according to the tradition, and blindly send money and women to the temple on the mountain.They're just afraid of being told they're not religious enough...

More than 150 years ago, in Buckley, someone summoned Egrem with the Abyss Gate.I'm not sure who summoned that, but I promise it has something to do with the Temple of Justice!

Egrim has no real entity, and can change bodies at will, as long as it hides among the fallen, no one can kill it before the fallen are killed.

At that time, Astalia, the goddess of justice, had the most followers and knights, and Ereda, the goddess of darkness, had the ability to seal souls. If they joined forces, Egrem would be easily sent back to the abyss.

But that duplicity of Astalia actually retreated because of her own selfish desires, leaving Ereda alone to fight alone...

Goddess Ereda faced the demon army alone and exhausted her mana to reseal the gate of the abyss. Then, she was attacked by Astalia.

And the Dawn Knights claimed to have defeated the demon at that time...

Only then did Goddess Ereda know that the gate of the abyss was opened by Astalia in the name of 'Dark Goddess Followers' and instructing those 'summoners'!The purpose is to deplete the strength of the goddess Ereda, and make the goddess of justice the only belief in the entire continent by 'defeating the devil'!
Lady Justice?Bah... She just wants the whole world to submit to her, she doesn't care about people's life or death at all!
Taking advantage of Goddess Ereda's depletion of divine power, Astalia attacked her, but even so, the result was still a loss for both sides.

The goddess Ereda was banished to the outside world, and Astalia was also sealed by the goddess Ereda and left the land.

Since then, Astalia has issued an oracle to his followers, asking them to destroy the followers of the Dark Goddess.If there are no more people on the land who believe in Ereda, the seal will be lifted, and Astalia will be able to return to the land.

But Goddess Ereda did not issue such an edict... She just told us to guard the gate of the abyss, so that the abyss demons will not appear on the earth again!

But we are not reconciled...we want the goddess Eredar back!

And the other gods...the so-called vampire-like gods, they took advantage of the fall of Ereda to prevent her return!

Therefore, it took us three sisters 100 years to learn the soul spell of the abyss demon, and finally controlled the three priestesses of the Temple of Justice, and told some Dawn Knights about these things as priestesses.

But at that time, no one believed us. Instead, they believed that we were corrupted by heresy. We had no choice but to take the Abyss Gate and flee to Pendor Continent. At that time, Roland led people to hunt us down.

However, gradually, some people in the Dawn Knights finally believed everything we said at the beginning, and then the Twilight Knights were formed, and the Dawn Knights split.

Your Excellency Li Ang, whether you believe it or not, what I said is true.Do you think...the so-called justice and darkness...who is more like the goddess of justice? "

Midea finished all this with a sneer.

I believe it, but I don't think anyone is very righteous... Li Ang thought.

The prayer of the Lady Justice is a spell to summon demons, which may be true—the Temple of Justice is extremely important by actively creating fallen people and letting more horrible skinless wandering corpses in the world.

But... the dark goddess Eredar is not a good bird either.

Since Ereda is the watcher of the abyss, even if Astalia used dirty tricks, she should have discovered it when Egrem just came out of the abyss... Why did Egrem's army of fallen people criss-cross Barkley? several years?

At the beginning, Ereda should also have the idea of ​​​​keeping his strength and sitting idly by, right?
And Astalia ran away in front of the battle, forcing Ereda to fight alone, so naturally she had no good intentions.

But Li Ang could imagine that the demons of the abyss must hate the gatekeepers more, so Ereda probably didn't voluntarily try his best to seal the demons alone—it is estimated that Egrim wanted to kill her, but she just didn't have time to escape...

It seems that all the gods in this world are not good things. No wonder Kavala, the first king of Pandor, built the Tower of Forbidden Demons. I guess he can't get used to those gods...

"God...what the hell is it?"

Looking at the female prophet opposite, Li Ang suddenly asked a very philosophical question.

And Midea's answer is indeed a bit philosophical: "Gods are actually some spellcasters who can draw power from faith. They are not as great as they claim to be... Kavala, the king of Pandor, can make all gods Nothing to do with him..."

Midea said, and suddenly narrowed his eyes: "Your Excellency Leon, you are very similar to His Majesty Kavala... He also has the blood of the Noldor Elf!"

This answer made Li Angmosai suddenly enlightened.

I see……

The disaster in Pendor Continent has been doomed since the Kavala era!

This is the blood that is hated by the gods...

After the former king Kavala unified the continent of Pendor, he established the goddess of order Eunomia as the main god of Pendor, which means that except Eunomia, all gods will hate him...

The conflicts caused by gods competing for beliefs are probably no different from human beings competing for territory and population.

The battle between the two goddesses of justice and darkness told by Midea more than 150 years ago, I am afraid that in the final analysis, it is also to compete for the territory and believers after the destruction of the Pendor Kingdom...

But now, the gods from all walks of life have redistributed their spheres of influence, and the last thing they want to see is someone to unify Pender again like Kavala!

But Madigan's prophecy is too famous, it is destined that there will be succession of ambitious people who want to become the son of the prophecy, the king of Pandor...

So the gods from all walks of life will definitely continue to do things.

