Escape from the Three-Body Problem to Super God

Chapter 298 It doesn't matter whether your universe will be destroyed, as long as I am not dest

Chapter 298 It doesn't matter whether your universe will be destroyed, as long as I am not destroyed first, it is true.

"Because the conscious body of life is not strictly a matter."

The senior executive of the trading field continued to explain: "That is, the conscious body enters the cosmic string and will not be affected by any negative effects..."

That is to say, worrying about how the conscious body can sail in the cosmic strings is totally unnecessary.

After the consciousness body leaves the material body, it can directly enter the cosmic string.

Cosmic strings have been discovered so far, and only the form of the conscious body can exist directly in the cosmic strings without negative influence.

However, this so-called not being negatively affected is not absolute.

Although the conscious body will not feel any discomfort in the cosmic string, but the conscious body is still involuntarily in the environment of such a huge flow rate.

You can sail inside the cosmic strings, but you can't stop when you want.

If the conscious body is in the cosmic string and can continue to maintain the state as in the normal environment, it has to rely on the "highway" in the cosmic string.

The highway built by the Star Alliance has countless entrances and exits.

Moreover, entrances and exits like this can continue to be expanded easily on the basis of the original expressway.

It is precisely because of these countless entrances and exits that can be expanded at any time that Kuntai civilization dares to boast that it can help any civilization reach any corner of the universe in a short time.

After all, the highway is completely extended according to the whole cosmic string.

So, in theory, as long as there are cosmic strings, the highway can lead there.

This is the convenience brought by using the cosmic string to build the cosmic highway, which can not only be used to transport materials, but also can be used to navigate the consciousness body.

After all alliances and advanced civilizations have learned how to use cosmic strings and built their own highways, they rarely use curvature technology to travel faster than the speed of light.

It seems that, in their view, curvature technology is already a technology that has been eliminated.

After all, the curvature engine extended by the curvature technology, every ultra-high speed of light voyage, will have a great impact on the universe.

This effect is almost irreversible, unless the zeroing cycle is over and the universe is restarted again, this effect will be eliminated.

Speaking of this, the senior executive of the trading field began to remind Zhang Heng out of goodwill: "Dear enlightener Wenming, although I don't really want to be nosy, but as a friend, I think it is very necessary for me to remind you One word."

"Just like you came to our trading market before, you used more than a hundred times the curvature technology to sail unscrupulously. In the future, try to use it as little as possible!"

"Because some civilizations will not understand your behavior and will think that you are deliberately destroying the universe environment..."

These civilizations who can't understand the use of curvature technology by other civilizations, of course, belong to the kind of civilizations that have learned to apply cosmic strings and have also built their own highways.

When they no longer need curvature, a technology that will leave sequelae to the universe, they will become the "environmental protection girls" of the universe.

They attack any civilization that continues to use curvature technology, and think that those civilizations that use curvature technology are not environmentally friendly.

Those who are more extreme will even fight against civilizations that use curvature technology, in the name of exterminating pests for the environment of the universe.

But I didn't think that their behavior is no different from why they don't eat meat.

"Thank you for your reminder."

Hearing this, Zhang Heng's expression only changed slightly.

I am not particularly surprised at how such a meddling civilization exists.

After all, the life in the universe is full of strange things, and the way of thinking is also strange. It is not surprising that there are any kind of strange things.

It's just that he might really have to be more careful in the future.

Otherwise, if you encounter this kind of neurotic civilization, you can only consider yourself unlucky.

As for confronting them head-on, Zhang Heng couldn't do it.

He will not fight a war without interests.

Also, regarding the application of cosmic strings, he is still not very familiar with it, and he is not capable of building a highway of his own.

In fact, what he lacks the most is time accumulation.

At present, those alliances and civilizations that can maturely apply cosmic strings have all achieved today's achievements after at least tens of billions of years of accumulation.

And he has just obtained cosmic string theory not long ago, and it will take a lot of time to complete the preliminary preparations for its application in the metaverse.

What's more, is it outside the metaverse, in a universe that is wider than the metaverse?
Therefore, for a long time in the future, he will have to continue to rely on curvature technology and the space anchors left by him to navigate.


During the conversation between Zhang Heng and the high-level executive of the trading market, the relocation work of the trading market has also come to an end.

