The Heavens From the Wandering Earth

Chapter 470 The Cree's Plan

Chapter 470 The Cree's Plan
The Marvel world, the main universe.

Things that are different from the original plot have already happened in this world, such as Captain Marvel who has merged with everyone.

Without the intervention of everyone on the Wandering Earth, but simply giving some news, Steve did not disappoint anyone. He led the crowd and quickly arrested the Sk who was on the roof who wanted to attack. Lu people.

A Skrull may be able to struggle a little bit by himself. With so many people and Fury who can call for support at any time, this Skrull can be said to be hard to fly.

Steve and the others took the Scruws and Carol to the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D., which is the base of the World Security Council.

But this time, Nick Fury and others have no way to believe Carroll's words that the Skrulls are the ones who destroy the world, because the Kerrys are also invaders.

For the invaders, there is no correctness of words. As a world of war, they understand it too well.

In their view, this is more like a war or strife between two cosmic empires, and the earth is just an innocent person involved in it.

Therefore, the conversation between them and Carol should be more serious.

This is what Zhuang Quan saw when he came to Peter's monitoring room after finishing his business in the Pacific Rim.

"Ms. Firth, or Ms. Carol Danvers, although you claim to be a member of the Kerry Interstellar Special Forces, we have found your information. In fact, you are a real Earthling!"

Carter has obtained the complete information and all the news about Carol. If all the information has not been concealed, the special woman with superpowers in front of her is the former Air Force pilot!
She held up the documents in her hand and told Carol about the situation.

"We have all the information and materials about you here, and even some information about your best friend, Ms. Maria Rambo! Maybe these things will help you think of something!" A young Nick Fury added that he brought a lot with him, and with that, some special news.

"I seem to have some memories. It's about me flying a plane and a doctor!" Carol said. She didn't refute the Kree people. The things here gave her an inexplicable sense of familiarity. Tell me about these things?"

Carter and Nick Fury glanced at each other, "It's the Pegasus Project, led by S.H.I.E.L.D. and researched by Dr. Lawson, a special project that you and Air Force pilots participate in!"

Carter also took out a package of information, which was about the Tianma Project. Most of the time, only the highest authority personnel can access these materials, so only she can take them out!

Carol looked at the information in front of him, and the obituary came into view, "Dr. Lawson had an accident during a light speed engine test, and both died in a crash with a driver. The driver's name was... Carol Danvers!"

Her pupils shrunk, and the feeling of seeing herself on the obituary was indeed quite strange.

"This is your last news on this planet. It was six years ago. I wonder if it can be matched with your memory?" Carter asked. During the conversation just now, they knew what Carol said, and she In my memory, it was exactly six years ago, and there was no news at all.

"I'm really from Earth?" Carol couldn't help but fell into deep contemplation, as if she really could only see this kind of past.

Steve naturally also knew the news. He frowned, as if he didn't like this kind of development, "So, which side is she on?"

"Of course they are from our side!" At this moment, Harry's voice suddenly came, and the door of this room was opened, and he and the director named William walked into the interrogation room like this. "Our news is quite well-informed. Ms. Danvers may want to return to her identity as a person on Earth."

Beside them, there was a man in a suit, who was Fury's boss, following behind the two of them.

"What do you mean?" Carol was a little confused. What these people said seemed to point to an amazing fact, that is, she was not a Cree, but an Earthling.

"That's right, you are a human from Earth, but the supreme intelligence of the Kree people has brainwashed you!" Harry said, although he was a little controlled by others, but he liked the work of this kind of spoiler so much. Call an excitement.

"How is this possible?" Carol still couldn't believe it. In her memory, she only had her own memory of the Cree Empire, but she had no memory of Earth at all. How could this make her believe it?
Harry didn't answer, instead he patted the man next to him, he was Nick Fury's boss, but it seemed that his identity was wrong, "There should be news from the Skrulls, maybe he should tell you! "

There was a puzzled expression on the man's face, and then he saw a group of soldiers behind the group of people pointing their guns at him, and the man reacted, "How did you find me?"

"No matter how transformed the Skrulls are, it is impossible for the same human being to appear in two places at the same time, so one of them must be fake!" Harry said casually, "The Earth Security Agency's monitoring of the world is not just talk , we found him in his office, so who are you?"

The man sighed, revealing his figure, and a green head appeared in the room, "I am Talos of Skrull, maybe we have met before? Miss Firth!"

"Of course I know you, Talos! The invaders of the Skrulls!" Carol said. People seem to have secrets too?

Talos said helplessly, "We are not invaders. In fact, we don't want to be your enemy. Although the Skrull Empire is a very powerful empire, we are just a group of refugees from Skrull. If it weren't for you Our hunt, we won't even come here!"

"We have a piece of legacy about Project Pegasus that's left over from the crashed plane, what you like to call the black box!"

"There is a special coordinate in this sound, maybe you can help me decipher this coordinate, and then help us..."

Harry decisively interrupted his words, "We know this place, Dr. Lawson's laboratory, the core of the Tianma project, and the real purpose of the Kree people coming to this planet, the Cosmic Cube!"

