Riding and Slashing

Chapter 335 The Responsive Magician

Chapter 335 The Responsive Magician
For the past two days, Li Ang has been looking for the 'time' he wants nearby.

Egreme also wandered around Penn Village a few times, probably looking for the Code of Heresy, which is the Gate of the Abyss.

However, with the arrival of Wendy and the Noldo warriors, Egrim didn't get too close, and it seemed to be a little afraid of the Noldo elves.

This is also understandable, regardless of the superb shooting skills of the Noldor, just because the Noldor elves are born with forbidden magic and cannot be made into fallen people, it is enough for Egrem to act cautiously—Egrem is obviously It is also the pursuit of cost performance, and it certainly does not want to suffer too much loss at this time.

Therefore, in the past few days, there was no fighting around Lion Lake City, and Li Ang had enough time to prepare.

"Teacher, are you really going to lead Tianlei to kill Egreme?"

Wendy was a little taken aback when she heard Li Ang's plan: "Didn't you always say you don't know magic?"

"Of course I don't know magic, but you can! Wendy, you are a Sindari elf, don't doubt yourself... Yes, just cut off the top part of the tree..."

Li Ang replied while commanding a few Noldor rangers to climb the tree.

"I don't know if I'm a Sindarin... What are you doing?"

Wendy curled her lips, looking at those tall trees, feeling a little helpless.

"Cut down trees... I told them to cut the tops of these trees shorter, you heard me..."

Li Ang took a few steps back, made a gesture, and nodded: "Now, as long as there is thunder near here, it will definitely strike."

In order to ensure the success of the plan, Li Ang planned to saw off the tops of several other giant trees, and only keep the tallest one.

Wendy sighed: "But, you don't need to make an altar or something to lure the thunder? Can you just cut down trees?"

"That makes sense..."

Li Ang turned his head and looked at Wendy: "It is indeed necessary to make an altar... The process of praying for rain still needs to go through! Wendy, go change into suitable clothes, and you can arrange a sacrifice..."


"Master Li Ang said that he would pray to the God of Creation to send down a thunderbolt to kill Egreme... Does his elf student really have magical powers?"

"Who knows... But Wendy does look like she can use magic. Look at her eyes, they are completely different from Lisa Dilan..."

"Sir Roland, are all these Noldor elves guards of His Excellency Leon? Didn't it mean that only magicians can make the Noldor obey? Lord Leon can also use magic?"

"He probably won't...Your Excellency Gondor, Lord Leon got the help of the Noldor through his wisdom and virtue. He can lead the Noldor elves to no longer be enemies of humans. This is a good thing for the benefit of all people... "

"How do you pray for Thunder without magic? Could it be some kind of witchcraft?"

"Witchcraft? The prophetess locked up in the camp is the only one who does that... Wendy doesn't look like a witch. Even if she is said to be made by God, I will believe it."

Several human leaders were whispering.

Sir Roland and Gondor the Doomseeker probably have the opposite temper. Although one is an upright paladin and the other is a pirate who has done many bad things, they have become friends in the past two days.

Probably, if Gondor hadn't met the three prophets and was not fooled to go to sea to beg for life, maybe he would have become an upright knight.


The hot summer sun scorched the ground, but most people in the camp still braved the scorching sun and came to the hillside that Li Ang had chosen.

The elves have finished repairing the giant tree, and a sacrificial activity is about to be held.

Wendy put on a gorgeous robe. This was the first time Leon saw the Noldor wearing a dress.The cyan cloth looks a lot like silk, with silver threads embedded in it, and the silver threads form mysterious and magnificent patterns.

This kind of robe is very precious, and it can be called a top art masterpiece - this is the masterpiece of another Noldor elf group, the "Finarfin" family, that is, the elf king Kellerfon who has never participated in wars in the city of Eraklei The tribe of El.

That robe is not actually made of silk, since there are no silkworms in Pender Continent, silk does not exist naturally.

But the Noldor elves did inherit the technology of cocooning-this brocade robe is actually made of the cocoon silk of a moth in the forest.

However, the number of broken silks extracted from the cocoons of this moth is extremely low, and the silk yield is very low, which makes it impossible for the Noldor to raise this moth artificially—otherwise the caterpillars eat up the surrounding trees, But it can't produce enough silk to make a piece of clothing, and it may even cause large-scale insect infestations that can destroy the forest.

