Because Feixue couldn't speak, no one knew that she knew the whereabouts of the spaceship at first.

Song Shuhui still followed her to study as usual. When she learned the word spaceship, she pointed at the spaceship and said, "Spaceship."

Song Shuhui thought she could finally speak, and rubbed her head very relieved, wanting to show off to Chasia.

Then Feixue pointed to the spaceship in the image and repeated: "Spaceship."

Song Shuhui nodded: "I see, this is a spaceship, even Feixue can say it's a spaceship, it's awesome."

Feixue lifted her claws and pressed her hand hard: "Spaceship."

Song Shuhui realized that she seemed to want to express something to herself.

"What happened to the spaceship?"

Feixue looked outside and pointed in a certain direction: "The spaceship."

She didn't point to the sky, but pointed to a direction, which meant it was obvious that there was a spaceship in that direction.

Everyone knows that they cannot leave this planet without a spaceship, and they are all worrying about it. Song Shuhui originally thought that she and Chacia would go out to find the whereabouts of the spaceship carefully after the weather cleared or after winter had passed. Unexpectedly, Feixue Surprised them.

She also asked repeatedly in disbelief: "You mean there are spaceships in that place?"

Feixue thought for a while and nodded.

Song Shuhui jumped up immediately, rushed out and pulled Chasia over, and then hugged Feixue on her lap.

"Feixue, say it again, you know where the spaceship is, don't you?"

Feixue nodded again.

Now even Chasia was a little excited.

After hearing the news, Valentine almost rushed in, and because he ran too fast and grabbed the ground with his head, he directly threw himself on the ground.

Being stared at by so many pairs of eyes at the same time, Feixue became a little nervous, and her tail stretched into a straight line behind her.

Song Shuhui hurriedly dispersed the surrounding heads, and said in a low voice: "Then Feixue, can you take us to find the spaceship?"

Feixue tilted her head and thought for a long time, and finally shook her head.

"Can't? Why?"

Feixue lowered her head and stuffed it into her arms.

Thinking of the injuries on her body when she first appeared, Song Shuhui could only guess that there might be bad memories for her in that place.

"Don't be afraid, we are still here, no one can hurt you."

But Feixue didn't speak, and the few people couldn't force her.

Anyway, now we finally have some clues about the spaceship, which is great news for everyone.

Valentine circled around Feixue, wishing she could immediately open his mouth to take him there. Feixue was a little afraid of him, as soon as he appeared, she would run away immediately, and if he got too close, she would go straight up with her paw.

The unwelcome Valentine was extremely depressed.

"Why? How could I be so unwelcoming, and I didn't do anything to her. "

Song Shuhui couldn't help laughing: "Maybe because you are too big."

Valentine walked away without a word.

After knowing that the spaceship had clues, Valentine stopped studying his own mathematics. He had more things to worry about, not for the spaceship, but for what happened after he went out. How will you face your family and live in the end?

"I don't know if there is any solution to the problem of degeneration now. If there is any special medicine that can be used, I am willing to go bankrupt."

He couldn't eat even the distressed meal. Seeing him listless, Song Shuhui talked to him. After knowing the reason, she checked his condition carefully.

Although she is not a doctor and has not conducted research in this area, Song Shuhui feels that most of the problems are related to mental power. The animal form is originally the result of the embodiment of human spiritual power, and now it cannot be changed back. It may be because of the pollution of mental power , or the mental strength is not enough to support the transformation into a human form.

These problems are relatively easy to solve.

Valentine is not polluted now, so the only reason left is that his mental power is too weak.

"If you practice hard, you should be able to change back." Song Shuhui said.

Valentine raised his head immediately: "Are you serious? But I've been practicing all these years, but I haven't made any progress."

Song Shuhui said firmly: "That must be because your cultivation method is wrong."

Valentine was stunned. He was not considered a person with very good aptitude. His mental strength was B, his physical strength was C, his strength was mediocre, and he was not good at fighting. It's not the most widely circulated one, but it's obvious that the progress is very slow. According to the previous cultivation method, if nothing else happens, it may take until the seventies and eighties to reach the crystallization of spiritual power. This is still under the condition that everything goes well.

If the situation is not going well, maybe seventy or eighty will not be able to reach the point of spiritual crystallization.

Song Shuhui didn't know how slow her cultivation was outside, she had always been practicing smoothly, and because Xin Dong directly crystallized her spiritual power, the speed was faster than taking a spaceship.Naturally, she didn't know Valentine's suffering.

Valentine lowered his ears and said, "I've always practiced like this. I know it's a bit slow, but this method is safe and there is no risk of mental confusion."

Song Shuhui finally saw his embarrassment, and she said very naturally: "Then you try my cultivation method, it works very well, and Chasia will agree to practice it."

Valentine suddenly raised his head: "Are you willing to teach me?!"

He knew that Song Shuhui was very strong, she was just a squirrel, but she was too strong, he didn't have the confidence to last 10 minutes in her hands, even if he ran away, he might not be able to outrun her.

