Chapter 120 Win!
Their actions were not a whim, but a part of the plan itself. The power of Vicky lies in the control of countless machines by the electronic brain itself, and also in his data flow body that is integrated with USR company.

This caused him to be trapped in the building, but it also made him indestructible, unless a high-power bomb was used to directly wipe it out.

In fact, they also have a design for this plan, such as letting Zhuang Quan fly to the high altitude of this world, and then directly bring the bomber to the sky above the city and drop the nuclear bomb.

This may be the most trouble-free way, but no one can guarantee whether Vichy will destroy the earth or destroy everything directly at the last moment of his life. In order to ensure the integrity of the world, their current method will take a little risk, but the benefits are also big enough!

That is soldier against soldier, general against general, king against king!

They want to sneak into Vichy's computer host and implant the Red Queen and moss programs together. They don't need to completely defeat him, they just need to paralyze Vichy!

Construction is very difficult, as is maintaining order, but destroying order is not difficult!

When everyone was fully armed and came to the USR building, a communication came from his microphone:

"Mr. Zhuang, an army of NS-5 robots with standard weapons has already appeared outside the city. We can't guarantee how long it will last, but we promise that when we are alive, there will not be any robots here. Step into the block!" The commander's voice made Zhuang Quan a little silent.

"Hurry up, time is life!" Zhuang Quan raised his head, "Everyone, take the elimination of Vichy as the highest order, and the target priority is second only to me, regardless of the cost!"

"Yes!" The entire security team said loudly, and then quickly acted, and began to search the entire building for the location of Vicki's host computer in the movie!

"Let's go!" Zhuang Quan walked in with Peter, leaving only Harry with a personal computer, monitoring the surrounding movement, and broadcasting the location to them by the way.

"On the seventh floor in the east, there are twenty robots, be careful to avoid them!"

"There are fifteen robots on the sixth floor to the west, but three security team members are there, you can choose to eliminate them!"

"Zhuang Quan, there are twenty robots behind you, they are on standby, you can strike first!"

Zhuang Quan broke in alone, and the six mechanical claws flew in the air, and directly dismantled the robots that were still on standby!

In street fighting, mechanical tentacles are much easier to use than other tools!
These mechanical claws with nanotechnology can quickly decompose the metal on them, and can even absorb them directly for their own use, and continue to strengthen the function of the entire mechanical claw. All in all, the more they fight, the stronger they become.

Peter even shuttled between the floors, throwing some intercepted robots down the stairs one after another. His mechanical arm helped him resist the NS-5 robots that jumped up and attacked.

At the same time, the explosion outside was getting louder and closer!
"I am Tom, a member of the security team. There is no computer room in the west, but I have been surrounded by robot legions. This will be my last communication, Commander, may God bless the earth!" A communication sounded on the public channel, followed by violent Explosions came from the west.

"I am Li Tiantian, a member of the security team. I found a team of robots transporting weapons on the roof. They are fighting. Please don't support me. I will return to the team after the battle, or try to hold them back!" Without any other reason, a team member Hang up the communication.

"I am Cheng Dong, deputy captain of the security team. I have found the location of the computer room in the monitoring room, and the coordinates have been sent. Mr. Zhuang, a thousand-man army is here. I will blow up this floor and delay their progress! For the sake of wandering the earth! "This is the unsmiling vice-captain who is always at the forefront of the battle.

"I'm Harry. The army has already brought us from the basement. I'm moving to the third basement floor. I'm closing the protective doors. Please pay attention to the protection time. These protective doors can only help us delay for 10 minutes!"

Zhuang Quan took a deep breath, threw a pumpkin bomb into a door, and blocked the robots that hadn't fully awakened at the periphery. Wei Qi had already found them, and they might not really have 10 minutes to delay!
Now that the location of the computer room has been decided, he doesn't need to perform. "Harry, go to the main brain to gather immediately. Peter, you too, take the rest of the team and gather at the entrance on the first floor!"

Facing the camera in front of him, he said word by word!

Then, he quickly organized his words, "Wang Lei, take the rest of the people to build a defensive position on the first floor, delaying time!"

"Harry, connect to the First Army of the Alliance, I want them to break in at all costs and destroy Vichy's main energy supply system!"

"When everyone is in place, Peter, go upstairs to the laboratory to get the nanoworms, and directly destroy Vicky's main electronic brain nerve!"

"You are declaring war on the entire robot kingdom, strange human!" A woman's voice with a special face appeared in front of Zhuang Quan's eyes. After leaving the underground, all their actions will be discovered!
"You are exterminating human beings, are you still afraid that I will declare war on you?" Zhuang Quan said with some amusement, "Your end is here, Vicki!"

"The highest defense command is being activated!" Wei Qi's voice was indifferent and monotonous, and the highest defense command was activated, and the doors on the entire floor were closed at once!

Outside, when those robots were constantly attacking the army's defense line, all the robots immediately abandoned their weapons, no longer continued to confront the army, but abandoned everything in their hands, and directly climbed to the surrounding tall buildings Go, keep rushing towards USR company!
"You won't have a chance to get the nano-destroyer injection, human!" Vicki said, "I have destroyed everything, and you will die here like other human beings!"

Zhuang Quan directly blasted the opponent's image with one shot, then threw a mine on the spot, and walked away quickly, while the electronic shield was activated.

"Harry, the communication just now is invalid. You go directly to the computer room. The location of the computer room is not on my punctuation, nor on the first floor, but on the third floor!" Zhuang Quan said quickly, "Now everyone is helping you delay Time, go and import the programs of Red Queen and Moss into the computer room!"

