Chapter 40
Song Shuhui felt that she might not be able to save the chipmunk.

She raised her electromagnetic cannon several times: "Do you think I can kill it with this?"

Chasia carefully looked at the python's skin. The fine and dense scales on it reflected light under the weak light of the locker. The python's skin has strong defensive power. Although it is not as good as rhinoceros skin, it is also used as a protective tool. , It is difficult to penetrate without special treatment, and the electromagnetic cannon can attack, but it may be difficult to kill such a big one.

Once the python goes berserk, the lockers here will inevitably suffer, and there are not many medicines left that can be used.

"Think of other ways, you can't fight it directly."

Song Shuhui asked in a breathy voice: "Can you lure it away? I remember that pythons seem to like to eat mice."

Speaking of this, she suddenly remembered that she was a squirrel, and she also had the word "mouse" on it. She didn't know if this boa constrictor liked it or not, and she suddenly had an idea in her heart.

"Otherwise, I'll lure it away, you hurry to find the medicine, and we'll go together when we get it."

Chacia shook his head immediately: "This is too dangerous."

"What's the danger here? Lead it out. It's so big outside. I can escape as much as I want. Don't worry about it. Let's solve it quickly."

Song Shuhui quickly ran to the entrance of the cave and put the mecha at the door, then returned and put Chasia in a pile behind the locker, and opened her mouth to make a sound towards the python.

Her cry echoed in the tall warehouse, and the sleeping boa constrictor was awakened in an instant, its tail slapped heavily on the ground, and the locker next to it was knocked down with a bang.

Fortunately, Chasia had already hid farther away and was not affected.

The boa constrictor raised its head and looked at the little squirrel jumping in front of it. It has been eating well recently. Although Song Shuhui hasn't grown up much, her body shape is still much rounder, and her fur is smooth and shiny. She looks very greasy at first glance.

The boa constrictor eats a lot and doesn’t like to move. It only looks for food when it’s hungry. It knows that the warehouse is dangerous, and the nearby small animals rarely come here. It has not eaten for a few days, and its stomach is almost flat. Some prey is brought to the mouth.

The python's eyes that almost blended with the color of the scales quietly looked at the little squirrel, and even lowered its head a lot, as if it had fallen asleep again, not even moving its tail.

Song Shuhui couldn't help but widen her eyes, what's going on?The boa constrictor fell asleep again?No, the feeling of being stared at is still there.

It's hard to lure it away, so Song Shuhui boldly jumped onto the locker and approached the python avoiding the attack range of its tail.

The warehouse was very quiet except for the sound of squirrels walking around. Song Shuhui held her breath, and after getting close to a certain distance, she suddenly threw something in her hand on the python's head.

The originally static boa constrictor raised its head sharply, biting the thrown object with incomparable precision, but after a while, it spit out the object again, which turned out to be a piece of metal.

The little squirrel attacked it with a weapon, the python was a little angry, and finally stopped lurking, and stuck out its huge tongue at her.

Song Shuhui shook her paw and mocked: "Come and chase me, hey, I can't eat."

Turn around and run.

The boa constrictor neighed, its upper body was raised, and the piled up hill was elongated. At this time, the boa constrictor looked as terrifying as the ancient snake disaster movies Song Shuhui had seen when he was on Earth. She was really going to run away with Chasia.

Song Shuhui threw things at the boa constrictor while running. Except for the first time, all the things thrown behind her were blown away by the boa constrictor's tail. When it moved, the whole warehouse rumbled, and the lockers made an overwhelmed clanging sound. The locker that was entrenched collapsed directly, after all, it couldn't hold it anymore.

I thought that such a big python should be very slow, but Song Shuhui found that before she ran to the entrance of the cave, the python's head had already chased after her, only two meters away from her.

Startled, she accelerated her speed and rushed to the entrance of the cave.

The boa constrictor whinnied and attacked, narrowly missing her by the tail.

After Song Shuhui went out, she jumped onto the tree, holding her own tail with lingering fear, it was really thrilling.

Maybe it was aware of the movement in the warehouse, and all the small animals in front of it all ran away, and at this time, there was not even a single bug around.

Song Shuhui waited for a while, thinking that the python might come out after being so angry, but she didn't expect that there was no movement in the cave for a long time. She listened carefully and heard the sound of thumping, and the python seemed to have suddenly changed its attack target.