Fully automatic is awesome. No matter what is in the entire trading market, it is all classified into its essence, and it is very quickly sucked in by the strong gravitational force of the cosmic strings.

Until, the entire trading market became no different from the outside world.

As Zhang Heng thought before, Kuntai civilization did not leave even a speck of dust or photon behind.

"Okay, respected enlightener civilization, it's our physical body's turn next."

At this time, the senior executive of the trading field spoke to Zhang Heng again.


Zhang Heng didn't hesitate at all. The conscious body left his body, allowing his body to be broken down into atoms, and the nucleus was broken down into protons and neutrons.

After the conscious body is separated from the physical body, Zhang Heng's conscious body can also clearly perceive that the high-level conscious body of the trading field is right next to him.

The next thing Zhang Heng has to do is to follow the high-level consciousness of the trading field and enter the highway built on the cosmic string together.

Otherwise, Zhang Heng can only rely on himself and has no authority to enter.

The cosmic string expressway, like the consciousness upload server he built himself, only those with management authority can bring other consciousness bodies into it.

Later, when Zhang Heng followed the high-level executive of the trading field into the cosmic string highway, the conscious body immediately felt a sense of weightlessness.

The conscious body, which is not a material existence in the strict sense, actually feels weightless in the cosmic string highway?
It is conceivable how big the flow velocity is in the cosmic string at this moment!

In addition, Zhang Heng's conscious body no longer felt any discomfort.

In terms of perception, it is still the same as in the non-material universe outside, surrounded by nothingness.

To be honest, he hated this feeling very much.

As for the emptiness of the non-material universe outside, he can barely bear it.

It's a bit unbearable to be tormented by nothingness while being weightless like this!

However, if you are not used to it, you are not used to it. Since he has come in, he has to accompany Kuntai Wenming until he reaches his destination.

In the cosmic string highway, it is inconvenient for the conscious body to communicate through information.

Therefore, it is naturally impossible to ask the Kuntai civilization how long it will take to reach the destination.

I don't know how long it took before the feeling of weightlessness suddenly disappeared.

"Is it there?"

Sensing that his consciousness has returned to normal, and it doesn't seem like he is still behind the cosmic string highway, Zhang Heng wondered in his heart.

However, why can't they perceive the existence of the high-level trading field and the consciousness of other people in Kuntai civilization?

Now, Zhang Heng was even more puzzled.

Could it be that his consciousness has gone astray?

Just when Zhang Heng fell into self-doubt, the conscious body of the high-level trading floor reappeared within his perception.

"Initiator, at this moment, I have a very unfortunate news to tell you..."

The reappearing executives of the trading field, the wording of the summons to Zhang Heng, is not as polite as before.

Instead, in a very anxious tone, the content of the short message said: "Our civilization encountered an ambush on the cosmic strings, the main roads of communication were destroyed, the consciousness bodies of countless civilization elites were instantly killed, and countless materials were also robbed by the other party... ..."

"As a last resort, we can only temporarily expand an entrance and exit to send you away from the cosmic string temporarily."

"Forgive us for not being able to guarantee your safety anymore, I have to go back and live with civilization..."

After saying this, the conscious body of the high-level trading floor disappeared from Zhang Heng's perception.

At the same time, Zhang Heng's physical body was also sent out.

After leaving the gravitational range of the cosmic strings, this material body also returned to Zhang Heng's original appearance.

When Zhang Heng finished reading the message, he finally understood that Cosmic Strings seemed calm before Ganqing, but there was danger hidden in it?
Before he knew it, the Kuntai civilization had already fought fiercely with the hostile civilization!
"Kuntai civilization encountered an ambush on its cosmic string highway, and the loss seems to be very heavy..."

"Is the so-called cosmic turmoil not just as simple as it was at the beginning, but has it reached the level of corruption?"

Zhang Heng felt this kind of war for the first time, and he didn't blame himself for being thrown out by Kuntai Civilization.

After all, it was a last resort to prevent him from getting involved in this war.

Instead, it began to analyze which civilization or alliance was attacking the Kuntai civilization.

The cosmic string highway ambusher that can be built in the Star Alliance seems to be only the existence of the same level of the Star Alliance, or a higher level of existence, has such ability.

