Chapter 135 Doctor Li

The mansion doctor who was called to be Dr. Li, turned around abruptly, saw that it was Ye Qingcheng coming over, and clasped his fists in salute, "Ms. Li pays my respects to Miss!"

"These hypocrisy will be avoided. Tell me, how many people have been infected in the family?" Ye Qingcheng waved his hand, went straight to the chair and sat down, playing with Dr. Li's pharmaceutical equipment.

"There are three people in your courtyard, four people in the second lady's courtyard, one person in the third lady's courtyard, and two people in the eldest lady's courtyard. The old lady's courtyard didn't let me in, and there are no other courtyards yet. There are ten people in total." Dr. Li said one by one. Said, "Second Miss also has some coughs, I'm afraid she has contracted it too."

"Did you quarantine her together?" Ye Qingcheng asked after listening.

This matter can be big or small, just after the palace banquet, all the people in the mansion attended the palace banquet, they must have had a lot of contact, maybe every mansion was infected, or maybe the palace was also infected.

There are not many symptoms in the early stage of tuberculosis, so the examination must have been ignored.

Fortunately, she didn't have much time to get in touch with Madam Mei, otherwise she would bear the brunt of it, and it's also fortunate that she only came into contact with Madam Mei after returning from a palace banquet. That's it, three people in her courtyard were infected.

"Eldest Miss, Second Miss doesn't want to be quarantined, and is still in her own courtyard, but Mr. Xiang has already been there, and her courtyard has also been quarantined."

Ye Qingcheng just nodded, she doesn't care about these matters, as long as the people she cares about are safe.

"I'll give you a prescription, you go boil it and give it to the sick!" Ye Qingcheng saw the pen, ink, paper and inkstone on the table, and started to write.

Dr. Li pondered for a long time before trying to speak, "Miss, tuberculosis cannot be cured. These people will have only one end in the end. They will all have to be sent to the tuberculosis village to fend for themselves. It is better for those of us who are not infected to have less contact with them now." , it’s not that I speak badly, even though I’m just a doctor, whose life is not life? Besides, the young miss is the eldest lady of the prime minister’s mansion and the princess of the future war, so it’s not worth taking risks for a few servants!”

When Dr. Li said this, his face was full of self-blame. As a doctor, it is a sad thing to give up the patient if he can't cure him.

Ye Qingcheng kept moving his hands, "not to mention that tuberculosis can be cured, even if it can't be cured, you can't shrink back as a doctor. You are a famous doctor first, and you are the first person who can't be said to be presumptuous in the face of life and death! And tuberculosis is not a plague, The speed of infection will not be so fast, and people who are not in close contact will not be so easy to infect, you put on a veil to cover your mouth and nose, drink a bowl of medicine to prevent it, I guarantee you will not be infected."

After finishing speaking, Fang Zi also finished writing, picked it up and blew, "Now you can't get out of this Prime Minister's mansion, why don't you work hard with me to save this tuberculosis man, the one in front of you There are only two ways, either to be buried with the Prime Minister's mansion, and wait to die of tuberculosis, or to follow this lady to save people, and maybe even become famous! You choose!"

Even if Dr. Li is let out, he won't go home. He is afraid that if he gets sick, his wife and children will be infected when he goes home.

"Miss, do you mean that tuberculosis can be cured?" Dr. Li asked with wide-eyed eyes.

Ye Qingcheng didn't give her an accurate answer, but only looked at him with firm eyes, which made Dr. Li inexplicably contagious, as if he had been brainwashed by her, he nodded heavily.

"I see. Please don't worry, Miss. I will cooperate with Miss. I will make this prescription right now."

Ye Qingcheng nodded again, gave the prescription to Dr. Li, and stood up by himself.

As for Ye Qianying also suffering from tuberculosis, it has nothing to do with her.

As soon as she walked out of Dr. Li's pharmacy, she met Ye Chengxiang head-on, neither of them had a good face, Ye Qingcheng just saluted lightly, and was ready to go back to Qingcheng Pavilion.

It's good now, she can make alchemy in the space, and her elixir storehouse can be filled up quickly.

"Naughty girl, it's all because of that Nanny Mei next to you, who is now in danger!" Prime Minister Ye said angrily when he saw that Ye Qingcheng was about to leave.

Ye Qingcheng was a little speechless, although the eldest lady was taking care of the affairs in the backyard of the mansion, but she had only been back for a few days, did he have no idea?

What's more, the original owner's sister Mei has been being bullied and he doesn't even know about it?When did he come to her side? He really didn't know?

"Father's words are wrong! Don't say that Madam Mei just arrived at my daughter's side yesterday, but when she left the mansion and when she came back from an illness. Calculated, it happened to be the time when my daughter was assassinated on the way back. ! How can my daughter meddle in the affairs of the mansion based on her background?" Ye Qingcheng said calmly and looked at him.

"You... really turned against you, just say a word for my father, you have done so much..." Ye Chengxiang blew his beard and stared.

"Father, you probably don't understand your daughter's temperament very well. My daughter hates being misunderstood the most in her life. Once she is misunderstood, she will do anything to clarify it!" Ye Qingcheng smiled brilliantly "Besides, what my father said is really outrageous some."

Prime Minister Ye shook his sleeves, "Okay, let's not talk about this, now, is Nanny Mei from your courtyard?"

Ye Qingcheng raised his eyebrows, "Yes!"

Answer simply.

"Okay! As long as you admit it, then this matter will be easy to handle! You come and give an account to the father! What should we do about this matter?"

Prime Minister Ye licked his big face. Such a big event happened in the mansion, and he came here to embarrass a little girl who was only 13 years old.

"What did my father say, my daughter doesn't know what to do! My daughter is already trying her best to treat you. As a man, you can't let me, a 13-year-old little girl, stand in front of you if something happens to you. ? You are the Prime Minister of the current court, where is the official authority?"

Ye Qingcheng showed a weak look, stepped back in fear and said, "Mr. Mei in the daughter's courtyard was working under the hands of the eldest lady at first. Yesterday, my daughter saw how pitiful she was being bullied. This is because of the past love." If you want to come here, although you are a member of the daughter's courtyard now, but when the accident happened, the eldest lady was in charge, and the eldest lady allowed you to go home, but you can't talk to your daughter!"

Prime Minister Ye felt dizzy for a while, and just about to have an attack, Steward Ye ran over panting.

"Master, a team of imperial guards came to the gate of the mansion and surrounded our Prime Minister's mansion. The eldest lady was also sent back, saying that the mansion of Zhongyonghou was also guarded."

Ye Jinnian's legs felt weak when he heard it. It's over. The emperor knows about it. He can't hold it back anymore. His future and the glory of the Ye family are all over.

"Quick...follow me to have a look!" Ye Butler, who had an ugly face on Prime Minister Ye's face, said, and then ran towards the gate of the mansion.

"Sir, slow down, slow down!" Steward Ye followed, but obviously couldn't keep up.

Ye Qingcheng also walked forward, followed by Nanny Ling with a pale face. Now, she can only rely on the little girl in front, and it depends on how she survives this dead end.

But no matter how you look at it, there is no hope.

(End of this chapter)

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