Daming: I was exposed by Zhu Di's Sims life!

Chapter 62 The Great Qin Prime Minister, Li Si

Chapter 62 The Great Qin Prime Minister, Li Si

Bai Qi stepped forward and shook hands with the man: "Brother, what's your name?"

The man's smile was like a spring breeze: "I am from Qin, surnamed Li."

Li Shimin was a little surprised: "Yeah, is it the same surname as mine?"

Cao Cao reminded: "He is from Qin. In terms of seniority, he should be the ancestor of your ancestors."

Li Shimin: "Cao thief!"

Bai Qi asked again: "Brother, what's your full name?"

The man smiled and said, "I'm Li Si."


Who is Li Si?
In the Warring States Period, wars broke out everywhere.

This person used to be a minister of Chu, and he didn't enjoy his job, so he resigned directly and went all the way north to Qi State to learn from Xunzi as his teacher.After he completed his mastership, he ran to Qin State. Qin State was rushing wildly at that time. Li Si was reused and followed him to soar into the sky.

It is no exaggeration to say that for a long time, Li Si was the number two man in Daqin.He was present to sweep the six countries, he commanded the abolition of enfeoffment, and he developed the small seal script.The construction of the Chidao cars on the same track and the unification of currency weights and measures all came from his suggestions and plans.All in all, he was the gold medal assistant of Qin Shihuang Yingzheng. He made great contributions to the great cause of the unification of the empire and the construction of the system throughout his life, and left an extremely far-reaching influence.It can be said that he is a major planner of Chinese history.

But the evaluation of him by the later generations did not leave much reputation, but was involved with the mouse.

"Historical Records · Li Si Lie Biography" records: "When I was young, I was a county official. I saw rats in the toilet of the official house. They couldn't eat clean, and they were close to dogs. They were frightened. I entered the warehouse, watched the rats in the warehouse, and lived in the big house. Under the verandah, there is no worry about people and dogs. So Li Sinai sighed and said: "The virtuous people are like mice, and they are in their ears!"."

When Li Si was a clerk, he liked to observe the mice. He found that the mice in the latrine were timid and fearful, and ran away when they saw a dog; but the mice in the rice barn were different. They ate good food and walked swagger , not afraid of people and dogs.

He was full of emotions and came to a conclusion: whether a person is promising or not, just like a mouse, is determined by his environment.Life is like a mouse, the position is different, the fate is also different.

Li Si's creed in life is "mouse philosophy".That is extreme egoism, like a greedy mouse, with eyes rolling around, seizing every opportunity and seeking to maximize personal interests at any cost.When the naked interests are placed in front of a mouse like Li Si, the moral creeds preached by Confucianism are no different from the bastard chanting scriptures.

It has to be admitted that this philosophy of life once helped Li Si achieve success.With the keenness of the mouse, Li Si sensed the tendency of the Great Qin to unify the world, and with the insidiousness and cruelty of the mouse, he removed the obstacles on the upward path, so he became famous, prosperous and rich.


"Criminal Li Si, please greet Your Majesty." Li Si bowed his head to Ying Zheng.

He is Qin Chen, born as a Qin man, and died as a Qin ghost.

Everyone focused their attention on Ying Zheng. The First Emperor, who was the first emperor in the history of Chinese civilization to complete the great unification, said with a gloomy expression, "Li Si, are you guilty?"

"My lord, this is an unforgivable crime." Li Si's face was calm.

The demise of the Great Qin was not what Si wanted. Like Qin Shihuang, he hoped that the great achievements of the Great Qin would last forever.

However, the subjugation of the Great Qin Dynasty could not be separated from him after all. Li Si did not want to defend himself against this, and he willingly pleaded guilty.

In October of the 37th year of the First Emperor, Qin Shihuang Yingzheng, who was over half a century old, fell ill during his fifth tour.Although he has been seeking the so-called secret recipe of immortality all his life and "hates people talking about death", he still cannot resist the natural law of life.

