Riding and Slashing

Chapter 434 Kavala's Way

Chapter 434 Kavala's Way
On September 359, 4 in Pandeli, it was sunny.

It was a refreshing afternoon, and Klose and I accompanied His Majesty to take a boat to the center of Eracle Lake.

We took a special boat with a device like a city gate winch. A super long iron chain was wrapped around the winch, and a stone statue was attached to the end of the iron chain.

For this hundreds of meters long iron chain, Klose worked in the blacksmith shop for many days.

The statue was that of Kavala, also made of metal, only about a foot high, but weighing at least sixty pounds.

It was a work of art made by the Finarfin family and the Finway family together.

However, the more I looked at it, the more I felt that the face of the statue looked more like His Majesty.

No matter how powerful a master sculptor is, he still needs a reference. It is estimated that the members of the Finarfin family are carved after His Majesty...

But His Majesty said it was Kavala, and threw the statue into the lake in the middle of the lake.

I actually don't know why His Majesty did this, I didn't ask - neither did Klose.

Klose said that as a royal guard, if His Majesty has not taken the initiative to inform you, please don't ask, this is due professionalism.

This big man seldom spoke, but what he said always made sense. It seemed that muscle and intelligence could coexist... No wonder the people of Mettenheim could make such good weapons and equipment.

Moreover, seeing His Majesty's cautious attitude, I can realize that this is to solve some mysterious events.

So I shouldn't have asked.

It should have been a simple job—His Majesty said that he would just have to throw the statue down, wait two hours, and then pull it up with a winch.

Klose also said it was easy, like fishing for sharks...

I know what a shark is, but I don't quite understand these strange recipes from the Mettenheimers, I just hope it goes well....

However, this matter is not as simple as Klose said.

We dropped the statue in the center of the lake and waited for a few hours, and then there was a very clear shock from the bottom of the lake—there were countless bubbles gushing out from the entire lake, and the boat was shaking constantly, as if there were indeed a lot of waves at the bottom of the lake. Like a big shark hooked.

His Majesty breathed a sigh of relief at that time, saying that the most troublesome problem has been solved.

I thought it was a success, but soon after we found out that there was still a little accident-when Klose used a winch to slowly pull up the iron chain several hundred meters long, Found that the statue at the end was missing!

The statue and the rope were connected by two long rivets, the nails were still hanging on the chain, only the statue was missing.

Klose was a little embarrassed-he made the rivets and iron chains by himself...

In fact, both Your Majesty and I have verified that the rivet is extremely strong, and His Majesty did not let it loosen by pulling it hard with pliers.

It still looks like it's coming off the statue...

His Majesty didn't blame Klose, he just said in annoyance that riveting should not be done, the chain and the statue should be fused together, and he also muttered about pressure deformation and vibration that caused it to fall off——I don't understand, but I can realize that the job seems to be a failure this time.

Afterwards, His Majesty solemnly apologized to Kavala and Malbert on the boat——His Majesty said that this was an accident, but perhaps it was also a kind of fate...

After we returned to the surface of the lake, His Majesty asked me to come to the center of the lake once a year on this day, and throw a fish fed with king coins into the center of the lake.

His Majesty said that this is to commemorate the new era of Pendor Continent.

I thought His Majesty was joking——Pandor Continent has not yet been unified by His Majesty. It's just that an iron statue was thrown into the lake and couldn't be retrieved. How can it be considered a new era?

At best, it was the anniversary of the breaking of the longest chain in history...

But His Majesty asked me to remember this day, so I must obey.

However, I always feel that His Majesty intends to create a new festival to promote consumption...

Your Majesty has a lot of crooked ideas.

Sure enough, just after returning to Eracle City, His Majesty couldn't wait to discuss with Wendy, planning to make April [-]st of every year the 'Murloc Festival'.

They want to open Eracle Lake on this day every year, and let people dive in the lake to catch fish. If they catch the fish with the 'king coin' in their belly, they will become champions and get various rewards and opportunities...

I immediately understood why His Majesty asked me to throw a fish fed with king coins every year.

This is really to promote consumption, and this simple competitive activity will definitely attract many people to participate-I know how much the quiet and refreshing scenery of Lake Ella Klein is attractive to human beings.

If nothing else, someone may come to the lakeside to build a villa soon.

