Global Cards: I Create Oriental Mythology Card Group

Chapter 135 [Bai Wuchang Upgrade], [One-legged Gazelle Old Daoist] and [Bicui Chapter 9 Bone Bamboo]

Chapter 135 [White Impermanence Upgrade], [One-legged Gazelle Old Daoist] and [Bicui Nine-section Bone Bamboo]


The overwhelming chains were like a mountain torrent, wrapped in a monstrous momentum and strong yin energy, and smashed directly at the old Taoist ghost.

The tiles that were about to be weathered, the cracked bluestone floor tiles, and the surrounding mottled walls were all overturned by the huge air waves.

Seeing this, the old Taoist ghost flickered, took a step first, then dragged another step, and quickly dodged in a small space with an extremely weird posture.

Under this lame dragging, almost slow footwork, Qi Ye's invincible chain warfare in the past did not knock it down with a single blow.


Seeing this, Ji Nian couldn't help frowning slightly.

Until this moment, he finally understood what Weiya and the others meant by "resource scarcity".

——These dark creatures will receive some kind of special blessing in the big scene, and their combat effectiveness and battery life will be greatly improved.

Let’s just say that this lame old man was almost hit by chains several times just now, but with the blessing of some kind of "energy", he escaped narrowly and narrowly.

And this kind of energy pervades the heaven and earth, which can be felt by the calendar year, but cannot be captured.

The lame veteran can use it at any time, and use it to cast Yin Qi spells one by one:

I saw a black smoke passing by, and first five little ghosts with purple and green faces, monkey-like baby's body, red eyes, and drooling mouths flew straight towards Qiye's head, legs and arms.

Immediately afterwards, two more giant ghosts with yellow scarves covering their faces, wearing paper armor, about four or five meters high, and as majestic as a wall were holding copper hammers with muskmelon and black cold steel chains as thick as human thighs. Come rushing.

The dilapidated Taoist temple that was overthrown by Qi Ye's attack Yu Wei also gathered again at this time.

The wall is covered with tiles as shoulders, floor tiles and sundries are intertwined, and another stone head sculpture with disheveled hair and closed eyes sprang out of the ruins and landed on the neck made of rusted copper incense burner. It fits perfectly.

As the monstrous yin energy poured into his body, the giant made of ruins and sundries slowly opened his eyes, pulled the big tree aside, and smashed down his head and face.

At the same time, the hand of the lame old man made a claw shape again, condensed a mass of cloudy air, and threw it forward. The hook, kidnapper, bone nail and other hidden weapons full of dead energy were like celestial maidens scattering flowers, and they went straight to Ji Nian and the two. The face of a little girl.

It's nothing.

The most unbelievable thing was that it got a greasy wooden barrel from nowhere, dragged it limpingly, and threw it at Qi Ye viciously.

What was poured out turned out to be a mixture of black dog blood, boy urine and other filth that in folklore have the effect of exorcising evil spirits and destroying gods.

Things that ordinary evil spirits can't avoid, but it can be used as a killer without any pressure.

Needless to say, this veteran ghost is much stronger than the ghosts that Ji Nian has seen before, whether it is intellect, strength, or determination to break the boat.

In addition, he is in Dajing Tiandi at the moment, and he has received some special blessings, and he often does unexpected things. It can be said that he is a very tricky character.


In the face of such "dangerous situations", Ji Nian is happy.

At the beginning of the journey, encountering the Roshan treachery and the invasion of the secret realm was too thrilling, and every time I thought about it, there was only fear and excitement, and the experience was not good;

And after the training later, whether it's a "sudden surprise" or a game to catch ghosts, it's all a blow to dimensionality reduction. It's cool, but it's not very exciting:

It's good now, the other party will not threaten his life, and he has a solid foundation, how can there be such a good whetstone in the world?
"Come on, the more you struggle, the more excited I get."

Ji Nian thought to himself, Jie Jie smiled, and grabbed the slightly thin shoulders of Guoshan Ghost, and with her help, quickly gave birth to a "clover".

That is, the fan plant in "Plants vs. Zombies" that can blow away dense fog, balloon zombies, seagull zombies, etc. together.

Ji Nian originally planned to use this thing to deal with the heavy fog, but today there is only mist that does not affect the battle.

"Then use it against this old sixth who is good at using hidden weapons."

As Ji Nianxin said, he poured spiritual power into Clover's body.

In the next moment, its body was quickly propped up like a doll pumping up air, and the three blades spun rapidly.

The resulting strong wind blows back the flying imp, the hidden weapon, the urine of the boy, and the blood of the black dog in just an instant.

All this seems to be very slow under the quick thinking brought by spiritual power, but in fact, in the blink of an eye, the veteran ghost was caught off guard, and his head and face were drenched by his own things.


It wailed, covering its face and head with its fingers that were as old and withered as ten branches.

But how could such an offensive be resisted? After a while, he was even more embarrassed than before.


