Chapter 261

Yao Guangxiao said calmly: "Using the past to learn from the present, those who use the sword well will surely die by the sword."

Zhu Gaoxuan shook his head and said: "History is not good or bad, only winning or losing. Floating through the ages, whoever controls the ups and downs, everything produced will definitely defy the owner in the end. They are just a drop in the ocean in the long river of time. If you want to achieve great things, you have to draw a sword against your throat."

Yao Guangxiao said in a deep voice: "Sometimes, the position is more important than the behavior. Even if you are a talented person, you must learn to be with the light and follow the trend, otherwise you will be the light in the darkness, and you will be guilty."

Zhu Gaoxuan said indifferently: "I have ten thousand ways to make them die without a place to bury them. They were born in the wrong era. Here, they are not in the same dust as the light. They either die standing up or live kneeling down."

It's not that he doesn't understand what Yao Guangxiao said.

Cutting off the local tyrants from seeking high profits, then the ministers who come from the localities will not be loyal, and the scholars will not be willing to die. Therefore, once the superiors control the power of distributing benefits, they must go through planning and expropriation to avoid compulsory expropriation.

When the time is given, the form is clear, and when the time is seized, the inside information is not leaked. The subordinates will naturally be happy to obey, and the superiors will also live comfortably.

But Zhu Gaoyi is not a person who lives in comfort, if everything follows the rules of learning from the past, then what is the use of him?

Yao Guangxiao frowned slightly: "What are you going to do?"

Zhu Gaoxuan said lightly: "Set up a tax supervisory court directly under the imperial power and independent of the imperial court. The chief officer is the tax supervisor, and there is one person; the deputy tax supervisor is appointed, and there are two people. The chief officer is the second rank, and the deputy is the slave. The second rank ordered the establishment of [-] tax supervisory divisions in each of the eighteen provinces, which belonged to the Beijing Central Tax Supervisory Institute, and the third rank tax officials were the main officials to thoroughly investigate the taxation of each province."

Yao Guangxiao sighed and said, "It's just the same institution as the Metropolitan Procuratorate. The shell has been changed without changing the lining. Isn't the Metropolitan Procuratorate enough to learn from? From my point of view, the tax supervisory court you want to set up may have just started. For some, corruption appeared in three years, decayed in ten years and there is no cure, and finally became a tumor growing on the back of the court."

The old monk's vision was astonishingly long-term. He had already seen through the operation of this huge machine of the imperial court. Every part was new at the beginning, but after a while, it would rust and stop working.

At the beginning, the Metropolitan Procuratorate was also a sharp weapon to control the court's constitution. It thoroughly investigated the corruption and embezzlement in Beijing and even the provinces. It was indeed effective at first, but it was not until Zhu Yuanzhang died. The courtyard has already started to rot.

This sharp weapon was tainted by the nobles and gentry with their lust and wealth, until it fell. From the beginning of the character, he disdained to be with the powerful, and later became shameless and became a dog raised by the powerful, and became a tool for the powerful and gentry to seek benefits.

And the same is true of the Tax Council.

However, compared with the Metropolitan Procuratorate, how long can the Tax Supervisor's Court last in the face of wine, sex and wealth?
There are a few lines of names and surnames in Qingshi, and countless barren hills in Beimang.

Zhu Gaoxuan said calmly: "Officials of the Taxation Court are directly appointed by the emperor or the state supervisor, and are selected from officials above the third grade. The tax officials are the same way. Thirty thousand elites will be drawn from Jinyiwei and the frontier army to set up a tax inspector. Anyone who resists tax collection by the tax inspector and the tax inspector can directly mobilize the provincial tax inspector and kill them all!"

"Reform taxes and collect taxes uniformly. No matter what you do or what business you do, as long as you have benefits, you need to pay taxes. Even if you are engaged in brothel business, or smuggling, land property, gambling... the tax supervisor can collect taxes .”

"If an official of the tax supervisory department is killed during the investigation, all policies of the government will be exempted, and pressure will be put on the local government to make an example to others."

Yao Guangxiao was startled: "I've never seen your policy, are you sure?"

"I'm sure, but I've already made a plan."

Zhu Gaoxuan wrote a name on the paper, "The first tax supervisor is Lu Chaoyang."

Yao Guangxiao gave a thumbs up: "I've never seen you do this, let's wait and see?"

He was also curious as to whether the person in front of him could implement his idea.

This method of tax collection is unheard of.

This Zhu Gaoxuan is really a strange person.


"My fellow, open the door, the yamen sends warmth."

"Who the fuck are you?"

"Draft, can you open the door?"

"No, get out!"

"I'll kill you!"

When there was a loud bang, Liu Erhei was startled, the wooden door in front of him exploded with a bang, and the broken stubbles flew around.

When did Liu Erhei see this battle? He is used to running rampant in the county. Today, someone came to his door and shouted angrily: "Brothers, copy guys, there are bastards looking for faults!"

The Qingpis in the room who were still drinking and eating meat were stunned for a moment, but they were awakened after hearing the roar, and they pulled out the silver butcher knives and sticks from under the table, and were about to follow Liu Erhei out.

