Escape from the Three-Body Problem to Super God

Chapter 273 Entering Another Metaverse by Mistake

Chapter 273 Entering Another Metaverse by Mistake

Lose your humanity and lose a lot; lose your bestiality and lose everything.

The self-interest of life has long been decided, and one must do whatever it takes to survive.

It was just one step away, and of course Yan was unwilling to give up at this time.

Even if the road ahead will be as Zhang Heng said, she will have to pay an unimaginable price to continue walking...

She bit the bullet and made a decision.

And the accompanying angels would naturally only obey their orders, without any complaints, to be with their queen.

"If that's the case, let's go."

Glancing at Yan who was struggling to make the final decision, Zhang Heng chuckled and then drove the Tianren No. [-] as well.

He could also see that even though Yan had made up his mind, he was still not fully prepared mentally.

Human beings in the Trisolaris universe, when faced with giving up their humanity, are extremely entangled and do not know how to choose.

What's more, they are angels, creatures who regard nobility as more important than their own lives?
It can be said that it is more difficult to want them to give up their original characteristics than to kill them.

However, Zhang Heng felt that as long as they followed him, sooner or later they would gradually age.

One side of water and soil supports one side of people, and it is the same in the environment of the universe.

When they experience more, they will also change accordingly.

In fact, even Zhang Heng himself was extremely painful when he first faced the need to give up his humanity.

He used to be, from the server world that Keisha and Morgana entered before, it can be seen that he is also a passionate seed.

But, didn't he also come over?
The so-called difficult choice is just that there is no crisis that can force you to make a decision!

When an absolute crisis comes, you have to choose, and you can only choose the path that is most beneficial to you.

Leaving aside the gossip, after driving Tianren Seven, Zhang Heng still operated Tianren Seven to slowly approach the central area.

Although he is very sure that this is the entrance and exit of the known universe, he is not too sure whether there is any danger waiting for him behind the entrance and exit.

For safety reasons, Zhang Heng was not in a hurry.

When Tianren No. [-] was less than one astronomical unit away from the central area of ​​the entrance and exit, the situation happened!
First of all, the computer on Tianren No. [-] immediately sounded an alarm.

However, it was just an alarm sound to remind the malfunction.

The Tianren series of computers were used by Yuan Yan when he served as the left wing guard and first ascended the throne.

Although the level is not as good as those king-level astronomical computers, it can be regarded as a top-notch computer in the known universe.

Since it is a top-notch computer, it also means that it can be connected to the dark plane.

And the failure alarm sound at this time is also a reminder of the disconnection and the dark plane.

Then, Yan and the accompanying angels all felt dizzy and uncomfortable.

Likewise, they are disconnected from the Dark Plane and the repository of sacred knowledge.

In the same way, computers that can receive unlimited network, after arriving in an area without network and no electricity coverage, the network and power have been cut off one after another.

This kind of network and power outage is more serious than dark energy fission changing dark matter, making them unable to use the network.

After all, all that dark energy fission can do is to interfere and shield the network.

They can also rely on their own host to use their own powerful external functions.

Now, they actually can no longer receive the Internet and electricity.

In other words, no matter how many generations of super fighters they are, or how many generations of gods they are.

At this moment, they were completely beaten back to their original appearance, ordinary people.

At most, the body is harder than ordinary people.

After all, the various resources they use to upgrade their divine bodies are actually added to them, and these are hard to lose.

In addition, they can no longer use other abilities brought about by the god-making technology.

Everything in god-making technology exists based on the dark plane. Now that they have left the area covered by the dark plane, it is normal for them to lose.

In fact, Zhang Heng, who is still using Luo Fei's body, feels similar to the angels himself.

The two super gene engines on the tilapia also lost their function in an instant.

"You all put on fighting bodies, now we have completely entered the entrance and exit, and in a sense we have left the known universe..."

Zhang Heng immediately put on another material body and spoke to the angels.

It is also for them to be able to cope with the emergencies that may occur next.

After all, what will be behind the entrance and exit is really hard to predict in advance.

After Zhang Heng finished speaking, Yan began to use the server management authority on Tianren No. [-] to help everyone change into fighting bodies.

After ending Kilan's incident, Zhang Heng also returned the management authority of this server to her.

After they all completed the transformation of their consciousness bodies, Zhang Heng asked Yan again: "Now when your consciousness body leaves your body, do you still have the feeling of being captured by the dark plane?"

The server built by Zhang Heng is just a thing that can get stuck in the dark plane.

Before, whether it was an angel or his affiliated civilization, when uploading the consciousness body and changing the body.

It is more or less unnatural, that is, there is still the feeling that the conscious body is about to be captured.

Now, since it has left the known universe, surely this situation will not happen again?
Seeing Zhang Heng's question, Yan also thought about it immediately, and then said: "It seems that there is no more..."

She wasn't too sure, and she didn't pay special attention to this when she was switching just now.

"Well, after Tianren No. [-] stabilizes, let's see if it can help you achieve complete independence of the conscious body!"

Seeing that Yan Yan couldn't explain why, Zhang Heng had no choice but to give up temporarily.

The so-called consciousness body is completely independent, in fact, just like him, it no longer needs the help of a server to complete the body transformation.

The existence of the dark plane could not help them achieve this before, but after leaving the known universe, it must be able to achieve it.

I don't know how long it took, Zhang Heng looked into space again through the observation device on Tianren [-].

At this time, Tianren No. [-] was already in a bright nebula.

This nebula is made up of matter such as dust in the universe, colorful and of various shapes.

Especially when it is shot by Tianren No. [-] and converted into a picture and displayed on the screen, it is even more beautiful.

"What a nice view!"

"It's even more beautiful than our Angel Nebula."

