Escape from the Three-Body Problem to Super God

Chapter 362 Exploring the Truth of the Universe

Chapter 362 Exploring the Truth of the Universe
"For the victory of the war, do you have to pay such a price?"

Cheng Xin had a hard time imagining what it would be like to live in a space lowered by one dimension.

In two-dimensional space, everything in the world looks like just a few line segments of different lengths. Is it really possible for people who have lived in the three-dimensional world to live in a piece of thin paper without thickness?

Of course, life in three-dimensional space is also unimaginable to people in the four-dimensional world.

In fact, it's not just Cheng Xin who can't imagine that kind of life, even Liang Bing, who has the experience of two universes, still can't imagine it!
But Guan Yifan's answer was very simple: "It's better than death."

Ignoring Cheng Xin and Liang Bing's shock, Guan Yifan continued: "The speed of light is also a regular weapon that is frequently used, but building a light tomb for yourself or the black domain you mentioned is not one of them, it's just a way for us weak bugs to save our lives , the gods disdain this."

"In war, black holes with low speed of light can be created to seal the enemy inside; but they are mostly used for defense, as walls and traps."

"Some low-light-speed belts are so large that they traverse the entire spiral arm of the galaxy. In the densely packed stars, a large number of low-light-speed black holes merge into one."

"Spanning tens of millions of light-years, it is the Great Wall of the Stars. No matter how powerful the fleet is once trapped, it will never come out. This is an obstacle that is difficult to overcome."

When he heard Guan Yifan use "Gods" once, Liang Bing also had a strange emotion in his heart.

In comparison, those gods who once knew the universe are really ridiculous!

"What will happen if this continues?"

Cheng Xin asked.

"As a result of the dimensional attack, the proportion of two-dimensional space in the universe is gradually increasing, and will eventually exceed three-dimensional space. One day, the third macroscopic dimension will completely disappear, and the universe will become two-dimensional."

"As for light-speed attack and defense, the low-light-speed areas will continue to increase, and these areas will eventually be integrated in the diffusion, and the different slow light speeds among them will be balanced to the same value. This value is the new C value of the universe."

"At that time, science in its infancy like ours would think that the speed of light in a vacuum of more than ten kilometers per second is an iron-like cosmological constant, just like our current 30 kilometers per second."

"Of course, these are just two examples. There are other laws of the universe that are used as weapons, but so far we don't know which ones. It is likely that all laws can be weaponized. Somewhere in the universe Part of it, the law of being used as a weapon may even include...Of course this is just a wild guess, it’s too mysterious, and I don’t believe it.”

"What is included?"

Liang Bing also asked.

"The laws of mathematics."

Guan Yifan replied.

"This is also... too crazy!"

The two of them exhausted their imaginations, but they still couldn't grasp this incredible scene, even.It's hard to even grab a corner

"Will the universe become a war ruin?"

Cheng Xin asked again, but quickly thought of a more accurate expression: "Or, will the laws of nature become the ruins of war?"

"Probably already... Now, physics and cosmology in the new world are just doing one thing, trying to restore the original order of nature before the war."

Guan Yifan replied: "Moreover, there is already a relatively clear theoretical model to describe the universe that has not been changed by the war.

"It was a beautiful pastoral age. That era, more than 100 billion years ago, is called the pastoral age of the universe."

"Of course, that kind of beauty can only be described by mathematics. It is impossible for us to imagine the universe at that time, not only because we have not experienced it, but also because our brains do not have enough dimensions."

Guan Yifan continued: "The universe in the Pastoral Age is not only four-dimensional, but ten-dimensional."

"The speed of light in a vacuum at that time was not much higher than it is now, but close to infinity. The light at that time was acting at a distance and could travel from one end of the universe to the other within one Planck time... If you have been there In the four-dimensional space, you will know how wonderful the ten-dimensional universe pastoral is.”

"What I said, you can listen to it as a story. I only saw a little bit of the truth, and the rest are guesses. You can just take it as guesses, a made-up dark myth. story……"

Speaking of this, Guan Yifan fell silent.

But he said so much and said it so truthfully, Cheng Xin and Liang Bing were already stupefied, so how could he treat what he said today as a nonsense fairy tale? ?

"So, can it be understood that in the war era after the pastoral era, one dimension after another was imprisoned from the macro to the micro, and the speed of light slowed down step by step..."

