Chapter 404
Agathon obviously saw Li Ang holding the flag. Seeing that Li Ang was heading towards the central battlefield, he was stunned, but then he led the army to turn and followed Li Ang.

"Follow me!"

Holding the banner, Li Ang quickly rushed towards the battlefield where the main army was fighting with the Snake Worship Cult army.

Li Ang doesn't know Emperor Mario's last words now, but he already understands Agathon's mentality.

Because Agathon asked him a few days ago...

"Your Majesty Li Ang, if...if His Majesty Marius passes will you deal with the Bacchus Empire?"

Li Ang still remembered Agathon's hesitant and sad expression at that time.

Ajiasong deliberately attacked him while the army of the Snake Cult was not yet destroyed, because Ajiasong knew that once His Majesty Marius passed away, no one would be able to stop Li Ang's footsteps...

A few years ago, solving the Red Death and killing tens of thousands of Snake Worshipers had given Li Ang a very high reputation in Bacchus, and made the Knights of the Radiant Cross unwilling to be enemies with Li Ang.

But this time, if Li Ang wiped out the Snake Cult, the Bacchus would definitely agree with Li Ang's rule... So, does the empire still exist?

Therefore, Ajiasong wants to launch an attack at the critical moment when the Snake Cult army is about to be destroyed - this is the best opportunity, if Li Ang can be killed here in one fell swoop, it is of course the best result, even if it cannot be done, use Snake Worship It's okay to teach Li Ang's army to suffer huge losses...

Of course Li Ang didn't intend to let Agathon do what he wanted.

He can accept the loss, but he will never accept spending all his wealth here.

Ajiasong wanted to use the hands of the Snake Worship Cult to weaken his strength, but the Snake Worship Cult may not be so obedient...

Agathon's troops are also enemies of the Snake Cult!
"Forward, all the way forward to break through the enemy's formation! Don't look back!"

Looking at the Snake Worship Cult army directly in front of him, Li Ang roared and raised Alice's speed to the highest.


Klose glanced back quickly. Both he and Lisa Dilan had already seen the problems on Li Ang's side, but their troops couldn't escape.

The hoplites are struggling to withstand the impact of the Snake Cult's army, and the Noldo troops must continue to suppress the Snake Cult's long-range troops.

If the troops were divided to rescue Li Ang, the heavy infantry including the Silver Hand would probably be swallowed by the Snake Cult army.

"Sigismund, go and meet His Majesty... I can stop the enemy!"

Klose greeted Sigismund beside him.

To him, Li Ang's safety is much more important than the outcome of this battle, and also more important than his own life and death...

Sigismund also glanced back, seeing that Li Ang was rushing towards the large army holding a flag, he shook his head: "No, Klose, what His Majesty needs is not support...We should open the way for His Majesty!"

"open circuit?"

Klose was a little puzzled.

Sigismund nodded fiercely, and shouted loudly: "Brothers! Charge forward! Disperse their ax and gun team!!"

Then, holding a big sword, he jumped out from above the shield wall of his own army, and was the first to plunge into the Snake Worship Cult army.


The fierce generals who take the lead can always easily inspire the bloodiness of the soldiers. The Freedom Legion cheered up and no longer maintained the army formation, and began to rush forward desperately with Sigismund.

——They all jumped out like Sigismund, and smashed their bodies directly into the ax and spear team in the front row of the Snake Cult army.

Klose looked again at the direction where Li Ang was coming, and the Bacchus were chasing Li Ang's guards.

He already understood what Sigismund meant at this time.

It is true that one should not turn back to respond, because once turned back, it will not only hinder Li Ang's footsteps, but also make the large army face the double attack of the Snake Cult and the Bacchus.

Li Ang will be caught in the middle, and he must not be able to stand it.

Sigismund said to open the way for Li Ang, that is to disperse the troops in the front row of the Snake Worship Cult who are armed with axes and spears, and create a gap in the Snake Worship Cult army formation to avoid the attack of the Snake Worship Cult general Li Ang. The guards stopped.

If Li Ang could charge through the Snake Worship Cult army with his guards and keep going all the way through, he would be safe - his boss is not a weak person, he has the ability to charge and break through.

This is the most reasonable solution right now.

Sigismund's self-assessed decision this time was right!

"Death Squad!!"

Klose shouted loudly, raised his sword, stepped forward two steps, and reached the front of the Silver Hand formation.


More than 300 great swordsmen from Mettenheim raised their swords together, facing the army formation of the Snake Worship Cult, and threw themselves into it.

They weren't real Daredevil, and they didn't have the sword skills that Frederic had.

