Kidnapped by the Temple of Time and Space at the beginning

Chapter 692 Exploration, first traces appear

Chapter 692 Exploration, first traces appear

"Is this the Land of the Ethereal?"

Zhou Zheng was observing his surroundings, and he came to a place that looked like a "tunnel". However, what formed this tunnel was not any material, but the endless power of Chaotic Source.

These chaotic sources of power are distorted by invisible forces into countless vortexes, and these vortexes shroud the surroundings, forming this complete "tunnel".

Zhou Zheng looked at it at a glance and found that the vortex here is endless. Often, there are many small vortexes wrapped in a large vortex, and there are infinitely smaller vortexes within the small vortex.

"Time and space, there are many time and space in each vortex!" Zhou Zheng's eyes narrowed, and he immediately discovered the abnormality in these vortexes.

Endless power surged, and pieces of time and space were constantly born and destroyed like bubbles.

But in the many fragile time and space, there are also pieces of extremely stable time and space, which will always stand firm in the tearing of the vortex formed by endless forces.

"This time and space can actually stand in the power of Chaotic Source?" Zhou Zheng was surprised, how terrible is the power of Chaotic Source?Ordinary cosmic gods don't dare to touch too much, but these time and space stand in the vortex of chaotic source force that is frantically torn apart, which is of course unusual.

However, after careful perception, Zhou Zheng soon vaguely understood.

"These most stable time and space exist in the largest vortex. The reason why they are stable is also nourished by the constant birth and destruction of time and space in the smaller vortexes."

"What a mysterious structure."

Zhou Zheng pondered for a while, he chose a piece of time and space arbitrarily, and put his gaze into it.

The world-class chaotic source, if you really have to observe it carefully, the scope is so wide that it is unbelievable, far beyond what a source world can describe.

But this piece of time and space is quite vast, and Zhou Zheng's eyes are devoted to it, and he can't even see the end at a glance.

But just one glance was enough to surprise Zhou Zheng.

This piece of time and space is not only vast and boundless, but also the flow of time is very fast, estimated to be ten trillion times that of the endless chaotic source space.

In addition, in this time and space, there are a large number of worlds. Although these worlds are far less vast than the source world, a large number of lives are also bred in each world. These lives are strong and weak. However, the strongest It's only at the level of ordinary gods, so it's not worth mentioning.

"Time flow is so fast?" Zhou Zheng pondered in his heart.

Fast time flow is actually nothing special. After Zhou Zheng takes control of the source world, if he wants, he can deliberately make the time flow of a certain time and space in the source world extremely fast.

But such a large piece of time and space, maintaining such a fast time flow without any traces, is a bit surprising.

After that, Zhou Zheng observed other stable time-spaces. These time-space structures are different, some are vast and boundless, composed of worlds, some are supported by countless parallel worlds, and some are oceans of the universe.
Although these time and space have many differences, they also have some similarities.

For example, the speed of time in each space-time is astonishingly fast, and the life races living in each space-time are similar
The most important thing is that Zhou Zheng discovered that the creatures in every time and space here generally believe in the same great existence-the Meteor.

"The Meteorite? It is estimated that it has a close relationship with this ethereal land!" Zhou Zheng secretly remembered the name in his heart, but he didn't think much about it.

"Let's explore this place first!"

This thought flashed through Zhou Zheng's mind. He didn't know whether this place was dangerous or safe. He also didn't know what existed here. Naturally, he had to check it out first.

Zhou Zheng made an avatar and tried to go towards the vortex on one side.

After the avatar plunged into those vortexes, it immediately felt a terrifying tearing force.

The avatar tried its best to use all force-relieving techniques to resist, but after going a little deeper, it was torn into pieces.

"If you want to cross this vortex, you must at least have the strength of a world-class Hunyuan!" Zhou Zheng immediately understood, he did not hesitate, and the deity quickly entered it.

After enduring a lot of tearing force, Zhou Zheng suddenly came to the other side of the vortex.

What surprised Zhou Zheng was that on the other side of the vortex, there was also a tunnel, which was also composed of similar vortexes.

After that, Zhou Zheng passed through one after another vortex, but without exception, all the tunnels in front of him were tunnels.

"It seems that this imaginary land is astonishingly large!" Zhou Zheng pondered in his heart, instead of trying to pass through the vortex, he started to advance along those tunnels.

Time is passing, and in a blink of an eye, more than a hundred thousand years have passed since Zhou Zheng entered the void.

Although it was only a short 10 years, Zhou Zheng gained a lot. He walked along these tunnels and discovered many strange places along the way. These places often contain some mysteries of chaotic origin time and space.

No matter where this void spirit land is, it is absolutely correct to say that it has a huge relationship with Chaotic Origin Time and Space.

On this day 10 years later, Zhou Zheng continued to advance rapidly along the tunnel, and suddenly, as if he had sensed something, he stopped suddenly.

Zhou Zheng stood on the spot and felt it quietly, and at the same moment, a strange eye hidden in the time and space on the surface of the vortex next to him was also looking at Zhou Zheng.

And the moment Zhou Zheng stopped, a trace of panic flashed across his eyes.

"Oops, did he notice it?"

This thought flashed in the owner of the eyes, and the next moment, a silver-white light suddenly pierced through this piece of time and space.

The vast power instantly obliterated that eye.

However, this power did not intend to destroy the eye, but wanted to capture it.

Under Zhou Zheng's terrifying power, the strange eyes had no resistance at all, and they fell into Zhou Zheng's hands in an instant.

"Sure enough, there is something." Zhou Zheng looked at the strange eyes in his hand. At this time, its internal power had become chaotic, and it was obvious that its owner had given up on it.

"It seems that this ethereal land is not that simple!"

Zhou Zheng sighed in his heart. In fact, this was also within his expectations. In such a large mysterious place, it is impossible for him to be the only Chaotic Source Being. It is normal for other beings to exist.

They just don't know whether these Chaotic Source beings are enemies or friends.

While Zhou Zheng was thinking about it, in another passage in the Ethereal Land, a huge life with a head occupying [-]% of his body, with countless eyes on his head, met three other equally huge beings.

"God's Eye, tell me, have other beings entered here?" The three huge beings asked in a low voice.

"Not only yes, but also, if I'm not mistaken, it should be a cultivator." The Hunyuan life with countless eyes on his body said:

"And its strength is probably not weak, I am afraid it is a world-class Chaotic Source late stage or even perfect."

"The ancestor of Shenjun asked us to help. He had already ordered that no matter who came, he must die!"

The three huge beings said: "The three of us go to find out first, even if he is a world-class perfection, the three of us will join forces and have no fear!"

"it is good!"

The gigantic being with countless eyes nodded slightly, his mission was just to monitor, so naturally he didn't need to do anything.

(End of this chapter)

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