Liang Bing also quickly thought of the crux of the problem.

Is this the truth of this universe?
When dimensions above four dimensions still exist, can the level that can exceed the speed of light be comparable to the known universe of super gods?
It’s just that now only the broken three-dimensional is left, and the speed of light is so difficult to enjoy. Even in areas that have been reduced in dimension, or areas covered by dead lines and black areas, the so-called curvature technology no longer has any effect.

"As I said, it's all speculation." Guan Yifan didn't answer as carefully as before, and his voice gradually lowered: "No one knows whether the truth is darker than speculation... But one thing is certain. Yes, the universe is dying."

At this time, the acceleration of the spacecraft stopped, and it seemed that it had reached its destination.

"Okay, ladies, we're almost there."

Guan Yifan took the lead in getting up from the cabin where his body was fixed.

But Cheng Xin and Liang Bing acted as if they hadn't heard his words, they were still immersed in what he said before, or in a daze!
"Maybe, I shouldn't be talking to you guys!"

At this moment, Guan Yifan suddenly felt apologetic in his heart.

"Sooner or later I shall know."

Only then did Cheng Xin raise her head, but her voice was still very soft.

"I'll say it again, it's all speculation, there is no real scientific proof, don't think so much, just focus on the life in front of you."

Guan Yifan shook his head helplessly: "Even if the things I said are true, they are all based on a time unit of hundreds of millions of years."

"You go to our world, and that will be your world too, and live the life you want to live there."

"Don't jump over time so much, as long as you limit your life to 10 years and the scope of your life to [-] light-years, those things have nothing to do with you."

"10 years, [-] light years, is that enough?"

A life time of 10 years and a range of activities of one thousand light years are indeed enough.

"Thank you!"

The two thanked Guan Yifan again.

"Can your lightspeed ship produce a dead line?"

Seeing that the spaceship Guan Yifan was driving had dropped below the speed of light, Liang Bing asked curiously.

A curvature spacecraft with normal power is not possible, at least not the one she and Cheng Xin piloted before.

That spaceship was actually developed by herself.

However, no matter how much she invested in research, she couldn't upgrade the curvature engine on that spaceship to travel at more than twice the speed of light.

Now, seeing that the spaceship that Guan Yifan is driving seems to be traveling faster than the speed of light, she also wants to find out the opponent's technology.

But Guan Yifan's answer disappointed Liang Bing: "It is far from possible."

After all, if this spaceship could produce a dead line, he wouldn't dare to stop flying at superluminal speed so close to his world.

"Then have you seen a curvature spaceship that can produce a dead line before?"

Liang Bing asked again.

"I haven't seen it, but I have seen the dead line left behind."

Guan Yifan replied: "We believe that the dead line is generally made by those who return to zero."

"Return to zero?"

Hearing this, Liang Bing repeated the words that seemed to be somewhat familiar to him, but seemed very strange.

"Also called restarters, it may be a group of intelligent individuals, or it may be a civilization, or several civilizations. We don't know, but their existence has been confirmed."

Guan Yifan continued: "Return to Zero wants to restart the universe and return to the pastoral era."

"How do they do it?"

Ice was surprised!
Isn't this too appalling?

I thought what Guan Yifan said before, that the "gods" of this universe use dimensions to attack is outrageous enough!
Unexpectedly, there is something even more outrageous, that the universe can be restarted?

"According to our guess, turn the hour hand past twelve o'clock..."

Guan Yifan replied: "For example, in the dimension of space, it is almost impossible to pull a universe that has fallen into a lower dimension back to a higher dimension."

"But work in the other direction, reduce the universe to zero dimension, and then continue to reduce the dimension."

"In this way, it is possible to return to the original from the zero direction, and return the macroscopic dimension of the universe to the tenth dimension."

But this is just their conjecture. Perhaps the method of restarting by the zero-returner will be simpler and more rude.

"Zero-dimensional? Have you ever seen zero-dimensional space?"

"No, just like you, I have only seen two-dimensional, not even one-dimensional."

Guan Yifan shook his head: "But in some places there must be zero-returners doing it, and no one knows if it has been successful."

"Comparatively speaking, it is easier to reduce the speed of light to zero, and they have done more, trying to dial the speed of light to zero and reproduce the infinite speed of light."