Come on, the boa constrictor may have found Chasia who took the opportunity to come out, Song Shuhui immediately turned back and went back into the hole.

But the moment she entered the cave, Chasia's voice suddenly came from inside: "Don't come in, be careful!"

It turned out that the boa constrictor didn't leave, but just used its tail to lure the tiger away from the mountain. In fact, it was waiting for her to enter the cave with its mouth wide open. As long as she entered, it would directly enter the boa constrictor's belly.

Song Shuhui sensed something was wrong the moment she entered the hole, and quickly backed away, but the boa constrictor moved faster, stretched its mouth forward, and swallowed her into the mouth, closed the mouth, and immediately pushed her into the belly with a powerful force go.

It was pitch black in front of her eyes, and a stench was blowing over her face. Song Shuhui's whole body was wrapped in soft but hard muscles. She couldn't do anything except move forward. She couldn't even lift her arms. The wet liquid flowed from the wall that wrapped her. It was secreted from the upper body, and there was a slight pain in the skin that was in contact with the liquid.

If she couldn't figure out a way to get out, she would be digested.

Song Shuhui pursed her lips tightly. She didn't expect this python to be so smart. She didn't feel desperate for her current situation, and there must be a way.

She tried to attack the inner wall of the boa constrictor with the tip of her claws. As soon as she moved, the muscle became more and more rigid. When the tip of the claw pierced into it, it was tightly fixed and unable to move.

The body was clamped and unable to move, and the claws could not exert force.

Just as she began to try other methods, the python's body suddenly shook, as if something disturbed it, causing it to open its mouth and make a hissing sound.

Suddenly there was light coming through from outside, but it was a pity that Song Shuhui was facing forward and couldn't turn her head to see what was going on behind her, but she knew what was going on even if she couldn't see her.

Chasia is fighting the python.

Chasia was so angry that he couldn't remember what potion he was looking for, and he only had eyes on the squirrel that was swallowed by the boa constrictor.

He frantically rushed to the boa constrictor and bit its head and neck again and again. He could clearly see the bulging part, which was the undigested squirrel inside.

Every time the cheetah attacks, it is suppressed with mental power. The python is extremely uncomfortable due to the interference of the mental power, and its head keeps shaking in the air. To the body of the boa constrictor, nail it to the ground.

The boa constrictor roared frantically, and its tail flicked around in pain.

Animals living on this planet are more polluted by mental power than other places, and mental power attacks are more likely to drive them crazy. At this time, the python is already on the verge of madness, and its strength has become extremely powerful, Chascia He could hardly suppress it, and was almost thrown off the boa constrictor's back, but he didn't dare to let go. Once he let go and let the boa constrictor escape, it would be very troublesome to hold it down again.

His claws were almost deeply embedded in the scales of the boa constrictor, bleeding from the tip of the claws, but he felt no pain at all.

The python is still resisting, and Chasia is also holding on. The continuous suppression of mental power consumes a lot of energy, and the recovered mental power is rapidly disappearing. He can only hold on for another 2 minutes at most.

2 minutes is really too short.

After Song Shuhui wobbled for a while, she suddenly felt a familiar sense of oppression, which she had experienced in Chasia. She turned her eyes and thought of a way. Although she was not proficient, she had been Learning may be useful.

Song Shuhui imitated Chasia's appearance, her mental power floated up from her side, turned into a needle, and stabbed fiercely towards the python's head.

She is still not proficient in using mental power, but the python being suppressed by Chasia is almost unable to hold on, and the sudden addition of mental power directly poked it to the point of discouragement.

Chasia found that the python's resistance had started to weaken, so he immediately increased his strength, and his mental power drowned the python like a storm.

The python's back collapsed in an instant, and its body began to loosen and become soft.

Song Shuhui felt that the power that imprisoned her had disappeared, and the feeling of pushing herself forward had also disappeared, and the narrow space was loose. She immediately turned around while leaning on the wall, and ran towards the direction in which she came in.

At this time, she was about to fall from the python's throat to its abdomen. After running for a while, she pushed her arms up vigorously, and saw a faint light shining in, and then the python's mouth was opened from the outside, and she was caught by a mouth out.

The wet squirrel was placed on the ground and Chasia examined her body while licking her fluid.

"Is there any injury?"

"I'm fine, sorry for worrying you."

"You are also worried about me. The python is dead, and now we are safe." Chasia comforted the little squirrel who was almost eaten.

