Chapter 257

The so-called community of common destiny for the known universe aims to pursue the interests of this civilization while also taking into account the reasonable concerns of other civilizations, and promote the common development of all civilizations in the pursuit of the development of this civilization.

It is also very consistent with Zhang Heng's so-called common progress all the time.

Next, Zhang Heng wanted to tell these civilizations;

Although there are many metaverses, there is only one known universe in the universe belonging to the civilizations of the super god universe.

All civilizations coexist in the same universe, so we must advocate the awareness of "community of shared future for the known universe".

It doesn't matter whether we can really achieve this point, anyway, the slogan must be shouted first.

It is also necessary for all civilizations to understand that Zhang Heng, his enlightener, unified the known universe not for the sake of being king and hegemony, but for the good of all civilizations.

Of course, various threats from outside the unknown universe can also properly disclose some information to all civilizations.

Just like human beings, without the threat of extraterrestrial civilization, they will always only think about how to fight civil wars.

Even if the slogan of the so-called "community with a shared future for mankind" is shouted, it is impossible to achieve it.

Only when faced with the threat of a powerful extraterrestrial civilization can human beings be truly united.

The human beings in the Trisolaran universe, as well as the human beings in the current earth civilization, have explained this point very well.

"It seems that something is wrong, but it seems to make sense?"

After listening to Zhang Heng's talk about the so-called community of common destiny in the known universe, Yan pondered for a while before speaking.

"It doesn't matter whether we think it makes sense or not, as long as they think it makes sense..."

Zhang Hengyao pointed to the representatives of various civilizations and said: "Besides, after learning about the situation of the unknown universe, they also need such a so-called "community of destiny" to reassure themselves."

"So, instead of questioning this concept, they will strongly support the formation of the concept of a community of shared future."

"The reason is also very simple, because it can bring them benefits, and it can also ensure that they can find someone to hug and keep warm in times of crisis..."

As I said before, no matter what civilization or creature it is.

As long as he (it) still has the so-called "sensibility", it can be summed up by the word "people's heart".

In human society, some self-proclaimed people think that the human species they belong to is inferior, and their human nature is even more ugly.

It is also derived that human beings are a cancerous tumor on the earth, and so on...

However, is the alien civilization advanced?
Which intelligent species develops into a civilization, and does not exhaust all other species and environments on its own planet?
As I said before, the intelligence accumulated in intelligent species has been fighting against the evolution law of the biosphere, and has been trying to be independent from the control of the natural world of the original planet. This is the natural confrontation between intelligent species and non-intelligent species.

It can also be said that not only human beings, except for those strange life forms in the Star Alliance, there is no intelligent species that can take into account the so-called protection of the environment and other creatures that care for the planet when developing itself.

Therefore, it is not necessarily true that other species of civilization are much more noble than humans.

The difference in thinking forms and the distance creates beauty, which makes some people think that aliens are better than humans.

Just like the Trisolaran universe, the Trisolarans are regarded as "lords" by the traitors on the earth.

However, in the Trisolaran society, there are also people who feel that their species is not good...

The moon in foreign countries is rounder, and aliens are always better than their own species. This is also a point of so-called "human nature".

Closer to home.

After talking so much, I just want to say.

Aliens, in fact, are not much different from human beings in essence, and they can be speculated by the word "people's hearts".

Even, when it comes to human hearts, human beings are more advanced than aliens!
Because, in Zhang Heng's view, the human mind is more resourceful and scheming than many alien intelligent species...

The former Trisolaran said that he also agrees with Zhang Heng's opinion...


After listening to Zhang Heng's long speech, Yan nodded, and then asked: "Are you really planning to hand over these space-level civilizations to our angels to manage?"

To be honest, she didn't want to take the job.

It is true that angels want their justice to spread throughout the known universe, but if they can directly manage the known universe, the combination of the two is a bit inappropriate.

The former is that as long as other civilizations obey the order of justice, the angels will not care about other things.

And the latter is that they angels require other civilizations to obey the order of justice, and at the same time exercise the right to manage them.

As for what is inappropriate, I can't say for a while.

Anyway, I feel that if angels really become subordinate to one person, they will be superior to all civilizations.

If this goes on for a long time, I am afraid it is definitely not a good thing.

"Are you worried that the so-called justice and order of angelic civilization will deteriorate in the future?"

Zhang Heng somewhat understood what Yan was worried about.

Angels are still emotional and human, far less noble than they claim to be.

If angels were so beautiful, there would not be a Morgana, nor would there be a Ruoning...

In other words, angels will fall, and angelic civilization will also fall!
Yan is probably worried that if things go on like this, the angel civilization will gradually become one, only chasing higher power, and will only squeeze the vampire civilization of the known universe.

She's here, Keisha's still here, can handle everything, maybe it'll be okay.

But what about the next generation of Angels?

What about the next generation?

According to Zhang Heng's preset future, many people of the current generation will leave the known universe with him and go to the unknown universe in the future.

Among the many people, she and Keisha must be included.

Therefore, she was worried that the next generation of angels would not be able to grasp such a great power in their hands.

Even, the so-called justice order may become an excuse for the next generation of angels to control or invade other civilizations.

"Your worry is not unreasonable, and this kind of incident may indeed happen..."

After analyzing Yan's concerns, Zhang Heng continued: "It's not something that low civilizations do."

"The so-called self-interest, as long as the interests are sufficient, no one can resist the temptation..."

Even stronger than those zero-returners in the ten-dimensional pastoral alliance, and those old sixth in the powerful clearer alliance.

If you tell them that fighting for power can transcend the universe and the bottleneck that has trapped them for a long time, do you think they will fight?
Anyway, as far as Zhang Heng himself is concerned, if he can break through the bottleneck that has trapped him for a long time, he will fight for it without hesitation.

