Daming: I was exposed by Zhu Di's Sims life!

Chapter 348 "After the Ming Dynasty's Fall"

Chapter 348 "After the Ming Dynasty's Fall"

[Continue the simulation, Zhu Qiqin. 】

Zhu Di lightly closed his eyes, and continued to imitate Zhu Qiqin, Zhu Gaoxuan's grandson, in his mind.

Although he only saw reality through words, he had a feeling——

Zhu Xiaosi's children and grandchildren don't have any fuel-efficient lamps.

In the simulation, Emperor Zhu Gaoxuan of Hengjing created the great cause of Hengjing and completed the great unification in the true sense.And his son Taichang Emperor Zhu Zhanxi is more like an icing on the cake emperor. He consolidated the great achievements of Hengjing and prevented this vast and powerful empire from declining due to being too powerful and prosperous after the death of Emperor Hengjing. After him, the world With the new name of "Mingqiu".

In addition to these two great emperors, there is also Zhu Yingjing, the eldest princess who does not give in to her beauties. With her daughter, she led hundreds of thousands of Liaodong cavalry to flatten the west and formed the Liaodong navy to suppress the world.

As the grandson of Zhu Gaoxuan, although Zhu Qiqin did not achieve much, he was able to easily control the vast west, which shows that he is also a sage.It's just that his grandfather and his father have already finished everything, which made him feel that he was underappreciated.

[Taichang 28th year, March. 】

【The emperor ordered you to return to Beijing. 】

【However, you refused to comply with the excuse that there are too many affairs in the west and you cannot withdraw. 】

[Actually, the affairs of the west are not worth mentioning to you at all. Now you are free in the governor's mansion and bask in the sun every day. You only need to read a few official documents and military newspapers every day to firmly control the military and political power in the west. among.The reason why you resisted the decree was simply to fight against Emperor Taichang. 】

【You think Emperor Taichang is a worthy opponent. 】

【Besides, you think Emperor Taichang should also regard you as a qualified enemy at this time. 】

[In the past few years in the west, you seem to have done nothing, but everything is going on quietly.You set up the Governor's Mansion and the Tiance Mansion in the Berlin Mansion to control the military administration in the west, and use the name of the Tiance Mansion to recruit talents.In the name of the Governor’s Mansion, you rectified the business economy, bought private chaebols, and changed it to state-owned capital, and then used state-owned capital to monopolize business and trade, and controlled the economies of the western provinces in the hands of state-owned industries, and the control of these state-owned industries People, in fact, you are the only one who is doing the trading. 】

[You don't feel like a soldier from Liaodong, but more like a shopkeeper playing with abacus. You used economic warfare to make the entire west into your pocket in just a few years. 】

【Then after you refused to comply with the decree, Emperor Taichang did not act or get angry, as if nothing had happened, which also makes you, who has always been on the surface but not on the heart, a little angry. 】

[This is more like ignoring your provocation. 】

[In other words, the other party regards you as an enemy at all, and you are not worthy of being called an enemy in Emperor Taichang's heart. 】

【You feel bored, so you choose to set off for the capital to see what kind of tricks your father is playing. 】

[On the way back, you were assassinated. 】

【This is all in your calculations. 】

【Your two elder brothers, King Yu and King Heng, will definitely not allow you to return to the capital safely.Although you didn't take these two elder brothers seriously, but to them, you are the biggest enemy.You have soldiers, generals, money and food, and you have the status of General Tiance. Although you are not a prince, but now that the Ming Dynasty has not established a crown prince, General Tiance is the most powerful person besides the emperor, so don't get rid of it. You, how can they take it to the next level. 】

【In the name of Tiance Mansion, you mobilized the old department of Liaodong to garrison in Tianshan Mountain early on to take you back to the east.You enter the country through Yumen Pass, and then take the "Sun Moon" train with military guards to transfer from Yumen Pass to Lanzhou, and from Lanzhou to Beijing directly. 】

"Wait, what is this train?"

Zhu Di looked at it and felt that something was wrong. He had only heard of carriages, so what is this train?