All the angels also gathered around one after another, looking at the picture on the screen and sighing.

"Don't be busy looking at the scenery, there are two fighters who have come here before us, we have to hurry up and find them."

Angel, who has always been cold with a knife mouth and a bean curd heart, opened his mouth to remind everyone.


Yan also reacted: "Our gods have lost all their abilities, and so have they."

"If I don't find them, even with the bodies of the two of them and three generations of fighters, they won't be able to die in space."

"However, they also completely lost the ability to act in space, and can only drift with the current like cosmic dust..."

Yan decided to lead all the angels to find the two angels, and Zhang Heng had no objection.

He has already observed very clearly, and there is no danger in this nebula.

So, he and the angels began to separate again.

Even if it has left the universe, it does not mean that it must be in an unknown universe.

Seeing these as far as the eye can see, it is also a bit like still in the known universe.

Nearby are nebulae, and in the distance you can see starbursts emanating from various river systems.

In other words, they came to another metaverse...

According to the information he learned from Nirag, the overall structure outside the metaverse is different from the structure in the metaverse.

Things like star systems, river systems, and nebulae are only found in the Metaverse.

Outside the metaverse, it can be said to be a vast expanse, and there will be no dense belt of celestial bodies.

There are only scattered dust substances, and the civilization shelters built by each civilization itself.

That is, each man-made celestial body built by itself.

Referring to the above information, they also determined that there is a high probability that they are in a metaverse again.

Although the destination he arrived at deviated from what he had expected, Zhang Heng didn't intend to panic at all.

The most urgent thing is to figure out which Metaverse I am in.

Which alliance or civilization does the current Metaverse belong to.

Without the convenience of the god-making technology, Zhang Heng can no longer use the wormhole jump and space worm bridge, and he can only use the curvature engine.

Anyway, this is not the metaverse in which he lives. No matter how powerful the curvature engine is, it will not affect him in the future.

Therefore, he is a bit unscrupulous in using the curvature engine now.

Regarding curvature technology, it is actually a technology that relies on the characteristics of space itself, because space itself is not limited by the theory of relativity.

The most basic curvature engine can already be driven far beyond the speed of light.

In other words, even the most garbage curvature engine can reach a speed more than twice the speed of light at the slowest.

The curvature technology mastered by Zhang Heng has been developed to this day, and its maximum power can reach hundreds of times the speed of light.

It only takes him a year to go where it takes hundreds of years.

As for the so-called hundreds of times, whether it is three hundred or several hundred, Zhang Heng himself has no conclusion.

Because, he himself has never used such a powerful curvature engine to hurry.

In the former Three-Body Universe, if he dared to use such a powerful device, he would have to be discovered within minutes.

Later, in the super god universe, with the god-making technology available and his own space anchor point, he doesn't need to use the curvature technology anymore.

However, now it is possible to practice it.

It took a lot of effort to strengthen the curvature engine already installed in the body of the tilapia.

Only then did Zhang Heng prepare to take action.

When he first started the engine of curvature, he still didn't dare to be too arrogant, but moved forward at a speed several times the speed of light.

At such a speed, it is only one pass, and the impact on the space is almost negligible.

Zhang Heng became so cautious again, because he was actually worried that there would be other powerful civilizations in this metaverse.

Even if there is no such top-notch civilization as the Zero Returner in this metaverse, but only the singer's level of civilization exists, it is enough for him to drink a pot.

So, be careful first.

Using the curvature engine to move forward, Zhang Heng didn't stop until he completely left the interior of the nebula he was in before.

The distance he has advanced is far enough, certainly not less than three light-years.

At the same time, he can roughly conclude that the diameter of this nebula is about eight light-years.

After leaving the space anchor point, Zhang Heng began to return, planning to wait until he was connected to the top and then continue down.

On the return journey, he no longer needs to use the curvature engine to fly, and he passes the space anchor point above Tianren No. [-], and arrives in an instant.

When they returned to Tianren No. [-], Yan and the others also came back.

The two angels that disappeared before came in through the same entrance, so even if she could float, she couldn't float very far.

When Yan led the angels to find them, it didn't take long to find them.

"How are you over there?"

Seeing Zhang Heng coming back, Yan Ye immediately stepped forward and asked.

"It has been confirmed that we are still in a metaverse, and have not really reached the unknown universe."

Zhang Heng replied.

"how so?"

Angel Leng suddenly puzzled.

"Yes, didn't you say before that it is the entrance to the known universe?"

Moy also asked in doubt: "How come we haven't reached our destination yet?"

According to her understanding, the known universe is the unknown universe.

In theory, this kind of thing shouldn't happen.

"There may be many entrances and exits in the known universe, some can lead to unknown universes, and some can lead to other metaverses."

"And it just so happened that what we entered was the entrance to other metaverses."

Zhang Heng had no choice but to forcefully explain.

In fact, he didn't understand the specific reason, so he could only use this guess to force an explanation.

"So what are we going to do now?"

Yan also frowned.

"Responsiveness, since we are all here, we must not come in vain."

Zhang Heng replied: "Let's explore this Fang Yuan universe for a while, and see if there is anything worthy of our acquisition. By the way, we will also look for other entrances and exits to the unknown universe."

"You can also rest assured that if we can come here, we will definitely be able to go back. The entrance to the known universe is in this nebula..."

Zhang Heng motioned for them to relax.

He wants to spend some time in this Fang Yuan universe, but his real purpose is not just as simple as hunting for novelty.

He also thought, if there is no owner here, wouldn't it be possible to use it as his own garden?
Regarding the metaverse, from the time Nirag came to the known universe before, it can also be seen how much each alliance attaches importance to it.

Of course, the more metaverses, the better, the more you have, the better.

(End of this chapter)

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