But they were the Daredevils Klose was building, true Mettenheim heroes - the kind who never looked back on the field.

The charge of these hoplites looked brutal and tragic.

A large group of strong men rushed into the enemy's formation with flying body and heavy slashing posture. Their huge bodies and heavy armor overwhelmed a large group of enemies. After that, they let the enemy's axes penetrate their bodies and waved their weapons There was a flurry of warhammers or swords.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the battle of attrition, where neither side suffered too much loss, suddenly turned into an extremely fierce and violent melee!

When fighting in formation, if one side suddenly abandons the formation and launches a desperate charge, the result will be like this.

Basically, they are exchanging life for life, or exchanging life for space.

The fighters of the Silver Hand and the Freedom Legion are either Mettenheim machos or gladiators. Their skills and courage are beyond doubt. Stand firm in the crowd of enemies for more than five seconds.

The warriors who rushed into the enemy's line used heavy weapons, either a sledgehammer or a two-handed sword. They usually took away several enemies around them, but they themselves were also pierced by axes and spears.

They used their own lives to create a gap full of corpses and blood in the Snake Worship Cult formation.

"Again! Daredevil!!"

The first wave of charge has already killed a group of enemies, and Klose called the old buddies around him to continue to rush forward, intending to chop down all the enemies holding axes and guns.

Sigismund led the Freedom Corps and began to squeeze to the sides, leaving a path in the middle of the battlefield.

Kindness is a terrifying force.

The people of Mettenheim regard Li Ang as a benefactor who saved the country. At this moment, they repay Li Ang's help with the most violent fighting.

Risadilan was leading the Noldo troops on the side to suppress the long-range troops of the Snake Cult with all his strength. Seeing this situation, he also realized the intentions of Klose and Sigismund.

Klose and the others gave up the army formation and charged to the death, causing the Snake Cult army to retreat step by step. A huge gap appeared in the middle of the battlefield. The Silver Hand was at the front of the gap, still opening the way forward.

On the side of the gap, several rows of Snake Cult warriors retreated to the back and huddled together.

I can no longer shoot arrows. The hoplites have been completely mixed with the Snake Cult's army. Shooting arrows will easily accidentally injure friendly troops.

Due to the repelling of the front row, the Snake Cult's army was crowded and chaotic, and the two sides were squeezed so densely that they couldn't use it at all.

Sadilan has always been good at adapting to changing situations, and he immediately cooperated accordingly.

"Break into the enemy's formation! Penetrate the enemy forward from both sides! Don't let those big guys look down on us!!"

Risadilan divided the elves into two teams, holding swords and shields, rushed into the formation from both sides of the Snake Cult army, and continued to break up the Snake Cult troops so that Sigismund could divide the battlefield into two groups. Make a way.

The Noldor elves are actually quite life-saving. They would never easily go to the front row to face danger if they could shoot arrows in the back.

But regretting life also depends on the circumstances.

When the hunks of the friendly army were fighting to their death, these Noldor elves were too embarrassed to watch-the Noldor elves are also bloody!

Especially the tribe of Aldalian, they will follow Aldalian because they think Aldalian is more bloody...

In addition, they already claim to be nobler than humans, and now those big guys risked their lives in exchange for space, of course they can't be looked down upon by humans!
"Huh! Drink!!"

The two Noldor families, one on the left and the other on the right, broke into the enemy's formation from both wings with their swords and shields.

They seem to be relatively milder than the hoplites, at least they didn't throw themselves into the enemy group...

But the swords in their hands were not gentle at all. The skill of these Noldor elves was far from comparable to that of the Snake Cult warriors.

However, there will definitely be many casualties in a hand-to-hand battle, especially this kind of chaotic battle full of people...

Li Ang was advancing at full speed holding the banner. He had already seen his brothers opening the way for him, and also saw the gap intentionally left by Klose and Sigismund in the middle of the battlefield.

"Forward! Dash through them!!"

Li Ang's eyes were a little wet. He actually didn't expect that the brothers would create opportunities for him in such a way.

He originally thought that he was going to break through the enemy line with all his might...

But this time, the brothers fought hard ahead of time.

The ax gunners at the forefront of the Snake Cult's troops had been killed and scattered, while Klose was continuing to clear the way, and a passage had appeared in the middle of the battlefield.

Now, Li Ang and his guards, the two hundred cavalry only need to charge into the battlefield at full speed, and then go straight ahead, piercing through the Snake Cult's troops!
"The whole army moves forward!"

When rushing past the hoplites, Li Ang shouted all the way.

In fact, everyone already knew what to do—since Li Ang kept holding the battle flag all the way, the others had to follow the direction of the battle flag.

