Escape from the Three-Body Problem to Super God

Chapter 350 I Will Call Him Death Cheng Xin

Chapter 350 I Will Call Him Death. Cheng Xin
When Zhanxing bypassed the vortex released by the marginal civilization and gradually approached the location of the marginal civilization, the result did not exceed Zhang Heng's expectations.

Under the savage collision of the battle stars, the spaceships of the fringe civilizations have nothing to hide in an instant, revealing their true colors from the dark space.

Prior to this, although their spaceships could be observed through special methods, they were basically in a state of near-invisibility.

Just like the vortex strike weapons released by them, when their color is consistent with the dark cosmic space, they will blend with the surrounding environment.

At this moment, the spaceship exposed by the marginal civilization is not only naked in front of the battle star, Zhang Heng can also directly see it through his physical body.

This spaceship is no different from his Blackwater. Although the shell of the ship is not made of strong interaction materials, the materials used are completely comparable to the former.

This is not surprising, after all, there are still materials like silver wings in the universe known to the super gods, and it is still possible to find or synthesize materials in the universe that are also no worse than the strong interaction force.

However, even if their spaceship hulls are hard enough, they still have other defenses.

However, it is not enough to face the Battlestar Mobile Fortress that may also use the same level, or use other materials slightly higher than this level.

The battle star, which hit dozens of times the speed of light, collided with the spaceships of the marginal civilizations.

It's not enough to be smashed to pieces, their spaceship bodies are only distorted and deformed by the collision.

But that's deadly enough!

Except for the special case of super god-known universe god-making technology, most civilizations in other metaverses, including the Trisolaran metaverse, rarely put much effort into biology.

Basically, as long as it can maintain normal navigation in the universe, and its lifespan breaks through a certain upper limit, it is enough.

It would not be said that vigorously develop one's physical body, so that it can also reach the point where it can use the physical body to carry out war.

Because, that is too difficult!

Of course, there is also the environmental impact.

Most of the old sixths use long-range strikes, so they will not expose themselves easily and avoid direct contact with the enemy. Naturally, no civilization will do the opposite.

That is to say, most of the civilizations in the Trisolaran universe, no matter how powerful they are, even if their conscious bodies have become independent, their physical bodies are still relatively fragile.

It's like the current fringe civilization, which failed to destroy the battle star from an absolute distance, and was brought closer to zero by the battle star, and their spaceship couldn't hit the battle star, so what was waiting for them was left to be slaughtered.

However, after Battle Star distorted and deformed the fringe civilization's spaceship, it did not continue to make a second impact.

It seems that the civilization on the battle star also wants to capture alive those individuals on the spaceship of the marginal civilization.

Zhang Heng didn't know that the reason why Zhan Xing acted like this was Cheng Xin's heart of the Virgin.

From Cheng Xin's point of view, since the fringe civilization's spaceship has lost its combat effectiveness, those fringe civilization individuals on the spaceship are no longer a threat.

Then, one's own expulsion plan can still be carried out, and there is no need to carry out extermination.

"But, after letting them go, can we guarantee that they won't make a comeback?"

"Although the original purpose of our trip was to expel them, if they left in the first place, we would not push them to this point."

"However, we have been competing with them for so long, presumably they can roughly judge the technological strength of our civilization."

"Moreover, the technological strength we have demonstrated is not enough to scare them to the point where they dare not make a comeback."

"As long as they go back and come to a conclusion that they can defeat us, they have a reason to march here again..."

The military commander next to Cheng Xin almost lost his defense on the spot after hearing that Cheng Xin's orders had been changed from day to day!
What is this called?
Obviously, the enemy has been disabled, and there is obviously a way to solve it once and for all...

As long as the power of the marginal civilization is destroyed, the marginal mother civilization world will definitely not dare to send any power to continue without knowing it.

However, why did our Cheng Sheng's mother take this most stupid decision, which also has the most hidden dangers in the future?
Although he had seen a lot of operations like Returning Heart before, the military commander still couldn't control his defense.

The benevolent Cheng Xin, whose heart is full of so-called love, although everyone has a good sense of her in civilization, under her leadership, there will be absolutely no tyranny, tyranny...etc.

To be honest, in this human civilization in the entire universe, the happiness index of ordinary citizens is unmatched by any civilization.

After all, which civilized leader can be like Cheng Xin, who complains about ordinary citizens' life and various dissatisfaction with social welfare, and even causes riots and demonstrations.

When she deals with it, not only will she not let the government's armed forces threaten citizens at gunpoint, nor will she find excuses to cover up the government's inaction, but she will really listen and improve.

Let me ask you, who wouldn't like such a benevolent and caring civilized leader?

In the hearts of ordinary citizens, she is also the real Holy Mother, who considers everything for citizens of all walks of life.


The kindness and love of this Holy Mother is too overflowing.

It is understandable for citizens who love their own civilization, but it spreads to love other civilizations, which makes many leaders in civilizations uncomfortable!
But what can we do?

Although Cheng Xin has said more than once, if the majority of people in the civilization think that she is not doing well and hope that she will no longer lead this human civilization, she will also step down and let someone with more ability and talent take over.

However, when Cheng Xin said those words, the entire human civilization believed that she had done a good job, including their leadership, and they all expressed their reasons to continue to support her as the Holy Mother and continue to lead the civilization.

After all, human nature is selfish, and it is also determined by people's hearts that a regime turns from pure to corrupt.

People like Cheng Xin are selfless from beginning to end, and consider the people wholeheartedly.

This is not a rare problem. Looking at the entire history of human civilization, is there really such a person?
It's really hard for them to reject this kind of person to be a civilized leader.

Because, no matter which class you stand in, only Cheng Xin in the highest position can guarantee that people of every class will not be harmed.