"Is it possible, theoretically?"

Liang Bing still couldn't believe it.

After all, it is simply unbelievable for a civilization, or a group of life that also relies on the universe to exist, to want to influence the universe with its own power.

That is to say, even if the person who returns to zero restarts the universe, it may be the so-called laws of the universe, or the laws of mathematics.

"I don't know yet, maybe the theory of the zeroer thinks it is possible."

"However, it seems impossible to me. For example, zero speed of light is an impenetrable wall. Zero speed of light is the absolute death of all existence, which means that there is no longer any movement."

"In this state, it is impossible for the subjective to have any effect on the objective. How can it be possible to move the 'hour hand' forward? What the zero-returner is doing is more like a religion, a performance art."

Guan Yifan replied with uncertainty.

Perhaps, the Zeroer really has other ways to restart the universe.

His current speculation about the zero-returner is like a farmer thinking that the emperor will plow the land with a golden hoe, using his own cognition to measure the existence that he cannot understand.

"The universe is rich and colorful, and there are all kinds of "people" or worlds."

Guan Yifan continued: "There are idealists like Zero, there are pacifists, there are philanthropists, and there are civilizations that only focus on art and beauty, but they are not the mainstream, and they cannot lead the direction of the universe."

"Just like the human world."

"However, for the zeroers, their work will ultimately be done by the universe itself."

"You mean the end of the universe?"

Liang Bing asked again.


"But as far as I know, the universe will continue to expand forever, becoming thinner and colder."

At this moment, Cheng Xin couldn't help but interjected.

"That's your cosmology, and we overturned that conclusion."

Guan Yifan chuckled: "The amount of dark matter has been underestimated, the universe will stop expanding, then collapse under its own gravity, and finally become a singularity and explode again, bringing everything back to zero."

"So, the ultimate winner is nature..."

The only thing that can exist forever is nature!

"Is the new universe ten-dimensional?"

At this time, Liang Bing looked at the dark space outside through the observation port inside the spacecraft.

"It's impossible to know, there are endless possibilities, after all, it's a brand new universe, a brand new life."

Guan Yifan also looked at the space outside, and at the same time his eyes became as deep as the universe.

"Hearing you mention the zero-returner, I suddenly remembered that I once met an "inspirer."

"I don't know, have you heard of this enlightener?"

Liang Bing asked again.

She asked Guan Yifan before if he knew Zhang Heng, but Guan Yifan said he didn't know.

Now she felt that maybe the way she asked was wrong.

When the universe was known, Zhang Heng was called "the enlightener" by people later on, so is it possible that Zhang Heng in this world has also started to use this title?

"The enlightener?"

Feeling that Liang Bing's words were intended, it seemed that he meant to compare the zero-returner with the enlightener, and now it was Guan Yifan's turn to make a difference: "Can you explain in detail?"

As for Liang Bing's words, he does not doubt that there are falsehoods, the universe is really too big, and everything they know does not mean that the universe has everything.

" should I put it..."

Seeing Guan Yifan asked him to introduce the enlightener in detail, Liang Bing didn't know whether he should talk about it for a while.

After all, when the universe was known, compared with the angels, she had too little contact with Zhang Heng, and it was not even an acquaintance at all.

If she really wanted to say something, she could only say this: "If this universe is really going to end one day, and the reset plan of the Zero Returner is really feasible, a new universe will be born at that time..."

"Then, I am absolutely sure that this enlightener can exist until then."

"That is to say, if we can find this enlightener, or learn what method he used to avoid the impact of man-made and natural disasters in the universe, then we can, like him, enter the new universe. Life……"

Liang Bing was very sure.

Because, in her opinion, since this universe is the universe Zhang Heng once stayed in, Zhang Heng appeared in the known universe later.

Then, it means that the result has been decided, and Zhang Heng must have a way to avoid all disasters.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain how Zhang Heng escaped to the known universe.

"It's unrealistic!"

Hearing this, Guan Yifan shook his head.

The ghost knows what kind of existence he or it is, and where does it exist?
Even if it can be found, why can human beings get a way to go to the new universe from him?

"No, it's still possible..."

But Liang Bing did not agree with Guan Yifan's idea this time, and continued: "Because, this enlightener is human just like us..."

(End of this chapter)

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