Therefore, the elves can only follow nature, usually looking for this kind of moth cocoon at random, and slowly accumulating cocoon silk. It will take many years to accumulate enough silk thread to make a robe.

In other words, elves have a long lifespan, and they can't afford to wait for humans.

Therefore, only the heirs of the Elf King would have such brocade robes. Nobles like Lisadiran did not have such good things-this was once a valuable item that only high Sindarin elves could wear.

A group of adult elves who studied art carefully crafted robes using the rarest materials and enchanting techniques. This can be said to be the most exquisite clothing in the entire continent.

After Wendy put on this robe, she really looked like an angel, or even a fairy.

Even Li Ang couldn't move his eyes...

The graceful figure of the elf girl was completely set off by the brocade robe around the waist, and her long legs and waistline drew a thrilling beauty, which was indeed much more beautiful than when she was wearing armor.

Especially her bright purple eyes, which seemed to even glow against the background of her blue and silver robe.

Li Ang felt that this should be Wendy's daily attire in the future—Sindarui must look like Sindarui...

Wendy didn't know that her teacher had planned a path for her to reach the pinnacle of life, and she was seriously arranging sacrifices.

In fact, the sacrifice arranged by Wendy has nothing to do with the gods, because the Noldor elves do not worship gods, they only worship their ancestors.

Even in ancient times the Noldor did not worship gods, but they made offerings to the Sindarí - and to them the Sindarí were gods.

According to Lisa Dilan and Wendy, long-lived races such as elves, dragons, and giants do not worship gods—in their legends, the ancestors of these races possessed much stronger abilities than gods, and At that time, there was no god in the whole world.

For Li Ang, this kind of ancestor worship is very familiar to him...everyone in the Celestial Dynasty is familiar with it.

Moreover, the worship scene arranged by Wendy also made him feel very kind - under the tallest giant tree, Wendy asked the Noldor to make a few wooden signs, engraved with some talismans that Leon could not understand arts.

Then, she took Lisa Dilan and other Noldor nobles to kneel on the ground and chanted some spells, scattered some faintly glowing magic silver coins under the tree, and took turns going up to the tree to insert a kind of magic coin made of some kind of shrub branch. The incense...

Spiritual seat...kneeling...sprinkling money...inserting incense?

Isn't this going to the grave?
Li Ang was dumbfounded, and almost thought that the operation process of the Celestial Cemetery had been leaked to another world...

There is no difference except that no candles are lit!
Moreover, this magic silver coin is actually an engraved illumination rune, which is equivalent to playing the role of a candle...

In a trance, Li Ang even felt that he had traveled through time again.

In fact, this is just a coincidence. They are all worshiping ancestors. The process is indeed similar.

In the culture of the Noldor, the souls of the ancestors are immortal and ubiquitous, and the rune of illumination is to let the souls of the ancestors see these descendants;

Incense is to keep oneself clean and odor-free, lest the ancestors be unhappy when they see it;
Kneeling is a routine operation, kowtow to the ancestors, talk about the current situation of the juniors, and ask the ancestors to bless them, this is all natural...

So Li Ang simply participated in it.

But instead of facing the plaques made by the Noldor, he turned toward the clouds that were gradually coming up in the south sky.

According to tradition, the ancestors of people in the Celestial Dynasty generally lived in the sky.

"Bless my ancestors, let me find my way home..."

Right after these words were spoken, Li Ang, who knelt on the ground and bowed his head, heard a cry of surprise behind him.

"Teacher... look, look at the sky!"

Wendy's surprised voice came: "The ancestors responded to our request!"

And more Noldor elves were whispering, but looking at Leon and Wendy, they were full of hope and joy.

The other human troops looked around, all with shocked expressions—Master Li Ang said to ask Wendy to pray for rain

Li Ang raised his head, in the southern sky, the originally faint clouds were gathering towards this side, and the clouds were accumulating, gradually covering the blue sky.

Maybe the ancestors can indeed show spirits, maybe Wendy does have powerful magic power, or maybe it's Wendy's dress that made the God of Creation see the existence of Sindarui.