Even if some people make big mistakes due to temporary interests, or are messed up politically, they don't have to worry about being liquidated by their own Holy Mother.

At most, even if their official positions are taken away, they can still enjoy their old age happily.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that the human civilization on Earth also longed for this kind of life during the last cycle of the universe returning to zero, expecting Cheng Xin to become the leader of human civilization after becoming the sword bearer.

In this way, the benevolent and loving Virgin will always satisfy their demands, and their lives will become better!
"What you said makes sense, but I still hope to give them a chance."

"The reason why this universe has become so extreme is precisely because of the existence of suspicion chains. If we destroy them today because of suspicion, we can destroy other civilizations because of suspicion tomorrow."

"It's not what I want, and it goes against the beautiful vision that our civilization has always aspired to."

"It is true that the status quo of this universe cannot be changed, but if we can't start from ourselves, how can we talk about longing for it to become a reality?"

Although she makes some people feel hateful, she is really a pure person, so pure that people love and hate her at the same time.

Now that she has accepted the various lives brought about by her Heart of Mary, she must also bear the risks brought about by her Heart of Mary.

So, the military commander next to her could only give in and compromise: "It's okay to let them go, but not now."

"I hope you will allow us to "invite" them to our battle star for a period of time, until we feel that they are not a threat to release them, before releasing them."

This is a good compromise, neither violates Cheng Xin's overwhelmed Virgin Mary heart, nor violates the military commander's worries.

The so-called "please", food and drink are served, and their human civilization is equivalent to imprisoning these individuals of marginal civilization forever.

When they are non-threatening is entirely up to human civilization to decide.

Everyone likes to make compromises, especially someone like Cheng Xin who is not tough.

After hearing what the military commander said, she nodded: "Yes."

So, this matter was decided.

The order was also conveyed very quickly, and in an instant, the deformed spaceship of the marginal civilization was captured on the surface by the battle star of human civilization.

Although the spaceship of the marginal civilization is also very large, it is even more than twice the size of Angel Yan's Tianren No. [-].

However, the battle star has a larger area, and it doesn't look like it was transformed from a planet at all.

There is a high probability that the cores and materials of multiple planets were collected to assemble this super war star.

When the spacecraft of the marginal civilization is captured by the battle star and falls to the ground, the spacecraft that has lost most of its power will have no possibility of escaping.

The battle star, which is composed of multiple planetary materials, has its own triggers that cannot be shaken off by ordinary power.

At least, not nuclear power.

The moment the fringe civilization spacecraft landed, the human civilization on Battle Star also opened an entrance to the underground world.

First, a large number of armed personnel opened the way, carrying various individual combat weapons, all aimed at the spaceships of marginal civilizations.

Although these weapons are not suitable for combat in space, they can still play a good role on the surface of the planet, or on the spacecraft of one's own or the enemy.

Afterwards, these human armed personnel shouted to the interior of the spacecraft in the universal language of the universe.

The content of the call is naturally to persuade the other party to come out of the spaceship and surrender, otherwise they will be killed.

And Zhang Heng, who was still hiding not far away, witnessed the end of the battle between the battle star of the unknown civilization and the power of the marginal civilization, and the vortex strike weapon of the marginal civilization disappeared with the loss of control of the spaceship.

He also began to prepare to enter the role of a fisherman.

The civilization on the battle star did not choose to directly destroy the power of the marginal civilization, which is undoubtedly very good news for him.

It also means that as long as he takes down the unknown civilization on the battle star, he will not violate the original plan to capture these forces of the marginal civilization.

However, this unknown civilization on Battlestar doesn't seem to be easy to mess with!
Apart from the invincible technology of the small universe, it is not known whether there are other black technologies.

If he wants to attack by force, it may not be easy.

After thinking about it again and again, Zhang Heng gave up the idea of ​​a strong attack and planned to try the black technology he had obtained from Nirag.

Nirag is a member of the Star Alliance, so the black technology it knows must also be related to their "natural skills".

That's right, Zhang Heng referred to the Star Alliance's innate ability to control various celestial bodies as their innate skills.

Except for their willingness to teach this kind of innate skill, no civilization can independently develop it.

Even if they were willing to teach, Zhang Heng also learned, but he still couldn't really be as proficient as them.

At this moment, Zhang Heng is planning to use the Star Alliance's unique technology that can control all celestial bodies to invade the battle star of an unknown civilization in front of him.

The complexity of the battle star is different from that of the spaceship, but it is no longer a data virus, or it can be invaded casually by letting Maya and Ita act as viruses.

If you want to move a huge celestial body, it is impossible to automate it all. Some settings that must be done manually are enough to make data intrusion impossible.

Therefore, after wanting to invade a battle star, it is necessary to completely control the battle star. The Star Alliance's black technology is the most likely to do so.

After all, their conscious bodies can even control the stars, making the stars roam freely in the universe like long legs like their own bodies.

Just do what he said, Zhang Heng's conscious body quickly approached the battle star, intending to make it his own body.

However, when the consciousness descended to the surface of the battle star and saw the humans standing on the fringe civilized spaceship with full armor, Zhang Heng suddenly stopped!
Why is it human again?

Why is the Trisolaran universe full of human beings?
This is the second human civilization he has encountered besides the solar system, and one is stronger than the other!
When did human beings go against the sky?
After being stunned for a while, wondering whether this branch of human civilization came out of nowhere, Zhang Heng's consciousness continued to explore the depths of the earth's surface, trying to control this battle star and at the same time looking for answers.

When he saw that familiar face in the underground world, he instantly understood everything!
Cheng Xin, it was actually Cheng Xin...

This, he would like to call Cheng Xin the god of death...

(End of this chapter)

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