Who would have thought that standing behind the door was not a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, but a fully armed butcher.

In an instant, the sparks landed on the pile of straw, a raging fire ignited, and a large group of people rushed in from behind the door, armed with standard weapons and dressed in black robes, knocking down these tyrannical green skins like a cold machine on the ground.

In less than a quarter of an hour, everyone in the room was subdued to the ground.

Liu Erhei was so frightened that he was shivering, it was fine for him to play tricks with the common people, never had he encountered such an unreasonable thing, a guy with a silver sword that could drink blood if he couldn't send warmth.

"Damn it, your name is Liu Erhei, you are so fucking crazy!"

A senior official in a blue robe walked in and kicked Liu Erhei hard, leaving a series of shoe prints on his clothes.

Liu Erhei ran away in grief and anger: "I tell you, my uncle is the magistrate of the county, if you dare to touch me, my uncle will kill you!"

The reason why he was able to run rampant in this county was because he had an uncle with a solid background and was surrounded by the county magistrate, so he dared to be lawless in the local area.

Liu Erhei originally wanted to use the prestige of the county magistrate to frighten the other party, but he never thought that the magistrate on the other side would not be cowardly at all: "County magistrate? What kind of thing is he? I am the tax collector of the tax supervisor!"

"The tax inspector?"

Liu Erhei was confused, "What kind of department is the Tax Supervisor?"

Regardless of his ignorance, he still knows several departments in the county. He is used to domineering in the county, which department can provoke him and which department cannot provoke him. He has never heard of The tax department.

"The imperial court is established and belongs to the imperial power. No matter who you are, you have to pay taxes honestly. Even if it is your six ministers, you have to pay taxes in front of our tax supervisor!"

The official who claimed to be the tax inspector snorted coldly and said, "Liu Erhei, I have checked all your materials. I don't care about bullying the people. It has nothing to do with our tax inspector, but what you squeezed from the people The fat of the people and the anointing of the people are under our control."

Liu Erhei was a little confused: "What do you mean, tax collector?"

The tax collector chuckled and said, "Hmm, it seems that you haven't lost your mind yet."

Liu Erhei exclaimed: "Master, you are right to say that I extract people's fat and people's cream, I have asked for money from those shops in the county, but I have never heard that this fucking has to be taxed, it's collected What kind of tax?"

"The new law of the imperial court stipulates that this is called a black tax, and the black tax should be three times the white tax."

The tax collector took out a small book, looked it up, and said, "As far as I know, you have squeezed out a total of more than 1000 taels of dirty silver this year. According to the tax rate of the imperial court, the black tax you belong to will be collected... [-] taels! Hurry up! Damn, pay taxes, if you don't pay taxes, I'll kill you!"

Liu Erhei was taken aback by this number: "Are you crazy? Why don't you grab it? I earned more than 400 taels of silver, and you charged me 1000 taels of tax?"

He had never heard of such a thing!
The tax collection is on the heads of the green-skinned hooligans!
Besides, this tax rate is too outrageous, isn't it 400 taels for 1000 taels, [-]% of the tax?Please be human!
The tax collector was furious: "Can you pay!"

He was transferred from the frontier army to the tax supervisor, so why bother so much, if you don't pay taxes, I'll kill you!

Liu Erhei faltered: "I'll pay, I'll pay!"

Master Qingtian, take care of these bastards of the tax inspector!

How shameless!


After collecting 1000 taels of black tax from Liu Erhei, the tax collector walked out of the room with a satisfied face.

The adjutant next to him asked: "My lord, this fellow is plundering people's fat and people's anointing. His crime is unforgivable. Shouldn't we arrest him?"

"What are you arresting? I'm a tax collector, not Jin Yiwei. I'll collect taxes. Is half a copper coin related to arresting people?"

The tax collector said disdainfully, "It's said above that the people in the tax supervisor should do their job well. The more black taxes they collect, the faster they will be promoted. Damn, I heard that the next county The tax collector who collected more than [-] taels of white tax and black tax a day made the county feel stupid. When the tax official heard about this, he directly promoted this guy from the eighth-rank tax collector to The chief tax collector of the seventh rank, this guy is a soldier from Datong Town like me, why should he do what I want? Don’t worry about other things, the most important thing for us is to raise taxes."

The tax supervisory court has the tax supervisory division under its jurisdiction, and the tax supervisory division has jurisdiction over the tax collection officials of various governments. They have only one task.

- Bring up the tax.

Don't care about white tax or black tax, don't care what illegal things the other party has done, just pay the tax and you will be promoted.

"Okay, the black taxes on Liu Erhei's body are over, and it's time to find his uncle, the county grandpa."

The tax collector clapped his palms and waved his hand, "Brothers, rush to the county government office!"

"This county lord is a rich guy, so keep your eyes open for me, and find out how much gold and silver has been embezzled in this county lord's house, and ask him to pay the court a lot of money!"

"Those who want to be promoted, come with me!"

(End of this chapter)

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