As the disease worsened day by day, Ying Zheng knew that his time had come, and the most urgent task was to quickly determine the establishment of a reserve.Although the eldest son, Fusu, disagreed with his own political views many times, he was resolute and brave, believed in people and fought hard, and with the assistance of the general Meng Tian, ​​he would undoubtedly be a virtuous king.Moreover, according to the eldest son inheritance system, it should also be passed on to him.

Now Yingzheng no longer hesitated, summoned Zhao Gao who was also in charge of the emperor's seal and issued orders, and asked him to draft an edict for his eldest son Fusu.When Fusu was in charge of supervising the army in Shangjun, Ying Zheng ordered him to entrust the military to Meng Tian and rush back to Xianyang to preside over the funeral.This has actually confirmed the identity of his successor.

In July, when the first emperor died, the eunuch Zhao Gao and Li Si conspired to launch the "Change of Sand Dunes", tampering with Yingzheng's succession edict, abolishing the son Fusu, and changing Huhai as the new emperor, the second emperor of Qin.

In the end, Fusu, who was given high hopes by Yingzheng, committed suicide, General Meng Tian committed suicide by swallowing medicine, and Li Si was framed for rebellion and beheaded to death.The Great Qin Great Industry was immediately destroyed, and the country collapsed.

"Li Si, after all, the widow mistrusted you."

Ying Zheng said coldly, "You are a butcher's knife, but only the widow can control your butcher knife. The widow should kill you before he dies. If the widow is alive, you are the ruler of Daqin. After the widow, you will be Daqin traitor of subjugation!"

When Cao Cao heard this, he let out a long sigh: "Brother Zheng, you are not alone."


Zhu Gaoxuan didn't pay much attention to the disputes in his mind at this time, he was instructing Lu Chaoyang before leaving.

"This time there was a flood in Shandong, the emperor was very unhappy, and the matter of moving the capital was delayed at this time. This time, the imperial court used work as relief, and the water was flushed to wash the sand, so moths would inevitably come and go." Zhu Gaozhen said seriously, "The Fusi of Beizhen The task is to pull out these moths, play the role of a military governor, and urge the local flood disaster to calm down in the shortest possible time."

Lu Chaoyang hesitated for a moment and asked, "But if you encounter resistance, do you want it?"

He made a "throat cut" gesture, implying Zhu Gaoxi.

The resistance mentioned by Lu Chaoyang is of course not an ordinary resistance.He has the backing of King Qi's mansion, if ordinary corrupt officials saw one and killed another, no one would dare to say anything.However, with such a huge project, it is inevitable that there will be some big figures working in secret. Lu Chaoyang may not care, but if he adds enemies to Lord Qi, it will be his fault.

Zhu Gaoxuan smiled: "Shooting water and flushing the sand is a trick that the king proposed to the emperor. This method is more effective than "relief with work", but the emperor pays more attention to relief with work. Do you know why?"

Lu Chaoyang shook his head: "My lord is stupid, please show me."

"Work for relief is not the first of its kind for this king. It has appeared and implemented as early as Qi Jinggong's period, and it was a common method in the Song Dynasty." Zhu Gaoxuan raised a finger and said, "But the shortcomings of work for relief It is also obvious that the method of forcibly recruiting labor to build projects through corvee will show more and more disadvantages. Because it mobilizes too much human and financial resources in a super-economic way, it will lead to the killing of many people and the use of people's wealth, and the world will be empty. This is not only a kind of devastation to tens of millions of workers, but also caused a national financial and economic crisis.”

Lu Chaoyang was a little confused, the topic was too high-end, and people's hearts were too impetuous. For the first time, he hated himself for being so uneducated and unable to understand what the prince was talking about.

But Zhu Gaoyi didn't intend for Lu Chaoyang to understand, he said these words, more like speaking to himself.

He murmured to himself: "If you want to make up for these problems, you need to have monitors to stare at the executors, use strict methods to prevent corruption, reduce the financial burden of the imperial court's allocation of funds for disaster relief, and let more food Into the bowl of the labourer."

(End of this chapter)

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