"Got it!" Harry turned off his personal computer and picked up his flying skateboard. "I'm the Green Goblin, but I'm going to save the world!"

Only then did Zhuang Quan stop at the top of the stairs. The sound of robots breaking through the windows could be heard continuously from outside, and the sound of explosions downstairs was gradually ear-piercing. He knew that this was the last moment. The only goal was the mastermind in front of him, Wei. strange!

Peter didn't go to get the nanites at all, it was all induced, he followed Zhuang Quan's mark on the communication map, and came directly to the center of the building, which is the main core brain area of ​​Vicky!
"Hey, Zhuang Quan, I've wanted to try these tentacles for a long time!" Peter said, stretching out the tentacles on his back, breaking all the fixed structures above!
It seemed that Broken Mouth could help him relieve the pressure in front of him. After all, what appeared in front of them were countless NS-5 robots climbing on the steel frame and glass. This was much more impactful than the army just now!
Wang Lei's voice came, "Zhuang Quan, we can hold on for 5 minutes at most. If we fail, you have to go back alone. You can't hold back! It doesn't matter if we die, you are the hope of mankind, you can't die!"

"Understood!" Zhuang Quan replied, "Harry, hurry up!"

"Hurry up!" Harry smashed the door open with a fist, and at the same time completely sealed the doors, and then turned on the computer to upload the program, "Give me 3 minutes, no, 2 minutes!"

Outside him, countless robots also began to smash the door at this time!
"Bang bang bang!"

Peter threw a robot on the ground and made a few echoes. The good news is that because Vicky's main body is here, the robots didn't dare to shoot randomly, so they could only come to fight them hand-to-hand.

The tentacles behind Zhuang Quan opened suddenly, firing a stream of bullets, blasting all the robots in front of him, and then stood in the air corridor where they were, trying to fight these robots as much as possible.

This is all airspace, and the robot will be thrown by them very easily!
There is one thing to say, the robots are really not their opponents, and the two super-enhanced humans face these robots with ease.

Basically, one punch and one kick. After all, this is not their home, and they don't need to keep their hands. The fight is quite cheerful.

Two minutes later, Harry's voice came, "The upload was successful, but the robot has found me, I have to go!"

Only then did Zhuang Quan let out a sigh of relief. The most critical action was over, and their dispersal strategy was a success. The programs of Red Queen and Moss had already begun to run in Vitch's program!
Those originally fast robots suddenly became slow and made mistakes!

"You can't stop us, even if it's the same smart program, it's just a slightly stronger virus in my system!" Vichy's face appeared again.

"Of course, this is the case when you have such a mastermind as a reserve of computing power, but there are still us!" Zhuang Quan smiled slightly, "Peter, prepare to cut off the mastermind!"

"Okay!" Peter jumped into mid-air, and then the four pumpkin grenades in his hands flew towards the support of the already destroyed and already very unstable structure. With a "bang", the entire structure of the main brain began to collapse. The machine is also creaking, and it seems that it won't last long!
Zhuang Quan looked at the sky below and jumped!
The mechanical arm grabbed the surrounding walls so that he would not fall to the ground quickly, and soon he slid to the center of the main brain, which was a big ball suspended in the center, and there was a virtual picture of Vicki.

"My theory is intact. Humans are a sinful race and shouldn't exist!" He said, but before he finished speaking, Zhuang Quan's mechanical arm had already grabbed the support below, and with such a sudden pull, the whole The structure was completely loose and fell down directly.

Vicky was still yelling, and the picture appeared on the monitors on the entire floor, "I have destroyed all the nanoworms, you have no way to destroy my main body!"

"There may be no nanomachines in this world, but coincidentally, we do!" The six mechanical claws on Zhuang Quan's back penetrated into Vicky's main brain at once, and the nanostructure inside was easily deconstructing this supercomputer!
Zhuang Quan held the main brain with his mechanical arm, and looked at the gradually paralyzed robot, "Peter, go help Wang Lei and the others. The army has started to clean up the participating robots. Red Queen and moss, take over the world!"

He pressed a little on the panel in front of him, crossing!

"Zizi!" The entire main structure flashing with electric sparks disappeared in the building, Wei Qi's intelligence disappeared directly, and most of his data were taken away by Zhuang Quan, and the remaining part of the data was shared with other people. One or two intelligent intelligences compete for other computing power.

As a result, the robots that were still fighting suddenly lost their movement and began to operate according to the original program.

"Peng Peng!" In the lobby on the first floor, Alice broke into directly and shot the robots headshot one by one, "Gentlemen, your support is here!"

Wang Lei breathed a sigh of relief, looking at the half-broken team, "We survived, and we won!"

In the distance, the NS-5 cluster that had already entered the army suddenly dropped their weapons and ran to the injured or dead humans, ready to rescue them.

"How ironic!" Facing the afterglow of the setting sun, the commander said to the people around him: "Just now they wanted to kill us, but now they are actually saving us!"

"But no matter what, we... won!" said the staff officer beside him, watching the robots carry the corpses of the soldiers and move forward slowly...

"Yeah, we won, and humans won again!"

 Today’s 11 words, I can’t stand it anymore, I went to bed at [-] o’clock yesterday morning, and I just finished correcting it now. I wrote [-] words in [-] hours. Monthly ticket award, Mengxin has never drawn woo woo woo
(End of this chapter)

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