A few seconds later, it breathed out Yin Qi, and a lot of filth dripped down the gray hair, but it didn't cover the pair of white-less, sinister eyes.

"Ho! Ha!"

It roared like a beast from its throat, raised its long flag, and signaled the Yellow Tissue Armored Soldiers and the giants made up of the ruins of the Taoist temple to attack.

In an instant, the shiny black steel chains were spinning like a dragon, and Qi Ye stretched out a pale and slender hand to block his way.

The huge disparity makes people worry about whether Qi Ye can successfully block the overwhelming offensive.

Facts have proved that such worries are unnecessary.

Seeing Qi Ye stretching out his hand brazenly, grabbing the chain with every ring as thick as a waist, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

He already had a thin and tall body of just over 1.9 meters, but in the blink of an eye, it grew to more than three meters long. As if thinking that this was not enough, he slowly raised a hand, and the yin energy around the world was like a flood. It rushed into his divine body.

After a while, it grew to a height of more than [-] meters.

After briefly moving his gigantic body, he snatched the chain from the Yellow Tissue Armored Soldier's hand and, like spinning a spinning top, beat the two four- to five-meter-tall "dwarfs" in place.

Seeing this situation, the mountain ghost instantly burst into a smile and clapped his hands.

Yingtai looked at the right time, raised her hand and sent out a violent and domineering death contingent, which went straight to the old man's eyebrows, shoulders, knees, and hands and feet.

The mountain ghost stared blankly at this scene, then slowly raised a white and delicate hand.

The next moment, I saw flocks of birds flying in the air, aiming at the old Taoist ghost's head, swooping down like a bomber, and the "bombs" were dropped one after another, accurately.

Obviously, compared to Jiao Didi's support, Xiao Shangui is more like a sixth child who likes to mess with people's mentality.

Her move may not be useful against ordinary ghosts.

But for a veteran ghost with good spirituality, it is an intolerable shame and humiliation.

It was at this moment that he lost his mind, and Yingtai seized the opportunity directly, and the arrow flew out, like a stinging bee, straight to the elbow.

The next moment, the black blood formed by Yin Qi was flowing, and the long streamer made of wooden sticks and tattered yellow cloth was also thrown out.

He was firmly caught by the mountain ghost again.

"Da da!"

The mountain ghost trotted all the way, holding a stick in one hand, moving like Chang Shan Zhao Zilong, he raised his stick and hit the old Taoist hard.

It's just that the operation is as fierce as a tiger, and the damage is [-] at first glance.

The veteran ghost is indeed the most special kind of ghost that Ji Nian has ever seen. After several heavy blows, he did not fall down after shaking for a while.

He just looked at the mountain ghost with cold eyes, and hid a hand that was corroded by the blood of the black dog behind him. He raised his hand and summoned a bamboo stick from the ruins.

The bamboo body exudes a green light, and in the blink of an eye, it restores its injured arm to its original shape.


After recovering from his injuries, the old Taoist turned around and returned to his staff, and beat him head-on and face-to-face.

The mountain ghost dodged sideways, raising her arms slightly, like a dancer lifting up her skirt, and the moment she turned around, a ferocious white-fronted worm with hanging eyes rushed from the void.

Yingtai also came over at this time, raised her hand and patted Xia Shangui on the shoulder, motioning for her to protect Ji Nian, while she brazenly drew her sword.

Block left and block right, flip up and down.

Yin Qi tore the sky, and there was no way to stop it.

The bamboo stick in the hands of the old Taoist ghost is not a mortal thing.

Her scholar's sword is not covered either.

I saw the cover of the blood mist, tied to the hilt of the sword [Fantasy Red Yarn] in half.

This hallucinatory equipment obtained during the attack on the Gu family's old house can make people dizzy and dazzled even when facing non-married or married units.

"Boom! Clang! Clang!"

The sound of striking iron came one after another. With the support of the mountain ghost, Yingtai was extremely brave, and his body was covered with golden ancient characters, and every blow could knock the veteran ghost back.

Moreover, Ji Nian also found that she seemed to have learned some fighting methods in the game for skill connection, which was called silky smooth, smooth, and beautiful, and quickly defeated the veteran ghost.

"Boom! Boom! Long!"

At the same time, the sound of violent collisions resounded through the sky.

Ji Nian looked up, and saw that Qi Ye had wrapped the two cantaloupe hammers around the two ends of the chain at some point, and he was playing with a giant made up of Taoist ruins like a yo-yo at the moment.

After a while, the giant seemed to be in a hurry and couldn't afford to play anymore, and the two stone eyes were shining brightly.

In the next moment, two purple laser beams rush towards it with pitch-black thunder, peach petals and fallen leaves.

Qi Ye only danced the chain like a windmill, walked forward with a heavy step against the laser light, then stretched out his hand brazenly, and pressed the giant's shoulder made of tiles.

Countless ecstasy chains roaming like dragons flew out of his wide cuffs, forcefully breaking through the armor made of broken tiles and bricks, and piercing straight into the giant's body.

