I, the villainous female lead, wear many hats

Chapter 304 1 Anti-restraint and the gentleman

Chapter 304 An Anti-restraint and a Gentleman
Ginger Chacha's first reaction was that something was wrong.Although I don't know why he came over after coldly rejecting her.

But this is so weird.

Jiang Chacha knew that this was definitely not in line with his character.

It is impossible for Wen Huaizhi, who must retaliate, to do such a thing.

So, how could he come here?
Wen Huaizhi's arrival surprised everyone else in the student union.

After exchanging pleasantries, two or three of them formed small groups and chatted there.

Zhang Sichi went to find Fu Yin.

And here, only she and Wen Huaizhi were left.

The Coke in his hand instantly became unpalatable.

It became dull.

The key is that her whole body is tense and has entered a state of alert.

What the hell is this freak trying to do? ? ! ! !

Wen Huaizhi didn't speak, he stretched out his hand to reach for the cocktail drink on the table, lightly hooked his fingers, and there was a sound when the can was opened, he held the drink weakly, raised it to his lips, and took a sip.

Jiang Chacha didn't dare to move or speak.

Why did he sit next to her when he came over?It's not that there are no other vacancies!

Besides, didn't he break up with her?

When he was in the student union, he also acted very cold and ruthless.

But what are you doing now? ? ?

Just when she was upset and overwhelmed, the person beside her leaned slightly towards her, smiling slightly through the mirror, and his clothes were stained with alcohol.

"Vice President, your hands look...much smaller than mine."

Jiang Chacha was stunned, and then realized that his gaze was on her hand.

What happened to her hand?
Her hands are small?

What kind of weird focus is this? ? ?
No, more importantly, how could he talk to her for no reason? ? ?Didn't they break up?

What happened to him today? ? ?
Jiang Chacha became more vigilant.

She subconsciously withdrew her hands and put them in her arms, staring at him warily with round eyes.

Her voice was harsh.

"Then what happened?"

He doesn't play cards according to the routine, she always thinks he has bad intentions.

He seemed to be planning something.

But she couldn't guess.

The bottle of pink cocktail was still held in front of his lips, and a faint smile appeared on his thin red lips.

He seemed to have forgotten what happened to the two of them before, and chose to play dumb.He stretched out his spotless hand, and his gentle and lazy voice was hoarse and fatally seductive, "Can I take a look at your hand and compare it? Vice President?"

He is no longer as indifferent and alienated as he was an hour ago.

The tenderness he was used to and she was accustomed to resurfaced in his eyes again, but there was a bit more intriguing taste in this charming tenderness.

And she is very afraid of him who is so creepy now.

"Yes, of course." With a cold face, she stretched out her hand stiffly because she was afraid of him.

He smiled silently.

In the corner of the dim KTV box, he was wearing glasses, and he had a gentle appearance, and he was really stacked with various buffs for the atmosphere.

He raised his hand and placed it next to hers.

Different from her petite catkins, his fingers are long and slender, and his bones are like jade. This hand is cold and white. This sacred hand seems to be used to hold a pen, hold a book, play the piano, and knead a scalpel. Time for other rough and rough work.

Only then did she realize that her hand was twice as small as his.

Still feel weird.

After only a few seconds of comparison, Jiang Chacha felt like getting an electric shock, and the hand was about to retract subconsciously.

But at this time, instead of being restrained and gentlemanly, he held her finger instead.

Then, forcing her hand to approach his lap, his warm palm wrapped around her fingers and was airtight.

Jiang Chacha could feel him putting her hand on his lap, and then lowered her eyes, carelessly playing with her two fingers like a cynical but elegant and calm young man.

It's not so much a game, it's more like...

Scrutinize and observe carefully as if studying literature.

Her heart skipped a few times, and the alarm bells rang out.

So weird.

Just when she was about to struggle hard to get out, in a blink of an eye, she saw that he let go of her fingers boredly, as if nothing had happened.

As if feeling bored, he leaned back, holding the bottle of pink cocktail and shaking it slightly in his hand. Under the ambiguous light of the box, his face was covered with a mysterious shadow. Take sips and sips to taste.

Ginger tea:?

This made her nascent vigilance die down in an instant.

His indifferent attitude made her feel that she was worrying too much.

She frowned.

But is this really the case?

——Letter from the author
Lost today.

(End of this chapter)

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