Anyway, just as this group visit to the graves of the ancestors had just ended, the sky not far from the south was covered with clouds, and the originally sunny sky gradually darkened...

The south wind is coming!

Li Ang looked up at the top of the giant tree, the leaves were shaking back and forth.

It's convective weather - convective rain on a summer afternoon!
It must be a thunderstorm!
"Ha! You did it - calling the wind and the rain! Wendy, you are already the highest Sindarin mage!"

Li Ang said loudly with a laugh.

Wendy was in a daze: "But I didn't do anything... I just prayed to our ancestors to let us go well..."

"Yes, I pray. But 'Responsiveness' is the strongest magic. It also has a name called 'Holy Word'!"

Li Ang looked back at Wendy and blinked: "Wendy, keep praying, please ancestors send down thunder and destroy that evil abyssal demon..."

After speaking, he waved to Lisa Diran and Sir Roland.

"Everyone, prepare for the battle as planned!"

Afterwards, he took Lisadilan and the Noldor guards, and Roland took his own manpower, and rode on the horse at the same time, and went straight to the northwest direction in two directions, which is where Egrim was.


Li Ang is actually sure about attracting Egrem.

Because Roland has the Gate of the Abyss on his body.

Speaking of which, Li Ang actually understood Aigrem a little bit.Because he, like Egrem, is a soul summoned from another world.

He knew what Agram wanted...

To be honest, if Li Ang knew how to summon people from his original world, he would definitely do it... especially to summon relatives or friends.

Because of loneliness.

Over the past few years, although he has made many friends in Pendor Continent, Li Ang is still lonely in his heart.

It's not that these friends are not sincere enough, but that they are cognitively inconsistent, which cannot be resolved.

The root of a person's loneliness is actually because he can't find a fellow traveler who agrees with his own cognition-hence, there is such an exclamation as "one confidant is enough in life".

Li Ang has already taken the initiative to integrate into Pender, and if he feels this way, then the non-human Egrem is naturally more lonely.

So Egrem is looking for the gate of the abyss and summoning his lover...

Li Ang knew that as long as the Abyss Gate appeared in front of Egrem, it would definitely pursue it, unless it was sure that it would not be able to catch up—just like when Roland lured it away before.

But Li Ang was also very worried. He was worried that the thin Noldor blood in his body would not be able to completely ban the magic, and he was worried that he would be affected by Agrim's soul spell.

Speaking of which, things like seducing Egrim should be done by the Noldor elves, such as Lisa Diran.

But Leon wasn't sure if Egrim would pursue the Noldor elves - it seemed very afraid of Noldor.

So this job can only let Roland take risks.

When Roland went to seduce Egreme, Leon had to pay attention to the progress all the way, so he himself could not stay under the giant tree. He had to meet Roland with Lisa Diran to ensure Egrem's route did not deviate.

Li Ang must lead Egrem to the predetermined lightning strike area.

At the same time, it is difficult for the Noldor elves to understand the physics knowledge related to electricity. Leon must be present all the time.

It may not even be possible to die together. Li Ang is not sure whether Thunderbolt can succeed, and he is not sure whether he can kill Egreme after success.

The location of Egrem is actually very close. Its large army surrounds Lion Lake City, but it has been wandering between Lion Lake City and Payne Village, only a dozen miles away from the giant tree.

It must have been staring at Li Ang's troops, obviously obsessed with the gate of the abyss.

When Roland appeared in front of Egreme holding the Abyss Gate, Egrem did not hesitate to pursue him.

This time, it's much faster than before.

It has a brand new demon horse and brings a lot of cavalry.

There are more than 100 ghosts of the fallen who are riding demonic horses, and many fallen warriors who are riding terrible flesh and blood horses.

This guy can even turn horses into fallen warhorses—those horses are also skinless, and their eyeballs are exposed, making them look scarier than skinless people.

From the looks of it, Egrem hasn't been fooling around in the past few days. It has probably been strengthening its military strength. Although the number of fallen has not increased significantly, the quality has improved a lot.

The source of most of the horses is probably the troops of Sir Boris the Crow, the Knights of the Dawn and Aidin's reinforcements - they abandoned many horses in order to break through the city, and Boris's extremely majestic horse also fell into Aigre Tom hands.

(End of this chapter)

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