This is indeed a group of false gods... essentially selfish spellcasters.

My body is the blood of the Pande royal family, and I have shown respect for Eunomia, so Eunomia will indeed take care of me, because when I become stronger, Eunomia will get greater Site and more believers...

And the goddess of justice, Astalia, is based on Barkley, and she has no foundation in Pendor Continent, so she will show favor to herself, and let Sir Roland meet herself...

But other gods will definitely spare no effort to suppress themselves!
Li Ang could even think of why he would time travel?

Because the 'Leon Griffin' whom Eunomia regarded as hope was beaten to death by a member of the Red Brotherhood!The last bloodline of the kingdom of Pendor is dead!The hope of reunifying the continent is shattered!

So she wants to find a soul from another world to revive this hope... Yunomia wants to unify the continent, she wants to restore the glory of the past, and she wants to get the most believers...

These so-called gods are no different from those who are fighting for power.

Now that demons like Egrem are rampant in Pandor, and all kinds of bandits are making trouble everywhere, including the invasion of the Snake Worship Cult. Speaking of it, I am afraid that every god is responsible.

Enjoying people's worship, but unwilling to do things for people, is basically the same as those lords who enjoy taxation but don't care about people's lives.

"In this case, I really don't mind negotiating this deal with you... Dealing with the demons of the abyss is also your mission. You help me deal with Egrem, and I will let Anna and Circe reunite with you."

Li Ang is not sure whether what Media said is true or not, but dealing with Egrem is the most important thing right now. As long as Egrem can be dealt with, he doesn't mind cooperating with anyone—in any case, he can't become a fallen person ah.

"No problem...but you have to swear to put Anna and Circe back—on your soul. I know Roland is here too, don't let him deal with me...Also, on my soul, we three sisters will never I will no longer be an enemy to Your Excellency Li Ang."

Midea nodded.

"Okay, I swear on my soul, if the three prophets can make Egrim go back to the abyss and not be my enemy, I will definitely reunite you sisters."

Li Ang swore happily.

"So now, can you put Irano back first?"

Li Ang pointed to Midea, which was the body of Ilano.

Midia nodded, and then her forehead gradually wrinkled, and the pain on her face was no longer bearable: "...Your Excellency Li Ang, quickly find a body, this girl's soul has been suppressed by me, but In fact, she has been resisting..."

Li Ang didn't expect Midea to agree to withdraw from Ilano's body so readily, but this is a good thing.

However, there are no corpses in this camp now, so you can't kill one right now?

Oh, by the way, what she wants is a body, not necessarily a corpse...

Li Ang lifted the table and opened the door: "Lisa Dilan, bring Oswood here!"

Midea opened the Heresy Codex in her arms and carefully placed it on the ground.

The two metal pages once again showed the appearance of the gate of the abyss, and then a wisp of black mist leaked from between her eyebrows and flew into the swirl pattern on the convex surface.

Ilano sat on the chair and hung his head, his hands and feet began to twitch, looking like he was having a nightmare.

Li Ang suddenly realized that Midia probably also lost most of her mana, and she didn't do anything after throwing the table, probably because it was already difficult for her to fight against Ilano!

That's why she sat on the chair, which was actually because she couldn't move.

No wonder they are talking so cooperatively...

It seems that the female apprentice Roland has a strong willpower.

The bloody Oswood was quickly taken into the barracks, and Ilano was also carried out.

Li Ang stood a little further away, watching the black mist fly out of the code, and flew to the center of Oswood's eyebrows.

And then, Oswood—that is, Midea began to roar: "Leon! Are you giving me such a broken body?!"

Cough, it is indeed broken.

Li Ang spread his hands: "I can't give you my subordinates, can I? Anyway, you can use spells to change your skin... This is the most suitable body for you, at least it can be used as waste."

"But this evil spirit is alive! And a madman!"

Midea was still furious.

"Don't you know soul spells? You can deal with him however you want, how cruel you are, you're welcome to this guy! Come on!"

Li Ang cheered on.


Midea made no sound.

After a long time, a wisp of gray mist flew out from between Oswood's eyebrows and entered the gate of the abyss.

At this moment, Midea spoke weakly: "Where did you get such an evil soul? I banished him to the abyss... His soul will be tortured endlessly in the blood prison..."

"Oh? That's great! This is exactly the result I want... I was thinking that killing him like this would be too cheap for him..."

Li Ang said with a smile on his face: "Can you exile Egreme in the same way?"

"Unless you first torture Egrem into this ghostly appearance..."

Midia waved the only bloody arm: "I don't care what kind of broken body you gave me, but you must remember the oath you made with your soul, otherwise, your soul will also enter the abyss of blood hell! This is the origin of those evil spirits in the abyss!"

In other words, the evil spirits in the abyss are all Lao Lai who violated the soul oath?
Li Ang believed this to be true, but he did not intend to break his oath. The word "reunion" could mean gathering together alive or dead.

Even if they are spirit bodies and are not easy to die, they can all rush to the gate of the abyss - that is their hometown.

"So... how to send Egrem back to the abyss? What abilities does it have?"

Li Ang took the heresy code into his hands and closed the two pages of 'Gate of the Abyss'.

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