"Cube?" Steve and Bucky jerked their heads up. The two of them had struggled with this thing all their lives, and they were immediately stressed.

"Yes, it's the one you're thinking of!" Harry said, "The cube used by the Red Skull is still on the earth, and it is attracting the attention of all aliens. Of course, this is only the first batch, not the last one." Batch!"

Steve immediately said: "If you can prove this, we will help you decipher the coordinates and repel the Kree! I know the danger of that thing, it can't fall on anyone!"

"Actually, Ms. Danvers, the Dr. Lawson you know, was originally a member of the Cree, but a member of the pacifists, so she came to Earth to study the Pegasus Project and wanted to end the war! "Harry said slowly, full of the arrogance of the omniscient.

"It's just that she still died in a chase by the Cree, and that chaser is your current captain, Yon Rogg!"

As soon as this sentence was said, Carol immediately covered her head. So much information flooded into her mind at once, allowing her to recall it all at once.

She remembered her identity, and also remembered everything before she lost her memory.

Beside Harry, the Director William immediately said, "Then gentlemen, the matter is already obvious, Ms. Danvers, as a part of the Kree invasion of the earth, should you bear the main responsibility for this invasion?" What about responsibility?"

"If that's the case..." Carol's eyes immediately became resolute, "I will be responsible! I will be responsible for driving these people away and take responsibility!"

"You may not be able to bear such a responsibility!" Harry said immediately, "Our people told me that the dictator of the Kree Empire, Ronan the Accuser, is on his way with a fleet, so you have to bear the responsibility." I can't afford this responsibility!"

"Your task now is to find Dr. Lawson's laboratory and protect that cosmic cube to avoid a greater crisis!"

"And help us send the Skrull refugees to a safe place. This is an agreement between us and Marwell, that is, your Dr. Lawson!" Talos the Skrull said.

"That's good, everyone gathers!" Steve said, Captain America's reputation is still enough, everyone gathered together, "Let's go to Dr. Lawson's laboratory and find the Cosmic Cube!"

Harry looked at them and led William out, "Director, do you believe what these Skrulls say?"

William shook his head, "I don't believe it. Refugees shouldn't come to Earth. They have deeper issues, but if they want to leave, the council won't object!"

"Then please prepare for the future!" Harry replied.

William asked again, "Then, when the Cree fleet comes here, will that Mr. Odin do anything?"

"Odin's action may not be necessary, we have met many friends in the universe, this fleet should still be able to touch it!" Harry looked up to the sky, as if he could see the fleet in the sky.

As the plot begins, their people are naturally also moving.
"Notify the biological laboratory that the fleet is ready to start!" Zhuang Quan naturally knew what they should do when he saw this scene.

Their Zerg team has been preparing for many years. Many scientists who wandered the earth have never rested all night when they came to this world, adjusting the attributes of these Zerg, looking forward to the arrival of this day.

And in their monitors, they can also see the energy from the special area, which is the transition area of ​​the fleet, and the space will respond before it arrives. This is also the fastest way in this universe other than space shuttle .

As for the hacking, it is naturally the mage's portal, the rainbow bridge of Asgard, and the shuttle power of the space gem. This kind of super-limit power is basically only available to the super-large forces. The Kree don't have these, so don't worry too much .

With Zhuang Quan's order, all the Zerg races in this world were mobilized, and those fleets that were originally hidden also gradually moved towards the interior of the solar system.

Their people also want to see how the genetically modified and evolved Zerg will perform against the world's top combat power?

Although one of these civilizations in the Marvel Universe counts as one, in those plots it seems that they are all mentally handicapped, and their combat effectiveness is average, but that is based on the situation of superheroes. Now they have not used superhero forces, have they? Will it be different?
They are all waiting for the results of the test to come in.

"In addition..." Zhuang Quan said again, "Since we have already talked about the status of the Earth Protection Organization, but the World Security Council does not seem to really want to continue talking with us, so we need to be more powerful evidence to prove it!"

He raised his head, "For example, our ally and collaborator, Odin!"

"Song Yang, send a message to Odin, let the people of Asgard come and play a show with us!"

Now that Asgard has entered the game, Zhuang Quan will naturally not be satisfied with simply occupying or capturing the Cree. Maybe they can consider some other things, such as temporary direct cooperation.

"Should we include the people on Earth, or include everyone in the universe?" Peter asked curiously. What they are now in contact with is not just a civilization.

There are so many civilizations in this universe, if the operation is good, the image of the earth can actually be a little more interesting.

"We have this ability, but it will still be in a dormant state for the next ten years, which seems to be..." Zhuang Quan thought, "However, it will be officially started in ten years, and it seems good to do a preview now. "

Now here, the Cree, the Earthlings, the Skrulls, the Asgardians, and even the Inhumans on the moon and the Eternals on the Earth will all notice this, and they will not be afraid if Odin is there. Others blow their hair.

The actors have already entered the stage. It would be a waste if they don't perform a big show. Zhuang Quan thought about it carefully and nodded.

"Then try it, pretend to be more human, and attract attention in this era, and there will be no so many risks in the future when there is a crisis!"

(End of this chapter)

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