But the cultivation methods are all personal secrets. His perception of this is the same as that of Chasia, and he cannot ask or ask others to teach you.

Unexpectedly, Song Shuhui would take the initiative to teach. Valentine didn't know what to say. After turning around excitedly, he lay down directly in front of Song Shuhui.

"I swear that I will never tell anyone about the cultivation method, not even close relatives. If there is anything that needs me in the future, just ask, and I will do it even if it costs my life."

Song Shuhui was a little stunned by his solemn oath, she just taught it casually, is she so serious?Chasia wasn't as exaggerated either.

However, Song Shuhui also took a little more seriously, and she spoke very carefully when teaching, and even exercised her mental power to take Valentine to experience it.

Valentine was soon immersed in cultivation, and he could vaguely feel that as long as he continued to practice hard, he would definitely turn back into a human one day.

It was only in the afternoon that Chasia found out that Song Shuhui had taught Valentine how to practice. He sighed, but didn't say anything. After all, it was Song Shuhui's exercise, and she could teach whoever she wanted.

However, Chasia still took Song Shuhui to explain to her how important a good cultivation method is, and how cautious it is outside, so many people died quietly because of it.

Only then did Song Shuhui understand why Valentine was so grateful and cautious.

"It turns out that I won't teach others casually in the future." Song Shuhui rubbed her hands to admit her mistake, "Actually, you don't need to worry, I only taught a part of it, and I didn't teach the rest, even if it is learned by others I also have other cultivation methods."

Chasia had known for a long time that her head was full of secrets, and it was inevitable to be shocked again when she heard this.

"The following exercises?"

"Yes, after crystallization. By the way, you haven't crystallized yet, and the speed is really too slow. Would you like me to help you?"

Chasia asked with some amusement, "How are you going to help me?"

Song Shuhui laughed, and rushed towards him suddenly, suppressing her mental power with all her strength, directly making Chasia lie on the ground and unable to get up.

In the past, it was Chasia who suppressed her, but now she can finally take revenge, and Song Shuhui is very happy.

Chasia shook her head helplessly, a little naive, but she just wanted to be happy.

Song Shuhui raised her eyebrows proudly: "How about it, I will train you several times a day in the future, and the more you stimulate, the better you will be. Otherwise, you are too far behind me, and I will laugh at you."

Chasia is indeed lagging behind Song Shuhui a lot. In fact, he was also the strength of mental power crystallization before, but the injury was too heavy, and his mental power was directly scattered. It is actually easier than others to regain crystallization, as long as he accumulates enough. In fact, he cultivated The speed is already very fast, but it is still a bit slower than the monstrous Song Shuhui.

"Okay, it's just that your mental power suppression is too weak, I hardly feel anything."

This was a naked provocation. Song Shuhui's mouth curled up. Originally, there was still room for two shares, but now she opened fire with full power.

Chasia snorted, he didn't even have the strength to speak, only to breathe.

The training lasted until Chasia's head was sweating, and Song Shuhui got up with a lot of enthusiasm: "I didn't expect you to persist for half an hour. You really have more stamina than me."

Chacia wiped the sweat from his forehead: "After all, I have to work hard to catch up with you, who made you so good."

Song Shuhui was praised for being comfortable, and couldn't help laughing: "You have good vision."

Although they knew the news about the spaceship, everyone did not leave immediately.

It was already the coldest time in winter. Even if it wasn't snowing, the wind was still howling outside, so cold that the aircraft couldn't start for a while.Going out to find a spaceship in this situation is a bit unrealistic.

Valentine stopped asking about the whereabouts of the spaceship after he had a cultivation method, and concentrated on practicing every day, in order to leave in human form when he could leave.

Song Shuhui started to pay close attention to Feixue's study while playing games, she should be able to understand, and she would also say, but she didn't like to speak, so Song Shuhui had no choice but to lure her to speak.

Having raised an extra child, Song Shuhui's game progress has also slowed down. Fortunately, her strength is stable. Even if the daily competition time is not long, she can win every game in a row. She is considered a little famous in this season's competition. Everyone We all know that there is a squirrel who is very strong. When facing her on the field, he can greet her a few words, ask her how she cultivated, and whether she is a mutant squirrel.

It was only then that Song Shuhui realized that there were mutant animals. The strength of mutant animals was much stronger than that of ordinary animals, and they looked like enhanced versions in every way.

However, normal mutations are difficult, and most of them are created by special methods. When others ask this question, they are actually a little envious of the rich. After all, only the rich and powerful can do this.

Song Shuhui couldn't understand the ridicule and envy of others, and she was still on the field. Anyway, if she didn't win the championship this time, she would also win the runner-up.

However, before they settled down for a few days, Feixue suddenly became restless. She wandered around the hall non-stop, screaming shrilly.

Several people were attracted, Song Shuhui looked at her from left to right, and couldn't help asking Chasia next to her.

"Do half-orcs also have a estrus period?"

Chasia: "..."

What the hell is she talking about?

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