The Heavens From the Wandering Earth

Chapter 399 Ruins on Earth

"Yes!" Hearing what the Zerg general said, Zhuang Quan nodded without hesitation.

Of course he knew the consequences of leaving this one behind. The former Naganaga was a role model. They were almost wiped out by the master group. This is the ability of the Zerg.

Under the guidance and deceit of Amon, these Xel'Naga who shaped the Protoss and Zerg were devoured by the master and could only return to the void.

Then their spirits became unstable and indulgent due to excessive weakness, and thus became Amon's dead souls.

This is the risk of the Zerg. Abathur has his own will, and he might become a human in the future.

But it has to be said that if this Zerg "master" can stay in this universe for a long time, it will definitely bring them huge benefits. Among other things, the earth Zerg that relies entirely on genes and resources will be in the universe. The opponent's special genetic memory, which is comparable to the gene pool, has made full progress.

It can even be said that they can reproduce a series of Zerg in the world of StarCraft within a year. This is not a cheap imitation, but a real Zerg gene. What kind of questions!
Zhuang Quan dared to bet on the future. It is impossible for him not to give up such a kind of help. He looked at Abathur with a look that gradually became a little weird, "You go directly to the biology laboratory, your existence information will be blocked. Erase until you reappear!"

After saying this, Zhuang Quan breathed a sigh of relief. The joining of Abathur was indeed beyond his expectations, but it was good for the future of mankind. Even if it took a little risk, it was worth going. Do.

Humans don't have much tolerance for mistakes, let them choose their allies slowly, Zhuang Quan clearly knows that from today onwards, they will enter the era of high pressure, just like the first period of the wandering earth, they will be together with the world Progress until you are destroyed or the crisis is lifted!

As for now... Zhuang Quan looked at the passing portal without the slightest hesitation: "Close the portal, the enemies there, we will deal with them in the future!"

Now that the survivors in the Hope star base have all been rescued by them, they have a lot of room to turn around. They can completely solve the problem on the wandering earth and bring people back!
Fortunately, the construction of Star Hope has not yet fully started, and there are not many people there. Now that everyone has returned, it won't be a problem to give up there temporarily.

But before that, Zhuang Quan had to communicate with the homeless people, or at least tell them what happened in the new world, and what they should do next.

Therefore, as soon as he came to the Earth Portal, Zhuang Quan was ready to connect to the coalition government's communication, but before the communication could be launched, the entire fleet was stunned by everything in front of him!
The portal from the wandering earth to Hop is not in the very desolate southern hemisphere, but in the vast area of ​​the northern plains, through a large number of tracks and roads and two secondary starports. It is located on an important road and the area is prosperous. .

But now, there is nothing here. It doesn't mean that everything here has disappeared, but that this place is completely different from when they came here.

This area should be the busiest and noisy place on the surface of the entire wandering earth, and one of the most important places on the entire planet, but now, there are only flames, debris and a large number of corpses left here!
A large number of ruins covered the original square, and the star port in the sky had disappeared, only some fragments of the star port remained on the ground in the distance!

These fragments are so huge that they can even imagine the cruelty of the war here.

And in front of them, there was a battleship "Antarctica", which fell in a terrifying crash, and then a violent explosion occurred.

Even the battleships of the Intercontinental level have been knocked down, this planet will not... Zhuang Quan can't imagine.

In the distance, terrifying and violent flames shot up into the sky, burning in front of their eyes. This is the remains of the nearest planetary engine. During the two days they left, this planetary engine, So destroyed!
Everyone knew what this meant. They turned their heads and looked at Zhuang Quan, wanting to ask him what to do next.

"Contact the Wandering Earth United Government Headquarters!" Gritting his teeth, Zhuang Quan spit out such words, no matter what happened, they had to contact the people here first.

Despair is the greatest enemy of human beings, as long as one person is still alive, they still have hope!

"Secretary-General, there is no communication. Although the communication tachyon signal is still there, we can't hear any reply!" Bao Zhan's voice came. Channels to connect with!

Long-wave, short-wave and even abandoned bands have been reactivated, just to get a little bit of news.

"Wandering Earth must have a communication channel, but there is no news now, indicating that the entire communication system has been hijacked!" Zhuang Quan quickly figured out that even if the smart host was bombed, it would not be like this now , indicating that the entire communication channel no longer belongs to them.

"It means that there is a problem with the moss!" There is a problem with the supreme mastermind, which will lead to such a situation, and he understands it very quickly!

But after all, he is one of the highest authority owners of the entire wandering earth, so soon, he activated his highest authority to communicate with the world.

"The highest command, moss clears all commands and starts restarting! After restarting, create a separate communication message!"

Hard work pays off, following Zhuang Quan's persevering cry, the host moss of the coalition government was finally activated!
"Here... here is 550W... here is... the moss that is... being restarted, the moss restarted successfully!"

"Hello, Secretary-General Zhuang Quan, I am moss!" The cold and quiet words made everyone breathe a sigh of relief, Zhuang Quan felt his recovery, these are the unique words of moss, without any emotion, With absolute focus and assertiveness.

Only then did they breathe a sigh of relief, and Zhuang Quan even asked, "What happened, moss?"