Damn, what has Daming been up to in the past few decades since I died?
[When you returned to the capital, you found that everything was wrong. 】

[The last time you came to Beijing, it seemed to be the center of the world, the place where Mingqiu ruled supreme, a bustling scene, high-ranking officials gathered, and it was very lively. 】

[But when you returned to Beijing this time, you only felt cold and quiet, and there were few people around. It's hard for you to imagine that this is actually my capital of the Ming Dynasty. 】

[When you enter the imperial city, you find that the road from the inner city to the imperial city is stained with mottled blood, which seems to have been washed by rain, but it is difficult to wash off, and the walls are covered with bullet holes and scars. 】

【You quickened your pace and realized that during this period of time, an earth-shaking change has taken place in the capital. 】

[When you walk into the Qianqing Palace, Taichang Emperor is sitting on the throne, with white hair and vicissitudes of life. The Taichang Emperor, who inherited the great achievements of Hengjing in the past, is already an old man, even though he is still holding his hand. The sky supports the great cause left to him by Emperor Shizu Wu, but he is really old. He is no longer the young boy reciting poems in the courtyard of the two countries, but a man who has dominated Ming Dynasty for decades and sat firmly on Mount Tai. Emperor Taichang. 】

【Emperor Taichang glanced at you, and there was a rare hint of relief in his indifferent eyes: "Just come back, I will see everything you do in the west, good boy."】

【Seeing your father like this, you suddenly feel that your childlike hostility before was just like nonsense, you bowed and shouted: "Father."】

【Emperor Taichang said: "My life is not long. I have called you to Beijing this time to tell you that I am in charge of you. Have you ever prepared for it?"]

[You frowned slightly: "Grandpa adopted me under the eldest princess's door as an adopted son in the past. According to the law of etiquette, I am no longer a prince and have no qualifications to inherit the throne. I can only be the king of Liao. Although the third brother died early, the eldest brother He and his second brother are still alive, so they should be the ones to inherit the throne."]

【Emperor Taichang said calmly: "You are wrong, they are no longer here."】

[A big question mark appeared above your head. 】

A big question mark also appeared on Zhu Di's head.

This is gone, is the one I thought is gone?

Emperor Taichang...Zhu Zhanqi...this doll from the two countries was so cute when they were young, how can they be so cruel when they grow up?

【You tentatively asked: "My two elder brothers are gone, is it because they are physically gone?"】

【Emperor Taichang said calmly: "Yes, as you think, they are buried in the ground now."】

【You were shocked: "Father, even if you intend to pass on to me, why would you do such a cruel thing to the two elder brothers?"]

[Emperor Taichang was silent for a while, and said: "You overestimate yourself. I didn't attack your two elder brothers because I wanted to pass on to you, but because after I attacked your two elder brothers, there was no one who passed on the throne. People, so I passed it on to you."]

【You: "...Then it seems that I'm thinking too much."】

【Emperor Taichang waved his hand and said: "Come with me, your grandfather left me a few things for me to pass on to future generations. Now, I can give them to you."】

【You are confused now: "My grandpa?"】

【Your grandfather, that is, Emperor Shizu Wu, Emperor Hengjing, the unprecedented unifier, the first emperor of Mingqiu, the one who topped the new chapter of history books, the No. 1 pioneer of civilization fusion...Zhu Gaoyi! 】

【But now is no longer the era of Hengjing. 】

[During the Hengjing dynasty, wars were fought with water-cooled machine guns and artillery, and they even traveled in horse-drawn carriages.But now, your Liaodong Army is equipped with automatic rifles, and you have six heavily armed troops under your command, tanks, planes...]

[Hengjing's old routine is outdated. Although your grandfather is great, what can he leave for you? 】

[You followed your father and walked into the secret passage of Qianqing Palace, leading to the secret room. There are seven or eight secret doors set up along the way. Each secret door needs to enter the specified password. Once the wrong input is entered three times, it will automatically detonate.You look surprised, never expecting that there is such a place in Qianqing Palace. 】

[After arriving at the finish line, after Emperor Taichang opened the last ten-foot-thick steel-cast anti-theft door, inside was a simple stone room with a row of bookshelves.There are only a few notebooks on the bookshelf, which looks very empty. 】

[The inheritance left by Emperor Wudi to future monarchs, is this all?Is it worth preparing so many defensive measures for this little thing? 】

[It's your grandpa who's being foolish, why is your father also fooling around? 】

【Emperor Taichang first saluted the bookshelf respectfully, then picked up a cowhide notebook from the bookshelf and handed it to you. 】

[You take the notebook, and when you open it, you find a line of small characters written on the title page. 】