In less than two seconds, the giant's entire body was covered by the overwhelming chains of ecstasy, swimming slowly like a poisonous snake, making a teeth-piercing sound of "scratching glass".

Immediately afterwards, Qi Ye raised his big hand, and the zongzi wrapped in chains flew slowly into the air, covering the sky and the sun, casting out a huge shadow.

Ji Nian and the mountain ghost, who had established a tacit understanding with him, withdrew together on the back of the tiger.

Seeing this, Yingtai also slammed his sword and escaped from the ruins of the Taoist temple with ghostly body skills.

During this period, he did not forget to open his bow to restrain the actions of the old Taoist ghost.

A moment later, there was a "boom", and the "Chained Giant Dumpling" fell like a landslide, engulfed in the power of ghosts and gods distributed by Qi Ye, and instantly crushed the old ghost.

I saw it put its hands on the ground and tried to hold on for a long time, but in the end it was thrown into the ruins in a posture of throwing its body to the ground.

The ground trembled, and the birds and crows scattered in all directions.

The hand that the old Taoist tried to stretch out was still tightly holding the half of the bamboo pole.

Seeing this situation, the mountain ghost stepped forward lightly, snatched the treasure with his hands, and presented it to Ji Nian as if offering a treasure.

"If this thing is encapsulated, it is estimated that it can form a blue material."

Ji Nian was thinking about it, when Qi Ye, who had returned to his original state, suddenly put his hand on his shoulder.

The next moment, strands of upgrade feedback poured into his body like a breeze.

Qi Ye has been upgraded!
The veteran who had been with him since the beginning of the journey, after several days of hard work, easily caught up with the newly joined General Zeng and became the team's thigh again.

Thinking of this, Ji Nian couldn't help showing a faint smile.

It is undoubtedly faster to clear the monsters by adding the general's clone, but he still let Qi Ye stay with him these two days, in fact, he wanted to accumulate "experience" for him.

To put it bluntly, the longest time we get along, the deepest relationship.

"Master Qi, congratulations."

He smiled and nodded at Master Qi, turning his attention to the panel.

See [Advanced Direction] under the column, and another line:
Advanced task: To fight simultaneously with the [Black Impermanence] series, in a specific scenario, capture a ghost unit whose quality is not lower than its own star, or capture not less than [-] units, and the individual quality level is not lower than two green stars ghost herd.

"Seize, capture..."

Looking at this line of text, there is no pressure on the calendar.

To Qiye and Baye, hunting ghosts is no different from picking goods for the New Year.

"Qi Ye, come back first."

Ji Qingnian recalled Qi Ye in a loud voice, and then summoned Ba Ye to stay nearby.

Then he took out two blank cards from his pocket, one to cover the veteran ghost's hand, and the other to stick the bamboo stick.

With the tidal wave of spiritual power pouring into the blank card, the encapsulation was successful.

To Ji Nian's surprise, although the veteran ghost has super intelligence and spirituality and a four-star blue-pin level, he has no corresponding skill characteristics.

The card introduction... is also difficult to describe:

[Huang Yang is a down-and-out Taoist from Sheng Longchao who has low skills but is unwilling to be with "worms" and thinks he is superior to others. 】

[He followed his master to practice Taoism since he was a child, and he knew some small spells to exorcise spirits and evil spirits and blind eyes, but he never became a real "immortal" in his whole life. 】

[It's just that the method is clever, and it has not been seen through for 30 years. 】

[Until one day, while cheating on eating and drinking at Zhou Yuanwai's house, the second young master who came back from school pointed out his flaws. 】

[The self-proclaimed "used to know people" Zhou Yuanwai was deceived and furious, and directly ordered the masters in the family to break his legs, so that he could only sit on a cattail bag and walk with his hands for the rest of his life. 】

[Fortunately, there is no such thing as an absolute path. 】

[On a cold and rainy night, his legs hurt so much that he was rolling around on the ground. He accidentally knocked over the relics left by his master, and a treasure named "Bicui Nine-jointed Bone Bamboo" rolled out of it. 】

[Not only healed his leg, but also gave him magical powers such as void drawing talisman, ghost slave, and stone man. 】

[Just like what Master said, once you achieve the Tao, you will become a fairy and become your ancestor. 】

【As his ambitions soared, he went to the city to seek revenge from the Zhou family, but he died at the hands of a celebrity who was a teacher of the second son of the Zhou family. 】

[After death, his right leg was taken away by the vicious dog raised by the Zhou family, and after turning into a ghost, he could only walk with a limp. 】

 A little late, before twelve o'clock, there is a two-in-one chapter.

  By the way, I would like to tell everyone that someone has won 6666 in this book.

  If you haven't done it yet, you can post a barrage in the Easter Egg Chapter.

  In addition, the little brother has built three buildings, everyone remember to give a lot of likes.

(End of this chapter)

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