Relocating 30 displaced people over the course of a few months is a remarkable feat, and one that Amy and Eric have worked so hard on.

A few years ago, every inch of land around Sarleo was owned, and there were noble estates everywhere.

But now the surrounding areas of Sarleon City and Luxin Lake are severely damaged, and the continuous wars and disasters once caused all the noble manors in this area to be empty.

After Amy returned to Lion City, she has been working on restoring agriculture in this area.

At the beginning, some nobles ran back recklessly, intending to claim back the land and mansions that belonged to them.

But Amy has only one unified reply to this-scroll.

When the war came, the nobles who chose to flee and were unable to protect the people would be regarded as giving up the territory automatically.On the contrary, for those who died in battle, the House of Nobles will help them find an heir. This is the prevailing rule in Pendor Continent.

Amy was very polite in telling them to leave. If it was Li Ang, it is estimated that these nobles would be sent to Yaxing Village next to Singal, and they would be provided with a job that is not easy to lose their jobs - Li Ang has a seat there. The big iron mine, the work of mining ore was contracted by Ramon to the slave traders...

And Eric's approach is relatively low-key-Eric is now the head of the House of Nobles, and there are many more nobles who approach Eric than directly approach Amy.

But I don't know why, all the nobles who went to the House of Nobles to find Eric to retrieve the territory around Sarleon City and Luxin Lake would basically disappear mysteriously within a few days...

Eric expressed regret for this, and he even opened a "Noble Orphanage" with the funds of the Noble House, which took in many noble orphans who became helpless due to the disappearance of their parents-due to limited funds, For the time being, only children under the age of five who have lost their parents are accepted.

Ever since the orphanage was built, there has been no disrespectful aristocrat who intends to claim back his original territory.

Therefore, currently there are very few noble lords in the area of ​​Lion City, and only the members of the City Guard and their families still retain their territory - these people are the former members of the Royal City Guard.

Most of the members of the City Guards are the illegitimate or second sons of minor noble families who have no inheritance rights. Although they have families behind them, they actually have no property of their own.

Amy once sealed all their core personnel above the squad leader as formal knights, thus gaining their allegiance.

Now, they have become Amy's grassroots staff for managing the refugees, and all of them have become the new generation of manor owners.

The manor that Amy allocated to them was actually the original manor farm of those nobles who 'disappeared for no reason'.

This can be regarded as assigning territory to the knights, but these territories do not belong to the members of the city guards, only the houses belong to them.

——Amy gave the property to the City Guards and the fields to the farmers.

The members of the city guard who participated in the resettlement of the refugees could get the real estate of the original noble manors. This was a reward and reward for them, and it was also a strategy to buy the morale of the army. However, they could not get the fields in the manor, only the houses belonged to them.

Nearly a thousand manors, almost just enough.

And the reclaimed fields will belong to the farmers completely, and they will get more variety, and only one hundred pounds of grain will be handed over per acre of land every harvest season.

Based on these farms, and using the simple and easy-to-understand policy of 'reclaiming the land, the land will be owned by the cultivator', Amy has successively attracted more than 30 refugees from various places in the Sarleon Land, and reclaimed land around Sarleon City. almost 200 million mu of land.

This is a huge project.

The reason why a fixed amount per acre is used to formulate tax standards is to allow people to plant high-yield crops as much as possible or try their best to open up wasteland—whether they grow wheat or corn, anyway, only [-] pounds of tax is charged per acre of land, The rest are all their own, people will naturally settle accounts, and then choose according to their actual situation.

The land around Lion City is fertile. If high-yielding crops are planted, the grain tax of [-] pounds per mu is actually very low. Of course, everyone will try to grow as much land as possible.

If it weren't for the fact that the land suitable for planting around Lion City and Luxin Lake is only more than 200 million mu, they might be able to reclaim more fields.

If calculated by household, the 30 people have a total of nearly [-] households, and each household has an average of almost [-] mu of land.

