Chapter 34 Arrest
Zhuang Quan's arrival did not attract their attention. This is Hell's Kitchen, full of ruins and sundries. As a person who descended from the dark to the ground, he naturally could not attract their attention.

"Peter, attract him to talk!" Zhuang Quan said, "I will help you relieve some pressure!"

"You're finally here, Zhuang!" Peter was a little out of breath from being suppressed, and finally relaxed a little at this time, "Then I'm going to make a big move!"

"Peter?" Harry, who had played with him since he was a child, realized something was wrong and hurriedly shouted, but the figure of the spider had already fallen to the ground following the attack of the two green goblins!

"Catch him!" The wheelchair old man was quite excited, "Without Spider-Man, how can Norman compete with us?"

Soon, the two green goblins caught Spider-Man who fell off, tied him up with steel cables, and escorted him to the wheelchair.

"Spider-Man? I know you're Norman's running dog, but I don't care. After all, we and Norman also had a very good time together!"

He raised his head to look at the skateboard in the sky and the people on it, "I know it's you, Norman, maybe you contribute your current Chaoying investment, we still have something to talk about!"

As if dazzled by successive successes, he displayed an arrogance that didn't quite match his identity.

"You won't succeed, you've killed so many people, you'll go to jail!" Peter put on an angry youthful look, and performed perfectly.

It seems that Peter was awakened to some new attribute by attracting the attention of the Green Goblin last time, and the tricks of this set of words were stunned for a while.

"Prison? What are you talking about? These things are all done by the Green Goblin. The Green Goblin is a product of Osborne Industries. It is Norman's grudge that caused these people to die. What does it have to do with us former directors? "The old man in the wheelchair is named Max, and he is the former executive director of Osborne Industries.

"So these green goblins are also products of Osborne Industries?" Peter asked, "Stop it, you've got what you want!"

"No, no, this is not what we want. In the past two weeks, Chaoying Investment has made more than ten years of profits for us. The board of directors believes that this company should also be in the hands of us. What do you think, Norman?"

Max used to have a very easy-going tone before, but now that he has power in his hands, his greedy face is hardly concealed!
"I don't think so, Max!" Norman's voice suddenly came out of Peter's microphone, "You are greedy and stupid, you will do anything for your own benefit, and now you are even directly threatening to kill someone!"

"Why do you think that I will be with you?"

"Why? Norman, you are still so naive!" Another old man with white beard and hair came out. He was the former controller of the consortium. I didn't expect him to be in this unknown place.

"We make money, but we don't care where the money comes from. Your Osborne Industries is ours, Exploration Aerospace is ours, the Green Goblin is ours, and this Spider-Man is also ours!"

"Henry, at least let Spider-Man go, he's still a child!" Norman seemed to be pleading, but an injection had already hit a green goblin's shoulder from the darkness!

"Great, Spider-Man!" Zhuang Quan stepped out of the shadows, "Let's deal with another green goblin, this green goblin is no longer a threat!"

"Iron Man?" Henry and Max looked at Zhuang Quan's arrival, with panic expressions on their faces, "Kill them, do it quickly!"

Just now they felt that they had the chance to win, so they were quite arrogant. Now that they found out that Spider-Man also had a helper, they immediately showed unexpected panic.

They immediately gave orders to the two green goblins. At least the captured Spider-Man is in his pocket... right?

But a green goblin pulled out the nano-injection on his body in a daze, and then fell to the ground weakly, and the green color on his body gradually disappeared.

And Peter is not a vegetarian, just when the other green goblin was about to attack him, he broke free from the steel cable that bound him, spit out the spider silk in his hand instantly, pulled him, and crashed into a building on the side!
"Go!" Max quickly called his bodyguard, and he was about to leave here with Henry, but it was already too late!

Since Zhuang Quan dared to come out at this time, of course he was fully prepared, and Harry also came out from the house behind them, holding the video camera in his hand.

Before they noticed, Harry had already walked in and completed the evidence collection.

"Ah, Mr. Max and Mr. Henry, should you explain the experimental equipment and the Green Goblin skateboard in this house?" He said, "You don't know the crime of conducting human experiments without permission, right?"

This time, even the evidence was complete, and the faces of the two people suddenly changed. They didn't believe that Norman would really kill him, but once it was revealed that they had brought down Exploration Aerospace, that would be really bad. up!

"Norman, come out, we know you can hear, this is a deal, maybe we can talk!" Henry couldn't hold back, "Don't you just want Osborne? We can return this company to you , this is not something that cannot be discussed.”

"Exploring space is also okay, we will continue to support you in your experiments with human body strengthening agents!" Max also said, but it wasn't Norman they were waiting for.

Looking at the bodyguards who were about to draw their guns, Zhuang Quan raised the pumpkin grenade in his hand, "Gentlemen, none of you want this mine to explode here, right? I have armor to protect me, but you have nothing!"

Lei rolled to their feet like this. Although he didn't pull the ring, their steps froze all of a sudden!

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..." With the sound of the police car's horn, this area that had countless underground gangs and mafia suddenly fell into silence.

Norman walked down with the police car: "I'm sorry, Henry, Max, I'm not in the sky, I'm right in front of you."

And the policemen who came with him were not so easy to talk about. This time, not only the NYPD (New York Police), but also their special operations unit ESU, and even plainclothes wearing FBI jackets, and special police force.

With Director George Stacy getting off the car, the nature of this matter has almost been determined!
"Gentlemen, you have the right to remain silent until your lawyer arrives—of course, if there is a lawyer willing to defend you!" George's words were very clear, and the charges of the two men had already been convicted.

You must know that this is the United States, whether it is Osborne's board of directors or the directors of Exploration Aerospace, they are all capital, but they have been killed!
This is also the reason why the police specifically chatted with Norman. Someone broke the rules and directly attacked the upper floors. Those guys who live high on Wall Street can't sit still!
Once this kind of atmosphere is carried forward, everyone will be in danger, so facing the person who initiates such a terrorist act, death may be their greatest luck!

Then, several people were escorted into the police car, and Zhuang Quan flew away by himself, took off his armor on another street, and got into Norman's Rolls-Royce.

"Now the Osborn industry group has no leader, and even Exploration Aerospace has no controller of its own..." Zhuang Quan smiled, "Get ready to take over again!"

"I've already received calls from some creditors, and they think that I'm still the most suitable controller!" Norman smiled, saying everything without saying anything.

The police officers also began to pack up and take away everything here. As for Harry, he had to go to the Daily Bugle to develop the photos in his hand.

"Peng!" Peter came crashing out again with a goblin, pinning him against the wall, "Hey gentlemen, can you grab this one too?"

Looking at his broken back that seemed to have just finished a fight, all the policemen who were finishing up fell into a strange silence...

"Hey Zhuang, is Peter with you?" Zhuang Quan, who came back to Queens and greeted Mei, realized belatedly that they seemed to have forgotten someone?

"Hey hey hey! Can you hear Harry? I need a barbecue to comfort my forgotten mood!" Hanging himself upside down on the spire of the Empire State Building, Peter was on the phone with a depressed expression.

But now New York is indeed much better than a few days ago!
(End of this chapter)

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