Life simulator, start with a maid

Chapter 262 Blue Dragonfly

Why is it a corpse again?

Wherever you go, there will be a corpse.

Lin Lang twitched the corners of her mouth, secretly doubting her own physique.

"It was early spring, and the body was swollen and unrecognizable. It must have melted and flowed down with the water." Meng Nanke's face turned pale when he recalled this.

Lin Lang didn't want to torment such a beauty either.But this is an important clue that must be asked clearly.

"May I ask Miss Meng again, do you still remember the clothes of that corpse?"

The corpse was probably in the river before it froze, and it was difficult to tell its age and appearance after being soaked in such a winter, and could only be distinguished by its clothes.

"It's the dress of an ordinary woman, and the material is often worn by ordinary people." Meng Nanke thought for a while and added, "But there is a very delicate blue dragonfly embroidered on the corner of the dress."

"Blue Dragonfly?"

Linlang's fingertips felt a little cold, and her heart was beating loudly.

But I still took a chance, "Can Ms. Meng know how to draw? If possible, can I ask you to help me draw it?"

Meng Nanke cooperated very well.

Everyone's ladies don't say they are proficient in everything from piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, but at least they know how to do it.The dragonfly soon appeared under the pen.

"I'm not good at drawing, so it doesn't look like it. Girl, can you look at something like this?"

"Miss is modest."

Lin Lang clutched the rice paper tightly, feeling indescribably complicated in her heart.

This blue exactly the same as the one Zhang Guiru embroidered before!
The woman's identity should not be someone linked to Nanyi... probably Zhang Guiru's biological mother and aunt.

She died before winter, and Zhang Guiru participated in the general election in the autumn. After entering the palace, he was always thinking about sending family letters and money...

She clearly didn't know that her biological mother had long since died!

"Did Ms. Meng attend the family banquet in the Zhao residence that day?" Qiu Bai saw that her expression was not right, so he took the conversation and continued to ask.

Meng Nanke lowered his eyes and shook his head: "No, it was my elder brother who went to the birthday banquet."

"Both Qianran and I fell ill when we came back from enjoying the scenery. That night I seemed to hear someone calling me outside the door, it was like a dream... But I didn't open the door, and I fell ill later on."

"Mei Ren Zhao is also sick?" Lin Lang regained consciousness in an instant.

She remembered that Meiren Zhao had been in poor health since she entered the palace, and was recuperating every day. Could it be because she was already sick outside the palace?

Then he can enter the palace tenaciously under the sun of the draft. What kind of spirit is this?
"Well, but Qianran is not as unconscious as I am. It is said that she is just overly frightened." Asked now, Meng Nanke also felt something.

"Qian... Is Meiren Zhao okay?" She was still not used to changing her words.

"The empress dowager is kind, and the emperor is also very lenient." It's really hard to answer this kind of question, so Lin Lang simply chose to answer it from another angle.

Zhao Meiren was indeed not poisoned, otherwise she wouldn't have stayed in the harem until now.Moreover, Lin Lang had seen her with her own eyes, and she seemed to be weak, probably because she was frightened by the corpse.

So the thread is broken here.

Even though it was Nanyi's poison, he couldn't catch any useful information.Meng Nanke's poisoning was more like an accident.

Lin Lang opened her 'piercing eyes', and searched around the Zhao Mansion, but she didn't find anything tricky.

In the end, I had no choice but to continue on my way back to Beijing.

When parting, Meng Nanke's expression was somewhat gloomy with reluctance.In the end, he silently picked up four or five cats, took a big breath, and regained his radiance.

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