Fortunately, His Majesty has also stipulated that people who enter the forest are not allowed to bring any fire or weapons, otherwise I would have a headache for security issues.

Your Majesty really knows how to play...

—Excerpt from "New Pendor Battlefield Diary", by Lisadiran Aino.
Time passed day by day, and in a blink of an eye it was the season of spring and flowers.

The trees of the Noldor Forest put forth green shoots, and the meadows grew again beside Lake Erakle, and the forest that had been blackened by the fires of last year was alive again.

The surface of the lake is like a mirror, without any ripples, reflecting the city of Eraklei in the distance, and the quiet and peaceful appearance is very beautiful.

Li Ang also felt that he was becoming different day by day—the keen perception he had obtained in the 'void' seemed to be gradually returning.

It is the ability to detect everything that is several miles away at any time, an incredible perception.

Of course, it is not too strong now, and it can only cover a range of tens of meters.

Li Ang already understood what this perception ability is - this is the manifestation of the power of faith.

In the past, Li Ang was briefly 'given' this ability by Eunomia, but what he got now belongs to him.

The prophet Madigan also possessed this ability. Obviously, as a prophet, he will definitely gain the faith of many people.

This is the harbinger of becoming a god—if this continues, it is estimated that within two years, Li Ang will have to leave his body and travel to the void...

But fortunately, Kavala gave Li Ang a solution to the problem.

Kavala's method is not troublesome, it is very simple - since one becomes a god, one will be exiled, shouldn't it be enough not to become a god before death?

The human body has limits, and no amount of faith can stop the natural laws of birth, old age, sickness and death.

Li Ang's body does not belong to him, but it doesn't matter, anyway, his soul will naturally leave this body after death... At that time, even if he becomes a god, he will no longer 'occupy someone else's body'.

But the more troublesome thing is that whether you are a god or whether you can be defined as a god does not depend on yourself - as long as there are enough people who believe in you, and people think you are a god, then you can only be a god .

Then how to prevent Li Ang from being regarded as a god by people before he dies?
This is actually not difficult-just transfer people's worship of the "God of Wealth" from Li Ang to others.

This method is indeed a talk of experience that only Kavala possesses...

Kavala once shaped Aziz Dahaka into the god of the Snake Cult in the continent of Amara, because he used Aziz Dahaka's body at that time.

But at that time, he himself failed to gain faith—the Snake Cult believed in Aziz Dahaka, but Aziz Dahaka itself had no soul, and the believers didn't know that it was Kavala.

So Kavala came up with a 'high priest', no longer appearing in the image of Aziz Dahaka, but using the high priest as the spokesperson of the snake god, so that a large number of snake worshipers turned to worship the high priest. 'The benevolent angel', thus transferring the power of faith to himself.

In fact, Li Ang can also do the same—but it needs to be reversed, and Amy, Wendy, Alina, and Alice are portrayed as the spokespersons of the God of Wealth, so that they can be worshiped by most people.

Then, let these goddesses who have deep feelings for him 'shelter' him.

Since the name Li Ang can mean wealth in just a few years, can't Amy and the others die?

Maybe it's easier to be accepted by others, after all, the images of the goddesses are much more beautiful than Li Ang, a rough old man...

In other words, Leon can completely transfer most of people's admiration to Amy and others, let Amy, Wendy, Alina, and Alice do good things outside to make people rich, and push them to represent wealth. goddess.

As for Li Ang himself, he concentrates on doing things that are easy to offend...

For example, if Amy wants to promulgate the industrial and commercial law, then Li Ang is responsible for cracking down on smuggling and offending people;
If Wendy wants to engage in real estate, Li Ang will engage in forced demolitions to arouse hatred;

Alina wanted to develop the farm, so Leon went to deal with those Bacchus who owned the land and refused to give in...

In fact, these dirty jobs are also in line with economic construction, but at least on the surface, the queens are helping most people get rich, but Li Ang always only cares about making money for himself, and always offending people—so absolutely Most people will no longer regard Li Ang as the God of Wealth...

Maybe it can make Li Ang a "lucky guy" in the impression of many people?

Embracing the thighs of several goddesses, and becoming a rich man and king under the protection of several female gods of wealth, isn't this just a soft rice man?

Except for a few people who know well, who would really worship a lucky guy who is not familiar with it?
Envy, jealousy and hatred are almost the same...