Ajiasong, who had been chasing behind Li Ang, gave a wry smile, but then firmly pointed his sword at the Snake Worship Cult army.

"Forward! Charge!"


Li Ang's troops rushed forward all the way, and had already entered the Snake Worship Cult army.

And the Bacchus also rushed in front of the Snake Cult army.

Ajiasong wanted the Snake Cult army to weaken Li Ang's troops, but Li Ang rushed into the enemy's line with his troops, but Agathon had to deal with the Snake Cult's army with him-the Snake Cult people thought that Agason The army is Li Ang's rear army.

The technical level of the Snake Cult warriors was indeed broken, but they also had extraordinary fighting spirit and determination in the face of desperation. At this time, they made the same choice as Li Ang - to penetrate forward.

It's just that Li Ang is facing south, while they are facing north.

This battle has become a bit strange...

All the troops on the battlefield have the determination to fight to the death, but all the troops have not achieved the desired results.

Li Ang's troops finally broke through the Snake Cult's troops and penetrated from the south of the battlefield.

The Snake Worship Cult caused huge losses to Li Ang's troops, pierced through Agathon's troops, and rushed out from the north of the battlefield.

Most of the troops brought by Agathon were killed and scattered under the impact of the Snake Cult, and only a few survived.

At the same time, just after Li Ang penetrated the Snake Cult troops, he saw the battle flag of Emperor Marius appear on the other side of the battlefield.

Of course it wasn't Mario himself, but Arina.

Alina and General Ivaylo arrived here from Emperor Lingang with a large force.

Arina originally brought Emperor Lingang's troops to cooperate with Li Ang to attack the Snake Worship Cult. They didn't know what Ajiasong did... If Agasong didn't show up, according to the original plan, Li Ang should be continuing to attack the Snake Worship Cult now. To suppress the army of the Snake Cult, General Ivaylo will lead Emperor Lingang's troops from behind the army of the Snake Worship Cult - this would have been an easy battle of encirclement and annihilation.

But now, the troops of the Snake Worship Cult had left the battlefield from the north, and Emperor Lingang's army rushed to nothing.

The result of this battle was not what Li Ang wanted, because his troops suffered undeservedly heavy losses in this battle.

This is not what Agathon wants, because Li Ang is still alive, and there is no injury.

This is also not what Alina and Ivaylo wanted, because the troops of the Snake Worship Cult ran away!

This is a result that makes everyone unhappy...

But the battle is not over - the troops of the Snake Cult are heading north!
Of course Li Ang knew where they were going...

Ella Clay Lake.

But now, all the way north from here, there is a vacuum of troops, and almost no troops can stop the Snake Cult's footsteps!
Li Ang didn't want to know what would happen if the Snake Cult army entered the Noldor Forest...

However, the brothers have just had an extremely hard fight, especially the large troops fighting on foot. They are all scarred and exhausted, and now they really don't have the strength to pursue...

Except for Li Ang's guards.

The two hundred or so guards had been riding horses all the time, and they hadn't participated in the battle until they met Agathon, and they didn't encounter the most difficult spear and spear resistance when they broke through the Snake Cult army. The loss was not too big, and they had enough physical strength You can try to delay - if you can delay the troops of the Snake Cult, Alina and Ivaylo's large troops may catch up.

"Wendy, go and tell Alina that I will try to hold the enemy back and let her pursue immediately. I must wipe out the Snake Cult's large army here!"

Li Ang turned around and looked back at the direction he came from: "Brothers, do you still have the strength?"

The guard members looked at each other.

"The Noldor Realm has no troops now... Brothers, we cannot let the troops of the Snake Cult escape to the north!"

Li Ang raised the battle flag again: "Those who are not afraid of death, come with me..."

The banner of New Pendor turned back again.

At this time, a small team of more than a dozen people slowly gathered on the side of the battlefield.

Agathon is still here.

His troops had been scattered by the Snake Cult, and he himself had been wounded, but he was still alive.

Only a dozen Iron Ring Centurions remained beside him.


Ajiasong saw Li Ang who was chasing back, and immediately rushed towards Li Ang with the iron ring centurions.

More than a dozen iron ring centurions held broad-bladed throwing spears in their hands.

The targets of these people are too small, corpses, wounded, and wandering unowned horses are everywhere on the battlefield, Li Ang failed to notice them this time...

"Be careful, Your Majesty!"



Several voices sounded from all directions at the same time.

More than a dozen spears drew parabolas in the sky...

Several feathered arrows also shot from different directions.

At the same time that a spear threw Li Ang from his horse and fell to the ground, a feathered arrow also spanned [-] meters and pierced Agathon's chest.


(End of this chapter)

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