Song Shuhui looked sideways, and saw that the boa constrictor was lying on the side and had not moved. It seemed that it would not move anymore. She was relieved for a long time. This time it was really thrilling.

"How are you? Are you injured?" Song Shuhui shook her head to get rid of Chasia's big mouth, and raised her paw to check him.

Chasia's mental strength was exhausted, and he just pulled her out with strength. After relaxing, he fell directly to the ground.

Song Shuhui was taken aback: "Chasia!"

"I'm not injured, it's just that my mental strength is exhausted, I'll be fine if I take a rest."

There is indeed no injury on Chasia's body, but the mental power that has just recovered to so much has bottomed out, and I don't know when he will be able to recover to the current level.

His situation is very complicated. It is different from Song Shuhui who exhausted his spiritual energy and returned to the full state overnight after practicing. His spiritual sea was injured, and the injury was still serious. What comes in is not as much as what leaks out. He can only practice so that there is water in the bucket for him to use, so that he will not completely become a useless person.

The spiritual sea can recover automatically, but the recovery speed is very slow, it may take several years.Therefore, Chasia seldom used mental power to attack in normal battles.

Song Shuhui felt a little guilty: "How can I help you?"

Chasia put her paw on her hand: "That's all right."

"But you're getting smaller!" Song Shuhui was surprised to find that Chasia had changed from a strong leopard back to the cheetah cub when I first met him, which meant that his strength was declining, "Hurry up and practice!"

Song Shuhui couldn't wait, so she just sat cross-legged in front of him. The new cultivation method she discovered recently was quite effective. Although she didn't know how Chasia regained her mental power, she felt that she could let him try her own method.

"I have a way of cultivating spiritual power. I don't know if it will work or not. You can try it with me."

Song Shuhui held Chasia's front paws with both paws, as if imparting exercises, stretched out her spiritual tentacles towards Chasia, and at the same time said the formula of cultivation.

Chasia's expression froze, and she looked at the little squirrel in front of her with some confusion. She actually took the initiative to teach herself.

Without waiting for him to think about it, the spiritual power that has been cultivated together for a long time automatically grasped the stretched spiritual power. As the two phases were entangled, Chasia's spiritual power also rotated following Song Shuhui's narration.

When it comes to splitting the mental power into two and turning it to the whole body, Chasia did not encounter any problems with Song Shuhui, and he used it with one mind very smoothly to promote the operation of the mental power.

A faint light flows from the dark warehouse, like a galaxy, not very bright at first glance, but extremely bright when you look closely.

I don't know if Chasia practiced together. Song Shuhui felt that this practice was very smooth and efficient. In the end, it was hard to tell who drove whom, and the point that was just consumed was quickly fully recovered.

Chasia only felt that the hole in his spiritual sea was filled up every cycle, and the unprecedented sense of fullness made his frowning brows loosen.

Although he hasn't changed back from his cub appearance for a while, Chasia's current state is much better than before.

The light lasted for a long time, until there was a sudden cracking sound from the side, and the two of them woke up from the practice at the same time.

Song Shuhui jumped up suddenly and looked towards the direction of the sound. It was the sound of the boa constrictor's tail slapping the ground, and it was not dead yet.

She immediately clenched her fists and punched it a few times. She was full of strength just after training, even without the mecha, her fists were still heavy.The boa constrictor fell silent again.

This is not a good place to practice, Chasia got up: "I'll go find medicine, let's go back early."

Look outside, it's already very late, it's getting dark.

Song Shuhui rushed out of the cave to find the mecha and put it on. When she came back, she opened the locker with Chasia and took out the healing potions inside. The potions were sealed at low temperature, and each bag weighed five kilograms. Song Shuhui carried a bag on her shoulders. He weighed it up and said, "One bag of this size should be enough. It's a pity that I can't take the rest away now. If I knew it, I would have brought the means of transportation with me."

Chasia dissuaded: "It's enough, just come and get it when you're done."

Song Shuhui looked at him with the bag on her shoulders: "It may not be enough, you need to heal your wounds, you can see that the wounds on your body are bald and have no hair, this one, this one, and the tail. Oh, it's really obvious."

Chasia had never thought about the issue of baldness. He froze and immediately hooked his tail to look. Sure enough, although the injured area had healed, there was no hair growing there, and it was really bald.

Chacia: "!!!"

His shiny, bright, smooth, thick and incomparably precious fur!
(End of this chapter)

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