Therefore, fighting for power and profit is not considered a low-level thing.

"I didn't intend to let you take care of it for too long. The reason why all the civilizations gathered here is because of those under my command. It is really too embarrassing to use..."

Zhang Heng also said truthfully.

Just think about letting a reckless man like Sniff do the administrator's work, if you really let him do it, maybe something will go wrong.

Apart from Shi Naif, there are not many under Zhang Heng's command who can compare with Shi Naif.

Lianfeng is okay, and Zhang Heng also intends to train her up and keep her by his side as a secretary or something.

There is something for the secretary to do...

When you are free, you can also ask Lianfeng to help your "field" weeding, watering and so on...

There is also Qilin, which is also okay.

It is also possible to train Qilin, a left secretary and a right secretary, wouldn't it be beautiful?
"I can only trouble you to help me manage the early stage first. I really don't have much time to waste on these trivial matters."

"By the way, you can also teach the people under my command how to manage civilization."

Zhang Heng continued.

Angel civilization is the most powerful civilization in the known universe of Super God. Even though they have not really managed other civilizations before, they are still very experienced in dealing with other civilization-related matters.

Therefore, under the premise that the people under his command could not be used much in the early stage, it was a very correct decision for Zhang Heng to entrust the angel to do it.

He wasn't worried about what the angel would do to him.

It is true that he is fickle, but he is not a fool.

He can also see what Yan thinks about him.

Zhang Heng is still very relieved about Yan, a woman who has a high probability of falling in love again.

Of course, if something unexpected happened, Zhang Heng could still settle it with his absolute strength.

Even Keisha and Carl were settled by him through hard and soft tactics.

Who else?
Since Zhang Heng said so, and he didn't really want their angels to take care of them, then Yan could only agree.

"Okay, I'll take care of it for you."

Yan nodded and quickened his pace towards the square.

Zhang Heng didn't follow, turned his head and walked towards the No. [-] conference hall.

In conference hall No. [-], except Qiangwei who had already left first, the rest of the people hadn't left yet.

As soon as Zhang Heng entered the door, his eyes were fixed on his left and right secretaries.

Just do what you say, he didn't delay at all, and came directly to find the two of them.

"Mr. Zhang?"

As soon as Zhang Heng walked in, Leina also noticed him immediately, and lost her voice.

Hearing the sound, the conversations in the meeting hall stopped abruptly, and everyone's eyes were fixed on Zhang Heng.

In everyone's eyes, Zhang Heng's appearance seemed to be that this elegant and easy-going man had never changed.

There is a smile on the corner of the mouth, and the eyes are soft; every move makes people feel very comfortable, like a spring breeze.

"Mr. Zhang..."

Qilin also reacted immediately, and greeted Zhang Heng with a smile.

At this moment, the crowd finally came to their senses, and followed behind Qilin, saying hello: "Mr. Zhang..."

"How are you!"

Zhang Heng smiled and nodded to them one by one.

Even though Zhang Heng didn't know some of the people they brought, Zhang Heng still nodded politely in the direction of these little people.

For a moment, everyone felt emotional; what a harmonious and friendly "people"!

Over the years, they have seen too many people who are superior and dismiss them.

These high-ranking and disdainful characters all formed a sharp contrast with Zhang Heng.

In all fairness, if they had a choice, they would still be more willing to contact Zhang Heng.

Whether it was Zhang Heng in the past, or Zhang Heng who is now strictly speaking the master of the known universe, they are all qualified to dismiss them.

However, Zhang Heng had never done that before, and treated them equally from the beginning to the end.

As if, at this moment, the slightest thought that they had had before, to contradict Zhang Heng's domineering unity, also disappeared.

What's wrong with having such a person lead the known universe?

Are we going to let those so-called gods who see people through their nostrils lead us?
So, long live Mr. Zhang, let all gods eat shit!

As for Zhang Heng...

Are all his actions fake?

Maybe it was pretending at first, but after a long time, it became a habit...

After greeting each other, Zhang Heng said again: "You are all very well, much better than when we met last time."

Hearing the affirmation from the enlightener and the affirmation from the master of the known universe, everyone's faces were filled with smiles.

Zhang Heng wasn't trying to be polite, but was really discussing the matter.

Compared with them at the beginning, they are really much better now.

At least, at this moment, they can resist a branch of the earth and survive in the vast universe until now.

Zhang Heng has always given enough respect to those who deserve his respect.

And these people who used to be in the army are worth it now!

"Mr. Zhang is awesome. We are ashamed of your help to us at the beginning. We can do better, but we couldn't do it..."

Ge Xiaolun answered, as if he wanted to be modest and courteous.

However, Zhang Heng heard the voice behind the words: "Oh? The game server I built for you back then, is it on your Mangdang Mountain?"

Zhang Hengrao looked at Ge Xiaolun with interest and asked.

Could it be that he discovered the magic of the game server?

Or, found the letter he left behind?

Ge Xiaolun nodded: "I moved that game server to the Mangdang Mountain when we escaped from Earth."

"When I saw the fighting body technology used by the angelic civilization, and heard that this technology was still made by you."

"At that time, I realized that the game server you built for us may not be as simple as it appears on the surface. It is just a virtual game device that can be trained..."

Ge Xiaolun explained.

After realizing the importance of the game server, he began to pay attention to it, and at the same time started a deeper exploration.

It's just a pity that with his mind of a liberal arts student, the progress is really slow.

His Void, Anti-Void and other things were only realized with the help of Zhi Xin.

However, after studying for such a long time, he is not without gains.

Not long ago, he had learned how to upload consciousness to the server.

Although it still doesn't work from time to time, it is absolutely certain that what Zhang Heng built for them at the beginning is absolutely the same as the angel's consciousness upload server.

(End of this chapter)

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