Most of these refugees used to be tenant farmers or contract servants of nobles, but now all of them have become self-cultivated farmers. Of course, they are overjoyed, and they also respect Amy from the bottom of their hearts.

And the city guards were also full of joy.Of course, the city guards don't know how to farm... After all, they are the children of nobles, and they learned how to fight and how to communicate with others since they were young.

However, the small families of the members of the City Guards generally have few people, and the properties of noble manors are relatively large, and they cannot use them all up.They will renovate the houses, rent the extra houses to the farmers, and become the farmers' landlords-for them, this is a good benefit, simple and easy, and it does not affect their own work at all.

It's just that after the next year's harvest, these landless landlords will have to buy food from the farmers—this can be regarded as a mutual restriction.

Amy's method is very reliable, not only bought the city guards, but also bought the farmers, and can provide enough farmland resources for the whole country.

Speaking of which, these people can now be regarded as property-owning people. Each household has [-] mu of land, and the per capita farmland is close to [-] mu. The grain tax is low, which must be enough for living.

But they do end up in abject poverty in the short term—although they have land, they have nothing until the food is harvested.

In other words, until April next year, they will all need to live on Li Ang's 'agricultural assistance loan'.

Use loans to buy food and seeds from the directly-operated grain store in Lieshi City, and use loans to lease houses in the hands of the city guards—there is no traditional charity relief, because the agricultural loan is interest-free for one year, and this loan itself is the best. Good relief.

Relief of a purely charitable nature can only appear at the time of the disaster, and should not be maintained for a long time. Amy and Li Ang are very clear about this.

Providing fields to the poor is to give them hope for the future; providing them with loans is actually saving the overall market in this area and driving farmers to continue their efforts.

After all, we can't just provide food for the farmers and allow the farmers to generate consumption. Only then can urban residents live on business and industry, and the entire region can function.

Energizing the overall economy is the key to solving the poverty problem. If we only save the poor but not the city, we can only give relief every year.

These 30 refugees lack everything, and they have to buy a lot of things if they want to live in the area of ​​Lion City. Basic industry and commerce recovered rapidly.

At the same time, this will also allow a large number of smart people to no longer stare at the land, and people will have the opportunity to choose life-to make money in the way they are good at.

There is no problem with Amy's way of doing business. In addition, the nimble Eric is also in Sarleon City. As long as the price of commodities can be stabilized and the food supply can be stabilized, the surrounding area of ​​Sarleon City will change a lot in a year. .

But, but.

In order to house these people and provide seeds, all the grain that Li Ang got from Bacchus has been exhausted, and there are only three kinds of grain and seeds—wheat, corn, and potatoes.

That said, the types of crops are too concentrated!

This is not small and medium-scale planting, it is 200 million mu of land, and the total amount of land in some countries is not so much!

By next year's harvest season, if everything goes well, the entire New Pendor Kingdom will have sufficient food, which is indeed beneficial to the country.

But the problem is that due to the single type of crops, everyone who cultivates the land must not earn money-the crops are difficult to sell.

These 30 people have to rent houses, eat, and buy necessary labor tools in the past few months. After next year's harvest, they have to keep a season of grain, pay taxes, and repay agricultural aid loans...

The loans in the hands of farmers should barely last until next year’s harvest, but they will still be destitute when next year’s harvest comes. Overdraft limit.

In fact, this is the biggest dilemma for all farmers throughout the ages - not enough to eat in a disaster year, and cheap food in a good year...

Even if they get the seeds of other commercial crops, it is still difficult to exchange agricultural products for money due to lack of sales and transportation capabilities.

Agricultural production is also production, and they can be regarded as self-employed production enterprises. Only by realizing their output can they truly escape from poverty.

But relying on the farmers alone, no matter how much surplus grain they have, it is difficult to sell it, because there is not enough market demand near them-there are all farmers like themselves around them, and they all have land. Who will sell the grain to?

The problem of poverty among the agricultural population actually lies at the commercial level.

