Chapter 114

After listening to Qiangwei's explanation, Ge Xiaolun's mood became more complicated.

There are mixed feelings in my heart, and I can't tell whether I should be happy or not.

The good news is that Qiangwei used herself in exchange for the devil's departure, which means that she did not really rebel, and it may be out of helplessness.

What shouldn't be happy is that Qiangwei will finally make up her mind and stand with the devil.

Moreover, the firm determination is irreversible!
"Yes, although there is no war on the earth now, you have successfully put the front outside the earth with your own efforts."

"But, do you think that if you defeat the Taotie and the giant wolf civilization, you can win this war?"

"There are also demons, do you think they are so easy to deal with?"

"The gods behind them are beyond our comprehension, we are all too low!"

Qiangwei continued to speak, her tone becoming more and more excited.

She has seen Morgana fighting Hua Ye. Facing the existence of this level, the so-called heroic company, the so-called super fighters, don't even have the ability to stand up, like ants, let alone have the power to resist?

The earth has no gods of its own, and cannot determine its own destiny at all.

She can't control other gods, nor can she influence other gods' attitudes towards the earth.

However, since Morgana has thoughts about her, she can also affect Morgana's attitude towards the earth.

So, wouldn't it be a better choice to exchange myself for the demons to leave the earth, in exchange for a chance to control the demons in the future?
Furthermore, even if she didn't choose this way, how else could she choose?
After reading Carl's diary, she also clearly knew that the space-time gene was Morgana's painstaking effort.

In other words, what Morgana cared about was never Qiangwei, but the time and space genes in her body.

If she rejects Morgana and makes Morgana jump over the wall in a hurry, can the earth resist the opponent's madness?
"Our current age and current state, why can't we be lower?"

After Qiangwei finished speaking, Ge Xiaolun also spoke again.

Still trying to persuade Qiangwei to change her decision: "We are not as good as those gods, but we are working hard, why don't you come and work hard with us?"

Qiangwei still shook her head: "I'm also working hard, using a better way, isn't this better than making unnecessary sacrifices?"

"But why Morgana, you forgot how General Ducao died? We can use other methods, they are demons, they committed heinous crimes, we must not give in to evil."

Even though Qiangwei expressed her difficulties, Ge Xiaolun still couldn't accept her and chose to join the devil.

I have worked hard until now, why should I give up at this time, and still want to try to take a shortcut?

Still a very dangerous shortcut!
When Ge Xiaolun mentioned Ducao, Qiangwei's eyes turned red, but she still said loudly: "My father died well."

"Their era, the era of the Deno Galaxy, is blindly creating gods and leading to destruction. They can't control the gods, but they want to create them."

"As a result, the Supreme Commander couldn't even hold a god-killing bullet. What kind of galaxy war is going to be fought, and what is it to fight?"

"If you can't beat it, don't fight it. If you can't beat it, you have to surrender? Okay, okay, your father, General Ducao, died well. What about the other fighters?"

Seeing that Qiangwei was so unreasonable, Ge Xiaolun couldn't help but become agitated again: "Those soldiers who have died in battle, did they die well, or did they die with more than justification?"

With the peace gained in this way, why did the earth civilization fight in the first place?
Why didn't you just surrender in the first place?

The countless warriors who have sacrificed so far in the civilization of the earth, did they die in vain?

Is it worthy of those dead heroic spirits to take refuge in the devil?

Those heroic spirits used their own lives, but what they got in the end was abandonment, the meaning of sacrifice that was denied?

Faced with such a question, Qiangwei could only avoid answering it. She could define her father, but she couldn't define it for other fighters, and it was not her turn to define those fighters.

"You don't have to fight with your life, but you fight for the country. You can't even understand it!"

"Although I chose Morgana, I have not betrayed the country or the earth. I have done what I can."

Ge Xiaolun felt that she was unreasonable, and Qiangwei also felt that Ge Xiaolun was unreasonable.

She continued to explain with the same tone of excitement: "If you insist that peace is only right if you sacrifice your life for it, then you can leave as if I am already dead, and I am the demon I bought with my life."

Seeing that Qiangwei couldn't listen to a word of his own words, Ge Xiaolun's voice suddenly weakened a lot, and it even became a little pleading.

Afterwards, he stepped forward to hold Qiangwei's hand, and repeated again earnestly: "They are demons, they have committed a heinous crime, we must not be transformed."

"This is not a relationship of interest, this is a crime."

"Not assimilated." However, Qiangwei ruthlessly pushed him away: "You don't understand this universe at all, and you don't understand the root of evil."

"We don't need to understand, but we must be clear that there are some things we cannot back down, and we must not back down. There must be a bottom line."

Ge Xiaolun continued to beg and persuade.

Then, he pointed to himself and Liu Chuang, and then pointed to the distance: "Okay, today you can choose the devil, what about tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow, will I, Liu Chuang, or others, follow your example and bow to evil?"

"Qiangwei, we are the Xiongbing Company, we are the country, and we are the hope of the earth's civilization. We must not start with this."

"Qiangwei, we need to distinguish right from wrong!"

At the end, Ge Xiaolun's eyes were red and bloodshot.

Things have come to this point...

It seems that no one can convince anyone.

Even if Ge Xiaolun understood the deep meaning behind her move, he would not agree that her deep meaning was correct.

Qiangwei was silent for a while, and she was no longer hysterical before, before saying flatly: "I swear, I will never betray my motherland, no matter how much you oppose me, chase and kill me, I will never fight back, unless you betray the motherland first .”

"Even if I have loved you and missed you, I will persist for at most 100 years, but the way is different...not conspiring with each other."

If you can't talk about it anymore, then there's no need to talk about it anymore.

What she wanted to convey to Ge Xiaolun and Xiongbing Company had already been fully expressed.

Since she couldn't understand, then she could only use one sentence; "Differences and mutual conspiracy" to end this conversation.

What will happen in the future, who is right, she doesn't know...


Qiangwei left, and Ge Xiaolun knelt down on the ground in a daze, still muttering her name.

In the end, he was still unable to keep the other party!
(End of this chapter)

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