Therefore, Li Ang is going to try not to do any 'good things' now, and he has given Amy and the others all the work of leading people out of poverty and becoming rich.

Moreover, Li Ang is planning to do more things that offend people - such as preventing people from worshiping God...

Of course, the highest priority is to destroy the last Codex first.

In order to destroy Eunomia's code, Li Ang asked Klose to build a 500-meter-long iron chain, which may be the longest iron chain in the entire continent.

Klose now has a large blacksmith shop, creating hundreds of jobs-he really likes blacksmithing...

And John Candid, who used to manage the fleet of buses - he's now called 'John the McShern' because the name is so common it has to be distinguished by his hometown - John found his life's calling in rebuilding boats. Direction, and now a civilian shipyard has been opened with a loan.

Everyone has their own interests and specialties, and it is best to make a living based on their own strengths. Li Ang has been telling his brothers this truth, which is also the teaching that the "God of Wealth" is passing on.

John is just an honest and mediocre person, and he doesn't see any other specialties except diving, but when Li Ang expressed his intention to modify a boat for deep water operations, John quickly gave a winch to the boat. Suggestion - So Li Ang immediately approved a loan for him to build a ship.

In order to wait for John to complete the transformation of the ship, and to wait for the complete thawing of Eracle Lake, Li Ang waited until the end of March before taking the statue of Kavala to deal with Eunomia's code.

Originally, this matter was not complicated - at the location designated by Kavala, throw his iron statue to the bottom of the lake close to the ring, and Kavala can completely deprive the ring of mana.

After the ring loses its power, the griffin will probably come out.

So Leon had to pull the statue out of the water and join Kavala and Malbert on the griffin.

Griffin will definitely attack Kavala's spirit body instinctively, after all, there is a deep hatred between them...

And Kavala intends to use the method that Leon and Malbert used to seal the griffin into his own soul space, and return to the temple, promising that he will never set foot on the Pendor Continent again.

In fact, Kavala can return to the temple at any time now - Li Ang has released his consciousness, and his consciousness can switch between the statue and the temple at will.

This is not a unique ability, each god can project consciousness into their own statues, but only if... the god has not been exiled into the void.

For those gods who have been exiled, although their statues are still providing them with faith, their spiritual consciousness cannot be separated in the void, so they can only use the channel of the Code to do something like dreaming to connect with believers.

Once the code is destroyed, it is useless to have more believers.

Kavala was different. He was not exiled, but was imprisoned in the temple by Eunomia. Although he could not escape, at least his consciousness was not affected.

However, Kavala did not dare to run away before completing the entire plan, because this is a plan determined with the soul, which is equivalent to a soul contract, and Kavala cannot break the contract.

Besides, solving that ring is tantamount to solving Eunomia, and Kavala is very willing to do this job.

The first half of the job went well.

After throwing the statue into the lake, only about two hours later, there was movement in the water—a lot of movement, a lot of bubbles appeared on the entire lake, and the boat shook so badly that it felt like water It was as if a powerful bomb had been detonated inside.

It might be that the griffin was released, so Li Ang immediately began to twist the chains, preparing to deal with the griffin.

But after Li Ang twisted the iron chain, he was dumbfounded...

The statue is gone...the rivets have come off.

The iron chain and the statue are connected by two very long and strong rivets, which can also be regarded as a kind of bolt - after all, the statue and the iron chain are made separately, and there is no electric welding these days. Rivet connection is a very safe way.

But maybe the water is too deep, at a depth of 500 meters, it is estimated that the water pressure caused a little deformation of the bolt holes...

If there is no movement in the water and the pressure is balanced in all directions, even if it is slightly deformed, the rivet should not fall off.

But there was a violent vibration in the water at that time, and a lot of air bubbles were produced-presumably to deal with the griffin. In this case, it is normal for the rivet to fall off.

In other words, Kavala and Malbert might have to face the griffin alone at the bottom of the lake...

Li Ang was also very helpless, he really didn't intend to break his promise, after all, no one could tell what the consequences of that griffin would be after it was released.

But the problem is that I didn't expect it...

Li Ang could only wait on the surface of the lake for a whole afternoon, until the surface of the lake became calm again.

Kavala and Malbert did not appear again, and neither did the griffin...

(End of this chapter)

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