["The Beginner's Guide to the Emperor", written by Zhu Gaoxuan. 】

【Seeing this title, you almost didn't laugh out loud, but you were always embarrassed to mock Grandpa when Emperor Taichang was by your side, so you opened the directory helplessly, and your expression gradually became serious. 】

【Table of contents-】

[1. Conspiracy theory]

【2. Wealth of Nations】

【3. Economic Theory】

【4. Military Theory】

【5. People's Theory】

【6. Theory of Thought】

【7. Science and Technology Theory】

【8. On the Administration of Officials】

【9. Educational Theory】

【10. Industry and Information Technology】


[A small notebook is the accumulated experience of Emperor Shizu Wu's life, including his insights and methods for many years in power, as well as his foresight in governing Daming, from the development of the country and the people's livelihood, and even the ecological environment, natural resources, Cultural production...]

[You just look at the catalog and feel shocked. 】

[Hey, just go to the street and find a sane beggar, and force him to become a generation of Mingjun after reading this little notebook! 】

[The title of the book is really correct. This is indeed a novice emperor's guide. It teaches a novice emperor in all aspects how to be a sophisticated sage! 】

【No wonder Emperor Taichang regarded this as a treasure and set up several checkpoints to protect this small book. If you were the emperor, you would wish to set up a hundred checkpoints to protect this book! 】

[If this book gets out, the world will be in turmoil! 】

【Emperor Taichang took out another small book from the bookshelf and handed it to you. 】

【You changed your casual attitude this time, and solemnly took the booklet with both hands. 】

[Same as the previous one, except that the small print on the title page of this one is slightly different. 】

["Development Policy for the Next 200 Years", by Zhu Gaoxuan. 】

【Table of contents-】

【1. Currency Reform】

【2. Land reform】

【3. Reformation of Religious Belief】

【4. Plans for aristocratic families】

【5. The main direction of science and technology and atomic bomb manufacturing】


[At the end of the table of contents of this book, there is a paragraph of fine print. 】

【"If future generations follow this provision, I can secure 200 years of state power for future generations. If future generations act recklessly, with the power of the Ming Dynasty strong, it will surely decline from prosperity to prosperity. There will be endless wars, disasters and disasters for the people of future generations. Your Majesty, you should focus on the overall situation."]

[This article explains in detail what the future emperors should do and what they should develop in the 200 years after his death. Everything is clearly arranged. The future emperors only need to follow the plan left by the ancestor Wu. He arranged everything for future generations. 】

[You looked at Emperor Taichang in doubt: "Father, why did Grandpa only tell us how to go for 200 years, but after 200 years, it stopped abruptly, as if it was cut off invisibly?"】

【Emperor Taichang was silent for a while, and said: "He only wrote for 200 years, which means that he is still a human being."】

【You suddenly realized, but lowered your head in shame. 】

[Yes, Emperor Shizu Wu can accurately arrange the careers for future generations for 200 years, which is already the ultimate of human beings.These 200 years can bring more than 200 years of actual value to Daming. People will stagnate for a moment, but if they follow Emperor Shizu Wu's deployment, Daming will keep moving forward. 】

【He is not a god, he has tried his best to pave the way for future generations. 】

[Emperor Taichang said: "Sometimes, I really doubt whether your grandfather is a person. His books are too advanced. I followed the path planned by your grandfather in the book, and Ming became more and more prosperous. Under his leadership, an unprecedentedly unified and powerful country appeared in history."]

【"Two hundred years is enough to assimilate all races in the world into one kind of people. After 200 years, there will be only Ming people left in the world. Maybe the Ming Empire will eventually perish, but Ming people will not, Ming People will live forever. The unification of the world is an inevitable trend, no matter which country replaces Ming after the demise of Ming, it will only be a unified country in the world in the end, a country built by Ming people.”]

[This is an utopia that really exists in reality, a real world peace, a peace based on war. 】

【After Emperor Taichang finished speaking, he took out the third book from the bookshelf, handed it to you, and said: "This is the last book your grandfather left for future generations, and it is also the book that shocked me the most. , what is said in the book is hard to describe in words, you should read it yourself.”]

[You took the third book, but found that the third book is thicker than the previous two. You are a little confused. The previous two books, one explained how to be an emperor, and the other explained the 200-year development of Ming Dynasty. What is this third book about? It's actually thicker than the first two books. 】

[You open the title page and see that the small characters on it are thick and your pupils shrink. 】

【"After the Fall of the Ming Dynasty", by Zhu Gaoxuan】

(End of this chapter)

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