In other words, the area around Lion City is actually facing two problems.

First, the entire country has no surplus food reserves, so next year it must rely on the land around Sarleon City, that is to say, the 200 million mu of land must be harvested until next year. If any accident occurs during this period, the entire country will be ruined.

From December to April next year, during this period, there must be no wars destroying farmland around Sarleon City, no extreme weather, no plagues, no internal problems, and stability must be maintained...

Second, most of the people in this area are agricultural people. This year's planting is extremely simple, and even if the harvest is successful next year, they will not be able to realize it, which will cause them to remain poor.

Although you won't starve to death, but you have nothing but food, that's actually a state of extreme poverty...

In order to solve these two problems, Li Ang has been very busy recently.

The first problem is actually maintaining stability.

Sarleon City is located in the hinterland, and the risk of war is not high. There should be no wars extending to Sarleon City within a few months.

Another piece of good news is that the Jatu people's recent transactions have become more and more frequent, and their demand for 'fushou balm' is increasing substantially.

According to the news sent back by Fawcett, it is said that the Jatu people robbed several towns in the east of Ravencrow Realm, stole countless sheep, and then rushed to Fletcher immediately to exchange drugs...

There will be more and more mutton supplies.

In fact, mutton is definitely not enough to eat, but sufficient meat supply can greatly reduce the consumption of basic food - if a person eats one pound of meat per week, it can reduce the consumption of staple food by three to five pounds.

It should not be a big problem to maintain the overall grain reserves until April to May next year.

The biggest problem is how to make these months pass smoothly.

Li Ang's strategy is to ensure the stability of his own country, then make other countries unstable...

Fieldsway and Ravensland are already fighting a civil war-King Vidis is dealing with the 'Vanskerry Alliance' led by Lord Haakon; Ursula is fighting a tug-of-war with Gregory IV. It's a great opportunity...

Of course, this opportunity does not mean that Li Ang intends to join the war.

Instead, I intend to make them a little more messy.

Fieldsway was short of food. Although Leon didn't know that Widis was about to go bankrupt, he could tell that Fieldsway's overall economy must have collapsed long ago—otherwise, there wouldn't be so many Fieldsways. People ran to Changhe City to beg for a living.

So Li Ang asked Leslie to take the people from Changhe Express to Wucage City.

It was a place that both Leslie and Leon were familiar with.

And Li Ang asked her to find an acquaintance - the boss of the arena, fat Andrew.

Li Ang is going to develop Andrew into a franchisee of Maixiang International.

But Li Ang didn't intend to enter the sports competition industry. He asked Laceli to spend money in the past as an 'investor', and he only asked Andrew to let Laceli enter the circle of big businessmen smoothly.

Li Ang asked her to act like a rich man in the past, and to buy all the properties that can be acquired in a high-profile way—no matter what industry, as long as she is willing to sell, she will accept it.

At present, the economy of Wucage City is bleak, and many people are willing to sell the property, and it is basically a bargain-hunting acquisition at present, which is not complicated to talk about.

Most business must have some background - either with Lord Vidis, or with one of the Lords of Fildsway.

But Li Ang told Leslie not to go to any lords, as long as the acquisitions continued, and all the big businessmen who bought Fog Cage City would hang around Laislie, the big benefactor.

Currently Leslie is continuing to spend money, and it will take about ten days and a half to see the effect.

The second question is more complicated.

Li Ang plans to set up grain purchase stations in various villages and towns before April next year, that is, before the first harvest season. The state purchases grain at standard prices as a strategic reserve, so that farmers can smoothly turn their output into cash.

Anyway, there is never too much food reserves, as long as malicious underpricing can be avoided.

This is indeed a good way, but not the best way.

Because the state purchases grain reserves, it must only buy basic grains such as wheat and corn that can be stored for a long time.

This will lock the farmers on these basic crops-the country will not harvest other things, and they will not be able to sell them, so they will not grow other crops next season, next season... never.