Zhang Heng was the first to think of the Star Destroyer Alliance.

According to what Nirag said before, the Star Destroyer Alliance has always been the deadly enemy of the Star Alliance, the kind that will never die.

In times of relative peace in the past, there will also be constant friction between the two alliances.

The affiliated civilizations under his command are all fighting each other.

It seems that now it has developed to the point of all-out war!

Otherwise, it wouldn't be crazy enough to start a war in the cosmic strings at this moment.

After figuring it out, Zhang Heng could only say bad luck secretly, and his plan was once again disrupted.

The Kuntai civilization that is still fighting in the cosmic string, although it is not yet known whether it is the opponent of the hostile civilization that ambushed them.

But in Zhang Heng's view, if there were no accidents, the high-level executive of the trading field would probably have to live and die with his own civilization.

After all, since the opponent dared to set up an ambush on the cosmic string highway of the Star Alliance, the strength of civilization must be far superior to Kuntai civilization.

Moreover, even if he wanted to meddle in his own business, he had to help Kuntai Civilization, so as to keep his plan unchanged.

But the matter has come to this point, Kuntai Civilization sent him out, and he has no way to go in again.

The hostile forces of the Star Alliance can crack the highway defense of the Star Alliance, but he does not have that ability.

Furthermore, he may not necessarily be the opponent who lays an ambush for civilization.

For the sake of safety, and in order to live up to Kuntai Wenming's kindness that he swore to send his guest out first.

Therefore, Zhang Heng decided to run away quickly...

Then, he can only return, or find another trading ground under the name of the Star Alliance.

However, just when he wanted to leave through the space anchor point, things backfired again.

The entrance and exit of the cosmic strings that had disappeared were opened again, and those who came out of the cosmic strings this time were no longer the high-level executives of the trading field, or members of the Kuntai civilization.

Instead, there is a high probability that it may be the civilization that set up an ambush.

It seems that they have solved the Kuntai civilization, and realized that the Kuntai civilization had opened the entrance and exit of the cosmic string before it was destroyed. They suspected that the Kuntai civilization might want to send away something important.

Therefore, after they solved the Kuntai civilization, they chased it out without hesitation.

On the other hand, when he realized that he was also being targeted by the opponent, Zhang Heng also chose without hesitation, and started to strike first before the opponent had a firm foothold.

Zhang Heng didn't hold back against such an enemy whose strength was unknown.

I used it when I came up, a dimensionality reduction strike weapon that is more advanced than the two-way foil.

When you are threatened, whether any dimensionality reduction weapon will have an impact on the universe is secondary.

If necessary, he would use the take-off and drop-dimensional weapon, and his decisiveness would be no worse than that of any old sixth man, even crazier!

Whether your fucking universe will be destroyed or not, as long as I don't get destroyed first, it's true.

As for the civilization that was chased out, they didn't have all the members chased it out, they were just some combat-type individuals who chased it out with ideology.

However, after feeling that the dimension of the surrounding space is rapidly beginning to drop to two dimensions, and even descending to one dimension, I am stunned!
They didn't seem to have expected that Kuntai civilization would send away such a ruthless person in advance.

They are actually only a fourth-level civilization, and they can ambush the Kuntai civilization in the universe, not because they are much stronger than the Kuntai civilization.

Instead, they were helped by the alliance behind them in advance.

With the help of an alliance, it is very simple for a level [-] civilization to destroy another level [-] civilization.

However, the dimensional technology that drops several dimensions at once is a technology that can only be possessed by civilizations above level five.

Moreover, the general fifth-level civilization still cannot produce this kind of technology that can drop several dimensions at once.

At most, you can only take out cheap dimensionality reduction weapons like the two-way foil, and drop one dimension at a time.

Those who can drop several dimensions at once, at least have developed several cycles of universe zeroing, and are already infinitely close to the sixth-level civilization, and it is possible to have such a dimensional technology.

Such ruthless dimensionality reduction, even the civilizations that have been pursued have the technology to transform themselves in a short period of time.

It is also impossible to quickly transform oneself into a two-dimensional creature, then quickly transform into a one-dimensional creature, and finally transform into a zero-dimensional creature.

Therefore, they have no solution to such a blow!

(End of this chapter)

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