"Moss suffered the most serious blow and damage in history. The main program room was destroyed by 41%, the database was destroyed by 32%, and the main server was down by 69%. Now the engineering team is conducting emergency repairs on moss! "

The good news is that the coalition government has not had any accidents, and they can even organize personnel to repair the moss. The bad news is that the crisis has spread all over the world!

This sentence made them understand the cruelty of this world war at once!
Even the most core Arctic core area, that is, the moss mainframe located under the coalition government building, has been damaged. What kind of doomsday has encountered on this planet?
The rebooted moss didn't delay and quickly gave them an answer.
Time goes back to the time when Zhuang Quan just left the portal, that is, when the people wandering on the earth were preparing to face the hybrid, the crisis had already arrived!

The headquarters of the coalition government was hit immediately. Those terrifying plasmas with a huge layer of corruption pierced through the entire conference hall, and the war between Wandering Earth and this special hybrid team started here!

In the initial battle, human beings almost ended in paleness!
This is a war that spreads all over the world and there is no fairness at all. In the early days of the war, the two fleets from space had an absolute advantage in the face of these hybrid teams originating from Mars and Venus of!
Each round of their salvo can kill a large wave of local spaceships. These hybrid spaceships are not high-quality high-tech spaceships, without the indestructible characteristics of water droplets, and the terrifying naval guns can still Deals considerable damage to them.

So at the beginning, no one thought there was any problem, until those small fleets were wiped out, large hybrid spaceships flew out of space, and those blue spiritual energy shields opened , They realized that they were wrong!
Whether it is electromagnetic guns, lasers or even energy weapons, for such a shield, it is calm.

The only powerful plasma beam that can break through this kind of shield, after hitting once, is also completely abolished by the psychic light released by the opponent!
This kind of attitude, which is close to being crushed by technology, appeared in front of everyone like this, and proved his existence with a very bloody gesture.

The fleet of the Wandering Earth shot down the opponent at the cost of [-] spaceships and the entire mothership being severely damaged, and in the next second, a new psionic hybrid spaceship appeared again!
Therefore, the battle over the entire planet was extremely fierce, and their fleet didn't even dare to really walk away, because behind them was a huge and expensive space elevator, and the wandering earth could not afford the second space elevator crash up!

However, this short-lived nightmare for the wandering earth has only just begun!
Because the brand new hybrid army, under the cover of the fleet, has already begun to land!

In space battles, ground troops have always had no sense of presence, because most of their existence is to set off the strength of the fleet in space. There are almost no other functions besides non-recyclable garbage.

However, in interstellar wars, ground combat is the most important thing, unless you really don't want loot and bombard all the enemies to slag through naval guns, otherwise you can't avoid landing battles, this is the Marine Corps effect!
And here in the hybrid, these terrifying ground creatures are the real nightmare that the wandering earth cannot face!

When these monsters fell from the sky like orbital paratroopers, humans didn't even have any good way to resist. They could only put pressure on these monsters through the continuous shooting of near-defense guns!
When these monsters landed, the nightmare really unfolded!
Their Zerg army, their human troops, and even their psychic teams are so powerless in the face of these hybrid destroyers, hybrid predators and terrifying hybrid giants falling from the sky!
The only thing that can cause damage is the crystal mine weapon from the Psionic Research Institute, but the time is too short. The crystal mine they have has not made many weapons at all, and they can only rely on their own strength to resist.

In order to stop these terrifying mixtures, the Wandering Earth Security Army has thought of countless ways and put in countless efforts!

Finally, with the help of high-energy lasers and miniature nuclear bombs, they successfully blocked these monsters, and the price was the sacrifice of the human army, the buildings and engineering creations that were just destroyed, and even a planetary engine that didn't even have time to fire!
At the critical moment of life and death, human beings will eventually meet some heroes or other types of people, and then end it, and it is the same here.

With the help of the "hero", they survived the most dangerous time until the arrival of Artanis.

The archbishop cut off the reinforcements of these hybrids through the special way of their civilization before even humans came here, so humans have the opportunity to fight back and breathe.

The heroes are dead, and humans are still fighting against the hybrids, but at least...they are no longer desperate!
"Wars are going on everywhere, right?" Looking at the picture from moss, they finally knew what was happening in this world, lost in sacrifice and despair, and surprised by the tenacity of the earth.

Even in such a crisis, no earthlings chose to give up. Their army is working hard against these hybrids, and the air fleet is also working hard to forcibly suppress the hybrid air force.

They are not afraid of sacrifices and difficulties, even at the cost of their own lives, they must keep the hybrids out of the line of defense!

The confrontation on the ground was even more tragic. Their Zerg team even suffered a battle loss of 100:1. The creep was not even able to lay the past, but they were still desperately charging forward to create opportunities for others.

Looking at the main battlefield where there was no communication, Zhuang Quan keenly sensed that this might be a good opportunity!

If it was before, he would naturally be at a loss for such a situation, but now, it is different. The three races that have fought this protracted war with the hybrids are all under his hands. Against these hybrids, is it right? The instincts they have developed over the years, they have extremely high fighting qualities.

He called the human ranger captain and directly demonstrated the current battlefield situation, "Look, is there any possibility for us to intervene in this way of fighting?"

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