If all basic crops are planted, the income for everyone will not be too high, which cannot solve their overdrawn consumption.

Because the country wants to maintain stable food prices, the purchase price of basic crops cannot be too high.

In addition, the weather is not smooth every year, and there are always natural disasters occasionally. Even if the per capita land is six or seven mu, it is still impossible to get rid of poverty for many years.

The real way to solve the problem is to rely on commercialization and logistics transportation.

That is the 'Fortress of Wealth' under construction.

What is absolutely indispensable near the core agricultural base is actually the trading and logistics transshipment center.

Many agricultural products are not resistant to storage, and must be able to be realized and transshipped quickly, and only with less loss can there be high returns.

Farmers do not have sales and transportation capabilities, but Li Ang's Changhe Express does, and Li Ang's Maixiang International can directly purchase many things, and there is no need to find other investors for the construction of the market.

However, it is not suitable for the large-scale trading and logistics gathering place for agricultural product transshipment to be placed in Lieshi City, so Li Ang wants to build it in a place with the most convenient transportation near Lieshi City.

This is the reason why the God of Wealth Fort was built at the site of Qicha Fortress.

Fortress of God of Wealth will be built into a bulk trading market, and it will be a comprehensive wholesale market - Li Ang wants merchants to drive farmers to make money.

Farmers can quickly cash out their agricultural products in Caishenbao, and then discover business opportunities in the comprehensive market of Caishenbao, and use the money they just exchanged to purchase production materials and tools they are better at.

——They are refugees, who became farmers in order to survive when they were homeless. They may not be good at farming; those who are good at farming may not necessarily have to grow food.

Moreover, merchants will take the initiative to contact farmers or local managers in order to generate more supply and demand relationships - merchants need raw materials, they are not just here to sell goods, when selling products, they may also persuade farmers to try to plant something Others...such as fruit or other cash crops with higher unit prices.

After all, every farmer here has land.

The function of the market is not only to buy and sell on the spot, but also to let people who are good at communicating settle in, find business opportunities for themselves, and at the same time bring opportunities to those who are not good at selling.

In addition, the trading of agricultural products and the comprehensive market will create many new jobs, which will further solve the problem of food and clothing for more people.

When the produce transshipment market is nearby, and many people start to establish supply and demand relationships with merchants, farmers can grow whatever the entire continent needs, instead of relying on basic food alone.

Many of them will start to plant cash crops, even let their families engage in commerce and transportation, or find tools in the market and start to engage in other handicrafts-the overall market environment around Lie Lion City will become active, and production and trading will become more be diverse.

Diversified production and operation will allow most people to make money.

Everyone always has something they are good at, but most people have no chance to change their careers.

Li Ang wants to give them this opportunity. This is not only an opportunity for people to get rid of poverty, but also an opportunity to bring wealth to the ruler.

Because the agricultural base of 30 people is gathered, this is the ready-made terminal consumer group that can digest the products of Changhe City. The merchants of Changhe City trust Li Ang the most. Of course, Li Ang wants them to get rich first—they are the ones who pay taxes. main force.

The job of building the Fortress of Fortune was given to Charles because he was obedient and reliable.

Li Ang gave him a plan, and Charles started to implement it without asking anything.

As for Li Ang himself, he wondered where he could find work every day.

After winter came, the demand for work decreased, and the houses in Changhe City were not enough. There were a lot of homeless people in the city. Li Ang wanted to give them something to do.

For example, now, Li Ang took a group of unemployed people who could not find a job in the Great River City, and ran to Lake Erakle in the Noldo Forest to break ice and clean up the garbage.

It can not only help the Noldor to solve the things they are not good at, but also allow these unemployed people to earn a living allowance, and it can also promote the cooperation between humans and the Noldor elves, and it can also take the opportunity to popularize the new currency...

Clearing ice does not require any skills, just willing to work hard, and thin people and even lighter women sometimes have an advantage-they can stand on thinner ice layers.

But such a simple task has caused a big problem. (end of this chapter)

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