Escape from the Three-Body Problem to Super God

Chapter 84 The Will of the God of Enlightenment

Chapter 84 The Will of the God of Enlightenment

Morgana snorted unluckily. According to Earth Huaxia, she must have never read the almanac when she went out today.

First, he finally found traces of the enemy, but he was powerless after being aroused by anger; then, a disgusting and annoying guy who disappeared for thousands of years, unexpectedly appeared!
Moreover, Hua Ye was clearly targeting her, so Morgana could only bite the bullet and fight the other party.

Hua Ye, two talented Tianzha, and Ruoning.

She didn't want to expose her identity as a demon in front of Qiangwei too early. Faced with an extra fight, she couldn't display most of her strength, and was soon trapped by the space-time cage used by Ruoning.

After that, you don't need to mention it.

In the end, Wei Laoqi died in battle and was transformed into a low-level demon by Morgana.

After Hua Ye realized that it was not so easy to take down Morgana, he had no choice but to retreat temporarily and came to Karl's side.

Zhang Heng has already reminded Yan, since Yan is not planning to enter the Milky Way at this time, there is no need for him to intervene.

He continued to immerse himself in his own research, using the dark plane to build a material energy conversion collection device, which has already begun.

Things outside, let's wait and brew slowly.

He has already completed all the bureaus that should be laid out.

Angel has temporarily unified the front with him, Lie Yang has Lena, even if he does not support him, he will not help Karl to find him unhappy.

Although the Earth's heroic company is not very powerful at present, it will not be inferior to the Lieyang civilization when it grows up.

Stopping the fierce tide this time and helping them destroy a large gluttonous fleet is also a very big kindness.

If he has a mission in the future, other people don't know about it, and Qilin doesn't need to say more. As the main god of the earth civilization with the power of the galaxy and the name, Ge Xiaolun must also remember him.

These are relatively long-term layouts, and it is impossible for the war to end so quickly.

The angels felt that the war would last for tens of thousands of years before it ended.

Zhang Heng felt that they were still too optimistic. They summed up their judgments from the previous war with the demons, thinking that they were only facing demons.

But they didn't know that they were actually facing Hua Ye and Karl.

Carl's endless methods behind him can strengthen Hua Ye to an outrageous level by giving Hua Ye a mere one.

As long as Carl is not killed, the war will never end.

It was precisely because of this that although Zhang Heng could easily crush Hua Ye to death, he was too lazy to talk to Hua Ye who was pretending to be aggressive on Earth at the moment.

Without Hua Ye, there must be something else.

But they are just test subjects for Karl to experiment with various new things, and pawns on the bright side.

This person could be Hua Ye, or someone else.


Sniff here.

With Zhang Heng's will, he came again to one of the designated planets.

This is an unnamed planet, roughly located in the river system next to Lieyang civilization.

A civilization that is still in the age of cold weapons, if it has not been patronized by the so-called gods in the past.

For the cognition of the universe, there must be no specific concept.

It is even impossible for them to know the size of the planet they live on.

Therefore, they naturally would not have the idea of ​​naming the planet they live on.

At most, it is to name your own country and the surrounding countries.

Of course, they still have the concept of the sun and the moon.

This planet does not have a name, and Zhang Heng is too lazy to bother about such trivial matters, so Snyf has no choice but to give this planet a name, so that he can call it conveniently in the future.

The name is called "Big Moon Star".

It is also appropriate, because the moon seen on this planet is indeed very large.

The moon that Sniff saw on the big moon star was more than twice as big as that seen on Frazer.

The situation of Da Yuexing is also dominated by the Shenhe body, which is similar to the situation of Frazer in the early stage. Various countries, large and small, stand in the habitable zone of the planet.

One of the largest countries is called "Vilia", which is located on the equator of the great moon star.

This is the place with the best climate on the entire planet. Animals and plants grow faster and bigger than other places, and the product resources are relatively richer.

The country of Vilia, Sneef visited once last time when he came, and this time he is more familiar with it.

"Old king, how did you think about what I mentioned to you last time?"

Sneeff went directly to King Velia's bedroom and asked

The king of Vilia was already very old, he was trembling and supported by his servants, and he was almost terrified by Sneef who appeared directly.

King Vilia tried his best to smooth his chest, and then he was relieved.

After seeing Sneff clearly, he replied tremblingly excitedly: "My lord envoy, why did you come here? Think about it, Xiao Wang has already thought about it."

Last time, Sneef also appeared directly in front of him like this, and claimed to be a messenger sent by the "God of Enlightenment".

Without any explanation, he showed various divine powers in front of him, and asked him if he wanted to believe in the God of Enlightenment.

As long as you obey the will of the god of enlightenment, you can gain divine power and live long, even eternal life.

Divine power or something is not very important, but the word "longevity" made him feel excited.

For a man like him who is getting old and may die at any time, there is nothing more attractive than the temptation of longevity.

At that time, he almost agreed directly.

It's a pity that this envoy left too quickly, and after asking, he only left one sentence: "You should think about it carefully, and come back to find you later."

Then, this went by for a few months, and only now has it finally reappeared.

If this envoy never appeared again, he would start to wonder if he was hallucinating because of his old age.

Now that he was able to see this envoy again, he didn't dare to hesitate any longer, and he immediately agreed.

As for the price to be paid for enshrining the god of enlightenment, in his opinion, it is nothing more than building temples, erecting statues of gods, and then spreading beliefs to subjects.

Immediately, he led Snyf to his palace hall, and the important ministers of the national center were also summoned here.

The aged king changed his usual drowsy demeanor when discussing affairs, and began to introduce to the ministers energetically, saying: "This is an envoy from outside the sky, the oracle of the enlightened god, Come to guide us... Uh, my lord envoy, why are you here to guide us?"

Speaking of this, the aged king forgot his words, and looked at Sneef aside in embarrassment.

Hearing this, Sneeff's face darkened, but he still reminded him: "Guide you to progress."

"Ah yes, inspired by the oracle of the god of enlightenment, to guide our progress..."

The king also remembered, and then continued.

(End of this chapter)

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