Chapter 315

Mohist teaching content is divided into three parts, Mo Jing, Mo Wu, Mo Gong.

The Mohist Classic is the theory of the Mohist school, and this one has the least number of people choosing it.

Because of the conflict between Mohism and Confucianism, few people will learn Mohism that affects the future.

Unless you really love the Mohist school and want to join the Mohist school, you will generally not choose the Mohism.

And Mo Wu is the swordsmanship and other martial arts of the Mo School, this category is liked by many people.

After all, the ancestor of scholars, Confucius himself, was a nine-foot-tall man who carried the city gate with his bare hands. The gentleman required by Confucianism must also have a full force value.

However, Mogong, a Mohist course that was often overlooked in the past, has become more popular today.

Although these scholars all think highly of themselves and look down on the ingenious skills of ink workers, Jiang Yunxian used the knowledge of the Mohist school at the banquet on September [-] to earn a lot of face for Beixuan Kingdom.

Therefore, Mogong, which was not very popular at first, has ushered in a wave of spring today, and many people are vying to learn Mogong.

The old man readily agreed.

"That's it," the old man said slowly, "How about you learn from me?"

"Here it is like this. Is there a mechanism added to make it rotate? Exquisite design."

Seeing that many people have applied for ink workers, Jiang Yanming is a little anxious.

Shen Mi stared at Jiang Yunxian's back as he followed the old man, "That old gentleman is probably better than the three Mohist teachers."

The old man took the Rubik's Cube and started to twist it.

Shen Wenwen took this scene into her eyes, and said to her brother Shen Mi, "Look, brother, Jiang Yunxian actually left with an old man."

"Miss Xiao, what are you doing?"

The old man smiled, "I am accepting apprentices, not students. Little girl, didn't I tell you that you will inherit my mantle."

"Since you are studying with me, you don't need to learn Mogong. He is too young to teach you enough. Come with me."

The old man stroked his beard and smiled, "Little girl, just say if you want it or not."


This old man is not easy!
The old man laughed and said, "Little girl, did you do this yourself?"

For beginners, one can imagine the difficulty.

Shen Mi didn't make a sound, confirmed the old man's identity again and again, and took a breath.

Xu Youyun struggled for a long time, but still followed.

Jiang Yunxian didn't even raise his head, "The Rubik's Cube."

Jiang Yunxian felt that the old man in front of him was hiding something, and just by restoring the Rubik's Cube, it was already worthy of her apprenticeship.

Shen Wenwen's tone was full of sarcasm.

While talking, the old man spun the Rubik's cube. Under Jiang Yunxian's surprised eyes, the old man restored the Rubik's cube back.

Immediately afterwards, the old man dictated the principles of the Rubik's Cube, and at the same time pointed out its shortcomings.

Jiang Yunxian thought for a while and handed the Rubik's Cube to the old man.

Jiang Yunxian nodded, "It's mainly because Mo Gong has knowledge that interests me."

In the eyes of ancient people, it is not auspicious to be stained with ghosts and ghosts.

Ji Xingyun gave Jiang Yunxian the Rubik's Cube, and followed Jiang Yanming to attend the Mo Gong class.

Jiang Yanming also chose Mogong, not because she was so interested in Mohism's mechanics, but because Mojing and Mowu were not suitable for her.

Jiang Yunxian was a little surprised that the old man in front of him could see the exquisite design hidden inside the Rubik's Cube just through the surface.

"Old man, what's the matter? Are you interested in my Rubik's Cube?"

Soon, the neat Rubik's Cube became a mess again in the hands of the old man.

You must know that she is the only one who knows how to restore the Rubik's Cube in this era, and the old man restored it completely by feeling.

Jiang Yunxian froze for a moment, "Mr., are you joking?"

The old man muttered, and the technique of twisting the Rubik's Cube gradually became proficient from jerky.

The old man was surprised, "Little girl, do you like Mo Gong?"

Jiang Yunxian followed the old man and left.

Therefore, Jiang Yunxian no longer hesitated.

"Magic cube?"

"Let's go too."

However, looking at the movements in Jiang Yunxian's hand, the old man became more and more interested in the small cube in Jiang Yunxian's hand.

She herself prefers Mojing, but both Yanyan and the princess chose Mogong, so she can't go to Mojing alone.

The old man was standing beside Jiang Yunxian, watching her twisting the Rubik's Cube.

"Teacher." Jiang Yunxian saluted the old man.

Jiang Yunxian was not in a hurry, stood where he was, twisting the Rubik's Cube, trying to restore the Rubik's Cube first.

"It turned out to be like this, it's really exquisite!" The old man admired sincerely.

"Brother, what's wrong?"

The old man was amazed, "This small cube looks ordinary, but its internal structure is very delicate. No wonder it is called Rubik's Cube, it is really magical."

"Theoretically speaking, this little thing should be relatively smooth. I think the original function of this thing is to race. As for why it is so clogged, it should be that the gap between the blocks was not considered when assembling, and there was no Consider the friction between wood and wood."

"Hiss—no, that's not right!"

Jiang Yunxian froze for a moment, "Master?"

"Does she think that an old man is more powerful than the three teachers of the Mo family?"

Jiang Yunxian is full of confidence in herself.

Just as Jiang Yunxian was concentrating on twisting the Rubik's Cube, an old voice sounded.

Due to insufficient technical skills, the Rubik's Cube made by Jiang Yunxian was very stuck, and it took several seconds to twist it.

"How about it? Do you want to worship me as a teacher? I will pass on my mantle to you."

If she dared to choose Mo Jing, Tai Tu and Kong Lao would scold her bloody.

Jiang Yunxian nodded, "Naturally."

But the old man still watched with relish, until Jiang Yunxian finished the last step, and after recovering the Rubik's Cube, he looked at the old man.

The old man was very puzzled, why did such a small cube have such an evil name?

"Mister, you..."

"Old man, can you return the Rubik's Cube to me? I still have to take the inkworker's course."

Jiang Yunxian thought for a while, "Old man, if you can teach me something useful, then of course I won't disagree."

The old man smiled, "What do you want to know?"

"Can I take a look at it?"

If she understands the Mohism mechanism, she, Jiang Yunxian, may not be able to rub out modern weapons with her hands.

The old man smiled and said, "This little thing is pretty good. You can have such a good idea, which shows that you are very talented in mechanics."

Shen Wenwen opened her mouth wide, "How is it possible?"

Not to mention Mo Wu's useless martial arts skills to her.

What are you kidding?Is just an old man better than the three elite teachers of the Mohist school?

Shen Mi gritted his teeth and said, "If I'm not mistaken, that old gentleman should be the current Mohist giant."

The Mohist giant, the leader of the Mohist.

Mozi Mo Di was the first Mohist giant.

(End of this chapter)

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